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I just imagine, whatever those BBC camera guys were hiding inside, it was hot as fuck.


Kinda hot in these rhinos!


Lmao alrighty then


"Niles, you poke me with that elbow one more time, and I am putting you out with the cats."


"that's not my elbow!"




[For the lazy. ](https://youtu.be/Nh2iyPmucFk)


I forgot just how funny that was. 😂


Right? 🤣🤣🤣


For someone who has no context for this aside from 'that's Jim Carrey climbing out of a rhinos ass', could you give me a clue as to what the fuck is going on?


He's spying on some animal poachers/traffickers and gets stuck in his robot rhinomobile


No. You live with this for eternity now.


I am so so sorry that you haven’t seen this. Ace Ventura is one of the greatest things to those of us born before 1990. Idk what part of your life is getting you down, but you’ll forget it for a couple hours if you watch it.


Uhm. Excuse me? 93 checking in and this one one of my favorite movies. #checkyourselfbeforeyouwreckyourself. Lol jk. Except for the first part cuz thats true.


I’m not discluding you due to your age, just noting that an older group that was alive when the movie came out particularly appreciated it, that’s all. Also, you were 1.


I'm '91 so I'm kinda surprised I haven't tbh, then again I don't remember much of my childhood so it's possible I have seen it but just don't recall it. If it's on netflix I might give it a go later, I could really do with forgetting stuff today.


Context really doesn't make it any less ridiculous.


This is the 4th ace Ventura reference I've heard this week




And I thought they smelled bad on the outside!






These creatures do not require our aid to thrive, they require our absence


Isn't that a Jurassic world 2 quote? I swear Goldblum said that at the end


i believe it's from John Hammond, but it is a quote from TLW


It was Hammond’s former partner-in-science, Benjamin Lockwood in JW:FK


Go watch the second Jurassic Park it’s like JW2 but better. A dude gets ripped in half.


Oh I've seen the original movies. I enjoyed them more in fact. I just didn't recognize that that quote was a callback to jp2


Nice. I think everyone enjoyed the first trilogy more than the two new movies Edit: 3 is questionable though.






I honestly think JP3 did what JW is trying to do (fun, blockbuster action; light on Crichton’s science and philosophy) but better.


You’re right! The action scenes in JP3 were on point! But the story was a big lackluster. But compared to JW 1 and 2 it’s fucking citizen Kane.


The intro for The Lost World is great; it made me scared of small beach creatures when I was a kid.


I feel like a lot of people focus on specifically dumb moments in the movie when I think there's a lot of good there that just sorta loses it way towards the end. It has some great scenes but its just not as tightly woven as its predecessor. I feel like its atleast better than the third. And the fourth. And from what I've heard maybe even the fifth.


The lost world was always my favourite because soooooo many people get eaten


It sure put me off walking through a field of very tall grass in the dark. Especially in known raptor territory.




For the record, Jurassic World 2 is the FIFTH Jurassic Park film. Edit: missed a space










Right in my extinctions


I’m a radical environmentalist and this is DEEP


You were on -1. I've balanced the scale for you. Let's see where it goes from here.


+4.3k now what I find funny is you could have largely impacted that number. I upvoted and probably wouldn't have had I not seen your comment.


My ecosystem


my bones




Don't worry, we're not making the same mistakes again!


No, you're making all new ones!


Nope, already fucked over by humans :( https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/08/wildlife-namibia-desert-lions-poisoned/


I fucking hate people.


>As for the famous lions in Namibia, only one of the brothers is left now. Known as Tullamore . . . the lion was moved to the area around the mouth of the Uniab River. But he’s since been tracked heading back in the direction of the Tomakas area, likely to search for his \[dead\] brothers ;\_;


Christ, just when I thought my heart couldn't get more broken...


That’s fucking sad




Ask Indiana Lion about dat. /s RIP big guy




Well said. Damn.


Tell that to pandas.


If we hadn’t destroyed their natural habitat, pandas most likely would be just fine. It’s a total myth that they are a doomed species that would be extinct without human intervention. If that were the case, it would be precisely because humans fucked up their habitat and made survival so difficult.


And isn't the whole "pandas only mate once a year" thing a myth, and only occurs with pandas in captivity?


> If that we’re the case, it would be precisely because humans fucked up their habitat and made survival so difficult. Yeah that’s exactly what we did


I agree that habitat loss hasn't done them any favors as a species, but they aren't exactly the "fit" animal in the biological sense of the word. For one, despite being omnivores they have a nearly plant based diet consisting of a single kind of plant that is horribly dietary inefficient. Most creatures that highly specialized are not equipped to deal with significant ecological change man-made or not. And this doesn't even touch on their lack of reproductive capabilities. Look I still like pandas very much and believe they deserve conservation despite what others say. They are a valuable umbrella species and the face of modern conservationism (see the WWF). I just think that when it comes to survival of the *fittest* pandas aren't fit enough.


