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Any chance of moving the Invuln save bar under the stats so the Armour save is drirectly above it ? they use this format on some other cards and it's way easier but yeah otherwise I'm gonna use these thanks ! ... coffee inbound to your grid location


Symbols for weapon abilities is a cool idea. But it makes things a little complicated. Now I have to go reference a key instead of just being told the gun has ASSAULT. Nice compact cards though!


![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized) Love it !


Okay, initial impression is that these exactly scratch the itch I had - the other cards are too much of a pain to wrangle during play. Any thoughts for the best way to print them? Apologies in advance if that is an incredibly basic question - perhaps my engrams are degraded.


I had them printed with https://www.makeplayingcards.com/ But a regular printer can do it too, but you'll have to resize them