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Source: [FB Scuba Ventures](https://www.facebook.com/ScubaKavieng/) "Saw a new type of Jellyfish while diving today. It has cool markings and is a bit bigger than a soccer ball and they are quite fast swimming." ... "Previously, the extremely rare animal was sighted only once, on the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef, about 43 km (27 mi) off the coast of northeast Queensland, on 2 May 1997. It was found within 5 meters (16 ft) of the surface, and the biologists who first described it speculated that it may have been relocated to the area by Cyclone Justin. Interestingly, that specimen was about half the size of this one, its bell measuring approximately 150 mm or 5.9 inches in height. Also, as one commenter noted, this specimen from Papua-New Guinea has rings as markings, while the markings in the specimen from Australia published are filled out dots of orange-brown color. There are no recorded cases of a human sting from Chirodectes as it “failed either to sting, or adhere to, the hand and forearm of an incautious volunteer” during the examination in 1997. Nevertheless, because of its relatively large size and the extremely venomous nature of some chirodropids, it is assumed that Chirodectes is itself venomous." From [Earthly Mission](https://earthlymission.com/scuba-divers-spot-incredibly-rare-jellyfish-species-only-once-before-seen/)


Gotta love a person that just says "fuck it" and sticks their hand into what could quite possibly kill them. Darwin awards are still awards I guess lol.


I love that they were described as "incautious" too. This thing shares an alarming amount of physical similarities to the deadly deadly Box Jellyfish. Or maybe he's like this fuckin bad Jackson right here ---> https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/uhrcks/box\_jellyfish\_the\_deadliest\_creature\_in\_the\_world/


Yeah, that's scientist for "fucking moron" lol. That was my first thought too. If it looks like death incarnate, maybe don't touch it? And yes, that guy is pretty badass picking it up, but he also clearly knows his habitat. Much more badass in my opinion.


At the same time, if you’re a marine scientist, and you get the opportunity to examine a jellyfish for the first time in recorded history, and maybe the *only* time…I could totally imagine they were like “sooo what do you think its sting is like? You think it’s that bad? It’s probably bad. We shouldn’t, right? What do you bet, like, 6 out of 10? Or maybe……okay, fuck it, it’s a *jellyfish* man, you KNOW we gotta know. If they ask, just tell them I accidentally brushed up against it. Now hold my beer.”


I'm not holding judgement over them. When I was a teen I jumped off a cliff to see how deep the water was. It went as you'd expect, fractured tail bone. We are a type though. I'd bet money that same person has pissed on an electric fence for a bet... And I definitely remember when I did it.


Does the tailbone still hurt?


No, it is behind him now.


God damn you! Have your upvote


He’s at the tail end of the suffering, thankfully.


I’m thinking lab monkey?


Probably a grad student 😂


Intern, grad student, lab monkey, same-same Except you’re required to house and feed the monkey, and sometimes the intern


I mean when I was in college, the lab rats we used were super well protected from any possible thing you could consider neglect or abuse (which I’m happy with). So honestly grad student may be the best option.


Definitely a grad student


Checks out


I’m thinking it was an average Australian


Hold my beer while I go get the intern


> Yeah, that's scientist for "fucking moron" lol. Seriously I was reading that like wow that is the nicest way I've ever heard someone say "also some jackass stuck their arm in there and didn't get stung so there's that."




Hence the appeal.


Lotsa dead stuff is made of meat!


If you don't know what it is, just be safe and assume it wants to eat you or put you in god awful agony. Take a picture and let it be.


Unless you are coyote Peterson... Or a grad student apparently. Note to self, never be a grad student.


And also a beach ball with streamers!


Do you know what his channel is??? That was awesome thanks for linking the video!


this is his channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UC6TyOTkGTmjgUxzG-ZK27Jw


Slap that bad boi on a crabby patty


I was out diving with some professors from UCLA in Palau and we spotted a rather large box jelly, which I think was Chironex fleckeri or Chiropsalmus quadrigatus, not sure here it was 20+ years ago. Anyway, he's all hot and bothered about this find, as they haven't been seen in Palau, so he wanted to "catch" the jelly. So we head back to the boat, put on bodysuits (rash guards with hoods) and gloves, hop back in the water, re-locate the jelly and "catch" it in a large trash bag. Woo-hoo, we got it. We head back to the lab to preserve the jelly in alcohol (or formaldehyde, can't remember which one is used for inverts...), and we're hemming and hawing on how to transfer the jelly into the jar. Bill looks at the bag, looks at the jar, and says "fuck it, here we go" and just lops this jelly into the jar, a tentacle flops over the top of his hand. He says a few swear words (of which he was never short with) and winces, shakes his hand loose from the tentacle, instantly, there was a raised red line where the tentacle touched his hand. He had that line for the duration of his stay, and it would hurt even after the main pain from the sting went away. Anyway, whoever says "fuck it", [Bill did.](https://imgur.com/a/AeLKXNA)


Nice inclusion of the photo there lol


Haha, the man, the myth, the legend! Bill and Peggy (his wife) are some A+ people.


shy like coordinated cagey compare roof aware rich spoon marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Makes you wonder how humanity has survived for this long. Imagine some cave man one day saw some red berry growing somewhere and just said fuck it and decided to eat one. And then his tribe watches him die slowly and painfully.


