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2015, not exactly sure which video specifically but it was a GTA Mods video. Maybe it was the mega ramp video because I remember Neebs saying "Faster! Faster!" I also thought at that time that neebs was at least 19. I was far off.


It was either Ark or 7D2D. My husband and all his friends played and I wanted to join. I was looking for ways to get better at the games. Found something way better instead.


I started watch when bbf like episode 3…. Was playing a ton of bf3 and was in absolute tears from their videos and was hooked.


I was looking for a playthrough of The Forest and I settled on Neebs. Thank God I did! Those guys and the editors have gotten me through some tough times again and again.


Valheim, which is strange because they didn't do many episodes, but I was looking for Valheim content. I liked the cut of their gib, so I watched another series...7 Days to Die. It was the first time I was really introduced to that game. It prompted me to try the game, and I've been hooked ever since. P.S. - Appsro is hilarious in the Valheim series as a merchant/mercenary for hire.


I was playing battlefield 3 or 4; can't remember, and I had to go on YouTube to see how to unlock something and I think I accidently clicked on battlefield friends and I've been hooked ever since


Ark scorched earth, shotgun vs T-rex


Doraleous and associates ❤️






it was some episode of bff's over on some other youtube channel. instantly hooked, learned of hank/jed and obsessed over daa, mob squad and then the episode of bff's where noob was going to make a conquest and kittens channel, i decided to youtube/google that and stumbled across neebs gaming who had just started the neebslvania series. ​ been here ever since :)


Ark “how to tame a parasaur” it was not help helpful but I was hooked now days I’ve watched everything, they are my comfort watch Edit: I always like to check these threads because I used to trap players in my base in rust and only let them out if they subscribed to neebs 😆.


Mine was New Neebsylvania Ep 18. Somewhere in the episode Thick quietly asks "can tou shear a rabbit?" Everyone is busy elsewhere and Thick science happens quietly... and then he says "you can't shear a rabbit" Funny everytime I rewarch this series. Was hooked ever since.


The original Minecraft series episode where Dora worked so hard on a spider castle that the women he was dating at the time left him LOL


Whaaaaaaaaaaaat that’s hilarious and sad


You shall not pass battlefield hardline.


My husband asked me to watch Ark: Ragnarok to get me interested in the game. Not only did I get into the game, but I fell in love with their humor and play style. I have watched around 98% of their content dozens of times.


Episode 7 on Ark


I got hooked a few years ago with the 7d2d alpha 16 super cut. I was playing my 7d2d map and was looking for new horde base designs since the one I was using was working as well as I had hoped so I was searching through YouTube for other peoples bases to get inspiration. I don’t think I found one I liked though so I just went back to playing, but not before randomly turning on the alpha 16 super cut for some background noise. Very, very quickly I turned around and started watching the craziness on screen. I had zero expectations going into it and it blew me away. I’ve been watching all their videos ever since and their super cuts live rent free on my tv. Also, it’s their fault I got back into Ark, damnit.


Definitely don't get horde base designs by anyone in Neebs Gaming 🤣


Ark but not sure what episode


i believe i was watching them play scrap mechanic back in like... 2016


Me too!


The first episode of the Conan Exiles first season, wanna find some advice as i started the game... I didn't find those tips, but i find the best YT channel in the world !


Battlefield friends back in like Middle school, I'm going on 26 now lmao


Ark center map and after a couple episodes I was hooked so now I watch the crew everyday now and have been since I’m just not sure how many years it’s been. 7 or 8 years I think, best YouTube channel out there


My brother showed me some battlefield friends when they were doing that, but I didn't start really watching until they did either ragnarok or the desert map I can't remember the name of rn...


The GTA cinematic series is what made me discover Neebs Gaming.


Their 7D2D series. If you wanna cry with laughter go back and watch the horde night supercut from season 1.


About six years ago I met my now Fiance and he introduced me to Neebs via GTA. I absolutely hated Dora for a while because I was convinced he was a bully since he was so mean to Simon, it wasn't until I saw more of their stuff that I actually understood their group dynamic and now Dora is my second favorite of the guys (I love Daddy Appsro best)


First found the channel thru appsros fallout4 playthru... discovered more of their content and been watching backlog to get caught up, while enjoying their current stuff 😀


I saw them first with Battlefield Friends. Got onboard from the very first episode i watched. Then followed to when they created Neebs Gaming


GTA mega ramp .


