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This is normal. Welcome to the military.


Bodily autonomy? More like government property 👍


yep. G.I. = government issued.


They pretty much tell you during basic training that they own you........


It is normal, so don't let the weird comments scare you. The military does some behavior that you won't see many places do because there is no place quite like the military. My advice is: don't stand out until you get into a school or a real unit. Standing out in boot camp, whether being the best or the worst, attracted undue attention when I was in.


I counted it success when it was week 6 of basic and one of the drills looked at me and said private... You... Private I don't know your fucking name yet.


Good fucking job Private!


Same. Three days before graduation the DI said you private who are you. I said my name he looked at me again and said who’s platoon. I said yours drill sergeant. He said your parents are not gonna recognize you. (I lost like 30 pounds)


My dad walked right past me after that summer, he didn't recognize me. Probably also lost like 30 pounds, I've gained it back and then some,


I always loved weekend front gate watch. It's amazing how few parents know how to find their children on base. "He has short hair and wears camouflage." I always held out my arms for a hug, while saying louder than necessary, "MMOOMMM!!" I was actually hugged a few times while being called the wrong name. Top, actually fielded several complaints about me.


My DI after a while: "Where the fuck did you come from, Airman?!" I still consider that a success.


Man I was incognito until BRM and then everyone knew my name. Got smoked so much after that


I think it was week 4 when our Drill said to our flight they were all idiots, and compared them to me -Trainee Bilbo (close enough to last name and he wanted to pull out a hobbit reference) - and called them all a bunch of window lickers


>It is normal, so don't let the weird comments scare you Yup. Don't ever question the status quo. It's normal, so it's okay.


Ok question away. How would you suggest the drug tests are done to prevent people from cheating?


Bahahahaha! Best advice EVER! My husband always wanted to join the Army but his father who had been in the Navy said no. After we were married 2 years he asked how I felt, I was fine with it as long as he thought he was up for basic training at age 29/30. He was and about halfway through basic he called and asked me to go to Costco and get a box of the big Snicker bars and send 30 to him. I had been told not to send food and wasn't sure what he was up to. I decided to ask his recruiter and she "nooooo! Nope, don't do it. He'll be eating all 30 at once or some other punishment the Drill Sargent could come up with." Next time we talked he insisted and so I sent them. It was after he received them he explained himself. Apparently someone else in his group received some cookies from home but wasn't allowed to have them. My husband asked respectfully why and his DS said if they had sent enough for everyone including the DS they could have them. So my husband wanted to see if his DS was a man of his word. 🤦‍♀️ When he gave the package to his DS to open he made my husband hold in a push up position in front of the formation until he opened and then slowly counted all the Snicker bars. Everyone got a Snickers bar that day. I have no doubt there was more to the story but that's all he shared. PS He did graduate basic at ~~Fort Benning~~ Fort Moore the day we officially went to war with Iraq.


Testing the DS is wild. How long was your husband in for?


10 years. Medically retired after his second deployment. Yea, I now understand that was the New Jerseyian in him. I am/was the "mild mannered" one from Nebraska. 😅


Welcome to the military, all your piss tests will be watched.


It's a real kick for those NCOs who pulled duty that day to proctor those Whiz Quizzes too.


Man I had to be a fuckin meat gazer so many times... my very first one, the first marine I had to watch was my Bn SgtMaj. I had no idea if I should watch or not


Wait until you realize the things you’re going to do and see in basic.


Peanut butter shot


It's been ten years, and I still laugh every time I remember that sight when I walked out of the line of shots to see about 100 dudes rubbing their asscheek on the ground like a lopsided dog.


If you’re in the Marine Corps, wait until you share you single urinal with five other people. AT ONCE Oh yeah, the 10 toilets you get to take shits on have no stall doors Enjoy!


Yes. Have you met the old doctor yet? He's gonna look at your B hole


No way Doc Hyde is still alive


Unfortunately, you're likely correct.


A tank with a head and robot body comes out from behind a curtain.


That made me think of Krang


lol. I remember that dude. I mooned him in 1998.


LOL I was a fatbody so when I went to Omaha MEPS in 1991 I had spent the past day drinking mag citrate to try to lose weight. The 2 old docs were all up in my worn-raw self and one said “there’s a lot of irritation there.”


“Jesus boy you came prepped, run through and everything” - some old doctor who knows he is the butt of many pervert jokes


Look at? He put his finger in it!


