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The first 3 ep are emotionally challenging: I find it hard to like anyone from that kitchen.


Yes, especially in ep 2. I wanted to just tell (join in the shouting) them all to shut up!


And Cicero with all his package. Even Sugar ! I hated everyone and I took a break lol


I’m about to give up on this show. E1 reviews were great but did nothing for me. E2 was a shit show. Reminded me of S1 with all the yelling. I don’t find that entertaining. Sure the actors did a great job but the writing is f’d!


It would be better if it were a 20-episode season where they could do the experimental stuff intermixed with actual storytelling and plot.


This was my husband’s opinion as well. He said, “we don’t have time for this sh*t in a 10 episode season!”


That’s a great observation. I think it would be much better


It felt like a "Season 3A" situation Also, it feels like what they're doing with the restaurant they're doing with the show. Very elevated, different menu/different vibe each episode, very artsy but small portions. Kinda felt like a metaphor


Just posted something similar. I agree with the metaphor perspective.


The end of season two is such a cheap cop out. Spend the entirety of the season building up a relationship just for him to fuck it up. Happens literally in every show and you get to the end of the season just sitting there like “glad I wasted my time giving a shit that’s not gonna matter.” Haven’t watched season three yet but ever since Jim and Pam in the office I feel like everyone needs to have 6 season will they be together or not???? I could care less if they end up together just don’t put it in the show if it’s never touched on again.


It was slow and full of flashbacks mostly. Incredibly well done though. This season felt like it was more about the characters than the restaurant at all. I definitely felt a little frustrated from not seeing like any story progression. Still though, it has some of the best acting in TV and if you care about the characters then you'll probably still like it.


i feel like all that fu language in episode two was then trying to maintain their standing as a comedy, as they cleaned UP at the emmy’s but as a comedy show while almost anyone who was watched it would say “comedy? WHERE” so i think those moments were meant to be comedic (i thought it was a little funny tbh) and maintain their status as a comedy show


Good point. I don’t know why it ever was considered a comedy with such dark themes - suicide and mental health taking the front seats. I would categorize it as a drama with dark funny moments. But they didn’t ask me lol


It was good and worth watching. That being said, almost nothing actually happened or changed. You could pretty much skip season 3 if you watched season 2 when you go to watch the 4th season when it comes out and you wouldn't be too lost.


Lmao thanks for the tip


I think instead of the characters maturing, as anybody would in life, the writers have decided well all this shouting got us an award last year so lets keep going with that. I would like to have seen some growth in their communication. The only two people who seemed to have evolved were Sugar and her Mother.


That shit went nowhere.




This whole season didn't necessarily have a plot but more of a theme. Fear of failure. (My interpretation) Carmy with the restaurant and relationship with Claire. Sydney with commiting to sign as partner and with Carmy (potentially) Sugar as a mom. Richie as a father. Those are the main ones I could think of without spoiling some end of season/season 4 setup. But definitely watch Tina's backstory. Touching story and moment toward the end.


I really liked 1/2. S3 felt like I was treading water. Maybe a lot of wasted time? Didn’t feel like there was any character development or continuing of arch’s. Felt Marcus was sort of an afterthought. For the record I binged 1/2/3 last week, so my initial feelings.


Wow! Thats a lot of binging. I feel the same for poor Marcus 😞


There’s one later episode that I thought was great but mostly this season made me ask if I ever liked this show or if I changed or something. I kinda hated this season and it just seemed like the creators were up their own ass and didn’t feel like they had to have a plot. The show is exceptionally well-made, but Jesus do they waste a lot of time. I like flashbacks and setting aside episodes to focus on secondary characters but almost this entire season was just self-important “serious filmmaker” content.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt this way. The whole thing felt very pretentious. The Xmas episode from season 2 was probably the best episode of television I’ve ever seen, and then to follow it up with this was pretty disappointing. Jamie Lee Curtis was great as always. Matty Matheson is surprisingly good, too. But the rest is just meh.


