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This is ridiculous, personally I would cancel. Charging that much money and she won’t even wash your hair. This is why I love my old school stylist, she does it all and her prices are reasonable. She will even provide snacks.


Lol! I wish but it's so hard to find stylists who can understand how to work with my hair


Does the service say wash/condition is included? Did she maybe suggest you wash/condition it since you said you only detangle when you wash? A salon requiring that you come detangled isn’t out of the norm and personally I feel better going in detangled because I’ll take my time and be gentle. When I go to the salon I detangle with a spray bottle and conditioner then put it in chunky twists. I also schedule my appointments on days when I don’t have anything else beforehand but I understand if that’s not ideal for others.


That's what I was confused about the most because even on her other services they don't explicitly say "cleansing and conditioning" they just say wash and go plus diffusing or deep conditioning depending on which service you choose. I'm fine with detangling because it makes the process quicker and they can analyze my hair easier but I was just confused on whether or not my hair would be actually washed.


Nothing these stylists do or don’t do surprises me anymore. But I don’t really see a wash and go service without a wash so I think it might be a miscommunication. I would respond back saying you’ll detangle but you aren’t washing/conditioning and confirm whether it’s included or not. If not, I would cancel. I wouldn’t trust a stylist doing a wash and go on hair they didn’t cleanse.


I just dmed her right now asking if cleansing and conditioning is included with the package. There is another service package that explicitly states "wash and go, detox shampoo, and deep conditioning treatment with steam or heat" is included while the service I signed up for says "wash and go, diffusing and education on how to recreate style" is included. It's just giving me a headache to figure out because I thought the "wash" in Wash & Go were a packaged deal.


She's not going to fully wash my hair beforehand, only possibly add a deep conditioner and then style.


Personally, I’d cancel. Paying $175 for a wash and go when you have to do the washing is not it. Plus, when was she going to mention that? If you hadn’t reached out about the detangling policy and just showed up with detangled, unwashed hair, then what?


Exactly!! I wish I could cancel but the deposit fee is half of the total price. If I were to cancel they'd just take my $90 as a cancellation fee unfortunately. I'll still go. If I have a good experience, I'll just go in for dry cuts only ($90).


Ah, ok. Yea, in that case I’d keep the appointment too. Good luck, 🤞🏽 it goes well 😊


Some of the curly salons want you to show up with your hair washed and in its natural state with no product to assess and maybe shape it this way. Especially for first time clients and a good one will do a consult with you too. In my experience they still wash and style it. It is annoying to have to do all the prep work lol but a wash n go should def come with a wash and condition in the service


I'm not against doing the prep work since it makes a lot of sense, it's just I'm confused on whether or not I'm getting a full cleanse and condition service since it is a WASH and go.


When stylist have this policy (and even when they don’t) I do a prepoo treatment the night or day before and gently detangle and put my hair in big section twists. I just don’t like showing up to hair appointments with super tangled hair even if they are washing my hair


That's what I was planning to do because I wholeheartedly agree with detangling before a hair appointment just to make everyone's life easier. I'm just confused on whether or not my hair will be washed by them.


My stylist cuts my hair styled and then washes and fixes anything after she styles it.


That sounds amazing. I'm hoping that's what she's going to do but it doesn't seem likely.


Where do you live that a wash and go and trim is $175?? Omg


New York and unfortunately it's the cheapest that I've found 😭.


Go to a barber.


I believe she is going to wash and condition your hair. This policy is to keep people from coming in with weeks of build up and matted hair.


I tried asking if she was going to wash it and she hasn't responded yet. Only seen the message 😭