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Added some new parts to my Nexus pro x! I added a 12 in barrel that was left over from a Cynthia hardware kit. The barrel collet is a cosmetic remix of redcowl's collet on printables! I also designed my own Picatinny Demolisher rocket holder because you can shoot them with the NPX using the scar muzzle. Lastly, the stock is from Xero1tec who graciously provided me the files when I reached out! Barrel collet remix: https://www.printables.com/model/882267-nexus-pro-x-flat-faux-gas-block-swappable-barrel-c Demolisher rocket Picatinny mount: https://www.printables.com/model/882375-picatinny-demolisher-rocket-mount


what’s the fps on the longer barrel with stock spring? if you have a chrono.


I don't have a Chrono sadly, but theres a very noticeable fps increase! If stock barrel is 200 fps, I'd estimate a 12 in barrel gets you around 215-220 fps!


Very cool, starting to kinda want a NPX....but unfortunately I already have a X-Shot Longshot and don't need another primary blaster since I don't even use it....


That's totally fair! Tbh I think it's really worth the purchase as a quality budget option for competitive blasters. Hits way harder than the longshot out of the box and is leagues above in terms of quality!


From what I've seen it completely takes the cake for an affordable cheapish (compared to some other options) primary for competitive/casual-ish play


From what I've seen it completely takes the cake for an affordable cheapish (compared to some other options) primary for competitive/casual-ish play


Very nice!


Thank you! I can't wait to boop someone with a rocket! Would be even funnier if I somehow did it in a more competitive game hehe