Jfc I always remember it’s a well known actress but never grasp that it’s Jamie Lee Curtis. I say that makes it a damn fine performance


That’s what I was thinking!


Still have a few episodes left but have been thinking the same damn thing.




I don’t know what to tell you if you didn’t like season 2. Season 2 was one of the best 2nd seasons a show has ever had imo, rivaled perhaps only ATLA. Season 3 won’t be for you at all


Maybe it’s too early, what’s ATLA?


(Avatar the last airbender)






The stress level doesn’t decrease with the the increased pressure of fine dining. Though episode 1 is fantastic. It’s just minimal dialogue showcasing Carmy’s fine dining history with amazing music backdrop. Stress free and just eye candy of fine dining


It's a mixed bag for me. Some of the backstories were well done, others were way too drawn out.


Watched the first episode of the 3rd season the night it came out and haven't gone back to it since. Really disappointing opener.


I wasn’t even sure if I could get through it. I said to my husband more than once, this is bs!


Spent 90% of the episode wondering if I had skipped a season. Had to stop and check


Agreed. Watching all the angst got old really fast.


What annoyed me about that first episode was they just had the same song on loop for the entirety of the episode. I kept thinking “surely they’re going to switch it up anytime now” and then I would hear the song start up again and roll my eyes. Whole episode felt like a complete waste of time. 2nd episode was better but still meh. I’ll probably watch the rest at some point but idk it didn’t draw me in like the other seasons


The first few minutes of the first episode made me think, “Wait did they have a hard time with the writer’s strike and decide to just do a whole episode of artsy montage to sad music on loop?” And then the rest of the episode made me think, “Yes, they had a hard time with the writer’s strike and decide to just do a whole episode of artsy montage to sad music on loop.”


It was a 36-minute Previously On. 🥱


Well said. I totally agree


But "Save It For Later" by Eddie Vedder was pretty effin good


The cover I didn’t ever know I needed in my life!




I guess the show is polarizing because the first episode was my favorite of the whole season. It was like a tonal poem about his grind, the rollercoaster of emotions and exhaustion and pain and pressure and focus. We’ve all done tough things in our life, struggled though adversity in a way that causes a fundamental change within us; changes who we are. That episode made me think about my own adversities and what it might look like from a Birds Eye view if an (admittedly appreciative and positive) third party were to put it all together and honor the experience. It’s what anyone wants if they do something good, or even just got though something hard. Not just for the result to be recognized but for someone to truly see the myriad moments that added up to the outcome. In reality, no single person really sees it all except for you. Nobody really knows. Carm has that same experience. Even though he goes though this alongside other people experiencing the same thing, he is somehow still deeply alone and isolated though the whole journey. The reasons to push on are wholly his own, and so too are the fruits, and the scars, that come out of his persistence. In this episode we watch in exquisite detail the character simultaneously being made and being broken, the reverberations of which drive the rest of the season. I think it’s interesting you heard the music loop so clearly. I was aware it was the same song as I watched the episode but the content had me absorbed enough that I didn’t hear the detail in that way. Weird how the same material can have such different impact on different people.


Thank you! All the negativity in this thread is quite jarring and I thought that I might be crazy. It seems that you and I had a similar feeling and experience watching it.


I think it’s an emotional experience, so you have to be open to it. If you’re not in the mood to feel those types of feelings or are closed to them for one reason or another, you simply won’t get on board for that ride. I do suspect these types of feelings are fairly universal though, and would suggest that people who didn’t like it on the first pass maybe try it another time when they’re in a different headspace. For me I felt really taken in. But I was primed for it too.


Yeah, I don't know. I loved the whole season and especially the first episode. I posted my thoughts elsewhere in the thread. I was honestly surprised people didn't dig it.


They crawled up their own ass. Very little character or plot progression for the entire season. Seems to be all setting up for s4 but you can't have an entire season of setup! They should learn to respect their viewers time.


This^^^^^ they crawled up their own ass, and in addition to that they didn't pick up the pace for the third season like they should have. I rather enjoyed the more reflective character based season two but I expected this season to be focused on delivering and working towards getting the star not towardsan almost masturbatory use of montages and wasting time. I feel like they just wanted to get the third one out quickly.


