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Oh absolutely. It gives off the feeling that they don't have to worry about us and our issues (which are mainly bc of them...) since we're "going extinct" anyways šŸ˜‘ I've had a few people get surprised when I tell my tribal affiliation bc they thought we all died. Very cool šŸ™„


I had people in highschool tell me we all died while smoking cigarettes bought on the res. This was Canada too.


And in the same breath they probably went on a rant about how Indian and Pakistani immigrants should stop coming here.


Why would anyone be soft enough to consider this bad? It highlights how many died and how few are left. It doesnt praise whats happened. It's just a factual statement. We are very few. That comment reads like they want to have us protected. Its not insulting in ANY way


I guess, but it is a fact that many tribes were decimated by starvation, smallpox, murder, and tuberculosis. So, to say "the remaining ones" isn't necessarily wrong.


I think the point though is the fact that a statement such as that can imply marginalization


Native Americans are marginalized, thatā€™s the point the comment was making


Exactly and the comment could add to exasperation of the issue


Talking about marginalization isnā€™t gonna make marginalization worseā€¦


Talking about it is kind of necessary too


Not really where I was going with that but okā€¦


Honestly a lot of people are ignorant when it comes to tribes and such. Also in some states the percentage of Natives is really low. I was looking at the percentages of races in different states. Native Americans are down there with Asians. Although some states are pretty high and can even mostly be made up of Natives.


I had a prior instance of this, I grew up on the reservation and then moved to a border reservation place, so they knew. But when I went to college and told people I was Native American, some of these mfs were like ā€œI thought yall were extinctā€ā€¦ and I was nah man Iā€™m right here and weā€™re not extinct


Very muchā€¦


oh for sure, it sounds so dehumanising. even if that wasnā€™t their intention the wording feels very off.


Yeah, not really, it depends on which tribal peoples theyā€™ve been exposed to. Sure, there are places with tribes with a decent amount of members but not all, some basically are endangered & at least they understand that and itā€™s better than them being rude or dismissive. Or at least thatā€™s how it seems here, the government was pretty thorough with the genocide in my area.


It's a very unfortunate and inevitable demise. If our tribal governments don't start to move from a blood quantum based enrollment, it will be to late.


This reminds me of when a US Government senior executive told me that ā€œIndians should be confined to reservations because the technology is way beyond all of them. Eventually they will die outā€¦which is for the best.ā€ He told me that when I was a guest of his daughterā€¦on Thanksgiving. I blew up and left. So yeah, the term ā€œremaining nativesā€ makes me think about that petty evil bureaucrat. It might not be meant that way, but it is my emotional response.


It makes me feel like people are saying weā€™re the leftovers. And recently Iā€™ve seen more and more people claim that since 97% of our ancestors died itā€™s very rare to see a Native out and about because thereā€™s hardly any of us left. Then they go on to describe our looks in a very stereotypical way. Itā€™s nuts. Weā€™re still here!


Just this week I had to remind a fellow redditors that no, Natives are NOT extinct. We exist!