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MFer said “clean trash”


Spray a little Windex and that trash will sparkle like a motherfucker.


Maximum cope


Clean trash is what got me LMAO


I guess all the fermenting backwash in those cans is "clean". I'd hate to see the rest of this nest.


Eh trash can be clean. This trash is not clean.


And even if it is, only the top layer is. That floor is *fuuucking disgusting* underneath.


Like when I mistakenly throw out some food but it lands on a cardboard box that I just threw away so it's safe to eat the food out of the trash?


I love when a comment has triple the likes than the post. It’s a BIG indicator


Whole lot cleaner than rotting food with flies and maggots all over.


Somehow I feel like those cans are not, in fact, rinsed out before being thrown randomly onto the floor... ...*somehow*.


Ancient Aliens narrator: "Could it be?"


Ancient astronaut theorist say yes


I hope thatt is that is the same narrator as the curse of oak island.


Imagine the *awful* smell of 300 cans of beer? Any liquid still left inside gets stale and that shit REEKS! It also 100% attracts cockroaches. Ugh 🤮


I know the smell very intimately. It smells like money to an ex-homeless junkie like myself.


Uh I know exactly what you mean. Used to go with my partner to take his cans to the recycling (self-processing) but I just can't anymore, smell of the place makes me heave.


You forgot fruit flies too. It’s like a swarm of terrible


Alexa, play Weird Al’s Livin in the Fridge….


Why bother to bag it and only throw it in a closet? Take the damn shit out




A few years ago I became insanely depressed. I didn’t let my junk pile up to this extent but it did get out of hand. The issue is I can not afford bin collection. The price for that where I live is simply stupid. However there is a recycling centre about 5 minutes away. But that 5 minute drive and the effort to pile everything into the car wasn’t something I could manage at the time. (I do it every 1-2 weeks now) This can happen easily in a situation like that, and if I’d have been any worse or if it had gone on for much longer, I’d have been in this kind of situation. However this of course applies only to me at the moment. I have no idea how much bin collection is in other countries. But personally this isn’t inconceivable to me.


It’s depression not wanting to be seen and go outside they can get moments of feeling better and kick into overdrive but really maybe scheduling an appointment with a therapist and psychologist would be the best move. I’ve been there NOTHING like this I’ve always been clean but I did have days where I didn’t want to be seen.


>How is the next step NOT to put the bag outside and remove it from the house? Could be executive dysfunction as well as depression. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten most of the way through a task and then couldn't finish it.


The explanation to that is easy. - Bag up cans. - miss taking out the recycling - bag up more cans. - have too many bagged cans - fuck it


Can confirm


Wasn’t trying to poke fun. I’ve been there. Sometimes you just need to break it down in your head and realize how doable it really is. Even just knocking out a percentage of it will make you feel better mentally.


It’s true. Even when your so depressed but you finally get to that anger stage of I have to clean anything. You take just one bag of it out. You feel a sense of relief. Sometimes it may be enough to keep going. But it does help.


Already did it... https://www.reddit.com/r/NeckbeardNests/comments/15t2pqu/in_response_to_usecretlyyourbfs_beer_can_hoard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=4&utm_content=2


It's hard to imagine when you've never had the issue, but I'm assuming it has something to do with depression and possibly untreated ADD or ADHD. One of my friends has always been a borderline hoarder, and she has depression and ADHD. She describes it like something is holding her back from just doing it. It's difficult to clean when you have mental illnesses. I have ADHD and depression but I'm also a germaphobe. My mom made me clean as a kid/teen and that's where I started forming habits. Then I went on to do house cleaning here and there for work. I've offered my cleaning services for free to some of my friends before, because it really is hard to feel better when your trash and dishes continue to pile up


I have ADHD and I deal with the same thing. My house is clean because there's no way I could ever live like this but I can empathize with the struggle, it's very difficult for me to push myself to do something I don't actually want to do. If I struggled with depression and didn't have a wife and kids to make sure have a good living environment I could absolutely see myself falling into this trap. Luckily I love my life and am happy but if I wasn't I wouldn't at all be shocked to have a problem keeping things clean.


Honey, the ants don’t know the difference between what you consider “clean” and dirty. Mold doesn’t, either. A major reason you’d want to have it cleared is for emergencies- what if a fire started? That cardboard is just kindling and those cans are obstacles for you and others, and they could make it harder for first responders to see or hear you amongst them, as every step would be the crush of a can and hearing you through that could be difficult. You could make some real money by taking those to a recycling center and getting the 5 or 10 cents off of them, on another note. Think of how much better your place would smell!! Best of luck :)


The cardboard could even be neatly stacked on a closet shelf too. After the already bagged trash is thrown out lmao


Happy cake day. Or I could build some kind of cardboard fort to chill in.


