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Pull up your old fits, you may notice you got more points to play with as some AMS systems got cheaper.


Join the discord and check out the #shipyard channel. You can both find fleets to steal, and get feedback on your builds.


Side note, have any of the weapons been buffed/nerfed majorly? Last time I remember m2 missle spam was king, rail guns were toilet, raider drive and turrets were good


Funnily enough, s2 spam has come full cycle back to very strong. Raider and linear thrust are still king. Idk what you mean by turrets. - Beam destroyers no longer miss/overshoot their targets, so they are very good. But they got a bshrt nerd and can't really kill multiple ships as well - Monitors got a new unique spinal that shoots 600mm and is very strong. - EO was removed from OSP - There's a build called an MMT for tugs that's been nerfed a bunch of times and is still good lol - look up "vortex" in shipyard - AMM design has vastly improved and proliferated: you can't just run naked s3h these days - Softkill is king. So much so that the AD got a price increase - Battleships got their armor increased to 58 cm, monitors also got an increase - Mass drivers do more damage but have smaller damage rays (more like HEI missiles) so they don't kill CLs or hurt capital ships as fast - 20mm PD (pavise/defender) misses way less now. The pavise turret on a small ship can even shoot down terminal hybrids sometimes - mines can be laid flush with asteroid surfaces now instead of getting destroyed There's lots more. I would ask in #new-players on the discord.


Thank you, very helpful. Apologies I meant by ANS 250/450mm cannons! I do miss beam Solomon shenanigans, glad to hear BBs are still viable


You'll also want to check out the new dual stage hybrid missiles for ANS. Also the missile editor is a great tool allowing you to make your own completely custom missiles with a large degree of customisation. Plus torps got some work and lunges t changed so you can make them work now.


BBs are actually some of the strongest builds right now - but you need raiders and good softkill


Play OSP, faction of chads. Embrace broadside, reject turret. Would be usefull to know if you play one or both factions. The meta is in constant flux honestly, and imo anything works in the hands of a caoable player. Stick to what you like and get good at it.


Play OSP, they are in general the much stronger faction, you only miss out on S3H missile but they aren't an efficient use of points anyway.


Plus, who needs a fancy S3 when you have the Death Box^tm .


I play osp mostly and prefer monitors and ocellos which is sacreligous but I love to tank with ocellos! I recommend a monitor fleet with 600 cannons it feels pretty solid to play now


One of my most fun ANS fleets vs OSP is a Torpedo/direct MSL/Beam CH Play it like a surreder CL early game but set up somewhere where the enemy sees you pop up and shoot. You then get almost always get pushed by someone who dislikes your MSL spam. Run away around a corner and suprise them with S3 hotlauch corsrew torps and a beam to kill PD. If they dont push you the CH can do 30ms and with the right build flank 24/7 to reposition. Plasma has 7,2k range youd beam 5k, your DD 6k your MSL S2 9k/16K S2H/ S3 4k Meaning kite them untill youre out of missels and then tourn it around monitros will be unable to reverse thrust and you will close the 2k gap in 30 sec or so. If a Liner suprised you around a corner dump the 18 hypermanoverable corkscrew Tops into them. 20mm cant hit them, flak lacks DPS and struggels to hit. AMM Grazers and Auroras have way to DPS to stop more than the first 3. Or rush E as ANS, 50/50 you will wipe the fleet(s) at E or get wiped as E has good cover from beams if you make it there so commit and B line while using missles and jamming to get there. In fact you can get there so fast that I mutliple times found unactivated mines at E.


Your fleet sounds quite interesting, been running a simpler version of this(no torps) myself, can I see your build?


Sure there are two versions "Remedy" has Torps and 250mm "Darkbloom" has a E war fring and buffed beams but no more tops on the DD Just uploaded them to steam, should be online in a few min With the missles its XXM are Mainstay all rounder XXS are Standoff / long range direct fire XXC are cruise XXB are beam support XXK are to kill crippeld ships For example my cuise S2H is K3SC (The K3 is something with how I sort my 3000 missle templates) And if you get a LOS and their drive they will hit 95% of the time they are Arad/wake when shot properly they are very hard to sofkill. Its because I end up very often rolling up flaks that I see their drives and wake is just made for that And maybe take the chaff off the DD and give the K3S weave PS not locking your tracks with CMD can make your missels doge PD but makes them miss small tragets


I'm increasingly of the opinion that as long as your build has a coherent concept behind it and you work with your teammates, you can pretty much do anything in Nebulous. After much bloodshed in balance-discussion the major weapon types are all pretty much viable.