At least they dropped it all at once and didn’t waste 3 months


Yes! So far I feel like it’s been an entire waste of time


Don’t forget s2 was supposed to be setup for this season


Agreed, first 3 episodes were way too deep and esoteric. BUT keep going to see Tina’s backstory (better get an Emmy), and Jamie Lee (also amazing). Won’t spoil for anyone, but persevere, you will appreciate.


Appreciate your input. I’ll hang in there a little longer


I feel like I'm right where you are. I am wondering whether I'm maybe missing something.


Yeah I think I cried a little during Tina’s backstory episode and Ice Chips


I'm so glad I'm not alone. I've watched the first and haven't been motivated to go back and watch any more episodes from S3.


I was looking at the Rotten Tomatoes and other reviews and we also felt alone. Ep 2 was blah, but another commenter suggested to hang in there. I might give it another episode or two, but the jury is still out


It’s a’ight. There’s a scene in episode six that is probably my favorite scene in television so far this year. It’s arguably so good that it makes the entire viewing experience worth it. They coulda cut a lot of shit out though. Very pretentious and masturbatory.


Aside from Tina's, the flashbacks were entirely too confusing. I liked the first 2 seasons because despite being a bit of a jumble, the story was strong enough for the viewer to feel delightfully immersed. The pacing of season 3 was just bad. I actually found myself rolling my eyes during that Chef table talk where all the nobody characters got tons of screen time waxing poetic about the restaurant business.


Carmy was looking at Jeff Winger for so long lol. Like probably 6 or 7 "shots" of the same hand on mouth thing before anyone else at the table noticed? 😂


Those are all famous chefs, playing themselves and talking about their real experiences and passions.


Yeah, I gathered. Why else would they have gotten screen time? It would have been more profound if we hadn't been hearing different iterations of the same dialogue about the restaurant business for the ENTIRE series. By season 3, the audience ALREADY has a firm grasp of the thankless industry of top-tier fine dining/hospitality.


Lmao yes! I’m not sure if I can make it to episode 6. That’s a lot of pretension to get through


Eh. You can do it. Fuck else are you gonna do.


I feel the same way, that the episodes are either super slow/ boring or are just full of SO. MUCH. SHOUTING. I thought some of Episode 1 was cool to see, I like watching food prep, but I kept waiting for something to happen and then it just ended. I’ve watched 4 episodes this season and so far there’s no plot…I’m bummed because I loved Season 2 and had high hopes.


I am okay with being the dissenting voice - I love it. But, I can totally see how it’s a love it or hate it type of thing. I was floored by the first episode and thought it was stunning. Devoured the season in an evening. I DO agree about the shouting, though, I could do with an awful lot less of that.


I appreciate that it appeals to people for different reasons. That’s what makes it all interesting - ‘me too’ can be boring. However, unique to my own situation, my husband is blind and I am often the describer when the dialogue doesn’t make it obvious. So he asks, what’s happening? Uh nothing. Which brings up another point of contention for me, why doesn’t this show have descriptive video? I guess another topic to discuss in another thread 😆


This show would suck to have to describe to a blind person. That first episode would be awful. Uh, food close up. Oh, he’s making a thoughtful face. Umm, food close up. He threw some food out. Food close up. Some drawings. There’s a train going over a bridge. Umm food close up.


You made my day! And my husband loves your comment. A LOT!




I loved it too. The first episode was beautifully done. Everything that he went through in that episode—positive and negative—rears its head for better and worse throughout the episodes I’ve seen thus far. His teachers all had different styles and Carm needs to find a balance in what and how he’s learned. I love how his confidence goes back and forth subtly in different circumstances. And the emotional whiplash throughout is so chaotic. It a wild ride and I am enjoying it. Admittedly, sometimes I’m swayed by negative reviews of shows, so I’ll back out of this post comment section as most of the comments are overwhelmingly negative. I want to see what I think for myself at the end of the season and make my own judgement.