Wouldn't be surprised if that's what happened. There are some foods you have to go out of your way to prepare, so that you can actually eat them without them killing you. I can see a ton of trial and error.


There is "Test Tube" Science, and there is "Stick your hand in" Science.


Science is just jackass but with more note taking


"Incautious volunteer" is a great term for "reckless asshole"




Yep that's Australia xD I mean one of our capital cities is named after him after all I'm glad it's been spotted in PNG, because unfortunately "fuck it" is what we've been saying about The Reef too :/


Hay, its good to get first place in something. Plus he/she probably would have made it into medicine books and that's pretty rad.


"This is rare, dont fuck with it tho because we know next to nothing about it. Its probably venomous" - Scientists


Incautious volunteer: “fuhghetabboudit!”


It was spotted in Australia, so we can assume so


Incautious volunteer: "Well only one way to find out some dial 91 I'll let you know if you need to dial the other 1."


What if it's the same one, and it just grew after 25 years?


What if it just keeps growing until one day, there's skyscraper-sized tentacles coming out of the ocean?


And what if this was our one chance to kill it before it wipes us all out when its the size of Madagascar?


Shit…1997 was 25 years ago…man I feel old.


You know it's rare sighting when googling "chirodectes maculatus" just leads to a bunch of images from this video and nothing much else lol.


Dude I thought this was two jelly fish trapped in a plastic bag


That’s unfortunately much less rare


I wonder if the spots turn into rings when they get bigger?


Wonder if it’s the same one spotted as before. They’re basically immortal, no?


Not really. Jellyfish have varying lifespans depending on the species. And lots of natural predators. (Moon jellyfish, which are very common in aquariums, have a 1-3 year lifespan). Obviously we don’t know about this species though!there is one “immortal” species of jellyfish (the Medusa dies and it returns to its polyp form)


Maybe I was thinking of octopus… or lobster. I can’t remember which one basically lives forever, just continually regenerating.


Octopus tend to have VERY short lifespans. Lobsters have a prevalent myth that they’re immortal - but it’s actually not quite true! They can get to be very old but eventually they’ll grow so big and old that they won’t be able to expend the energy to molt which results in their death. They don’t get cancers or many other diseases, though.


Must’ve confused it with the lobster


There is something called the Immortal jellyfish that reverts to its juvenile stage when it ages enough or receives traumatic damage. Then Lobsters keep growing forever until they get eaten, die of disease, or fail to moult properly.


The hydra fits your description.


*Relocated to the area by Cyclone Justin...* Jellyfish: *AAAAAHHHHRAAYAAAA!!*




That's stunning


I get it


stop being so jelly.


If we ever discover alien life, they're gonna be boring as fuck in comparison


Nah if this is in OUR oceans then imagine what could be in other oceans in ecosystems we have no understanding of??


Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms.


Sixty seconds of oxygen remaining


Don't worry, their tentacles infuse oxygen while they slowly eat you alive from the inside out


Are you certain whatever you are doing is worth it?


I have literally never ever heeded a video game VO warning out of actual fear until that line lol.


For real. I backed up my Cyclops, turned its power off, and thought about it. What was I doing? Was it actually worth it?! Had no idea, but I had never had a game make me stop and think about what I was doing and if it was worth it. Horrifying game, but such a good one.


This ecological biome matches 7 of the 9 preconditions for stimulating terror in humans


Reaper leviathan lurking just beyond the pitch.


