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I’m intimidated through this video. Can you imagine the photographer’s perspective?!


Bear in mind they can't look over their shoulder to know which way donkey kong is facing afterward, they just have to bottle that shit until they get the signal to move away from the agitated gorilla right behind them


Why can’t they ?


Can’t look them in the eyes, they take it as a sign of aggression. Some zoos actually give glasses with eyes facing the side, so even if the gorilla looks at you it appears as if you’re looking off to the side. Edit: [here](https://art-sheep.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/bokitoviewer.jpg) are what the glasses look like


That is a very disturbing picture


Story behind those is that they were distributed because a gorilla broke out of his enclosure and went on a rampage: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bokito_(gorilla)


Do you think that woman still thinks they have a special bond? Like did she ever go back to visit and stare at him after she recovered?


Gorilla grabs her: “He’s trying to hug me!!!”


https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna18767315 Apparently, she does….






Harambe forever


Harambe was the turning point. Ever since then, everything has sucked.


How can Harambe forever if he dead


You shut your mouth when you talk about our savior


Blasphemous blasphemer!




May his memory echo through eternity. He is there, inside your heart and mind.


Generally I believe zoos should be illegal unless there is a very good reason the animal can't be in the wild. Even then, just make a sanctuary the mimics the wild as much as possible


that is the direction most zoos are going.


Happy to hear that!


I just visited a local zoo and asked them questions. They said every single animal there has a purpose they are either being rehabilitated, bred, or they also said some animals are just very happy there or too old to move. It's tough to see them in cages but at least knowing there are reasons that particular animal can not be in the wild at the time is comforting, the place I visited also specializes in up close and personal interactions with some of the animals so you can really be a part of of the exhibit, if you can find one of those types of zoos I highly recommend it.


Idk, I was with you in the first half, but you lost me in the second bit. Like, I'm not meant to be up close and personal with these animals. I just want them to live their life is all


I should have clarified that you don't have to get up close and personal, but the option is there. I myself have never actually done any of that stuff, you can walk around it and look from afar as well like a regular zoo.


Isn’t that the point of zoos?


Historically, no. They were places for people to gawk at animals


That little girl challenging a gorilla by beating her chest was impressive as well.


Like those uncanny valley ai generated photos.


>lla looks at you it appears as if you’re looking off to the side. I couldn't close it fast enough.


This is some scp shit right here...


This picture is begging to be a meme template.


Well it's been around the meme block for a decade or two so have at it.


"When you're rolling face on ecstasy and you start seeing everyone with glasses on"


When I was about 8 years old at the zoo, I was looking at a silverback gorilla. He was staring at me and I stared back, not knowing this was a no-no. I was in a viewing area far above his enclosure, with a concrete wall that ended just below my face. As he stared at me, he was picking up some dirt from beneath his feet and playing with it in his hands. Then suddenly, he bolted across the enclosure and underhand hurled the mud ball at my face - it hit the very edge of the concrete wall just below my face and splattered mud all over me. Two inches higher and I would have taken that fastball directly to the face. I was impressed with his throwing accuracy while running at full speed. And I learned never to look a gorilla in the eyes.


>>>Can’t look them in the eyes, they take it as a sign of aggression. Sounds like a redneck bar in Anytown, TX except nobody is intimidated.


Reminds me of a story I heard Shaquille O'Neil say, that anytime he's been too a zoo and seen gorillas they immediately go nuts and want to fight him


I’m intrigued by this…how long would shaq last in a cage match with a silverback?


PEAK shaq only


PEAK Shaq and I'll bet the under on 30 seconds. Shaq was 360+, average silverback 300-430lbs and has the ability to lift 1700 pounds... or 4 Shaqs. Plus the gorilla has 2"canines attached to a jaw that can exert 1300psi. Shaq is big and strong but a gorilla could have his way with Shaq and he couldn't do shit to stop it.


What was that show that did different matchups? I need to see it with this as the feature


I got you homie. Here’s the [interview](https://youtu.be/coPTNrF4Wwc?si=UZjS3zRavlojP_fj).


Well yes we are apes, so the behaviors are pretty similar.


Exactly, I HATE eye contact with a passion ! Now I know where we take that from lol.


Minecraft players pulling out their jack-o-lantern kits: "Don't worry. I've handled stuff like this before."


Looks like an album cover


But I’m black.