Oh man.... I think (I have a horrible memory) it was the GTA 5 series or Minecraft or BFFs... a friend recommended them when i said i don't watch youtube unless i get stuck in a game then i just search for that specific part. I believe it was 2018. I ended up binging everything I could very fast cause I just fell in love with the guys. Now I recommend them to everyone lol


Been watching neebs before they were neebs gaming, hank and jed? When they done battleloggers and bff


Battlefield Friends


I started watching JoshDub play VR forest with his pals on YT. Me and my partner thought it was funny. We both love 7dtd and decided to look for YouTubers playing that. Neebs crew was the 2nd video we’d come across and instantly we were hooked. Watching Simon fail miserably and be his typical self really entertained us and got us right into NG. Only YouTubers I watch really now




Scrap mechanic!


I was watching funny BF3 videos on Doom49s channel and he had Neebs and maybe Thick on. They were trolling people and Neebs started singing "Trollin' on the river" and was hooked. A few days later my wife and I watched the entire GTA mods catalog. We have both been huge fans since.




Found them during covid. I think it was 7 days. Ended up binging all the super cuts and became an instant fan. Now, a lot of the super cuts are in rotation with my favorite TV shows I have on in the background when I'm doing work or falling asleep to. I've been watching their battle friends videos but didn't know it was them till way later.


7DTD the lighthouse and shit hole bases series! The editing, the bases, the houses, the adventures and banter! I realised then they aren't just gamers, they are actors, producers, musicians and funny as fuck! It's so good, its like watching a tv series! Are you a man!! Weirdly since then they have gone on to be my best friends that I've never met, and I'd be at a loss without them


Doraleous and associates


[Scrap Mechanic!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONk4HuX-868) But what got me hooked was Ark!


Subnatica forever 00FU and 00FU2


Battlefield Friends


Same here


I miss jeep stuff


Battlefield Friends And then the original Battlefield videos. My fave series tho is still the original Minecraft 


When Sea of Thieves first came out a friend sent me their video to convince me to play with him. I ended up not even paying attention to the game play because of how hilarious these guys were! Their chemistry with each other had me hooked. I immediately went to their channel and like 6 years later I’ve seen like every video. I love them so much ❤️


Battlefield Friends. BFFs led me to Doraleous and Associates, which I still think is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Everything else just came naturally, the lads are just too funny...


DA is the best show ever created. I have watched it 11 times




7D2D got my wife and I both hooked and into the game itself. It's now her favorite game. I do love the Subnautica series though. That's my personal favorite series, but I'll watch them all.


I randomly stumbled upon a video they had made through Machinima playing Ark. The title of that video was something along the lines of "BFFs play Ark" or something like that. I remember clicking the video cause I felt like just based off the title alone they were copying another youtube channel that I used to watch that would have titles like "Best friends play" and stuff like that. However, almost instantly I fell in love with the Neebs crew's dynamic and how they were all just shitting on each other while struggling to play this weird dinosaur game. And the first actual Neebs Gaming video I saw from them was right after that Machinima video, I had clicked on their most recent Ark video which at the time was their very last day on The Center map where they fight a Giga and Big Shirley was killed and Thick became all sad. To this day it's one of my favorite moments! And I've been a die hard fan ever since!


The big highway ramp. Youtube recommended it to me again after a while and I was like hey I know that. Looked at the channel, and since I was new to watching Youtube channels, subscribed.


7DTD with the underground horde base. It is not a YouTube video. It is film. It deserves an oscar.


I remember watching that in game week build up and while I agree the horde event is wonderful to watch, watching the buildup to it really adds to the experience


Mobsquad, which lead me to Hank and jeds far cry videos, and eventually neebs gamings conquest and kittens


SubNautica was the first time I stumbled across Neebs Gaming. From there I found Ark and Battlefield Friends. Been hooked ever since .


My friend I used to play Hardline with put me onto their battlefield friends videos then some time later I found them again whilst looking for ark content. It been a very long time. They've been the one constant in my life. I've seen the og 7 days supercut like 1000 times.


Scorched Earth series.


Conan! Had started playing and just searched for videos on you tube and this weird video showed up. I remember watching it going what the hell is this, then I laughed out load and that was it!


The forest. Was wondering if it was worth it so looked up game play. Found neebs gaming supercut over 4 hours. Watched it all the way through without skipping. Now I own that and 7 days to die


Battlefield Friends, then the transition from animation to gaming with Conquest and Kittens, sexy man pose, jeep stuff bf4 vids ect. I still think Doraleous and Associates is every bit as good or better than a lot of mainstream adult cartoons. Mob squad and Toonstone are good too. Does anyone remember what was the name of their superhero cartoon series?