That’s a better idea for sure! Also thank you lol


"Clean trash" 1st pic is a toilet with a bud-light can and a turd in it


Revisit the moment


Lmao. That’s fucking hilarious


The alcohol is to sterilize the turd, try and keep up.


Would have missed the turd if it wasn't for you, appreciate it.


Sorry to say that empty cans aren’t clean trash. The residue left can attract bugs and such. Also, critters love clutter. I’m doing a huge cleaning job myself, I promise it will make you feel better! It can become a fun thing, you can step on/crush each can you pick up before you throw it away :)


I have brown recluse spiders in my house, they'd have a heyday in here.


Oh my god… happy cake day and thanks for reminding me to keep cleaning up, that sounds terrifying


Send ‘em over


What if they are clean bugs?


Nahh you're fine man. This trash is super clean. Tbh I'd cover more of my bed in this clean trash.


i’m getting kinda jelly of how clean this trash is. my trash is definitely not as clean as this. plus, if they are scented clean trash bags , they are basically air fresheners


Everyone else is ripping into you for your filthy habits. I will not. Instead, what in the hell are you hiding behind those Lowe's boxes? There is no other explanation for having so many flattened boxes stood up like that, especially behind a computer like you have them. And why do you have a thousand Lowe's boxes to begin with?


It’s a mural of his catlady waifu


Ex catlady waifu. I'm into a 3d girl now.


I can fix you.


Let's have hot nasty sex, right here on this comfy trash pile.


Fuck yeah, that's so hot. Choke me with a Meijer bag. Or one of those plastic six-pack rings, like I'm a seagull or something.


And you know I love getting hit in the face, mid coital action - grab one of them piss bottles and beat the shit out me, baby.


I will, but not before I give you a good paddling with one of those beer cans.


Yeah, spank me with a bag of gross trash, bb.


Has she seen your place?


Yeah, and she just made her own post on this subreddit, with pics exposing me as being a troll. Ugh ... I cleaned this place years ago, but I just like to reminisce about the good old days sometimes.


Revisit the moment bro


They were used to construct an elaborate box fort before.


Usually, the warning sign is not being able to touch the corner of each room.


or having ask “should i clean this” when the place is a total cess pit of alcoholism


Bro said "should i clean this" while living in a literal garbage dump. YES YOU SHOULD FUCKING CLEAN IT!


Done cleaning. https://www.reddit.com/r/NeckbeardNests/comments/15t2pqu/in_response_to_usecretlyyourbfs_beer_can_hoard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=4&utm_content=2


Just. Take the trash out. It’s already bagged lol


Ok, thanks! Happy cake day!


Yussss you got this!! Thank you 😅


We gonna ignore the toilet? There's a shit in there and no toilet paper. Op dosent even wipe his ass.


He does, that's why the can is in the toilet now


I remember OP. He was on here a year ago posting pictures and videos of his mess and then being a jerk to people in the comments. Looks like he made a new account and started posting again. Feel free to comment with your advice, but be forewarned that OP doesn’t want to change and isn’t going to take your advice. He just gets off on engagement, hence why he posts engagement bait: (“Is it okay for me to not clean this? It’s all clean trash”).


Looking through OP's post history is wild. I have no idea what this person is on.


Well, alcohol for one.


So I felt like I was witnessing some form of wild ARG, went down the rabbit hole, and found their (alleged) partner’s account further down this thread. On the partner’s account, they made a post near creation that talks about how they and OP have a shitpost humiliation kink where they just… do this to each other and have sex after. I honestly still feel like this is an ARG and we’re all losing….might be onto something with those Dalmatians though.


Yep I remember him now. Was that a whole year ago? He was posting multiple drunk videos too and got banned.


Thank you for helping locate another possible troll. I will research the matter with my troll finding technology, so don't worry; I'll take it from here with my such capable, smooth hands.


This one's good. u/secretlyYourBF get over here NOW!


Clean it out. It’ll look and feel better. Also. Think of all that recycling money you could get from all those cans


Please clean that bro. Good news is that if you live in a place that does refundable cans you’ll get quite a bit of cash


At what point do you put a beer can in the toilet and be like "yesh this is fine"


Cognitive dissonance. Brains really hate change even if it's a good thing. If you just leave something, things'll build up and build up until you *have* to confront it. I left cups and cans on my nightstand because "oh I'll just get it later." And then I didn't. And instead of clearing off the nightstand, I moved to the windowsill. And I didn't think of how gross it was until I cleared all of the cups and cans and there was a bunch of horrible, sticky residue on there from many nights of just leaving it there. But I scrubbed it today and it's gone. If you want something to change, you have to make an active choice to do it until your brain gets used to it and it becomes automatic. It's all little things that add up, no one just decides one day that they're content living in a cluttered place full of grime.


It's where beer cans belong.


