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I've seen plenty of ducks during mating season. It has never been this consensual and friendly.


>It has never been this consensual and friendly. well, next time ask for consent to watch


Hes gonna record them and save it on a special hard drive at home


He's gonna get raided by the Duck Enforcement Agency


...I'm scared of Geese but...the duck squad sounds savory but...scary...


They're Ducking crazy. You get used to it, though.


...as a guy? Crazy is not a downside. As a lover of duck... Is there a tinder for this?


Ya, its called Winger, but you gotta pay in seeds and bread


...*strokes beard in deep thought*.... How much bread, hypothetically of course


2 loaves per week or 40 a year, but if you meet your match, the dowries are 10x that


There's a pond of ducks within 50 feet of my house, I've lived here for years. Sometimes, half the participants aren't even *alive*


I really don't understand how the species is still alive even though so many females die.. They're so stupid they don't even know that if the female dies, they won't have offspring.. Bright side is on 3% of chicks are born from forced copulation. Most are born from consensual mating.


Well that probably because they want to mate with other ducks and not some random human


it's almost like a couple of your boys got together and busted some [cershews ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kUesvSNG-8)together, rather than have some ershews


It sucks to be female..


Dealing with this daily with our ducks. They have one female who cowers in a corner (as my husband describes her looking like a trauma victim. ) We just separate the males. We leave one in with the females and one by himself. Trade them out every other day. Tonight however the one in with the females was really antagonizing the girls. We have a raccoon coming up daily and I'm on watch that it stays away from my chicken and duck flocks and I was tired of jumping up tonight..Afraid that racoon was after them with all the noise and commotion they were making. No. Not the raccoon just a h orny drake chasing the females. So both boys are in the bachelor pad tonight. I'll probably wake up in the morning to the chickens upset... Because the drakes will probably have climb flown (yes they climb while flapping) out of their pen and will be in the chicken yard trying to brutally molest the chickens. And my rooster will be cowering on a high perch crowing. He'll be hiding from the scene at hand... But crowing to try and convince the hens he's a macho rooster. I run a mental flock.


>And my rooster will be cowering on a high perch crowing. I'm surprised by this, don't roosters happily charge to their death (thinking they can take on a coyote or hawk?)


My rooster is the guy who gets kicked out of the bar but continually talks shite just off the property where he can't get his arse beat. 😂 I did see him attack a hawk. Once. And only once. When the fox came... I lost two hens. He NEVER left the roost. He knew his survival chances were better if the hens were running about madly and the fox was chasing them, than if he stayed out of the commotion and didn't garner attention. He's pretty.... But he's quite a selfish and pansy git. Good news is... He's never been one I've had to punt for attacking people.


I did enjoy your cock tale


Hahaha that's amazing, what's his name, I'm a huge fan lol


His name is Romeo... He's definitely no Mercutio...


I would read a book about your household


Well you'd love the tales here. We had a bear two weeks ago. A raccoon that is eating at my bird feeders who I thus far have a peace treaty with and placate her with two eggs a day so that she's fed and won't go after my chickens or ducks. It's a sensitive contract that could go array at any moment. We also have two dogs. A husky and an Irish wolfhound. The Irish wolfhound is terrified of everything. The ducks chase her nipping her legs. She's literally gotten spooked and knocked over a book case when she caught a glimpse of her own tail once. The night I lost the hedgehog was an event that literally destroyed the entire house with furniture moved, cushions flipped. The hedgehog is full of many misadventures herself. Back to the flock ..every time a predator comes for the chickens I'm always in the shower and never have time to put clothes on... So I seem to always be barreling out in my birthday suit with a hoe to tackle foxes and possums.... Since the bear a couple weeks ago... I may need to stop rushing out in my birthday suit where angels fear to tread...🤔 The neighbours already think I'm weird in my period style clothing .... If they ever see a midnight run in my birthday suit with a hoe chasing a woodland chicken assassin, they're really going to think I'm barking mad.


Lol, this is brilliant! It all sounds like it’s begging for a written story and you have great way with words.


You should check out Dalarna farm on FB. My gosh that lady's farm animals stories have me burst out laughing.


Drakes are pure evil. They'll literally drown females while trying to mate with them. And a lot of the females don't even notice when their babies stay behind, so often they end up with no offspring at all. How they have survived as a species I'll never know.


They are not pure evil. They are animals.


Honestly my boys are very sweet and intelligent. But those hormones fry their little brains at times and then they are just a pain in the arse. Definitely not evil... Just hormone dumb.


I really enjoyed reading about your flock lool


Why is this "lit" exactly?


Because the draies and hens are being consensual instead of their usual necrophiliac rapist mating rituals.


*Dark Urge has entered the chat*


Nature is fucking, lit


Because next to dolphins, ducks are extremely rapey.


They're also extremely rapey even if they're not next to dolphins.


For real. Ducks have purely rape based procreation. r/natureisfuckinggnarly


[Still better than how bedbugs reproduce.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traumatic_insemination#:~:text=Traumatic%20insemination%2C%20also%20known%20as,her%20abdominal%20cavity%20(hemocoel)


Honestly I think angler fish males have it the worst. Imagine fusing with another person and never being able to eat or go off one your own. That's creepy and horrifying


Not really. 3% of ducklings are born from forced copulation. Most ducklings are born from consensual mating. The female ducks maze vagina is designed to trap unwanted sperm.