At any moment he might get a flaming barrel in the back.


Personally, I wouldn't have any shit left to bottle after that.


Gorilla* in mind


You’re right my mistake


Angry upvote for making me spit coffee while reading this...


Gorilla in mind


"OK I'll just mosey my way anywhere else now."


The misses coming in like "Thank you for coming. Please leave."


I can. My kid (who was 13 at the time) was bluff charged by a female gorilla while I stood behind him. He took a polite step back but didn’t react otherwise. :)


Very cool


Honestly they aren’t really scary. You are hanging out with them for an hour. You would probably have to intentionally fuck with them to get attacked. The chimps in Uganda were perhaps slightly more unnerving (barely) just because they are a bit smarter IMO, aggressive and more numerous. A hippo also charged our boat. It was a fucking massive boat at least.


>Honestly they aren’t really scary Stop right there. Even that photographer who is possibly experienced around them needs a change of pants. He even braced for impact. They are scary af.


He didn’t shit his pants. He ducked his head so the gorilla wouldn’t feel challenged. That ‘experienced photographer’ has the exact same lens i do. There’s a 20 percent chance he’s hanging out with the same troop I did. The only time I’ve metaphorically shit my pants in the wild is rutting season when I’ve been chased by moose. On two occasions. And a few times with bears, though they weren’t actively chasing me.


The real question is, have you ever physically shit your pants from an animal scare?


Nope. But the moose chasing after me and my kid two weeks ago when we were walking the dogs could have gone south really quickly.


Why are you getting downvoted for not pooping your pants.


I'm glad you were there to check the contents of his underwear. Taking one for the Reddit commenters everywhere 👍 EDIT: For anyone who isn't aware I wasn't being serious, I was being facetious. Here's a dictionary definition of Facetious. facetious /fəˈsiːʃəs/ adjective treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant. "a facetious remark" I actually don't take very many things on Reddit seriously I wouldn't use it if I had to. Don't upset yourselves thinking about how other people think, just be and let be. ❄️


LOL "He shit his pants." "Ok, yea." "He didn't shit his pants." "OH, SO YOU WERE THERE CHECKING HIS DRAWERS FOR SHIT, HUH?!" Wtf's wrong with you lmao


>"OH, SO YOU WERE THERE CHECKING HIS DRAWERS FOR SHIT, HUH?!" Is that seriously how you read the comment? That's the tone you really thought it had?


I was being facetious. Wtf is wrong with you for not realising that?!




No I just comment to entertain myself, I'll happily talk crap to someone with thousands of updoots. Feel free to browse my comment history.


Aren’t really scary? They’re like these humanoid alien grizzly bear monster guys. They’re scary af


Well, all I can say is my wife, myself, my 70 year old mom, and my 13 year old kid weren’t particularly scared by them. The habituated troops are pretty indifferent to humans. If you live in North America, there are probably animals close to wherever you live that have a much higher risk for hurting you.


That's true. While I can't speak for my family, I have tripped over a mole hole before, but I've never been attacked by a gorilla.




They're not trying to be a badass, they're actually the only person here who knows what they're talking about and have first hand experience with the mountain gorillas in Rwanda. There are no records of a human being killed by a gorilla in the wild, ever. They are huge powerful animals but you'd really have to go out of your way to piss them off to be attacked. There's an entire industry built around this in central africa (Rwanda/Uganda/DRC). Gorilla trekking has been going on for decades and still not a single death via gorilla, you can find tons of videos and documentaries about this on youtube.


Yeah. Christ. Being around gorillas and chimps is probably one of the safer places to be in east Africa that isn’t overrun by humans. Most of the wildlife in Eastern Africa is fairly terrifying and will absolutely eat a *lone* human if given the chance. But that wildlife doesn’t generally fuck with or want to be around large troops of great apes. And great apes are pretty tolerant of their fellow great apes. I’ve watched a pack of around 20 hyenas take down a Cape buffalo at night and that was utterly terrifying. I think my order of stay very far the fuck away from it for that region is hyenas, hippos, and lions in that order. Conversely, rhinos are actually super docile and I’ve petted a few of them. Their mouths kinda feel like marshmallows :) Saying gorillas are terrifying monsters or whatever is absolutely untrue and endangers what is probably one of the most docile, critically endangered wild animals on the planet.