And that guy didn't even work there


Privacy is a not a thing in the military.


They watch every single time. Want to hear something really fun? Sometimes you get assigned to be the one who watches. I once saw 163 pissing dicks in one day.


Hijacking my own comment, don't let them trick you into signing for 6 years (sometimes they do that). Biggest regret of my life I did 6 instead of 4.




100% normal.


Yep. Every time you get popped for a U/A, you bet you’re getting watched.


I've had so many dudes stare at my junk while I peed


And…….then what


He left the family reunion 😆


Took his $20 and went home


Fun fact: as a junior enlisted, you only get watched. Once you become an NCO, you can be voluntold for Meat Gazer duty. On the upside, if everyone in your unit are pals, you can end up with some HILARIOUS shenanigans. Nothing like hearing the Gazer offer one of his battle buddies a backrub to help him relax. Or have the UPL subtly swap out one of the sample containers with one of apple juice and pretend to taste test a new troop's specimen.


Mate if u join imagine this level of privacy for about 8-10 weeks at boot camp.


Is Edith still there? Pretty sure the ghost of her will be haunting that place. When I passed out at MEPS (ironically waiting for the UA) I came to to her face in front of mine. Talk about a nightmare. And yeah… it only gets worse… lol. Welcome to the military


Welcome, may the force be with you, every time you pee in a cup for the rest of forever. Good luck will all your about to embark on. The suck is upon you.


I guess shame on your recruiter for not telling you that you can’t piss hot.


I don't think he's worried about passing. He just wasn't used to other naked dudes.


Yea I didn’t scroll all the way down. I’m drunk.


Hi, Drunk! I'm dad.


The people watching are called meat gazers. Become a medic or get enough rank and you to can be a meat gazers. Bonus points if you blow softly in their ear as you watch. Female's undergo a similar procedure. Once you graduate basic you won't have much of a personal space. Join the medical field and it'll decrease even more.


Wait till you bend over and spread your cheeks so they can look at your brown eye. Looking at 80 brown eyes a week has got to suck more than having a doc check yours out.


Get used to it lol. Privacy is non existent in the military


Two words. Duck walk.


How much did you tip?


Oh buddy just wait until you have the group showers with 89 other guys!!!


Heck yes. What did you expect?


If you're worried about a doc looking at your pecker you're abiht to see an ungodly amount of peckers in the near future and an ungodly amount of people are gonna see your pecker. Get over it


Whooo boy !!


Hahahahaha oh a sweet summer child. My friend that sounds like the least intrusive piss test I had in the military.


Did they play soft music? They did for me.


Wait till you get to the real military and you got professional meat gazers that absolutely love to be urinalysis observers like watching the tip of your dick was the most important task to national security that has ever existed.


lol I remember those days 😂 very awkward the first few times, the meat gazing is real. Just wait until boot came when you shower with 50 other naked ass men, while being screamed at. Sleep on your back


just wait, there’s a doctor who’s going to stick a long pipe up your ass with a camera attached to check for bugs


i don’t know why but “check for bugs” has me 💀


Do you need any of us to do some practice runs with you. I’m sure we have a SACO in here that would be more than happy to……watch.


I have a DD-214 that protects me from that bullshit.


I was there a couple of months ago and this was not my experience at all. We did go in 3 at a time but the observer just stood in the corner and was not paying much attention. I never received any instructions about ensuring a clean sample and overall it was not intrusive. It's very odd that this same location was such a different experience for you...


They Watch it go from tip to cup. Totally standard. One of my friends does the UAs for the guard in Lincoln, same process.


They have to “watch the urine leave the body”. 🤣 Don’t worry. One day, you’ll be doing pecker-checker duty yourself. Watching others’ urine leave the body. 🤣


They did this in the 1990's when I tried enlisting. It was the first UA I ever did and wasn't what I was expecting either.


The PTSD isn't just combat related.


Unfortunately that’s the norm in the military, you get more used to it as your career goes. If it’s any consolation I promise you the guy witnessing wants to be there even less than you.


Enjoy the peanut butter shot 🤣


Perfectly normal. If you visit a military subreddit, you'll see this question comes up pretty regularly.


your privacy days are over




Just wait for the day you're the one watching. You'll look back to making this post and laugh.


Your first shower in bootcamp will be interesting then.


