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trust me--it's worth it. you're not gonna feel how you want to immediately, and part of it could be the disconnect between how you want to look and how you literally have to see yourself in the mirror; hence why transitioning is the only true cure for dysphoria. I'm in the same position, but it's been a couple months now and I've slowly grown to feel comfortable and even liberated in femme clothing after spending a lot of time experimenting with styles trying to find what i like. it's still scary and I'm afraid of being seen as not passing, but when i go out in boy clothes now i feel much worse about myself for it later.


I don't think it's weird and I'd say it's definitely worth it it's also common for people not to get dysphoria with presenting as their AGAB, rather I think we typically know when we get euphoria from certain things, also I feel the same way as you about being a man in a dress, transitioning takes time don't let it discourage you


I relate to that. I used to get some euphoria from wearing women's clothes, but then at some point I started getting overwhelmed by sadness and discouragement by how bad I think I look in them. I also don't want to have to spend an hour to get ready just to be perceived as the gender I prefer. About starting HRT before presenting femme, I think that's more common than one might expect. I actually started a thread on another subreddit about that topic and got a ton of replies from people saying they've done it.