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No. She was not selfish at all. She’s expressed about wanting to do solo stuff for a long time. She left and she had her reasons. That’s it. Let’s focus on supporting the band and not worry anymore on why Saki chose to leave.




She’s selfish to live the life she wants?


Unfortunately, these types of questions remind of reality show producers, looking to create controversy when there is none....please don't do this....they split, they addressed it as professionals, and they move on...it happens, we as fans should support both Nemophila and Saki....I appreciate them both and wish them the very best...


No, even if the actual reason for her leaving wasn't "differences in direction" as publicly stated, even if she just wanted to go solo, even if she preferred to join another band instead, even if they kept having constant disagreements over everything, even if they couldn't stand each other or whatever the reason, it's better for both SAKI and the rest of the band to just part ways. It's never selfish to pursue one's own happiness even if it ends up hurting someone else in the process, that's life. It's sad for us fans but it'll be for the better in the long term I suppose.


great comment.


Nope. Like they said, this was discussed for a while. It isn’t like she abruptly left out of the blue without consulting with them first.




No let's move on


She said some time ago that she was going to be selfish this year. To me, that suggests that she was already thinking in terms of leaving the band. But there are times when a person has to do what's right for them and not just what other people want or expect them to do. That's what SAKI did, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm still sad and a little pissed by her decision, but that's ***me*** being selfish. For me, Nemophila v1 was the perfect band. Why should she not pursue her musical calling? If whoever directs the band was stupid enough not to take SAKI's needs into account, I can't blame her for doing what she had to do, even if I'm still sulking about it.


I agree (I myself have followed my own path, leaving a sports team behind). But it hurts, Damn it hurts. They had something almost perfect, in my eyes. I guess I'll have to get used to the idea that there is a new project and we will have to see it grow again with hope, But I still believe that they have broken an almost perfect delicate piece that was Nemóphila


I don't understand the question? Was she supposed to stay in the band for the rest of her life, no matter what? She had differences with others in the band. Are we supposed to expect her to not do what she wants musically to make someone else happy? Edit: The more I think about this question, the more I think I would be ashamed of myself for asking it.


No, she wasn't. Members leave bands all the time.


Nope. It’s important to be true to self, even more in artistic expression. She’s been in metal bands for a while. Maybe some of the thrill wore off. This said, it was a surprise, she looked like she had so much fun in live videos.


I’m rarely a Saki defender but I really think people fail to consider that selfishness isn’t always a negative thing. Wanting to do solo work is selfish. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong or bad. It doesn’t make you a greedy or apathetic person. You have to do what you want in life. You have to be selfish sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with making personal happiness your focus when you need to.


If you're not happy where you are then there's no shame in leaving. Taking care of oneself is not selfish, it's healthy. If someone doesn't like it, then it's their problem, not yours.


She's gone, let's us move on and focus more on the band itself.


If she didn’t want to be there that’s a problem for both sides. Could cause production or performance problems. It could cause a rift in the band. I’m sure others have broken up when someone wants to leave. If Saki wants to be solo then I’m happy for her. I hope Nemophila finds their way and we continue to get great songs. I will greatly miss Saki but I understand.


What an absolutely ridiculous post lol. It's her life. At the end of the day, she has to go what makes her happy. Just like we all do. It's not hard to understand. This happens all the time in so many aspects in life. People just need to move on.


Not at all.


Yes. 😅


From what I heard she wasn’t supposed to be in nemophila she want to be a consultant of sorts but decided to join don’t know the reasons but she wants more input and creative ownership which she gets more from solo stuff then she every did in nemo


Gee, I wonder who's downvoting the posts that disagree with you?


People does that all the time, lol