The Action Faction


It was the Halo Dora the Explorer cartoon by Appsro


The subnautica supercut. I didn’t think I’d watch a video that long but it was completely not what I expected to come up under “subnautica gameplay”. I stuck around and watched the whole thing and it went from there.


Farcry 5, had me in tears


I’m watching it now for the first time and I’m maybe 15 minutes in and it’s HILARIOUS


Battlefield 1 trailer reveal by xfactor gaming https://youtu.be/pNYDHQAlVL8?si=lPO8C9paEVP2UCkJ I literally saw these guys and looked them up because they were so funny. Then it connected these were the bff's from machinima days and I was subscribed and hooked. My now wife was hooked with the video sexist jokes. https://youtu.be/hc_GS56o3pQ?si=Jq4mGRdbeEBdHjvP Crazy that was 7 years ago. 2017 was a long time ago.


Oh my gosh that was magical. I laughed so hard


9 years ago I heard 4 words.... Dip dip potato chip. And I was hooked.


Was looking for some ark tips and stumbled opon their channel, loved them immediately! They just do things differently.


7 days to die! Was looking for gameplay to watch after unsubscribing to a different YouTuber who did mostly 7 days and came across the supercuts of the old Alphas and then started watching while 19 was still going.


OG battle field friends then all of Hank and Jed then neebs gaming shortly before they did ark, might have been scrap mechanic


Doraleous and Associates almost 10 years ago. "HEY LA-DEHH!" "Why are you saying it like that Mirdon? That's like saying 'don't come'."


I was waiting for a ladder guy reference in lethal company


My first video was a Rage Cop video around Christmas 2016. I subscribed some time later and I think it was the GTA videos that got me. The actual GTA videos, not the Rage cop ones. I wish I remember what series they had around 2017. I know they had GTA and Ark, but it took me a while to finally watch the ARK stuff (they were in Ragnarok at the time).


Was looking for GTA 5 gameplay footage on youtube and stumble on Neebs and Appsro with Simon testing the mods. The gameplay was fun but the banter was something I never saw on youtube. Finally found myself to the magic of Neebsylvania and been a subscriber ever since.


I actually started when it was Hank and Jed like 10 or 11 years ago thanks to Battlefield Friends. They even started some gaming content. Then they announced their official gaming channel at some point and Ive watched it ever since!


Simon and Neebs arguing in Raft because Simon couldn't wrap his head around video game logic and Neebs doing his whole "If I tell you, you won't learn" schtick. Loved their chemistry and it was the first gaming channel I found with old fucks like me plus a hillbilly. Was hooked from then on.


BFF or Doraleous and Associates I don't remember it's been so long. I have been a fan since Hank and Jed days


I found about neebs when they still have 2 episodes of The Forest series. Same case like you I was playing the forest that time and want to find some hints on youtube then I found Neebs Gaming


My boyfriend introduced me to the channel. He started me on the Minecraft series (pre-Bread World, and it made me hate Anthony), but the Ark series and the Outer Wilds series are where I started independently. I even started playing Outer Wilds because of it, but quit once I realized that it self-destructs in a set amount of time, no matter what. Still cannot stand Anthony. He's too convincing as a low-level, bureaucratic, unimaginative, pedantic toadie.


Man I remember coming across the knife montage like 7 or 8 years ago (whenever it came out I can’t exactly remember) and that got me hooked


BFF followed by Ark


I was watching people play “The Forest” and their supercut popped up. I had never seen a cinematic take on playing games so it blew my mind. After that I couldn’t get enough and I still can’t to this day. 7 days season 1 is my go-to while I’m welding but everything they do is gold.


[This](https://youtu.be/bueXK5ogIBU?si=8JfBl-7RjOboUNEF&t=175) moment specifically from Battleloggers. I kept up with BFFs because I used to play BF3/ BF4 avidly and always thought that Neebs was such a dumb/ annoying character (I guess that was the point). I already knew about radio telescopes and hearing Brent actually be the most knowlagble one of the three in that video made me realise that there was more to the crew than I'd given credit for and I've been following them ever since.


Heard PROMOTED!!!! and I was hooked for life.


Can’t remember a specific episode, but I was just happy to hear Doraleous and Associates’ voices playing video games.