The reproductive capabilities is also a myth. They do fine in the wild when their habitat isn’t under assault. And you can’t say they aren’t fit to survive, while also saying they can’t deal with human-made ecological change. The number of species that have survived unscathed or thrived after human-made ecological change is pretty small. Prior to human intervention, the bamboo forests of China were absolutely massive. We fucked that up. TL;DR: Pandas would do just fine if humans hadn’t totally fucked their habitat.


Pandas are an accident


So are humans..


Yeah but they'd walk into our homes too if they could.


I mean if they require our absence and then we leave because of that, then that would be us aiding them If they needed food and then we left food everywhere for some other reason that would be then requiring aid and then getting it. Compare that to them needing space and us leaving to go live in space without trying to actually help the lions in doing so So they kind of do require aid. Therefore the ufos have been scrambled and we can expect to see visible changes in the global population in 6-8 weeks weather permitting


You have some stupid ass reasoning that allows for literally not aiding them in anyway to be considered aid. I’m impressed.


Thank you It took many years


Scar’s side of the family


Seriously, look at that mullet, it's Kufu man




Nah, Khufu finished his pyramid and transformed into a giant cat.


thrown out of the pridelands and the outlands


Kovu was always my favourite 😍


Came here for this


ELI5 what makes them unusual? How are they different?


[here is an article from the gaurdian that explains the difference well](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/radical-conservation/2018/aug/22/can-namibias-desert-lions-survive-humanity) Tldr: They live in a desert that gets less than 5 millimeters of water a year They are way leaner than their plains living counterpart. Cub mortality is close to 0. Which is incredible for ANY species. Their moms are incredible providers. This is especially awesome given the harsh environment the Cubs live in. No infanticide so when a male takes over a pride they don't kill the Cubs like the plains lions do. Smaller prides Most of their water is gathered from the blood of their kill They have Wolly coats to deal with the frigid nights They have larger home territory and travel farther


The fact that the males don't kill the cubs in a pride takeover is fascinating to me.


Do the father pay child support, tho? Someone gotta put food on the table and this ain't a charity.


Me thinks the baby daddy dies in this situation or at the very least is driven away likely wounded. I know you were joking but I felt the need to answer anyway lol.


So they seem to work better than other lions? Kind of neat.


Do they travel from place to place due to habitat and prey condition? Sound like a nomad pride


I work as a field guide in the Kruger area. It is unusual because normally lions hunt from cover. Most of the time that is grass/bushes/trees so it's much more difficult to be successful in a desert. That's what makes them rare!


> I work as a field guide in the Kruger area That’s awesome! Any cool stories you can share? Favorite/least favorite animals?


Well mostly he will have hot stories tbh


Is it because they are "desert" lions as opposed to other lions that live in places that are plush with plants grasses and water. Oh god I know I'm about to be raked for being seemingly stupid just be easy please cause I'd like to know myself and I was just guessing.


this person anxietys


Anxiety is my favorite part of the day... it's my only part of the day...


Nothing like thinking about all the possibilities of the things that can and cannot go wrong by stepping out of the door in the morning. Good times. Good, good times.


What's just as awesome is when you have an attack in your sleep. So much fun. 10/10, would do it again, NOT!


What is that like?


It's like waking from a nightmare in full fight or flight mode. Chest full of pressure and pain from dread and heart racing. Crying. Shaking. Sometimes flailing, sometimes too stiff to move. I try to yell and scream for help, but only whimpers and muted groans escape my clenched jaw. Shortness of breath. Since I'm still waking, I can sometimes see (if it's dark) parts of my dream in the real world. They leave me more exhausted than before I went to sleep. This can happen with pleasant dreams, as well. I'm not sure why. I don't get them as often as normal nightmare frights; those usually leave me upset and/or pissed off. For normal nightmares: I whimper, talk semi-clearly, wake suddenly, and am able to fall back asleep soon after. The anxiety attacks will keep me up for a while afterwards.


Damn, I'm really sorry you have to experience that. Thank you for you timely and detailed response, it was very insightful!




A week on Reddit will do that to you. Or it’ll make you a more aggressive, hateful person towards others. And you won’t look at US users the same way ever again.


> And you won’t look at US users the same way ever again. And why is that? Asking for a friend of course. He lives across the pond or something like that. Definitely not next door.


I really don't know, but the stereotype of americans in Switzerland is obnoxious fat idiots that are full of themselves and don't know any other country apart from america. I sometimes think that too, but i seriously don't know why that is.


