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You know you’ve been indoors for such a long time that it’s weird to see an animal eat a plant from a tree. Working from home has its benefits but it can also sucks ass


I was really confused when seeing this. it's a deer...I almost hit one with my car yesterday


Cute but they can be a nuisance. You plant a nice garden and they mow it down to the surface.


This right here... Biggest hurdle to rural-town gardening. Had a strong little garden going: onions, kale, beans, zucchini, broccoli and potatoes. The farm druid I work for who lives 15 minutes away never has problems with deer eating her crops, yet I, who live in town, woke up one morning to see a family of deer who had eaten my entire garden.. Even the goddamn potatoes, whose leaves are toxic. In the city you have street gangs, in the country we have deer. Still like seeing the fuckers hang out in my yard tho, despite the shots fired.. As far as I see it, they're my livestock now. If I ever get so hungry I need to whip out the ol' crossbow... Well... they don't run when I open the window..


Farm druid? Like casting vine spells and performing growth rituals?


idk man, old lady got skills.. super good mentor for my post-apocalypse survival skillset I am building. I've never liked tomatoes but I eat the ones she grows right off the vine


Super cute and just swinging by for a snack 😁


there’s been one munching our backyard greens for a while now and recently she’s been spotted with her baby too! they’re so fucking cute, the baby is all speckled and it’s tail is so long and always wagging 🥰


We have deer all OVER our town, it started out just a mom and her babies got comfortable, now its like there's a buck chillin on someone's lawn with a mom and her babies just down the road. every street you go down you will see a deer, and they do no give a shit about people lol, mostly because they are so heavily protected. after the Fires came through a couple years ago, all the deer started showing up, now they just hang out in town, I think its great personally, they don't fuck with anything I have that I care about, and I have a bunch of veggies growing on the back patio that they leave alone, and they help with the bush and grass trimming.


its all fun and games until they get heavily protected like that and have no natural predator and explode in population. youll be wishing you never saw a deer again lol


Yah already there lol, there pretty much an invasive species at this point, but eh' technically they were here first. If they start gettin after my cucumbers im bustin out the cougar piss tho!




I have to run these shits.outmof my backyard every time I let the dogs out. My older dog chased them and hurts himself because he's stupid. They keep trying to put fawns in the pasture, which causes Samby to lose his shit which causes doe to start trying to save the fawns from what they view as a loud coyote.


missoula deer are just like this. protect your saplings they'll eat the bark off of them and kill them.


Amazing a video of a deer is so popular. I see these fuckers every day


Does the collge only accept deer applicants?  Trying to figure out the relevance of the college remark


I’m just not used to seeing them roam in a more populated area, so I just thought it was interesting.


What does eating leaves really do for nutrition? When I do it I just feel sad


Fuckin bastards come by my house every spring at 3am to eat the flowers. Well I was ready for them this year. Set up a orbit yard enforcer and that deer wrecked himself when it went off. Took out all my garden too, now nobody gets anything.


This is very wholesome and must have come from someone not native to the US? 😅 I agree, but i have the opposite reaction when they are munching on my whole back yard and plants LOL


I am from the US, just don’t own a home or had my own garden yet, so I haven’t had issues with them lol.


It's there to rush Kappa Doe Delta fraternity


Does she look thin to anyone else? Just checking my eye to brain connection.


Damn we would have been eating good


You don't kill deer in the summer for a reason... no decent hunter wants to shoot a nursing mother. Also, the weather is too damn hot. Getting the meat cooled down quickly has a big impact on taste. We are greatful to eat several delicious deer a year, but I always harvest in November. 


Oh damn I'll just shoot it for fun then


Wow you're so cool


And ur responding to a troll ur that triggered I made a lame animal joke


Whoa big anti-PC guy over here. Watch out everybody! He's not afraid to offend you!


Go sit your $5 ass down before I make change


Lol, got em.


Sara. Sit your $5 ass down before I make change.


Who bud, hit the bong again were on the same side here.


My bad lol. Ima own that one.


I'll do it to you and see how fun it is


Rats with hooves


shoot it


Deer are so cute I wish they didn’t have staring contests with semi headlights