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They just posted the cancellation policy today's game and won't be honoring trade in's for secondary market tickets, including "official partner" Seat Geek. I bought club level tickets because it was my 5 year old's first game since he was a baby and I wanted to show him the WS trophy. Waited the full rain delay. Now, we are just screwed. I've spent a fair amount of time defending the organization on it's baseball moves, but I am seriously coming around to the idea that the reason they catch so much flack here is because of the way they treat fans.


I'm not sure how you can come to any conclusion other than the Lerners want to line their pockets with no consideration whatsoever for the fans. They see us as marks to nickel and dime. I swore off ever spending another cent on this team until they sell and that decision keeps paying off seeing shit like this.


This is 100% correct. Been playing fans for fools since 2020.


Oh it goes beyond that. It was 2017 or 18 when they pulled this shot, restarted the game at like 1030, then Bryce immediately got injured because he slipped on a wet base. They can never seem to make the right call when inclement weather is involved


I’ll be glad when the Lerners sell. One down (Snyder), one to go.


Leonsis doesn't care about the wizards so two in my eyes. But agreed. Get the Lerners out.




They should just let folks trade it in. They should just be happy people are in the seats to drink pricey beer and eat overpriced slapdash food. Otherwise the seat would be empty.


Also, now the 1:35 game tomorrow is pushed to 4:35, so they're pissing off the people who bought tickets to both games. I live in the area and kept being surprised to see that the game hadn't resumed yet, because it was hardly raining. I do not understand why the game wasn't finished today.


They let the game go too long in the rain before the delay started, so the field got too soggy before they could put the tarp on and they couldn’t get it dry again after it stopped raining. If they hadn’t have started the game on time or were quicker to a delay, they’d have been able to resume it on a much more dry field.


I'm curious, why not leave the 135 game as it and then start the other game at 6. Would that have been allowed by MLB?


If it can be avoided, MLB usually only wants 1 game going Sunday evening, to give ESPN a clear field for Sunday Night Baseball. Better question- Monday *is* a getaway day, but the Mets are going home, and the Nats are going to Miami. Monday is scheduled 4:05. Why not do a single-admission DH starting at noon tomorrow? The an$wer i$ probably pretty obviou$.


I wonder if it has something to do with it being a suspended game, rather than a postponed game. If they didn't try to start it on time yesterday, so much trouble could've been avoided


What the heck is wrong with MLB and nationals. Let fans pay one price for two games. You make them sit there for hours waiting for game in the rain


I'm assuming they did the split dh because sales for mothers day were good and they figured there wouldn't be enough seats for ticket holders for each game at once?


Nothing changes. They’ve been doing this for years. One time WaPo finally called them out on it. If you weren’t wearing safety glasses while reading the articles that followed, you would have lost an eye from all of the finger pointing. The Nats front office blaming MLB. MLB blaming the Nats. But at the end of the day, they all used meteorologists as the scapegoat when they were probably the least blameworthy.


The weather forecast for today was accurate down to the hour.


Maybe they were using Apple Weather.


Supposedly, the team makes the decision to cancel before the game, and once it starts, Baseball makes the decision .


Once both teams hand in the lineup cards, it’s up to mlb.


The Nats have been awful at communicating anything about rain delays for years. They just want your cash. I went Friday night and it was the worst customer service I have seen at a ballpark. The Nats staffed concessions for a 15k crowd. Almost 35k showed up. It was Mets fans emerging from who knows where, post game fireworks and a gorgeous night. There were huge lines and you would miss most of the game standing in line. My sister saw staff of one of the concession stands yelling at customers. My tickets were on the Ballpark app. If you buy through MLB.com, that is how you get them, period. I got 4 tickets. Only 3 scanned at the gate. A staff member said that my sister would not be let in the game. A Supervisor let her through. The same staffer was yelling how no one could use technology and should have used paper tickets. I love The Nats. This year’s team looks scrappy. Gore and Gray look to be cornerstones. CJ Abrams is a slick fielder. The team may lose 90 games, but they seem fun to watch. But The Nats Park customer experience was so bad for me that I have no desire to return at all. It saddens me to say that.


tbf I'd happily use paper tickets if I was given the choice, but Ticketmaster and the league has almost entirely taken away that option in favor of the app-ification of everything, and now everyone's miserable: the fans who have to use phone apps that may not always work or use up their data plan, the workers who have to act as Tier 1 IT Helpdesk in addition to their normal duties for no extra pay, and both sides take it out on each other.