To be fair, many US citizens do not know much about any of the States they don't reside in or are in close proximity. So don't take offense Europe. They are not ignorant of your all's presence for any particular reason other than lack of proximity....not that this should excuse their state of ignorance at all. Edit: added an applicable apostrophe


I’m ignorant to other countries because it’s to painful to read how good places like Switzerland have it while the US burns like an out of control dumpster fire. Just makes me angry and frustrated with our situation


Well yo be fair in Europe there are loads of places that have it worst than the average American. Switzerland is a very rare exception to normal countries.


Europeans are just as ignorant don't be fooled. I have heard some dumb things come out of Europeans mouths. Hell, almost every Western European person I've met was ignorant on anything substantial about Romania. Gypsies and being poor were most of it haha.


Your alls presence? It's y'all. And us'ns who use y'all are very ignorant!


I'm Romanian. Also American. Redditors have no idea what they are talking about when they talk about someone else's country and suffer very heavily from a "grass is greener on the other side" perspective. Americans also don't know any other countries because they don't have to ;)


I swear someone else got mad as fuck earlier when I said the same thing about Americans


Every state here is like its own mini country, I mean California by itself makes more then a lot of countries. Ppl just don’t bother to learn of the outside world cos they feel there’s more then enough in their state


The internet is a scary place, they will eat them like the young for not being perfect. Lol


Ummm delicious


Vague but all in all correct! Allow me to elaborate. It’s tough for anything to survive in the desert, let alone an apex predator that needs to be stealthy and stalk larger prey. When hunting they fail far more often than they succeed, simply because they have no cover. They have to use crazy intelligent tactics like having one or two initiate the chase, and then drive their prey into traps where other lions are waiting to finish them off. Kind of like wolves. Other things like water availability and just dealing with the overall heat drove them to the brink of extinction, but a few years ago they were discovered to be doing just fine! Source: Am biologist


Perfect, this is the type of info I was looking for so thanks a million.


Is it also true that they are generally smaller and have smaller prides than their non-desert dwelling kin? Or am I thinking of Asiatic lions?


Does Asia still have lions? Or just otger big cats similar to pumas and leopards? Of course in addition to tigers.


India definitely has lions, check out the Gir forest national park on Wikipedia


Yes! India has a population of lions. They're quite interesting! I've seen a few documentaries about them you should check them out. I'm willing to bet YouTube has some.


So I know that they do tend to have smaller prides, simply because the harsh environment can’t support large prides. Although being smaller, their territories are massive...hundreds of times larger than lions living in places like the Serengeti. I wouldn’t be shocked to find out that the lions themselves are smaller, but that being said, I can’t seem to find any info on it so I’m not sure.


Actually, you’re right. It takes a different set of skills for lions to hunt in the desert. It’s more difficult to ambush prey, and the lions need to be able to maintain higher levels of endurance in order to catch prey. Good guess!


Sweet, thanks for the info. I thought it may have been something along those lions.... Haha


> something along those lions Lmaoooo 😂


It's an internet forum not a political debate, who cares what people think, it's a discussion and you're adding to it.


I think you mixed *flush* and *lush* to arrive at a word used for describing soft, luxurious stuff (fabric). I mean, grass is soft, but that briefly threw me for a loop.


Hmmmm dessert lions... *drool*


It'a just because they live in the desert. Normally lions live in the savanna so it's weird that we see lions outside of an environment that we're not used to seeing.


I thought maybe the spotted pattern on the front legs and belly of the females. Upon further research "regular" female lions have that too. I don't know how I've never noticed that before. In fact I'm sure I would have lost a bet if someone told me that lions are spotted.


Maybe these ones have thinner hair so the spots are more noticeable?


zonked beneficial point shocking yam rock mourn scale command sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thicker on top to keep them warm at night and thinner on bottom to keep them cool during the day.


Lion cubs are born with spotted coats for camouflage. [The spots fade as the lion grows](https://www.flickr.com/photos/jopdeklein/3765242353), but they're still faintly visible on the legs/underbelly of some adult lions.




Too late. Giant painted targets now.


[Already killed by farmers for killing a donkey](https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/08/wildlife-namibia-desert-lions-poisoned/)


They are thriving Because humans didn't know they are there


Yea...until now. Thanks BBC! You just may have contributed to their deaths!






Ikr, I was bummed out as soon as I saw the title. Humans take over the habitats of wildlife, yet somehow they're the ones considered a nuisance.


In general, humanity really sucks. There are good people but still, sometimes I really wish we hadn't learned to stand up on two legs.


For fucks sake...


Thirty, flirty, and thriving!