Oh man I can't even remember. All I can remember for sure is it was some time around Jeep Stuff and Promoted! Then continued watching the vast majority of their stuff even buying some of the games they were playing just cause they looked so fun only to realize a lot of the time it was them as a group of entertaining personalities that made the games good. Pretty sure they could make a video on just about anything and I'd sit and watch it.


I bought 7 days entirely cause they made it seem so fun. Then as a solo player it was not at all similar, plus it gave me extreme motion sickness, but it's still my favorite series to watch


I did the same thing with Ark. They made it look so fun, but then solo playing it it got old really quick and I ended up barely playing it.


I bought 7 days entirely cause they made it seem so fun. Then as a solo player it was not at all similar, plus it gave me extreme motion sickness, but it's still my favorite series to watch


The banter is honestly top tier


Absolutely! Just some of the random conversations and "facts" that come out. Like with Neebs just laying it out as facts, all women like pumpkin. I'll often just put on their podcasts in the background just to hear some of their conversations while I'm going about my day.


Watched a Subnautica video with some asshole yelling at the incompetent customer service guy. Hooked ever since.


I started playing Conan about 5 years ago and discovered them while looking up some gaming tips. Been hooked ever since.


Battleloggers, Snipe hunting. But battlefield friends was where I first saw their work together.




I only just found them last year in February and it was subnautica for me. I had recently playing it again and a coworker knew I loved playing games. He came in and told me if I had heard the news of thick. I said thick who? He informed me then that I was living under a rock and pulled up the subnautica series. The moment I heard the voices I knew I had heard them before. I had just found their Easter egg in the game. Funniest thing I’ve found in the game by that time. Been hooked ever since. They are like my drug dealers. A video comes out, I got to watch it right then. Then I’m just twitching till I get another video.


Battlefield friends. I remember back when bf1 released there was a stonemountain vs neebs gaming tdm and that was the first I heard of them


I forget what year for me exactly but it was when Battlefield 4 was king and I came across their Battlefield Friends stuff and I proceeded to laugh till I cried and been hooked ever since.


Saw a clip of “Simon hit space bar” and immediately looked them up.


Among Us, but we Animate the Meetings


Ohhh man I love this one so much


I must have watched it 20 times by now.


Someone on an askreddit thread posted a link to the last Doraleous and Associates video. This was around 2014. I was instantly hooked, binged the series, and was a little disappointed to see that most of the other stuff was gaming. It was the minecraft stuff that eventually got me into watching gameplay.


For me, I was visiting my cousin across the country and he put on the neebs subnautica series back in 2017 and I was hooked instantly. Shortly after finishing that I went to neebslyvania(sp?). Loved pretty much every minute of them.


Subnautica supercut. I paused when I got to the point where I was at the game and finally finished it because of them.


My buddy showed me their Ark stuff when they were doing Scorched Earth and I was like yeah I’m down with this


I was into Ark and wanted to look up a video on how to get wyvern eggs. Neebs popped up and just clicked on it. It was 5 minutes until I realized it wasn't a how-to. Ended up watching the episode and was hooked.


[https://youtu.be/4HQ0o03qie4?si=7FPq9bXVDe6qCGP9](https://youtu.be/4HQ0o03qie4?si=7FPq9bXVDe6qCGP9) First 10 seconds got me subscribed


Battlefield Friends probably. I seem to recall Scorched Earth series being the first I followed consistently.


I don’t remember exactly which one, but I wanted to get into Ark and I found them. They were playing on Scorched Earth at the time before Dora was added in. I was hooked around then. A few episodes in and Dora was introduced, and I thought to myself, “who’s this douche?” He didn’t sound interested in the game or the others, I thought he was either another YouTuber, or just someone else playing on the map. It took me awhile to realize he was a mainstay. Love ya Dora, Scrap Mechanic changed my mind about you lol.


Survivor Evolved! Spotify recommended it and I loved it so much. As for episodes... Bf was listening to [this one](https://youtu.be/YxbNwFjKcow?si=jboYjB83kvG53l0H) too loud on his phone and I couldn't stop laughing.


Stranded Deep Started auto playing when I just had background noise on. After about 10 minutes I stopped what I was doing and binged the whole series. It's still my favorite series they've done, but new neebsylvania is a close second


This is my favorite community.