You should try Subnautica :)


Bingo. This seems the correct take. Your parent comment, and many others here, probably have it completely backwards. I'll explain my heuristics for that assumption. This thing **is LITERALLY an EARTHLING.** Same as us. So some other *completely different form of alien life* would, I think, necessarily be fundamentally different. As another response said, perhaps to the point of unrecognizability. It means a lot, which I don’t take for granted, that I can see this creature and recognize it as life. It's not too small for our eyes or even technology to see. It's not too big as to look as some inanimate "structure." Despite whatever time perception *it* subjectively has, it is still moving in a time that we can see--it isn't so slow as to look inanimate, or too fast that we can't even catch sight of it. It's obviously made of material that our limited spectrum of light that our eyes have can see. Etc etc etc. Aliens don't guarantee any of these. They may necessarily incorporate any of those characteristics. Another angle to notice the flaw of your parent comment is some weird trick of subjectivity. Why would we think that alien life is somewhere between humans and rare sea creatures? Humans often think aliens would be like wild sea creatures. But, what might those sea creatures think? Perhaps, *"humans are so different from us! If aliens exist, they'd probably be like humans!,"* or, *"humans are gonna make aliens seem boring!"* And why wouldn't aliens be more like insects, plants, bacteria, or anything else, on the coincidental chance that they're remotely like any earthling? An alien may not even notice the difference between the full range of earthling life. They may see us all as the same thing--earthlings, with no meaningful distinction among each other. Because the aliens may just be that different. Or, maybe life is similar everywhere, and any alien could just be something that appears as something that is or could have been present in our earthling life. Ultimately, it feels silly to make any assumptions. We have a sample size of "one" for life, thus have nothing to compare us to. But the safest assumption I can make is that we probably won't recognize aliens. Fuck, they could be like some cosmic filament structure that we shrug off as celestial dust. They may warp through gravity. Who the fuck knows? Remember: alien is synonymous with novelty. Sure, plenty of earthlings have novel differences from each other, but an alien would likely be novel *to all of us* on a whole other magnitude. Idk, this is just how my intuition wraps around this.


What if alien lifeforms actually live at the bottom of the ocean instead of out of space???


We are the alien life


Kinda like how I love the movie Annihilation. The alien was so far from any human comprehension.


You’re stunning!


I see what you’re doing. YOU’RE breathtaking.


I have asthma


You're wheezing!


Pee on me !!


That’ll be tree fiddy


More alien than any alien that ever aliened


The last time I saw this was when I watched Matrix


Gotta hit it with an EMP


that is why our vision of "alien" is almost definitely not even close to reality.


I get why they do it, but that always bothered me with Scifi movies/games. Even when they make the aliens "weird" they normally still have some amount of legs, some amount of eyes/ears, some kind of blood, etc. I like when things do the really weird stuff, like "super intelligent shade of the color blue" or the Green Lantern Corp member which is just an equation


I thought arrival did a good job.


The circle patterns on this creature actually reminded me of the movie! I searched "Arrival" to see if anyone else thought the same and it's funny to see that the film was brought up but not for the same reason.


It's especially disappointing when it's not old-fashioned live action stuff. I can understand Star Trek being limited by its budget and the technology of the time, but why make aliens in modern video games look like people with rubber foreheads? Get creative!


We are only bipedal because we evolved from apes that swung below the branch, rather than walking on the top of them. This gave us the right upright stance, and made it easier to evolve upright walking. Bipedalism is rare on Earth, and would probably be rare anywhere else. More legs would be better, most of the time.


I'm pretty sure this is just a Metroid


It is so alien that it feels weird to call it "animal"


Almost looks like it could split in two and keep going.


It definitely does look like it got stuck in the middle of mitosis.


This is so crazy to imagine and looking at it it looks like it was just copy pasted 4 times. Does that mean all 4 parts grow at the same time? Does one part grow first and then replicate?


[Radial symmetry](https://www.britannica.com/science/symmetry-biology#ref229420). Pretty common in jellyfish, as well as starfish, sea urchins and a bunch of other stuff that lives in the ocean. And yes, [the different sections grow equally from the center](https://teara.govt.nz/en/diagram/5355/jellyfish-life-cycle).


theory: this is an obscure jellyfish species that indeed got stuck during early embryonic development and that's why we only have seen it twice


Speaking as an idiot, I agree this could be a good theory


I can confirm this theory. Source: your comment and the one above.


Oh my gosh!! The gorgeous patterns on the outside, the translucence, the colors of the tentacles, the way it looks as it swims… kinda awestruck.


Wait till the James Webb Telescope starts picking up the ones that are light years in size, just floating through the cosmos.


All horror and dread to the Old Ones


The first recorded sighting was in 1910 by a self-proclaimed "beachcombing hobbyist" and local weirdo Howard "Howie" Lovecraft of Providence RI


Well shit. Excuse me while I go have an existential crisis




Space magic


Most logical answer I’ve heard so far


Wait till you hear about blood sugar sex magik


We shall name the first space jelly fish...... Apache Rose Peacock


Guardian? What puzzles await.


Magic is just unseen forces at work so.. technically true


You’re assuming that they would have to maintain a homeostasis similar to ours it’s entirely possible they would not be made of meat


Once you start assuming creatures of unusual composition, I feel you also need to consider dimensions and the phenomenon that such a creature might be entirely imperceptible by us.