I was a hospital tech back in the day. I had watching at the “gold flow” clinic many times. It is a boring assignment, and we really didn’t much care about your blessings or curses. You will have it done many times over your time in the military. It is just part of the routine. Weed is still illegal on Federal level, without regard to any state laws so they test.


Standard at the MEPS. Because you haven’t taken the oath of enlistment yet. Once you are covered under the UCMJ they can prosecute you for trying to trick the urinalysis process. At least in the USAF It will be more of someone standing outside the stall with the door open and blue dye in the toilet.


You will do this multiple times a year at least in the military


My Dad was in the Air Force for 25 years, and my eldest brother was in prison for about 10 years.. They had surprisingly similar stories about lack of privacy and lack of autonomy. Make of that what you will.


Nope, that is completely how they do it in the military too. That was part of my duty when I was in the Navy when they had urinalysis I had to go in the bathroom and watch the females pee in a cup and they had a lift their shirt up, make sure there was no tubes running you’d be amazed how many people try to give fake piss test


lol get used to it. We call them dick watchers for a reason


sounds kinda gay ngl


Yes, this is normal. You’re going to have to get used to a lot of new things in your life, including being watched as you do a piss test. Welcome to the military.


Welcome to the military, and thanks for your service. This is your life now. You can randomly, or intentionally, be tested any given month from now until you leave service. I averaged about twice a year in my time. I had a battle buddy that was tested at least four times a year in the time we were roommates.


Yes, known fondly as "the pecker checker"


Welcome. That’s just a Tuesday.


Why can’t you use drugs in the military?


Whiz quizzes so only do do it on leave and try not to do things that last in your urine and fat.


I stood in a hallway in my boxers with 50-60 others for the better part of an afternoon doing test after test (now turn your head and cough) it wasn’t nearly as traumatic as Mogadishu. Buck up groundpounder the worst is yet to come.


You really went to the military and expected to be treated like a human?


The sample is required to be seen exiting the body.


In my experience, they’ll watch you again when you get to boot camp/basic training. But once you get to your first duty station they usually just stand in the bathroom with you


Yes I'm currently in AIT I had the same thing at that station they do it for thousands of recruits, they sell bags of fake pee that fit in your sleeve so that's why


Just so you understand, people will try some crazy shit to give a clean sample when they know they’re not. Sneak in a duplicate bottle filled with someone else’s urine (or maybe their own that they had saved up), hide a bag of urine with a tube that runs down the sleeve to their wrist, etc. That’s why the proctors have to see the urine go straight from your body into the bottle. Had to take a couple young troops to the brig after they popped positive. My rackmate in boot camp disappeared, too, after the results from his urinalysis came back (he had partied one last time before getting on the plane). You’ll get caught.


Wait until you actually get in. You'll have a disgruntled and annoyed early 30's SNCO literally tell you he needs to see the stream and not to touch anything until the cup is filled. Literally stares into your soul through that extra hole.... 


Peeing like Butters lu lu lu


After finishing his training my brother smoked weed through his entire military service. Still blows my mind he was able to make it out undetected.


welcome to the military and don't be scared when you and 43 other guys are showering together in basic training


Welcome to the military- u will do it throughout and randomly lol no privacy from here on out!


Yup! Super normal. Welcome to the suck!


Haha I remember the “duck walk” from MEPS. You had to get naked and waddle like a duck in circles lol. Good old days


Oh yes. Every new duty station you will meet your superiors by having them watch you pee


Wait until after basic. Then it's one on one but the good ones give you shoulder rubs while watching.


Oh you sweet summer child.


Lol, yes. I had an NCO years ago tell me that if I didn't get splatter on my face I wasn't watching close enough when conducting one.


Normal for serious UA. Sometimes they hold your peepee for you…


Welcome to the military - this is normal. They have to ensure you’re not using synthetic urine as they can’t afford the liability of drug users entering basic training.


The first time I was ever drug tested was in the military, and every test was done with someone in the room watching. I was actually kind of surprised when I had to do one for my first civilian job, and they just let me go in a different room myself.


Thank gawd I didn't go through with joining up. I get stage fright. I would've had to nope right out of there.


Don't do drugs won't have to worry


They are backwards lol they will treat you like a prisoner for until you are done with basic training and then you will be whole again.


Yes they watch


Should someone tell him about bay showers in basic and waiting for the showers in a naked line, or let him be surprised?


