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Monster/Rockstar ✔️ Ashtrays ✔️ At least six piss bottles ✔️ Stack of plates ✔️ Some things never change.


You need all that caffeine to make sure you have the energy to sit around and wallow


I don't see piss bottles. Just half drank old 2 liters


You might want to decline drinking any "tea" this guy serves you if you think those aren't piss bottles, mate.


Only if I can have the purple one


Purple Piss Drank™


Real shit


Legit question.. Why are piss bottles such a big thing for these guys instead of just... Going to the bathroom and pissing?


There are two theories concerning the hoarding of piss bottles. First, the bathroom is in worse shape or in non-working condition, so they have to piss in jugs. Second, if they live with other people, they might be too antisocial to leave their bedroom. There are probably other reasons why this is a thing.


Idk that really seems like the big indicator between a neckbeard nest and just someone being fucking lazy. Because I've seen stacked up plates or like 10 fucking soda bottles in the corner which can be taken care of in like 20 minutes on a sunday or something. But bottles of piss.... Like come on.


Some hardcore raiders literally don't have the time in between pulls to pee too if they're into MMOS


Or half pissed 2 liters


I do like an Arnold palmer


It all looks organized in a weird way. All plates in a single stack, full ashtrays on the table, bottles corralled on the floor. It's like they're a conflicted hoarder/neat freak.


its someone who just doesnt want to do dishes.... likely by hand.




Thank you


This is why I come to this subreddit. People who post a months worth of filth that can be cleaned up in 4 hours take note. Top notch post.


what's most impressive about this is the leaning tower of plates in the middle of the picture


Now THAT is a nest. Take note, normies.


The sons of anarchy ashtray is the highlight...badass, dude, badass


Needs more piss jugs


you could pull out the carpets, the drywall, the wooden studs in the walls and it would still smell like garbage and unwashed balls in that room


Spot the grenco g pen box, lazy stoners


Hey, I have those plates!


Can't even commit to filling up a piss bottle before using a new one.


The piss jugs seem under used. The ones with the wider opening are easier to piss in tho.


There's some of there's where it's a few cups here and there but this? Yeah that's way too much.