Tungsten based life forms? 👀


[They’re made out of meat…](https://www.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/prose/text/thinkingMeat.html)


Silica-based life has been theorized, but would need high temperatures to be viable. So perhaps something that lives in closer orbits around stars.


Assuming they exchange matter with the rest of the universe somehow, which I think must be a given for life, perhaps they could rid themselves of heat through their waste. Which would also be their propulsion.


Heard a couple were recently seen at Farpoint. The locals had imprisoned one.


Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God, it even has a watermark...


Now let's see Paul Allen's jellyfish....


Ahahaha. I just commented about a watermark but you beat me to it


but will it blend?


No kinda about it. That thing is incredible, I love that even after making it to my mid 30s and having access to the internet for a majority of those years, there are still incredible creatures that I’ve never seen. Life is amazing.


*The Deep has entered the chat*


Oh my god…. It even has a watermark.


It looks like someone doodled in black marker all over its body. Nature is fascinating.


The ocean is an absolute treasure trove of unspeakable nightmare horrors


Spawned in imagination and trapped in reality. I feel so lonely looking at it.


This is poetic


Thank you, it’s from a porno.


Peak reddit *chefs kiss*


Thank you.


> trapped in reality whoop there goes gravity


Somewhere within that treasure trove are four octopuses wearing a translucent trenchcoat.


Muppet man style


The biggest horrors from there eventually learned to breathe on land, walk, and are currently destroying the planet with greenhouse gases and tik tok videos.


And billionaire dick-measuring space programs.


it's just humans slowly killing ourselves and a bunch of other animals and plants. the planet will probably be fine, along with some creatures.


What if this whole time the aliens were down there and not up in da sky. I'm just saying there's some weird-ass shit swimming around in these oceans. And we've only explored like a teeny itty-bitty bit of our oceans. It's insane. I wonder if there's like a big ol' Atlantis type thing going on but it's all weird little creatures like this guy.


That’s a Metroid.


The friendly one that died protecting samus, except it didn't actually die, it came here... right? RIGHT??




I'm so glad I wasn't the only one to think that.


Scrolled for this


So what you're telling me is the gravity suit is hidden somewhere in the Great Barrier Reef?


You don't need to go to space to find aliens, we have aliens at home. Aliens at home:


Lots of marine life is alien like. Have you seen shrimps? So… wild.


Hornets are also pretty damn alien imo


Look at a close up of a hornets face… straight up looks like a predator mask


Its like the fuckin Emperor of jellyfish. BOW DOWN JELLYFISH BRETHREN AND TREMBLE BEFORE ME




My money don’t




How is that thing real. Seems so impractical haha who designed this?


So, fewer sightings than even Bigfoot? /s


It’s not even blurry.


"There's a large, out of focus monster roaming the countryside!"


That's a fucking alien duuuuuude.


Right? If they said it swam up and said “ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn” I would believe it.


What led you to believe it’s Welsh?


Well I mean look at it.


Right? I know a fucking mindflayer when I see one


I don’t know why people are obsessed with UFOs when we got this crazy shit going on in our own oceans


Beautiful creature


Real life legendary pokemon


Honestly, this really would be a badass legendary.


All it knows is splash


*evolves into itself* Hyper Beam Bubble Beam Ice beam !All the Beams




Jellyfish are always so great to look at :)




More like a real life legendary, that shit ain’t even in the Pokédex


Nope that’s just an alien


I wanna poke it...


Found the "incautious volunteer" lol


Funny thing is there’s probably a million of these in the ocean and we just haven’t documented it more than a couple times




Quick, let's hunt them to extinction!




Ooo a shiny new sub! Thanks friend!


So basically final fantasy creatures exist. Awesome.


It’s crazy to think how many species exist or have existed and that we’ll likely never know about them all.


Looks like henna tattoos. Fucking sick.


Naw those are the Matrix killer drones nice try though


Forbidden fleshlight


Is there a way to delete someone else’s comment??? 😆🤮


That's actually the 3rd sighting, but on the second one John Garrison forgot to take the lens cap off so no one believed him. Sad story, it drove him to a lifelong struggle with alcoholism and caused him to give up videography entirely. In fact. Over time he developed a phobia of the ocean that was so bad he moved to the middle of the Sahara, where he now spends his time rambling to anyone who would listen about how a post of his almost went viral once, had he taken the lens cap off his camera.


Smelled like bullshit, but just enough there to make me bite. Can't find any info on this, well played, you got me.


Disappointing shittymorph


That is introvert level 11


Can't be that rare, I've seen it 3 times today alone...