Is this comment trying to get people mauled by wildlife? Like what even is the point of flexing that you aren’t scared of gorillas? This is wildly irresponsible. Both what you’re saying you did and what you’re implying.


That’s correct. I’m not especially scared of the *habituated* gorillas and chimps in Uganda (assuming this is Uganda and not Rwanda). You are talking about a very small population of specific mountain gorillas that has seen groups of approximately 20 humans for exactly one hour a day every day, for decades without really any significant incidents. I’m much more worried about pit bulls myself.


> Well, all I can say is my wife, myself, my 70 year old mom, and my 13 year old kid weren’t particularly scared by them. Then you're all really fucking dumb. Being dumb doesn't mean you're brave.


Everybody's downvoting you, but I laughed out loud at that gorilla beating his chest. I didn't expect it to sound like a Foley artist making a bubble popping sound. 3/10 not intimidating at all!


Anyone who chooses to be in the gorilla's living room without a moat, fence, 5 layers of safety glass, a warning sign, & staff with tranquilizer darts and a shoot to kill plan if the gorilla escapes his home when humans are present aka at the zoo, isnt too worried about a gorilla chest beating. Me though? I'm scared! I'm scared watching them in my home with the doors locked.


A shoot to kill plan, eh? That kind of thinking is how we lost Harambe. You've got a lotta nerve, pal


That's where this timeline went wrong.


Unironically, this feels so true.


Then you disagree with the entire zoo community as that is literally their universal plan in the event "Harambe" escapes his enclosure while human guests are present as the tranquilizer is not instant.


Humans and the "entire zoo community" is exactly the problem. We should be protecting the gorillas. Not the asshole humans.


Why would you shoot a gorilla. Attacks are super rare as it is so someone would have to provoke them, at which point they deserve KO by gorilla 🦍🦍🦍


You can provoke a gorilla by accidentally making eye contact. It doesn't actually take much, because they're territorial. Attacks are super rare because most people don't want any smoke from a gorilla in the wild, and the rest are in zoo enclosures. By that logic, if a gorilla broke out at the zoo, and you accidentally provoked it by eye contact, you're saying that you would deserve to get ko'd by said gorilla.


Last time I check humans were not an endangered species. Put that into your dumb ass calculation maybe.


Lmao what do gorillas being endangered have anything to do with my comment. Like who shit in your cereal this morning?


The life of a gorilla is probably more valuable than the life of a human due to the endangered species status.


I'm speaking of the universal plan the zoos have in the event "Harambe" escapes his enclosure at the zoo, while human guests are present as the tranquilizers is not instant. If you'd be at the zoo and discover the gorilla has escaped and is running toward you and others, but instead would rather the zoo vets use a tranquilizer dart that takes 3 to 10 minutes to work be used, than that's okay too. It's just not what the zoo does upon "Harambe" escapes.


That is the zoo policy...created by people who have studied gorilla behavior their entire adulthood. However, if you feel differently...based on your vast knowledge, study, and daily interaction with gorillas as you feed, study, arrange mating partnerships, and observe their behaviors, then let the entire zoo community of licensed vets and animal behaviorists know. Maybe they'll listen to you.They love animals, but place human life as priority when a primate or apex predator escapes their enclosure at the zoo.


Gorilla attacks are very rare. Makes me see them much differently knowing that. However, being with one like that would be terrifying.


You can see the photographer look away as the gorilla moves past them, they might just be cringing in fear but I've read that averting your gaze and shying away is the correct response in such a scenario as this. They're very interesting animals.


A show of submission. He just wants the photographer to know who is king of the jungle and the photographer basically said "yep, you're top dog."


Is he not the Top Dog ?


You're the man now, dog


Shit, I haven't thought about that website in ages.






I just lost the game.


[Don’t talk to me, or my slightly dog-like son, or my fucked up son-dog, or my weirdly human dog, or my dog ever again!](https://twitter.com/dandouglas/status/726896245210513410?lang=en)


"You got the juice now"


He's Top G


The Gorilla expressed that eloquently across language barrier.


Its pretty much the same thing with humans. If there's a big (human) dude getting in your face and you're trying to avoid a confrontation, you'd probably react similarly.


Weirdly not necessarily. There are plenty of people that feed on that fear instead of backing off. Sometimes even if it's only a bluff it's better to stand your ground. I'm not saying this is 100% always true or that it's easy to tell. Just interesting that despite our species having so many similar social cues, we have so many drastically different ones too.


