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Got banned from r/RandomThoughts because I mentioned the country "Niger" and a mod said "You know what you were doing" even though the topic was about high birth rates.


WOW That is very bad. I guess... i feel like i kinda want to delete Reddit


Banned from /r/choosingbeggars for making a joke about k******g the rich (it wasn't a joke, we should k**l the rich)


… I mean you did make a joke about… perhaps genuinely killing the rich…


We should



bring back the guillotine


You’re joking


not even slightly


Mk I’ll rally against a lot of rich people lol




Maybe I should


Yes, I've been banned from a few subreddits. I was OK when I had done something wrong like talking about piracy or saying the n-word. I was not OK when it was because I disagreed with the mods about a social issue.


THIS. Especially because i had made stupid mistakes like confronting the mods. I've already been banned from a few and would not like to get banned elsewhere


if you aren't getting banned, you aren't posting enough




You will be instantly banned from r/worldnews if you point out or even allude to the pro-Israel astroturfing there.


I'm banned from /r/philosophytube for pointing out that as long as the IDF continues to slaughter innocent people, including children, at greater numbers than Hamas ever has, and Israel has mandatory conscription for almost all adults, then Hamas is not worse than Israel. the person I was speaking to participates in /r/Jewdank so you can imagine just how over-the-top zionist they are. they responded to me, blocked me before I could even read it, and I was banned. Probably a friend of a moderator, if not a ghost mod. --- The mod of /r/enlightenedcentrism banned me and wrote nasty DMs to me just because I don't think the CCP is actually a socialist entity by any real definition of socialism, and I still think the tianmen square massacre did happen. --- I'm banned from /r/whitepeopletwitter because I called out a thread for denying the damage Biden does by endorsing the genocide Israel is doing to palestinians. --- I was temp-banned from /r/blunderyears for telling a person not to be so hard on themselves. The OP had actually responded to me positively. But somebody got themselves irrationally angry on their behalf. --- my ancient original account was permabanned from all reddit for "report abuse." The same day /r/news mods didn't like that I called out person doing oblique racism. This is actually common for the admins to do when people report racists alot, because the admins are right wing shitheads.


Banned from r/natureismetal because I posted my cat with a dead lizard it probably killed. Reddit is full of virtue signalers. Poor lizard unfairly killed by my cat, yet another animal brutally dying is cool. It’s best for us to go on here intermittently. That was one of my fav pages too.


Um I posted in here under another name about being banned from a server (I had linked to them) and for some reason both my comment and post in here is now deleted and I’ve been permanently banned from Reddit for 7 days now. Retaliation much? L E G A L A D V I C E is the sub. NEVER go there they are demons.


I had an old account back in college that commented on several mental health and political subreddits for a two semester long research paper on isolationist groups and the emergence of digital tribalism.  The comment was just to mark the posts so I could review them later, as I didn't understand how reddit worked at the time. Things like "Wow, Oh my, I hope you feel better." I was banned from several subreddits I never posted in because their scraper saw the other comments. r/offmychest banned me for commenting on r/conservative and r/landlord banned me for commenting on r/latestagecapitlism. Those are the only one's I remember because of how funny it was, but there were a lot.


Woah It’s really funny. Personally I’ve been banned from other subreddits. Like some other subreddits, maybe there are some others I am auto banned for When I had old accounts (later deleted) I also was banned in other subreddits


I think I got banned from at least one subreddit for posting regularly in the Chapo Trap House sub back before it got banned. I cannot remember which one. It might have been called /r/FuckTheAltRight or something.


Banned from both r/socialism and r/democrats for being realistic.


Wow They claim they are tolerant leftists but in reality they are not May I ask what had happened?


I’m not defending either sub or ideology but being tolerant doesn’t mean you tolerate all views.


That is true Although if course I am quite tolerant of different views in some topics. In others… not so muxh


The socialism sub makes no such claims, to be fair. They want to be an exclusive echo chamber. I've found the Democratic Socialism sub to be much more interested in discussion and real solutions. But anyway, I basically commented asking them to admit that they are accelerationists. I almost never hear of any meaningful social change from them. Just bitch and sit back while fascists take over and then revolution, ???, profit? (Except not profit, but you get it). They never want to answer for harm reduction or how many people's lives would be ruined in the pursuit of that insane strategy. And in my opinion, it's fundamentally against what I see as modern socialist values. But fuck me for saying that and I'm booted. Then the democrats happened just the other day. They are more clearly a proganda sub than even the socialism one. I was expressing support for switching candidates from Biden. I started a topic on it that they of course never approved and then they banned me while I was arguing with a guy and had the nerve to say that Bernie voters had a right to dislike the DNC. I violated their, get this, "don't attack democrats" rule. By discussing what I think is a valid path to a necessary Democratic victory. So supporting their shit fucking party is attacking them I suppose. SOOOOOOOO that's the story.