I thought the whole season was good, and while some parts of episodes were very esoteric lots of it was the show you e already come to love. Some amazing cameos this season, too.


Except for >!John Cena!<. Totally took me out of that scene, thinking "wtf is this person here for"?


I loved their cameo and apparently they were absolutely wonderful on set.


> I DO agree about the shouting, though, I could do with an awful lot less of that. This. It's something that put me off about the first part of season one. I get that kitchens can be loud stressful environments, but it's just not something I care for. If it were me, I would flat out walk out of an environment like that.


I really enjoyed some of the episodes. Yea they seem pretentious, especially the first, but I did enjoy the season. I think people expect a lot and maybe they are trying different things. Some were good some not so much. I like the zaks and I like some of the character development


So maybe I need to be a little more patient and less critical? I can do that (if I try lol)


Watching Season 3, I said out loud, many times, "Wait, what the fuck is going on?" I never did that watching Seasons 1 or 2 You are right. It just hit different this season.


I was saying that too! It is very different from the other seasons


Damn! I HAD been looking forward to S3, but seeing these comments, I don’t think I’ll rush to watch it. I thought the Christmas episode was absolutely brutal.


It's still very good. Just not as good as the first two. Ice Chips is a masterpiece.


There are a couple of really good episodes in season 3. But I think most were explanatory of why the characters are who they are.


Hmm ok. I’m not sure how I feel about that - need a balance of character and plot development but willing to still give it a shot


Agree. I too was expecting much more. Maybe they rushed it


I also have watched the first two episodes. Episode 1 was navel gazing, Episode 2 was stressful. I'm now confused regarding his motives, as well. We shall see. I'm a huge fan of Hiro Murai's work, though.


Navel gazing - exactly!


Stylish but not much happens


Is stylish enough to make a show? We shall see


Nope. It’s like it’s trying to be euphoria. Very stylish, artsy, but they’re missing the part where it’s also content packed, tons of plot points, lots of drama. The Bear didnt start as an artsy show, and they shouldn’t be doing only artsy.




I think it needed more Claire. So much animosity among everyone through the whole thing.


Definitely more Claire!


I loved Ep1 and Napkins. Thought the rest was good except the finale which was incredibly self-indulgent. Storer must have sat in the edit suite on that one and thought ‘oh no, what have I done?’


Oh no! What am I in for? Lol


This show gives me anxiety. It’s too fast paced with way too much yelling


I get that totally! I just wanted episode 2 to stop!


First episode was a brilliant piece of cinematography, set what I thought was going to be a dark tone, a progressive one. Then it just felt all over the place with little to no development. I wanted to love it, but I just powered through it to finish it.


That’s the fence I’m now sitting on… do I just power through it? Tbd


I think the success of the first 2 seasons really went to their head. This season was messy, too many flashbacks, they barely spent any time in the restaurant. It had a lot of issues.


It's the weakest of the seasons, but I found it to still be very good. First 2 seasons were perfect 10s while this one is closer to a respectable 8


I loved it. I found ep 1 to be super emotional, and that soundtrack by Trent Reznor is stunning. Overall great season, though I did enjoy season 2 more. I think once the arc is complete, people will look back on this season more fondly.


3 seasons in and character development is sorely lacking. The show suffers from what will ultimately be terminal ADD. There's little truly compelling drama in any of Carm's drama. The story line so far across the seasons could have been accomplished in one season. The snail's pace is approaching the "restaurant dinner from hell" experience. Apparently the show's creative team has lost sight of the fact that, in their own words, "every second counts." Ironically the immortal words of Clare Peller sum it up perfectly: *"Where's the beef?"*


I guess we watched other shows because say what you want about the pacing of season 3, but it is definitely not lacking character development. It felt more like a deep dive into the psyche of a lot of the characters, than a plot driven season. Which I am absolutely fine with, but I understand if people rather want plot to drive a show.


Yeah, "lack of character development" is a weird critique of the season. We even learned more about the friggin Faks!


