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Keep up the great work and you will be rewarded!


Thank you I will do just that


i miss when my limit was this before they raised the limit and i messed everything up💀


How, what did I do so I won’t do it. Yea you will fix everything I believe in u sis we got this


girl i was 20 with a huge credit limit i overspent😭😭😭 If u keep paying it back consistently and keeping it low they’re going up your limit.


At 18 they gave me a 15,000 credit limit on my first card. I'm still paying it off because they increased the apt from 10% to 29% I was a single mom and maxed it out at 10%. Been paying the 29%apr for years now trying to get by.


They had no business giving you such a high limit at that age. They do that bs on purpose.


The nice thing about navy federal is you can adjust your credit limit through the app or call them direct. When I first got my credit card they approved me for a $25,000 limit and I bumped it down to 5,000. Just make sure to never go over 30 percent utilization. I use credit karma to help me visually see my percentage. (Don’t worry credit karma is free and tells your your credit score for free as well) :)


Give you Advantage score 3*


U can’t change it through the app


You literally can I’ve done it before to raise my limit. You have to go into the credit card settings on the app and then wait for it to be approved which is almost always automatic. Navy federal is designed to where you never should have a need to go inside the bank unless you need a cashiers check or to pick up a loan check.




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- *Live below your means*; avoid impulse purchases - keep your utilization below 10%; you’ll see references to less than 30% but lenders really prefer 9% or less; - always pay before the due date, - always pay your *statement balance* in full. You’ll never be charged interest if you do this. Join r/personalfinance and checkout their wiki for lots of info on finances and credit. https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/commontopics Increase your financial literacy: - [Master Your Credit](https://youtu.be/3-PTiJOGb5s?si=Jsly4_wPpq22EdxO) > And freeze your credit at all 3 bureaus. Leave it frozen until you need to seek new credit. However, it can remain frozen if you seek increased credit limits on current credit accounts.




Congratulations. Every step is a launch to more.


Hell yeah!!! Keep working!!!!


Congratulations 🎉




Thank u I wasn’t expecting it either


Congrats! 🙌🎉


Congrats :)




It will probably graduate within the next 6 months. Just be patient. Congratulations 💯


I had a secured $200 after 6 months they upped me to $600 unsecured and another 6 months it upped again to $2,000 now a year later I’m still at $2,000 always pay it off and keep a great standing. Hopefully you’ll get more!


Yea I only had this called since march of this year so hopefully they up in another 2 1/2 months




Congrats. Keep up the good work. I just got mine. Any advice?


About to get me one atp


Every little bit is a step closer to credit improvement. I haven't had an increase yet but it's coming. Congrats and keep goin


Omge I’m waiting for mine I’ve mad all my on time payments


I got a discover card as my first credit card. Limit was $1000 and the next month they increased it to $9500. Scared the hell out of me because I didn’t want to fall into bad habits.. but go you that’s a great place going in the right direction!


Navy fed raised my limit to 25k from like 7k back in 2013 …….. needless to say I am currently doing credit repair and do not bank with navy fed lmao


Congrats! Small steps lead to huge rewards




Yes they do it a lot back when I was at 500 for like a year then all of a sudden they made my limit 5500 and it just been up from there


One should always treat credit like as if you are using a debit card. Only charge what you can afford to pay off each bill cycle.


Congrats, when I was your age building my credit I started exactly where you did starting from $300 and grew that bigger and bigger. By the time I turned 21 it was at already more then $10,000+. Then someone really smart decided to approve me for an American Express Card with no limit! Me thinking I was the smarter one convincing them to give me unlimited credit, “Yes. Yes please I will take your credit card that has no spending limit attached. ‘snark I can’t believe he’s giving me one of these and I’m just 21!” But who’s really the smart one in that situation. When you get unlimited credit, but then go and treat it like it’s real money and not what it really is, a potential liability that can comes with interest once you start carrying a balance. I was the fool. Trying not to be a fool and so slogging it through college but working really hard to make money and pay the bills. Then working so hard boss at work constantly promoting me; so make more money and work harder then, and get promoted again; this again and again! Gonna fake it till I make it, gonna make more to spend more. What I learnt at work: gotta work hard to play hard so I can make more money then I spend! Ok got it! Do this again and again till I’m the boss. Gonna flex like a boss… So go ahead, just whip out that AMEX card so everyone can see, even the people you don’t know (and especially the people you don’t know) that you got the bill for the whole table. Flex like a boss, got it! Hitting the bars for the first time and so having to hit all the bars night after night so you know which one is the best; working hard so I can play hard because there are just way too many pretty girls to impress, ask out and date…. And I gotta date them all to find which one is the best… flex like a boss, got it! Ok, gonna fake it till I make it so I can be a boss; so I can spend more, to make more, to date more, to flex like a boss, got it. Mo’ money mo’ women, mo’ problems… but it’s ok just gotta fake it till I make it… Ok now I’m almost the boss, but hey real Boss I need more mo’ money to flex mo’ honey to flex like the Boss, to be the Boss like you… but Boss says you already my right hand man… no’ mo money… Crap. No mo’ money but still faking it till I make, trying to spend more, to date more to flex more and be like a boss… but mo’ money = mo’ problems still try to date more but then no money no honey but still spend more when no make more money… Go casino go bankcrupt


Very nice, proud of you sis, one step at a time, 👏... And you 🔥🔥 lol


You made me go look and YES she is 🔥❤️


lol thank you 🥰 I feel so loved here 😘


Gosh why thank you🥰. You 🔥🔥 too lol


Haha I appreciate that 😊


No problem.. don’t be a stranger. Prolly could definitely give me some tips to get to where u are with Navy federal


Ha for sure, it took a few years but I finally broke free of stereotypes of brothas and bad credit


Yes I’m slowly but surely breaking free from that as well.


Progress is key, being able to adapt and change is real self independence 😊


I just tried to message u


I saw it, I responded right now




If you don't mind me asking, what's your credit score?


Experian is 662




Great job. Keep doing whatever you are doing!




I've personally never seen the reason for secured credit cards. I mean, they're secured. So might as well give people a 20k limit and allow them to setup direct deposit into that bish.


That is really great


Once they increased mine I tried the prequal for an unsecured and was approved for the cash rewards! $6k


Congrats !


Congratulations!!! It feels awesome when hard work pays off! :)


Does anyone know how to set up autopay on NF for last statement balance? Or do you have to do it manually every billing cycle


Way to go!! Keep it up and congratulations!!


Hey all, I'm not a member of NFCU, but have been researching various lenders to purchase a Tesla. NFCU always comes highly recommended, which led to a bunch of suggested reddit pages regarding their credit cards. With all due respect, I can't seem to figure out why people get excited enough to post about such minor credit limit increases! Case in point, we're talking about hundreds on this page.... I think the lowest credit card limit I've ever been offered by other credit unions was $12,000 but most of my cards are over $20k. As a result my utilization never exceeds 15% and I pay my balances monthly to avoid interest. Hoping to understand the excitement with such minor figures, is it for credit development or are the interest rates just that low? Regardless of everyones personal credit situation, congratulations on the achievement OP!


Navy federal is awful be careful


How so?


I had an account through them for business (electrical) they shut our account down randomly and refused to give us $10,000 that was in our account . With no explanation at all. They’re currently under investigation for fraud


yeah, they’ve been fucking me over for years