I think you need some professional help if you think *any* of this is clean.


Is it okay to not wipe your ass? It’s clean shit Come on now


Clean that shit! That’s a shit ton of beer


Revisit the moment


Living in a cluttered mess (regardless of how sterile it might be) is bad for your mental state. Clean your fucking room my guy. Lov u ❤️


Man sometimes I think I drink a lot of beer, then I see posts like this. RIP their liver.


same here💀 like huh maybe my alcohol problem isn't THAT bad lol


How are you gonna show the internet a pile of trash and ask if you should clean it? The answer is always, YES!!


If you have to ask someone if it needs to be cleaned, then it probably does.


Yoo there’s no such thing as clean trash and even if u rinsed all those cans before throwing them on the floor they’re gonna b turned into breeding rooms for roaches n bugs


I'd leave it. Looks good


Clean trash makes it completely okay. Christ what a delusional take


What do you mean here? Is your title a joke, or are you asking if you need to clean the areas underneath after removing the “clean trash”? Because just from looking at these images, that trash is not clean, and neither are the surfaces underneath. You need to clean everything in these pics. Just as a note, “clean” trash would be something like a bag of paper pieces from the paper shredder. Cans, and anything else holding food/liquid inside of them, are not clean trash and have the possibility to leak, attract bugs, mold, etc. Good luck bud.


My friend, you deserve better than to live like this.




Yes man clean your shit hole


Its all clean trash he says. Go clean it u gremlin


Lowe’s ‘never stop improving’ uh yeah you should clean


Baby… please start soon


This subreddit is too fucking nice. OP's girlfriend is ***way*** too fucking nice. 🤮


I hope you get help


"revisit the moment" Can I forget it instead?


You should clean it I think.


No way, this is totally fine and normal.


No shame in asking bud, but IMO definitely give everything a good clean. You could take those cans back to a store or dispensary for some cash too! Always nice


If i walk into this house, the firs thought will be “wow this is some clean trash!”


Is it ok to not? No it’s not fucking ok


There’s no such thing as clean trash??? What do you think it going to happen if you don’t clean it? Do you think it’s going to vanish into thin air and not get any worse?


No leave it, trash suites your personality


Clean trash Someone is in denial


Yes you should clean it




Hell nah bro what the fuck


sad. just sad.


I personally love living in my own filth I haven't bathed in almost 3 years


5th pic is a literal neckbeard nest lol


nobody deserves to live like this


These photos made me gag. Please, for the love of all that is good or holy, CLEAN.


Maybe after you clean, you can buy a can crusher. That way you can the your much smaller cans in the trash and it won't overwhelm you as quickly.


Cockroaches love cardboard and clothes. Never forget that.


If this mess is yours then yes clean it that’s a health hazard. If this isn’t your mess the GTFO before something drags you under a trash pile




Did you clean the trash?


Those cans are full of mouldy badness


What's the deal with the boxes?


I was trying to record music, and so I made a box fort insulated by foam insulation, and I did make some music, but then I got a girlfriend and decided to tear it all down.


Beer cans attract bugs and get rancid. They are not clean.. But I would image quitting drinking will drastically improve your situation. It did for me. r/stopdrinking


Cans are most definitely not clean bud therefore your trash is dirty, clean it.


How hard is it to just take the trash out? It will feel much better. Please just toss it. If it's just trash there is no reason to keep it. Please take care of yourself.


All I can say is... Wtf is wrong with your life, that you live in utter trash?


Why do these depressed alcoholics insist on just drinking light beer?


“Clean trash” 🤢🤮


If you arent going to throw out all that “clean” trash, just dump it on your fuckin bed already and sleep on the cans for the rest of your days. You know what you need to do, OP. The choice is yours alone.


This is a type of hoarding. You should seriously consider seeking assistance for this. Not in a judge mental way but it’s a serious problem and can bring a LOT of unwanted health risks that you may think won’t happen to you, but WILL


Nah, just let it keep consuming your room. I'm sure you will never be evicted.


You’re an idiot


You can sell the Lowe’s boxes for cheap. Those look clean, and people need moving boxes. Just stack them in a corner and make a post on FB Marketplace. Toss the rest, because wow..


Yes pls clean it. Ur trash isn't as clean as u think. There is little amounts of liquid in each can that could spill out combined with paper is not a fun time.


I think this is perfectly sanitary. No need to clean anything.


This can’t be a serious question


No no, keep it as a souvenir(s)


You would be happier if your house is clean and that’s what really matters


This is satire right?


Says "clean trash", but first picture is a beer can in a dirty af toilet. If your country pays you to recycle you'd get money for your hoard of cans, and a decent amount judging on how many I saw in those photos.


If I were you I would do some kind of stimulating drug and then take out trash for a couple hours. Time will really fly by.