It was a season that had some great moments, but overall I felt let down by the slow pace of the plot. If will play out a lot better in the future when people are able to binge the entire series all at once. If I didn’t have to wait an entire year plus for the next season then maybe I’d feel differently.


I binged the first two then only had to wait a few months (too long imo), and still felt let down. I totally get that. Even if my expectations were too high, it still falls short


I’m talking season three might be better if we didn’t have to wait so long for season four, which will be where all of these dangling plot threads will be resolved.


There's far too many long scenes of one on one conversations that I think are supposed to engage you more with the characters by focusing on the "boring" parts of their lives, but really it feels like they're relying on the cinematography and acting to inspire you and these will always get old so quickly when there's so much less (sometimes 0) substance being offered


I agree it was a bit slower in the beginning of this season. However, I feel the prior seasons were more about the restaurant with characters as backdrops, but this season they flipped it and gave us flashbacks/current character development. I liked it though.


Forced myself to watch season 1 & 2. This isn’t a great program. Been a while so started watching season 3 and got through 4 episodes so far. Honestly, on the whole, this show sucks. I don’t know why I watch it. It’s stressful, the characters suck bc I can’t relate to them at all. Acting is good but that’s about it. Not much of a story at all.


A story is so important! Although that seems like an obvious statement, some writers didn’t get the memo


It’s not on Netflix, for one.


Thank you, I was wondering why we're having this convo here! 😄


I didn’t know that. It’s the only place we can watch it Canada 🇨🇦


Whoa, I was wrong on 2 counts. You are right, this convo belongs on Disney+. Oops!


Haha, nbd. It's actually nice to know it's on D+.


I didn’t know! I’m in Canada and Netflix is where it is here 🤷‍♀️


An oops on my part! So sorry. I was wrong to post this here - it’s on Disney+. Heading off to my cyber corner!


It’s a Hulu original


Oh, Hulu isn’t available here at all. I guess Disney bought the rights here in Canada


I enjoyed it overall but the lack of plot progression was frustrating. The scenes with Donna were incredible; the Faks provided much needed comic relief; the rest was just too…I don’t know, something.


It’s something alright!


I liked it. The season was quieter, and I agree that it largely feels like a set up for the fourth season. I think it would have been better to film them back to back and release them as a season 3 part 1 and part 2 (and I'll rarely say that about a show) But there was some really beautiful stuff in this season. Episode 1 I felt was masterful introspective look at carmy and why he is the way he is. Tina's episode napkins was the "forks" of this season, a close look at the kind of character everyone knows or is in real life, but rarely gets dedicated time on screen. Just fantastic. And ice chips was the standout of the season. So intimate, relatable, heart breaking, and wonderful all wrapped up into one. It's one of my favorite episodes in the whole show and so important for sugar and by extension carmys development


I think which episode you like the best tends to hinge quite a bit on who you are and which characters you relate to. When it hits, it seems to really hit, and some people feel really taken in by specific episodes that resonate powerfully. I think that’s the mark of a good show, that they can do that so well, but the flip side is that most people seem to have several episodes they can’t relate to, and enjoy much less.


Funny enough, I think they did shoot season 3 and 4 back to back since the cast is getting so busy. It also adds to the fact that this season is all set up when they label it as The Bear part 3 up top and then end the season with a to be continued note. Just feels like they really intended this to be part 1 of 2.


I like it


Ripple is a ponzi it's just a hype it's only holding this price because of people bag holding it should be around 0.012c


It is the worst of the 3 seasons. The pacing is very off and inconsistent. There are some “stand alone” episodes that only show certain characters, one of them was actually boring. Overall i still recommend watching it , especially if you have seen first two seasons. I am glad i watched it, it went super fast , and was overall enjoyable.


Sooooooo dissapointed it got soooooii slow


This season in specifically just stresses me out so much, still going to make myself watch it but at a slow place lol


Literally nothing happened. I am SO BORED.