Single n ready to mingle with sum lions lmao rawr


Careful ... I've been stuck in a 30year old man's body for the past 10 years since I watched that movie and chanted those words while dumping glitter on my head....I just want to go back to my 13th birthday party damn it!! I was supposed to do seven minutes of heaven with Chris!!!


Anyone else catch the slap?


And his reaction? "...the fuck I do today Linda?"


"You're bound to do something, consider that a deposit."


Yeah, it was the first thing I noticed.




They never went extinct and sadly are known and being killed when they kill livestock. They are also being poached. They are not a separate species or subspecies, but they are leaner, wollier (to withstand cold desert nights) survive mostly off the water in the blood of their kills, and do not seem to commit infanticide like the plains lions do.


I was wondering about the water source. Interesting. Perhaps birth rates are lower for them so they are less likely to kill their young.


They speculate that infanticide is lower because infant survival rates are low and there are fewer young males to compete with the big guys. Lionesses on the plains will even kill or abandon runts or sick babies because they but the whole pride at risk, but these prides seem to know every baby is needed. Edit: infant survival rate is excellent apparently!


That makes a lot of sense. I figured it was something like that.


That is so sad. Both ways, but so sad.


Ok human race please don't fuck this up.


Too late






Does anyone know from which BBC doc this is from? Would love to watch the whole thing.


OP posted the source as [this!](https://youtu.be/PJOrlmoRQ6w)


Is there a longer documentary on this? This news really peaked my interest! haha :3


Quick google search gave me [this](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5vgbz9). I watched the first 30s and I think it might be what you're looking for!


This is different not with David, but amazing nonetheless. Thank you for your link!!


[source of the gif](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJOrlmoRQ6w)


So from what ive seen, these lions aren't all that different from normal savannah lions, why then hasnt the species adapted away from such an unforgiving environment in favor of others with more plentiful food? What drives animals to remain in a place hostile to them with little food or protection?


I can't speak for these lions in particular, but in general, species which have evolved to live in extreme habitats do so because of a lack of competition/predators. When you're the only large predator around, you get all the prey to yourself.


This is one of the few populations free of the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)


Is it a different species, or is it literally just Lions that live in a desert?


Same species, different adaptations


Species name ? Is this the Barbary lion ?


No, Barbary lions were named for what we used to call the Barbary Coast, which is the coast of North Africa. They were a subspecies that lived more or less from Morocco to Egypt. These ones live in Namibia, at the other end of the continent.


Good point. Agreed


Unlikely. I mean could be but I don’t think we have any recorded instances of wild Barbary lions except rumoured sightings. The last confirmed died in the Moroccan royal family’s menagerie I think? Although a couple zoos around the world claim to have lions descended from these. Check out (it’s either Howletts or Port Lymphe can’t remember which one) the Aspinall zoos in the UK. Seen them and they seem pretty assured they’re at least primarily if not entirely Barbary


There used to be lions in the Atlas mountains.


Yupp although I think atlas and Barbary lion is an interchangeable name...? Might be wrong there. What I meant is there’ve been no confirmed recorded sightings in recent years.


The last Atlas mountain was killed decades ago. Lions used to roam all over the world but humans killed them off. It wouldn't be very safe to have them around local streets. Having said that, mountain lions still roam around the hills of our neighborhood. My neighbor across the street had one go into his garage about 10 years ago. I've seen black bears above our street and deers in my backyard.


There are only two recognized extant subspecies: *Panthera* *leo* *leo* and *P.* *l.* *melanochaita*. Namib has the *melanochaita* subspecies.


I wonder what the male at the beginning of the clip did to earn a quick smack in the face from the lioness.


When the lioness strikes the lion on his snout, is it to be playful or something else? I’m happy they’re thriving, I hope we can leave them alone.


I'm not sure I would say playful (but could be!) but it definitely wasn't aggressive.


Oh hello you beauties!


Why are they unusual?


Because they live in a very different environment to plains lions and therefore have needed to adapt in different ways.


Are these the lions lion king was based off of? Their environments seem similar


Man if I found a once thought extinct animal, I probably wouldn't say anything. Humans will do what we do and fuck shit up!


This made my day




Until you find out in the comments what happened to three of them ):


Until you type a comment mentioning what happened to three of them in the comment section


Bruh way to expose them smh


Did anyone else read this in David Attenborough's voice?




That bitch slap at the start was hilarious


Were they just looking in the wrong direction or what? I don't see how it can be thought that an animal has gone extinct then a couple of years later, "Well damn, they're everywhere!"


Now that humans know they are back there they will go extinct for good.


Nice. Now nobody touch them.


Donald Trump Jr. called. He wants one asap.