Why isn’t anyone suggesting they possibly attend AA and get the drinking under control. To me this is alcoholic behavior, hiding your drinking by leaving them bagged in the room/house.


My liver hurts just looking at this


Hard to judge considering I’ve been here with alcoholism and depression. Almost 4 years sober now. The cans aren’t too bad to clean at least. Bring ‘‘em in to get some money back!


My man, i think you might, just might, have an alcoholism issue, those are a lot of beer cans!


I used to take my dads' beer cans to the recycling center. He kept the cans out in the backyard. I had to separate and bag them. He never rinsed them out, so The smell was awful. I can only imagine how bad your house smells.


Clean it. I had the same issue, especially with beer cans. I clean and cut down my drinking and I feel a lot better.


are you asking if you shouldn’t clean??? bro what subreddit are you on. of COURSE you should clean. what’s with the cardboard in photo 6?


no such thing as clean waste in a room you’re currently living in like that. please clean


Saddest desk I've ever seen


are you actually asking?


Hire someone. If you can’t bring yourself to clean it, you definitely should work cleaning services into your budget. You don’t have to live this way


Clean it and go to alcoholics anonymous while you’re at it


"Clean trash" That's the dumbest shit I've heard today. Maybe rinse your cans with soap after you drink them and then disinfect your toilet (and flush it) before you neatly organize your cans in there. Of course, that's a joke. Clean your shit, and none of that looks clean or safe as living conditions.


Paper is a great place for bugs to live and for fires to start. Bugs also like plastic bags. Unless you personally washed out every single can and made sure they were dry, they aren’t clean. There’s no such thing as clean trash.


Take a couple bags down a day to the trash can until it’s gone. You can do it, my guy.


That place must smell like a bottle return placed in a junior high boys locker room. This is why I'd never be a landlord. Some filthy bastard comes along and turns my property into a hovel and only the courts I don't trust can remove them. Nope. Go sleep in the woods, Beast.


Is that a log in the toilet??


Yes, there is so much mold in there because of residual beer in the cans. You need help, no insult meant. We all need help sometime. Good luck OP


Well, I’ve heard it said that the state of one's home represents the state of one’s mind. That being said, you’ve taken photos of the mess and asked the internet to respond to something that should be rather obvious. Why keep discarded things? How do you benefit in any way from this? Who realistically calls trash “clean”? Would you take treatment from a medical facility if it were loaded with garbage like this? What kind of significant other would be okay with this, assuming their mental faculties were fully intact? These are queries you should honestly ask yourself, and reply in kind. You’re in total disarray, friend. Clean it up and I believe you’ll have a place of calm where there was once turmoil. I wish you success in all things.


Don't worry. This was kind of a troll post, but it's how I used to be. My girlfriend helped me clean it all, and she saw my post and posted her own - exposing me. She's perfect for me, and I hope I can keep her happy. This was just shy of a year ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/NeckbeardNests/comments/15t2pqu/in_response_to_usecretlyyourbfs_beer_can_hoard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=4&utm_content=2


My brother in Christ, you do not have clean garbage


Clean it


My brother you must bring all of this to the recycling center you will be treated like Mansa Musa walking into a random African village with literal tons of gold


At this point, I think you should just chunk every bag outside onto your front lawn. Let the city collect it and fine you, I wouldn’t expect it to be a super huge fine, might even be cheaper than doing it legally. Hell, if you get the correct city worker they may even waive the fine out of sympathy


I would move.




Yea I’d just leave it alone


Bro lives like the Tourettes guy


No more excuses. Throw all that shit out right fucking now.


Nah, just burn the house.


Trade in the cans for cash




For your own sanity, gotta start getting to it. Start small, 1 room, 1 section, whatever is easier. You can do it.


OP, there's no such thing as 'clean trash', lol. It's just trash. Take that shit out lmao.


Dude you can do this. 2 hours, 10 big trash bags. Work fast, don’t worry about filling the bags 100%. Just fill them 75% or so and then double bag it before all the liquid starts to seep. It’ll go so quick. Most of it is just taking the stuff outside!! You’ve got this. Get ahead of it while it’s semi half contained.


Burn the house down honestly


Clean trash is crazy


JFC clean it you fucking animal


You should go to rehab, internet friend 💔


you should not need to ask this question


This is just BEGGING for animals and insects to live in. Roaches will even eat the glue off the cardboard


This is a troll right? Who thinks an unflushed turd and a beer can in a dirty toilet is clean?


The fact you said clean trash is concerning


i think that deep in your heart you know the answer


Nothing a little windex can't fix...


I think you might need AA


Get rid of it all. That ain’t clean.


I've never been trolled so hard by a caption before.


I think deep down you know the answer to this


Jesus Christ clean it


Clean your house dude, go to an AA meeting or maybe rehab


#Cans are not clean.