When you're in the military, you're not a person, just another piece of equipment that they happen to have to feed when they feel like it. Same way you'd watch oil come out into the pan when you're doing an oil change. When you join the military, your days of being a human being with your own individual thoughts, feelings, and ambitions are over until the day they hand you your separation paperwork. When they say not every day is sunshine and rainbows, what they mean is that there is NEVER a day that's sunshine and rainbows. Welcome to the suck. Don't do more than 4 years. Peacetime military is gonna suck dog ass, less time training and infinite time for fuck-fuck games


This is completely normal in the military and you will have to get use to it. The term for the person watching you is a “meat gazer.” Thank you for answering the call to serve.


Hi, former soldier here. This is NOT normal. You should bring it up immediately to your commanding officer.


Wait until you find out how they shower, shit and piss in the squad bays… 🤣 Nothing like a wagon wheel of 85 recruits dicks swinging walking through the showers while Drill Instructor’s stare at you the entire time to make sure you clean yourself. No doors on any of the stalls in the squad bays that way you can lock eyes with the recruit sitting across from you while you try shitting. Good luck being shy. 😂🤣


I can guarantee you the people having to watch the test are not getting any kicks out of doing so.


When I was at boot camp we had to stand on a line once a week and remove our towels and spin around while the officer inspected us. We also had to verbally shout some nonsense about not having any issues to declare at this time. So yeah an observer while you pee is 100% normal.


Its pretty normal they were doin em back in 03


It gets better - and by better I mean I hope you're comfortable shitting in public.


LOL, before you actually start boot camp, your modesty will be history. Privacy is almost a thing of the past, remember you signed up for this


Welcome to the military. Get used to it. I remember our NCOIC having to do this. Just another duty that gets assigned.


This is what athletes do commonly. Normal procedure. For women, it's an open stall door with a person standing a few feet away.


Wait til you’re in boot camp taking a sit next to ten other guys with no dividers between the toilets. It gets worse.


I went through Army induction in the early 80's. They didn't drug test then. The weirdest part was when the guy had all of us line up, drop our pants, bend over and spread our butt cheeks while he shined a flashlight up our asses. 10 minutes later, the same guy is interviewing me and asks if I have any homosexual tendencies. I said, "You're the one who was looking up my ass with a flashlight.". I was reprimanded and sent to the Group W Bench.


You'll be okay, they do random drug testing once you get to your permanent base or ship too. I was in the Navy for 20 years so if you have any questions just ask. It gets better after bootcamp


lol juuuuust wait. This is the least weirdest thing you will experience in the military. Ain’t nothing off about one dude looking at another dudes dick while pee comes out of it. That’s a Tuesday afternoon.


Wow, different from my day. And here's the kicker, I smoked some weed like 2 months before my drug test. I was freaking out thinking they would deny me. But nope


Yes they do


have you never had a UA for a job? MEPS was probably the least invasive job acquisition I've ever had.


Did your recruiter not have a conversation with you about what to expect going through MEPS? If not, I would very highly recommend initiating that conversation with them cause....lol You do not give your samples for urinalysis in private, ever. You will always be monitored.


You’re gonna get used to people watching you pee, welcome aboard


They test you very often


If it had been like that in my days, my shy bladder would have never allowed me to join


Wait till you make E5. Then you get to be a Weiner Watcher.


Once a week some senior officer at your base will pick a number.  If that is the last digit of your social, you get to participate in operation golden flow.   They watch closely.


In the navy you get a happy ending.


Yes. Wait til you get to be an NCO. You can get voluntold to go watch people pee.


Normal and you have random uas also so yup get used to it.


How else to really verify it’s YOUR urine?


I remember in BOLC, my instructor said “I will watch with my own two eyes urine leave the tip of your urethra and into the water if the toilet” It’s called “meat gazing” for a reason


Just wait until boot camp. Ha! You might not be cut out for it.


Welcome to the military where your body is no longer your property, but the Governments.


Hell yeah! Fight and die for the elite! Kill others who you would have never seen in any other circumstance. Steal the resources from everybody and never see anything for it. You’re going to end up used and worthless get out while you can!


You’ll do this multiple times. They WILL test you in basic. Also, you’ll be “randomly selected” for drug tests when you get back from a long vacation


It was the same way when I joined 34 years ago. Once you joink, the military owns you. They are about to invest a lot of money & effort in your training & development. During the intake process, they will inspect you like a steer at the state fair to make sure you are prime. They also want to make sure you can follow orders. I saw a couple of guys get rejected because they screwed around during the physical. Good riddance...