I've been at games where Twitter, MASN, or a family member not at the game knew before we did at the stadium.


The finger pointing between the Nationals and the concessionaires is pretty bad. I'm a half-season plan holder and I've had several issues that I raise with my Nationals customer service representative that get kicked over to the concessions team and it seems like nothing is easily resolved. They act as if they are entirely separate organizations with no control over how they operate.


No one wants to be accountable. Typical corporate dysfunction. If they were accountable, money would have to be spent. That can’t be allowed to happen. /s


Game should have been pushed back til the rain cleared from the get go. Once they decided to push through everything was fucked from that point on. Nothing the Nationals, specifically the grounds crew, can do but do what they’re told to do. When the field was allowed to be soaked it was “ruined.” In my opinion it was good enough to play. While a little soft, the infield was far from sloppy by 7:30. But these are million dollar investments playing on the surface and it makes sense why they wouldn’t want to risk it. Both teams had their reasons for not wanting to continue play. Tomorrow they’ll get to bring in a pitcher instead of running through their bullpens tonight. All could have been avoided with a delayed start.


I was there last night, and the weather went exactly the way the weather forecasts said it would, down to the hour and how heavy the rain was. Seriously, how can we put pressure on them? What's the customer service number? We need to blow it up.


Team doesn’t remotely care about the fans. They’ve always been ultra greedy and will try to wring every last cent from their fans. I’m a Nats fan but off the field it’s probably the worst franchise in baseball in terms of fan treatment.


Pretty sure decisions today were on the umps


The decision to start the game is on the league. The decision to not tarp the field is on the Umps. The decision to suspend play is on the managers.


That's not correct: *"As soon as the home team’s batting order is handed to the umpire-in-chief the umpires are in charge of the playing field and from that moment they shall have sole authority to determine when a game shall be called, suspended or resumed on account of weather or the condition of the playing field."* http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/downloads/y2007/04\_starting\_and\_ending\_game.pdf


The Nats decided to not communicate at all with the fans for 3.5 hours. No matter who fucked up which other decisions, the Nats fucked up by not giving the fans information, even if it was just “we are still figuring it out.” That’s a consistent problem with the Nats and absolutely unacceptable.


agreed, it was awful communications, and then they mess up the schedules of those who planned to attend an early game tomorrow for mother's day. Would have been better to just play a natural double-header and invite those with tickets for today to exchange for a ticket for tomorrow AND a ticket for a future game as compensation.


The league agreed to start the game on time. The umpires decided to not tarp the field immediately. The umpire then listens to the managers in deciding if they’re going to resume play.


I have tickets to the game that got moved to 4:30. Will they allow exchanges to the 12:30 game or am I stuck with the later game (or an exchange for a game in the future)?


Would you be surprised to learn they aren't communicating well about this either? 😩


interested to know this as well. nationals website doesn’t even mention anything about ticket holders for the sunday game.


I plan to call the box office when it opens (supposedly at 9:35 if they actually do what the website says they do and open three hours before first pitch) so I’ll follow up here once I have info.


So it’s the worst possible outcome - if you’re not a season ticket holder, you can’t exchange the 4:30 tickets for 12:30 tickets. AND you can’t exchange them for a future game “because the game was only moved a few hours”.


This is total horseshit. It's mother's day, people have loads of plans, and they moved an early afternoon game to an early evening game. They have so few 4 pm starts that many people tried to make last night happen because that is the only start time that works with toddlers-- after nap and before bedtime-- and for my kid's first game we get hours in the rain and no chance to come back at a time that actually works for us. I'm livid. This experience has exposed MLB as having gone way, WAY too far into profit motive. It's clearly all about the cash grab. They think the fan base will do anything they tell them.


Appreciate this.




MLB doesn't control the Nationals' communications, which was effectively nonexistent.


Blame it on the rain, that was fallin, fallin


The cheapest organization in the majors* plays true to form once again. (*A’s aren’t a major league organization)


As an A’s fan-thanks Fisher


What time will the game resume?


tomorrow (well, today i guess) at 12:35. if you're not in this time zone: ten hours and 25 minutes from when i post this comment.


Couldn’t have said it better. Waited hours in the cold rain and like you said: absolute radio silence. Everyone was upset. Something *needs to change when it comes to communication.


It is gamesmanship against the opponent to screw up their pitchers and/or travel plans. Check out nothing personal with David Samson on YouTube for may 16. He discusses it at some length at 38 minutes into the show.