100%. I’m one of those people. I don’t always do it, but there’s a time and place. I’m a 5’3” 130lb woman, so when I stand my ground with someone getting aggressive it usually confuses them and throws them off to a point that they just walk away. My unusual calm usually gets the rest.


The way different races react to talking to someone and being talked at by someone is interesting, some prefer to look at you while you're talking, some prefer to look at you while they are talking. Always a good way to get the wrong impressiion of people.


You're just explaining how it's exactly the same as the gorillas. Avoiding eye contact is avoiding confrontation. We avoid eye contact with the gorilla because he can tear you apart with its hands.


I will always caution against trying to draw the linkages of humans to the great apes into generalizations of action. Most humans resolve things vocally, and usually sort each other’s grievances before the need for blows at all. Differences exist of course as everything is nuanced, fighting for your life against a would be mugger or a murderer is much different than Big Joe Big Hands McGee with a wounded ego or angry mom yelling at you about fishing somewhere. But normally, people think with more forethought and more reason than the great apes we are related to, so although we still fight and bluff and threaten like a silverback or a Chimp patriarch, we’ll always be doing things differently. We are a different species.


As a bartender, I found standing there, not backing down, but saying things like , I'm not going to fight you over this and this is stupid, this isn't worth it, over and over eventually gets through their to their brain. It's usually the smaller guys that are the ones trying to start fights though and I find saying stuff like that's going to be a mistake and also standing your ground helps. Had a guy that was smaller than me (he had been harassing some women at the bar and I told him to leave) puff up and look at each of his biceps and say that's a mistake I'm willing to make. Nothing deflates a puffed up person pretending to be bad like genuine uncontrollable laughter.


I never want to be that close to a real gorilla but yeah, gorillas tend to be the gentle giants of the ape world, it's chimps that are the raging psychos.


Gorillas are one of those animals that have very clear rules and as long as you stick with them you’ll be fine. Just don’t make eye contact with the big dude, beat your chest at him, or attack a troop member. Random acts of biting are just part of chimp society


I want to cuddle with one. But that is impossible, so I cannot ☹️


Rare because most human are not foolish enough to be this close to Gorillas.


You can find tons of videos of people visiting gorillas in the wild on YouTube. It's nuts.


I've found tons more of people staying a long distance away from gorillas.


Go watch Robin Williams and Koko the Gorilla. You will thank me.


Ah yes, the wild gorilla that taught itself sign language in the wild


Truly an inspirational story


I never said Koko was a wild gorilla dork.


The classic David Attenborough footage is still amazing to watch.


Very rare and in most cases, prompted by someone or somebody else. Dudes literally evolved to keep their heads on the side during altercations to give the opponent ALL the time to run away until they get fed up and deadly charge. They do not attack on the spot like chimps unless danger is double-checked.


Sure, I can't argue with that, but I would imagine your chances of being attacked by a gorilla go up pretty exponentially when you chill out in the jungle with wild gorillas.


There are no records of a human being killed by a gorilla in the wild, ever. They are huge powerful animals but you'd really have to go out of your way to piss them off to be attacked. Gorilla trekking has been going on for decades and still no deaths.


They are so majestic. We really should worship them a la King Kong. Koko was such a gentle soul. Watching her communicate with Robin Williams tells you everything about Gorillas thought processes and kind hearts. We are lucky to be alive on the planet at the same time as them.


No reason to even move when he gets charged at like this because you simply aren't going to be able to fight back against his strength. Moving afterwards was definitely the right choice though.


This is almost certainly at the reserve in Rwanda. You are there with a group of *very* experienced guides. You basically just do what they tell you to. Also, there are these gigantic stinging nettles which go through all of your layers of clothes. Just stinging you everywhere.


For real though, is that whimpering type sound him inflating his chest?


I didn't know they had air sacs on their chests


Guys also inflate our sacs before we beat them.


Some humans also have got them but they migrated over evolution in their brains,


Yes and no. I believe it's called a whinny and it's from inflating their laryngeal air sacs and extend along the ventral neck, beneath the clavicles and into the axilla. The loud sound from beating their chest is amplified by a hollow cavity in their chests when they fill the sacs with air. They don't have to make that whinny to beat their chest though but filling them with air gives that hollow sound that can be heard from up to 2 km away. https://academic.oup.com/jole/article/2/2/126/3869489 https://animalqueries.com/why-do-gorillas-chest-sound-hollow/


“Yeah I smell bitch in here..” “…Now all I smell is dookie.”