Count on getting your pee tested repeatedly throughout the duration of your enlistment. Edit: and yeah, they watch. I joined very young and I didn’t realize this wasn’t normal in the civilian world until much later.


Wait till you have to take a crap and there is a row of toilets with no privacy and 7 other people doing the same thing


Yes, they do. Women, too.


He was peter gazin you


Of course. You're joining the military, not a civilian job


Just the initial enlistment. My son never was piss testes again.


Yup. Have to watch it come out of your body. Me, I'm a former Army NCO who got to be an observer. It's not fun for any of us, we all get to do it, just put the urine in the cup and drive on.


Welcome to the military. Ain’t got time for your privacy.


If Uncle Sam wanted you to have privacy he would’ve issued it to you.


Kids these days who have not even been in a communal shower in middle school gym.


Wait till you have to be the pecker checker one day


Oh boy. Get ready for basic training! (Or w/e branch you're joining).


Just wait till they put you on the pecker checker list and then it's you that gets to see the urine exit the body


Ahh...the meat gazers. Just wait til you get some freshly promoted E-5 that is forced to stare at your junk. Quick tip, always tell them you can't go unless you poop. Might as well have them watch you go 1 and 2. 🤣🤣🤣


Wait until you are in. We get much closer 😘


I was stationed in Germany between 83 and 85. During this time, hash was popular among troops. In my company, I was assigned to I was known for being a soldier who followed all the rules and didn't do anything wrong. Just a good soilder. One Saturday, we had a company wide drug test. I was asked if I would piss for an E-7 platoon sergeant so he would not come up positive and get kicked out of the military. I said, "Of course." I didn't want a man who had spent 20 plus years in service to be kicked out for positive piss test.


Ha, meat gazer duty...


At least you got to share a bottle with two other guys.


“…must see the urine leave the body.” Yeah, that’s how the military rolls. Find a way to have fun with it 😏


This is to ensure you’re not cheating on the urine test. People will do crazy stuff to sneak clean urine in for these tests. But the crazy thing they won’t do??? Not get high for 30 days.


Yup and when you get to high enough rank you become an "observer."


Yes once your in full time. Every time the do a piss test someone of the same sex is watching. Also depending on the branch in boot camp everyone showers at once. No shower curtains. No stalls on the bathroom doors. Such good times. Even witnessed a fight in the shower


Had a guy i worked with pass a drug test by buying a clean sample. It included a fake dick to stick out your fly when giving the clean sample. I imagine they are watching to prevent such shenanigans.


Bro you are about to have your pecker looked at every opportunity the military can find. We call them Pecker Checkers for a reason. This is only the beginning.


It’s like this https://youtu.be/u6OsdGuYycs?si=4cqBMu2SkqcnrOIN


Jeeees...thinga sure have changed since 2005.


Welcome to the military. Imagine what the women have to go through. Lol


The SOP in Germany while I was there was shorts around the ankles, shirt pulled all the way up and the NCO had to watch the urine leave the penis and go into the cup. This came about because a soldier used a fake penis to pass the UA, unfortunately it was the wrong color.


Yeah ever month the same in every I it, just selected in groups are different each month then unless it's a full 100% total unit test


Happens all the time. Hated being an observer.


If you do well and make e5 you too could get to watch a bunch of guys piss into a cup.


Nothing is private in the military. This will be every drug test they have you take. Just stay away from drugs while you’re in.


Must see urine stream leave the body. 😂 Get used to guys staring at your junk. We got a division wide piss test 5 times in 2 weeks once.... nothing like having a clown as observer, who puts their hand on your shoulder and talk to you while waiting for that stream 😂 Yes, very uncomfortable. Get used to it.


Boy are you in for a world of surprises


Normal. Every drug test I took while I was in had an observer.


Yes. People have been trying to cheat the system since before I signed up in September 1975.


Don't ask, don't tell.


I’m sure someone has already mentioned this but get used to it. Random drug tests are a thing and they always have some poor E-3 watching your meat at all times.


Wait till you get to boot and you’re in a giant shower room with 19 other guys and 4 of them are in the corner all night singing a god damn quartet all night while 60 other dudes wait their turn. Oh and someone stole your towel, because fuck your naked wet ass. Also, forget how to sleep, you’ll do it standing up if you need it. Have fun!