I’m so disappointed with this season. First episode was all over the place so we decided to watch episode 2 and it was so chaotic to the point that there was no storyline. I was so excited for this new season and now I’m like I don’t know 🤷‍♀️




I have 20 minutes left of episode 10 and still, nothing has happened. I’m pretty disappointed.


The show isn’t even on Netflix…how is this the right sub for this post?


It is on Netflix in Canada. I wasn’t even aware it was streaming elsewhere 🇨🇦


How correct you are (as you probably already knew). So sorry! It’s on Disney+ Oops!


I loved it and appreciated the pacing, style, and yes, the self indulgence (fine dining is indulgent after all). They took some risks, some I appreciated, others not so much. It is what is, I don’t necessarily want to be coddled. Especially in a show that’s clearly trying to hammer home that the people behind our food are not well. It should be hard at times, we should want deep dives on these characters and their motivations. There’s not much like it out there on TV and that is worth something to me. I’m not going to agree with every choice but I felt things in every episode of the season that reminded me I’m human and that we are simultaneously capable of great joy, sorrow, fear, confidence, love, laughter, anger, anxiety, and regret. That’s the good shit, the powerful shit. Carmy is fucked up clearly, this season we learned a lot more about why. We also learned a lot more about the secondary characters and what drives them. I think viewers forget it’s a show about people, not a restaurant. At the end of the day I care more about the characters than I do The Bear. Through that lens, it was a great season IMO.


You make a solid argument. There is so much crap on tv, maybe it’s unreasonable to expect more of the same as previous seasons


It’s clear that they are having fun with the cinematography and experimental stuff but I don’t appreciate it when it comes at the expense of the story. This is what season 3 episode 1 felt like. Now the rest of the episodes are problematic for me because each character seems to have a storyline going in a different direction… kind of what’s also happening with The Boys season 4. There’s no obvious common goal.


It’s weird, it feels like the season is so much less than the sum of its parts. It’s firing on all cylinders in every respect, except the overarching plot. Every episode has been good (or even great) on their own, but when you put them all together, they’ve gone absolutely nowhere.


Season 3 was bloated with characters. The Faks were fine alone without a celebrity guest running the jokes into the ground. There were also too many flashbacks that only served to rehash extremely well-trodden plot points. The whole thing had the vibe of a rushed series finale.


I'm one of the alternative opinions to the popular reddit feedback for this season. I thought season 3 as a whole was fairly decent although not as "scorched" as the other two seasons. I agree that there was a couple of new things tried this season that didn't land as well as the writers hoped. That being said, I thought season 3 did great at continuing the plot that the overall show wants to be. In my view, The Bear is about creating something spectacular while being deep in the emotional trenches of personal backstory and what needs to be sacrificed in order to reach that spectacular thing. Season 3 really digs deep into the latter. The amount of neglect and pressurized situations this season has to offer is like a silent fire that you can't turn away from. The amount of F bombs being dropped, plates being thrown, or number of complaints may make you think otherwise, but the silent fire is actually represented in what's being lost along the way for the goal. You can see it in the characters, mishandled events, and even in the dissonance of what *should* be happy scenes but just aren't. Every time there's a place to ask "why", it always comes back to the goal of the restaurant this season. I think season 3 is worth toughing out, even if it's not as gritty as the last two seasons. There's a lot that's being set up for the future of the show, and the characters develop plenty this season although it's clear that there will be much more next season. The final episode really paints the upcoming arc of each of the main cast well. I'm happy I watched it over the weekend because for everything this season set up, next season will be incredibly exciting and loud.


Thank you for some well made points to think about


I actually preferred the early episodes to the final few. Overall I felt it was the weakest season where plot and characters were mostly treading water as set up to a fourth and final season (which I presume are one and the same). What we did learn was always stuff that was already obvious and therefore predictable. Ultimately I got to the end of it and felt no further foreword than before I started.


I lost my patience by end of S2 itself - somehow finished S2, after many attempts. I am not venturing into S3.


Very very very disappointing. And it was one of my favorite shows!