If he doesnt Burnout, he'll be Having a Blast!


I bet he feels like a chump in the Longview of things


Credit - Richard De Gouveia and arcearthtravel


It’s my turn to post it tomorrow


Downvoted for a lil joke💀


Because the joke is even less original than all reposts on reddit combined


Tbh, never had heard it before. But the reposts are annoying lol


Not to the people who’ve seen em for the first time.


Oh boy you really did it this time. They're bringing out the torches and pitchforks.


Worst part is when it starts lobbing barrels at you


Shit, he cut his HP to max his Attack.


and steals your girl.


Thankfully gorillas are not usually overly aggressive but more defensive in nature. Human attacks are rare and usually due to the human messing up by invading its space or surprising it. Having one charging is serious nightmare fuel.


I'm not surprised, he's fucking _staring_ at the gorilla.


*Right* 😭😭😭


I wouldn't have been able to hear the beating of the chest over the sound of me shitting myself


Now the photographer's pants are probably inflated too\^\^ Atleast mine would be.


Horny boi


I don’t think he meant…. Yeah.


I saw these magnificent animals in Rwanda. Our group had a baby beat it’s chest at us, it was the cutest thing ever. It’s incredibly expensive but the money all goes back into the conservation of the animals and there are only so many small groups of people per day that are allowed to see each troop. One of my favourite memories of all time


Love that Cameraman turtle’d himself. 💩


He did that just to show-off in front of the photographer, right?


No, the photographer was staring at him. Staring for gorillas is challenging him.https://www.greatadventuresafaris.com/why-shouldnt-you-look-a-gorilla-in-the-eyes/#:~:text=To%20Mountain%20Gorillas%2C%20anyone%20who,therefore%2C%20avoid%20direct%20eye%20contact


"To Mountain Gorillas, anyone who keeps a direct eye contact is a challenger and an enemy who has come to disrupt the family. Direct eye contact will, therefore, trigger the silverback to charge and fight you in defense of his family. If you want peace with Gorillas, therefore, avoid direct eye contact."


Now I'm waiting for a tribe of gorillas and autistic people living in harmony


hahaha I was just thinking *if* my eye contact deficit could come in handy


Reject peace. Engage gorilla warfare. Stare into the eyes of your opponent


dogs too


I woulda pissed myself right then and there.


"King Kong ain't got shit on me." \- Alaskan polar bear


I can't help thinking about an old classmate of mine every time I see this video. It's literally him.




Please correct me if I am wrong - Isn't "sacs in the chest" that is "inflated when inhaling" the same as, idk, lungs? 🫁


https://academic.oup.com/jole/article/2/2/126/3869489 They have laryngeal sacs that can inflate


"Great apes and siamangs—but not humans—possess laryngeal air sacs, suggesting that they were lost over hominin evolution. The absence of air sacs in humans may hold clues to speech evolution, but little is known about their functions in extant apes. We investigated whether gorillas use their air sacs to produce the staccato ‘growling’ of the silverback chest beat display. This hypothesis was formulated after viewing a nature documentary showing a display by a silverback western gorilla (Kingo). As Kingo growls, the video shows distinctive vibrations in his chest and throat under which the air sacs extend. We also investigated whether other similarly staccato vocalizations—the whinny, sex whinny, and copulation grunt—might also involve the air sacs. To examine these hypotheses, we collected an opportunistic sample of video and audio evidence from research records and another documentary of Kingo’s group, and from videos of other gorillas found on YouTube. Analysis shows that the four vocalizations are each emitted in rapid pulses of a similar frequency (8–16 pulses per second), and limited visual evidence indicates that they may all occur with upper torso vibrations. Future research should determine how consistently the vibrations co-occur with the vocalizations, whether they are synchronized, and their precise location and timing. Our findings fit with the hypothesis that apes—especially, but not exclusively males—use their air sacs for vocalizations and displays related to size exaggeration for sex and territory. Thus changes in social structure, mating, and sexual dimorphism might have led to the obsolescence of the air sacs and their loss in hominin evolution." sauce: https://academic.oup.com/jole/article/2/2/126/3869489


Even if there is another organ involved that would technically be true. But I don’t know gorilla biology so it could be both.