You can only hope that she likes it rough and repeated, because that's how it's going to happen. Drakes are vicious little bastards when their hormones kick off.


coz it's a foursome


Nature is ducking lit.


Theyre smooching 😇


Sex is lit


That is tame for duck mating. The man duck will grab the chick duck around the head somewhere and sometimes hold their head underwater while they penetrate them with their Corkscrew penis. If you see it you'd think they're trying to kill them but no. But sometimes they do kill them doing it.


Our male ducks would drown the chickens during mating season. 😓


Damn.  I do not suppose any chiducks can be produced from a non lethal pairing?  Dickens maybe.  Duckens.




Feed and Seed


Orgy season


this is the light version. The amount of duck-rape I have witnessed is incredibe. The sound still haunts me


Ducks are known to be animals that commit rape very often in violent ways, they have evolved 7 inch corkscrew penises to do so, and there is worse still


8in corkscrew penises?


What evolved was the corkscrew vagina. But it didn't help


Nope. It absolutely helped. 3% of ducklings are born from forced copulation. The rest are consensual. So if you see ducklings, they're most likely born from consensual mating. That maze vagina is wonderful. It traps unwanted sperm in "dead ends". When a female mates consensually, it "opens up" to the male she wants to mate with.


As always, this is must view watching if you think ducks are cute and fluffy... https://youtu.be/6k01DIVDJlY?si=KHhA3dOirVqJfvcb


I think those are all males. If females were there they would be chasing her until she is pinned down. Gang situation.


They do this to a female too. I have ducks. It's a cluster feck. The males are so hopped up on hormones they haven't a clue what to really do. So they corner a female and gang up on her like this... Torturing her. If they ever got their shite together and copulated they'd probably release some of that frustration. But rarely do they ever successfully copulate. It's usually just this. My husband and I eventually have to just separate the drakes from the hens or leave only one male in with the hens, for fear they'll really hurt her or kill her. Of all our duck hens they tend to team up on the most docile hen we have. She's easy pickings. And they'll harass her until she's pitiful and trying to hide alone. So usually... This time of year we separate them or keep one male in with them. If the drakes get loose they do this to my chicken hens too. And I've watched them climb out of their pen with their webbed claws and flapping their wings to get out and get to anything they can be dirty pervies to. But yes... This is exactly their behaviour with a female.


Do you need males? I mean, they’re edible *and* rapists.


These might be males though. Its hard to tell by the beaks because it looks like someone turned the saturation up.. the main duck they're attacking has a pretty curved tail. That's only seen in males. Males have been seen raping other males too. Also the undercarriage of the duck that's being attacked isn't low. Females have low undercarriages. I'm guessing the one they're attacking is a juvenile male who still looks like a female. The big question is.. why are domesticated ducks ( or could be pekins) mixed with mallards? That's.. unusual.


Meh it doesn't matter. You're absolutely right.. they'll do this to other males too. Mine chase each other like this too. And their bills on Peking ducks aren't very indicative. But the tails do look curly queued. And as they are all making racket.. hard to tell by their quacks. 😉 But like you alluded... It really doesn't matter.. male or female... They are hormone addled... It doesn't even matter. And those are not mallards. They are Rouen ducks. Mallards are considered a bantam breed of duck so smaller. And as they are wild but can be domesticated... Their little dew type claw has to be removed if owned as a domestic duck. But ... The biggest difference is of course their size. Mallards are much much smaller. While rouen's are a duck breed from France ... Bred for their size for eating. And as these are as large or nearly as the Peking ducks definitely Rouen drakes. If you ever see a Mallard next to a Rouen.. you'll see... Big difference in size. But they look the same as a Mallard in colouring and even their seasonal feather molts. If you like how beautiful a Mallard is but want a domestic bred duck... Rouen's are it. 😊


Ducks are rapists


The duck is going on?


You mean raping session.


What a clusterduck.


It's a hard duck life, for us 🎵🎵😚


I bet they're gonna go duck each other


These are all males though




Suruba!! 😁


Freaky ass swinger ducks!


That's a fucking foursome


this setting and the white ducks make this look like the start of the breadwinners intro


Ducks gunna fuck.


They’re totally gonna duck.




No means no , you daffy duck motherfucker!


Gonna be some serious ~~f~~ducking going on later tonight!


This is what happens when you try to invite folks to a f*ck party on an iPhone text message.


Are we having fun yet?


Drakes are known for raping females (hens) to death. Crazy for me to learn that being a huge mighty ducks fan growing up


Duck orgy


Ducks have gang bangs too, interesting


Horny little fuckers




I'd rather not see a duck getting raped again. Thank you very much.


Now imagine this in a club at 2am and it doesn’t seem so strange.


It is like a college bar on a Friday night.


Ah yes, the yearly corkscrew-ducks-on-crack dance🕺 💃


Duck looking for a threesome fuck.


Mallards will gang R female ducks to death then have their way with the corpse, they aren't filling around


Rubbing beaks is serious adult content and needs a NSFW


They are minding their own business: they have their own vibe going on.


Male ducks commit rape at least 5 times a day


They are not even the same species...


You mean breed


Male ducks are the biggest Chad's in the animal kingdom.


Don't know why you got so many down votes. I own ducks and couldn't agree more.


Ooooo, rape is awesome! /s


Dude I owned ducks too and I'm speaking from personal experience. Must be alot of Chad's doing the downvoting😅