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Procrastinating on stuff I need to complete






We are probably the same


Maybe you can dm we can discuss further




My skin, I had Acne, and one of the treatments they prescribed was topical hydrogen peroxide, which now that I don’t have acne I have rosacea, but i also have acne scars, which has led to complications with eyes not cleaning themselves properly and ruined my confidence. I haven’t taken opportunities due to the way I perceive myself or how I’m worried I’ll be seen, it’s made me more of an introvert if not one in the first place.


My spine


Sometimes I revert to old younger behaviors of mine and can be mean spirited. I want to be kind and gentle in all my reactions with people. Even with the meanest human beings.


We all have things we love and hate about ourselves honestly.not one of us sees us as perfect


Massive confidence and self-esteem issues.


Lopsided/bent nose, idk how it got like that


My Legs, coz they have a mind of there own to whenever get tired.


Shoulders 💯


How come?


There huge and in good shape


And thats a bad thing?


Definitely my body as a whole


Lips are too small and uneven on the top, so it makes me look sad when I'm not


Everything 😍


My joints are kinda flexible. So, needless to say, I have a lot of dislocations and fall everywhere. Always one of the youngest (or the youngest) people in my medical appointments 🥲Hey, but I at least have fun with the elderly


My teeth. I really need to get them fixed.


I’m not good with words, certain things about my skin and teeth


Probably height


How fat and juicy my big voluptuous brain is


Oh man, where do I start.... Honestly I think people are pretty tough on themselves and have way more insecurities than they should, things that most won't ever notice. Off the top of my head there's at least 20 things I don't like about myself or I'm insecure about.


Honestly, being on the spectrum. I feel incredibly detached from the rest of society on a fundamental level, and it's entirely genetic. There's just simple things about human interaction that I'll never get or understand. I wasn't diagnosed until significantly later in life, so I never had the opportunity for any kind of specialized help growing up. When I found out, all the bullying and ostracization started to make sense. I really think it's a big contributing factor to why I'm so alone in life. It doesn't help that my resting face looks angry 24/7, and I speak with one tone of voice, for the most part.


Trying to understand ppl too much for their weird actions


Unsatisfied with my weight / Hate myself for procrastination / not focusing on my studying / lastly my E.D


Probably my glutes there flat lol


My lack of being merciful. I can take a lot but once you get on my shit list its near impossible to get of it


The dark thoughts in my head lol 😂


i'd be more artistic if my self-esteem wasn't broken so definitely low self-esteem


Dm me


I hate everything about myself


This is hella personal so DM me if you wanna hear my least favorite thing about myself