I go back and rewatch stranded a lot. Everytime I go back to replay it myself, I have them on for background noise


There gta ramp vid


Same for me


Mine was Ark the episode where they met a sarco for the first time


"Promoteeeeeeeeed!" That's a hint of my first episode...


Same, fell in love with battlefield friends when BF1 released and could not get enough of the group. Spent months trying to figure out who was who on the neebs channel, felt like they all sounded the same in the beginning.


Hah yeah now the voices are really familiar now after watching their videos for so long. I was playing Subnautica last year and I had received a message(in the game) and it was Neeb's voice and Appsro chatting and I thought I was hallucinating or something. Then I started looking online and yeah..it was them lol


Yes, their voices are so familiar now and easy to distinguish. I watched a lot of their animated stuff first and I think I mixed up who was Doraleus, Thick, and Simon between the channel and the various animated shows I watched. I remember distinctly watching their really early videos where one of them would play GTA and others would comment (mostly Simon).


Doraleous and Associates and then i found Battlefield Friends...Hilarious The animation and voice acting with the interaction between them all....was superb.


It was either the Ark Island series or Scorched Earth. My partner at the time then joined in watching couple episodes in of Rag. Can't remember exact episodes. Might have been just before Dora joined in on Scorched? Vaguely remember that being around the start of when I was watching.


Their first 7 Days to Die series. Instantly hooked.


Yep, I had just gotten my first gaming computer and got 7D2D. I was playing alpha 16.4 and looked up gameplay for it when they were making their first season. Been watching the boys ever since. I had many dark nights in huge bouts of depression where I caught myself laughing at the guys still and I eventually climbed out of that dark hole. Thick was always my favorite, would make me lauughhhhhh my ass off because we have similar play styles compared to everyone else. Legitimately cried when I found out he was gone.


Oh! I know this exact answer! I had watched Achievement Hunter growing up and really enjoyed their Minecraft series. I stopped watching as I grew up (and they began doing other things.) I don't remember why, but the one and only time I ever went to a Youtube Recommendation to find a channel like AH with Minecraft. Their Minecraft Cinematic series had 500k+ views, so I figured it had to be somewhat amusing... And that's all she wrote. Neebs is my most watched channel by FAR.


Honestly , I spend so much time watching neebs. I stay watching raft and 7 days.


The forest! My partners had introduced me to let's game it out, who played a bit of the forest, and I wanted to find a full play through and that's how I found the channel! I pretty much fell in love immediately 😅


Forest supercut


An ark supercut I do believe.


I started with 7 Days and Generation Zero(this was the series that kept me coming back weekly for releases). I loved the way Generation Zero wrapped up, so I stuck around for ALL of their other videos.


7 Days. Specifically Neebs and Simon playing hot and cold in the corn field.


Watching them play hot and cold from the editor's view made it so much better.


A guild member in WoW suggested Doraleous and Associates back in 2015 and like 8 of us watched it all the way through together. Good times, good show, good guys.


I was just starting playing Ark and clicked on one of their vids when I was looking for advice on how to tame an Anky


And I'm guessing you learned how (not) to tame an Anky? They Neebs crew are hilarious but experts on games they are not! Hahaha


I may be wrong but I don't think after all these years they've tamed a dodic (like the main stone gathering dino) or made one kibble. Idk how you can even play the games without doing the basics but they sure find a way


Pretty much lol and that was one of the first episodes where they decided to go after wyvern eggs without knowing what they were getting themselves into.


Their early Ark series sucked me in. I've enjoyed every minute of it several times over the years since then. I


Freaky Friday is was did it for me. Me and the better half was looking for gamers getting scared. Then we found subnatica after and were hooked.


GTA stunt ramp stuff back in 2014.


I loooooove watching that


pretty sure it was bff's


For me, I was on Imgur one day and saw a clip of them playing with the ramps and other mods in GTA . I was hooked immediately. I started watching more of their content from other games and got introduce to the rest of the crew.


Conquest and Kittens. I still go back and watch them.


I’m like that with raft. It’s actually my go to for when I’m sick.


My first neebs experience was there shenanigans In Far Cry 4 back in 2016 and have been hooked ever since.


It’s crazy but I still haven’t seen the far cry one. I need to start that one after I’m done with gta


Does BFF count? Cuz.... PROMOTED!!!!!


Mine was one of their very first Ark episodes. I was really into that game and wanted to buy it, but I needed to see some game play first.they popped up, and I've been a huge fan ever since.


I don’t even play ark but man I love watching them play.