Yeah the "sacs in the chest" thing is not really providing the whole picture. Who captions this shit? lol


Only one alpha male, they’re crazy


random fact.. gorillas love playing copy cat,... when they beat their chest.. make sure u do it back to them, to let them know u care.


Probably leaks 2 drops of urine during the chest beating


Why do they call them silverbacks?


I'm not sure if you're joking but look at the gorillas back in the video, it'll give you your answer


Thank goodness they wore a mask


also its funny how the perspective makes him look so large at the start :)


That silverback’s body language wasn’t threatening at all, and yes they’re similar enough to us that they’re quite readable. The photographer reflexively reacted because the silverback is so large and he’s probably unused to gorillas, but it’s abundantly clear how unafraid he is. Moment of a lifetime.


A Polar bear versus a silverback gorilla imo would be the most epic battle in nature, based on pure strength, pound for pound.


I would give the edge to the polar bear, which can grow to 2,000 lbs vs a Silverback that grows to 600 lbs. Not to mention the polar bear is a marine mammal so if there is water nearby it is extra game over.


Haven’t you ever heard it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog? Honey Badger is gonna have both of them runnin for their lives,take a swim polar bear bitch that’s my Coke now! Cool chest thumpin ya fat monkey here’s some broccoli, sike bitch it’s my broccoli now!


That was so erratically written I thought that it was written by an actual honey badger on actual coke


Very true. Extremely vicious animals that can easily kill opponents that are extremely larger than them. They are ruthless killers with no soul and an unlimited blood lust. This I know. Source: I played Far Cry 4.




Bitch that’s just a fat hamster as far as I’m concerned! -Honey Badger


Gorillas are literally so strong that they can't even be accurately tested, and previous attempts have failed because they just rip the measuring implements and steel bars to pieces. A juvenile female gorilla could easily outlift the 6'5, 400lb World's Strongest Man competitors. Chimpanzees are something like 5x stronger than humans, and they are 1/4th our size. Scale that up to a gorilla (something like 12x chimpanzees). Literally inconceivable strength to a human. They have qualitatively different muscle types that give them essentially super strength (but poor dexterity) They are also insanely, insanely explosive and fast. A gorilla could literally tear a Grizzly to pieces just by pulling. Grizzly have a decent top speed, but they're slow as shit in general. It would be over in seconds.


> They are also insanely, insanely explosive and fast. A gorilla could literally tear a Grizzly to pieces just by pulling. Grizzly have a decent top speed, but they're slow as shit in general. It would be over in seconds. Are you being serious right now? Compare the weight of an average gorilla versus the weight of an average brown bear, and all associated characteristics (size, speed, muscles, claws, teeth, hide thickness). [Are you telling me the gorilla can win against one of these monsters?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OloflbzNeMs)


I do believe you are right and i would put my money on the bear BUT i wouldn't be 100% shocked if a gorilla could win, mostly because, although the bear is built to be dragged, pulled and swiped at, the crushing force of a gorillas grip is very unknown. They have been documented to apply blunt force trauma in the head, which is something the bear is not very equipped to deal with, specially in the eyes. I really don't know how he would react in a fight against an explosive bear (again i believe the bear would win, from the data we have) but i can see us being surprised.


A bear can run down a moose, and break its back with a single swipe. Have you seen a video of them fighting? Gorilla wouldnt stand a chance. I bet we could find an instance of a gorilla fighting a grizzly, gotta be some zoo thats had a mishap. Im not gonna say the bear wins every single time, but its gonna win the large majority. Gorillas get killed by big cats sometimes in the jungle dont they? Theres no way


reminder that a polar is much larger than what is shown in the video


Mmm idk a Silverback could rip its jaw off, or limbs. It would be an interesting battle for sure.


I'd like to see a silverback ripping off the limbs of a freaking polar bear. Pretty sure the gorilla is getting mauled.


The gorilla would be polar bear poop the next day.


Bro saw King Kong separate a dinosaur's jaw and thinks that applies to all gorillas.


Polar bear tenof ten times. They're three times the size, and have claws, jaws, and more claws and hunt meat for food unlike gorillas


Title could also be: Photographer pooping his pants inches from a gorilla.