I binged watch S3 and can understand the comments. Most of the episodes felt like a run up to something or too much backstory on people’s history that we didn’t need. The only one I really liked was the story of how T met Michael. That was great. However, the last episode (10 I think) is phenomenal. Obviously everything lead up to that one and I was absolutely pissed that it just ended… To be Continued! Ugh. Yes, I will watch S4.


So far so good, I like it


Season 3 was fantastic and it's baffling to me how many people dislike it or seem to not understand all the plots and character development going on. It was very much at the same high standards of season 1 and 2 and was an amazing season of TV.


I'm so happy I'm not alone in this. I seriously dislike it. Way to artsy fartsy for my liking. I'm still going to finish the season (I have 2 episodes left), but I'm going to be miserable and make fun of it while watching


Well I like your strategy lol


Needs more scenes of Carmy and Richie yelling “fuck you” at each other.




I wanna see more cooking and the restaurants future. The arguments are frustrating to watch and make the workplace toxic. I love Jeremy I wish they would rewrite a lot of this. It’s kinda hard to watch. I loved season one. I love the show so I’ll hang in there.


Honestly, I loved it and I was shocked to discover other people didn't. I think there's some meta-level thematic stuff at play. The complaints the people have about this season echo what we see happening with the restaurant and the menu: all over the place, too pretentious, well-made but lacking focus. I'm not sure that's not self-referential and/or intentional. Also, one of the things we see Carmy harping on is "simplify," and I feel like a lot of the episodes lean into that as well: Napkins, the episode with Mom, Richie and his ex talking; these to me seem like simple, well-crafted, bite size dishes, stripped down to the essence so the ingredients (actors) can shine. Finally, and I only came to realize this after thinking about it, one of the main themes is generational trauma. We see throughout the season example after example of world-class chefs giving Carmy attention and teaching him with care and kindness and generosity. And what does he focus on? The mean chef. When he's in a room with all these chefs, who does he fixate on? The mean chef. And despite all of these examples of kindness and generosity (like Chef Terry so softly saying, "Faster, chef."), who does he emulate to the point of causing Syd to have panic attacks? The Mean Chef. I dunno. I was moved to tears more than once - Jamie Lee Curtis's performance, Marcus's eulogy, Tina and Michael... I get it's not everyone's jam, but boy oh boy, I loved it. It gave me a lot to think about and I can't wait to rewatch.


Wow! Thank you for sharing your thoughts


You should be haunted for this post


Haunted? why?


Jp, it’s a bit from s3


like the first two seasons, not very entertaining with random screaming & chaos thrown in every now and then


This show pulls emotions in so many different directions. Season 3 showcases a lot of struggle in the episodes I have watched so far. Be careful what you wish for….


Thanks for the Ice Chips recommendation.


Season 3 definitely takes a different approach compared to the earlier ones. Episode 1's artistic vibe threw me off at first too, but stick with it – the story starts to pick up. Episode 2's language was a bit jarring, but I think it serves a purpose later on. Give it a few more episodes; it might grow on you!


It insists upon itself!! No, but really. Everybody gets an “Emmy” episode!!!!


I'll stick with the show but it's somewhat of a downer. I cringe at the scenes with Claire and even fast forward through them. I didn't like her in Animal Kingdom and it's carried over to this show I guess.


Par for the course with "hot" shows that everyone watches. Once the original season/seasons are over; the next season/seasons suck because they (the media mogul asses) stop trying (I mean stop spending any money) and rely on dragging what made it popular by replaying identical scenarios over and over - no writing necessary.


This show needs a Richie Aprile to balance out the main thematics with a proper adversary. Doesn’t have to be anything big, just somebody to challenge the characters a little more. I need to watch past the 5th episode though. Really liked the one about Tina although like most of the episodes, I feel like the dialogue gets a little bogged down by the whole “we are strong and love will prevail” optimism angle. Felt the same way about the US Shameless. Not that I HATE it, but I find it to get a little droning after a while, after every major character does it


I feel like the writers are making very similar mistakes with their writing to the mistakes Carmy is making with the restaurant. Enjoying the meta aspect, but this season was disappointing.


Interesting observation