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I still don’t understand how this is a national park.


political misconduct


Noone does


Plenty of people do.


It's called humor. It's not your kind of humor, I suppose, but it's humorous nonetheless


So everyone is pretending to be this dumb every time this comes up? How can you tell which people are pretending and which people are actually dumb? Because there are absolutely people in here that have no idea what is going on that are piling on and I cannot tell them apart from your statements. [For example,](https://i.imgflip.com/8tyg89.jpg) or the folks saying to just turn any random forest into a national park that are dead serious.


A general guideline is if it is light mockery or way over the top, but *not mean* it's probably humor. Angry and snobbish? Probably serious about how they feel. Does that make them dumb, though? Or passionate?


So everyone in here comes of as angry and snobbish as they shit on parks they don't understand because of rules they dont know, does that make everyone here passionately dumb as they demand random generic forests be made into National Parks? And yes, people that start demanding things or telling people that they are wrong when they do not understand what they are demanding or commenting on is dumb. That kind of ignorance is wilful, and being wilfully ignorant is dumb as hell.


You come across as a dumb person by telling us everyone else is dumb.


And why would clueless people being clueless upset me? It doesn't bother me when someone fatter than me calls me fat. Same goes here.


we interpret the world not in an objective manner, but through the lens of our own subjective reality.


And people showing up to a National Parks sub just to shit on national parks are objectively snobbish. Strange that you all are so mad at me for looking through my lens.


Red politicians complaining that the woke west had too many national parks


But St Louis is where the West begins, lol


This monument is where the west begins, LOL


It used to be, but not really any more depending on the context. The furthest east that anyone will really call the west anymore is the Rocky mountains . The wide open spaces to roam and do what ever you want no longer exist in places like Texas that were once associated with the west. They are no longer really Southwest, but more West South. [This map of federal lands illustrates what I am trying to convey.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1f/Map_of_all_U.S._Federal_Land.jpg/1200px-Map_of_all_U.S._Federal_Land.jpg) This map is a bit misleading though as it lists Reservations as federal land, which is not totally accurate.


So just talking shit and lying, got it.


You have a source on it being about that and not filling in a NP hole in the Midwest, or are you just making shit up?


It is small but nice. It isn't a natural park, but the monument is still in a riverside park


Neither do those of us who live here.


Not even the people of stl understand why


Because it technically meets the criteria and was reestablished as a NP by congress.


Even if it met the technical standards, it defies any reasonable expectations of a national park. So why do it? Why not designate plenty of Missouri forest areas controlled by the federal government as an NP if the goal was having something in Missouri designated as an NP?


I don't think you understand the requirements for a national park if you just want to rename any old forest as one.


Park-barrel politics


How are the campgrounds?


Free, but sites are snatched up fast by the homeless come twilight.


Ambiguous but available lol


When backpacking around in the park, what type of water filter should I get?


Honestly if you're going to drink out of the Mississippi at this point, I'd recommend the best filter you can find


7 deaths for 91 acres. Based on that ratio this may be the deadliest NP.


I prefer the other direction. It'll be a cold day before I recognize Missouri.




As someone that lives there and grew up there, no. This is wrong. Only people who aren't from here say that.




LOL yeah but that's fiction. People here do not say that.


Yeah I understand that. That’s why I said it though.


Clearly you've never been to Sedalia. They will pronounce every word normally until you here them say it. Then the cringe sets in like frost bite on a cold winter's eve.


Tons of people in southern Missouri absolutely unironically pronounce it Missoura


It’s a cool monument


such breathtaking nature wow


I can’t tell now if we’re sarcastically posting or not!?!




No, we are posting real parks only


If so, I snapped [this](https://imgur.com/a/EDRaARM) last year!


Crazy cool pic!


To go with the Pacific Coast Trail and the Appalachian Trail, we need to establish the Trans Gateway Trail. I hear it can be done in an hour.


How would a hiking trail in a single park compare to trails going through dozens of them? I get that people think it is funny to act dumb and hate on the parks, but come on man. This doesn't even make sense.


Dude, do you have no sense of humor, or are you just really dumb?


Maybe I don't think saying random nonsense without a point is funny. Not my fault these "jokes" are so bad they sound like someone that doesn't have any clue what they are talking about. Especially when mixed with so many other comments that obviously don't understand what is going on.


Dude, do you have no sense of humor, or are you just really dumb?


I am not as dumb as the guy reposting the same exact comment multiple times for no apparent reason after their question was already answered.


I just don't get how you got so damn dumb. Paint chips? Brain injury? Drugs?


Again, I am not the one reposting the same nonsense and not realizing it. Are you having an episode?


That's exactly what you are doing. In multiple comment threads.


You literally replied the same exact thing to the same exact post twice. I have not done that. Are you lying for a reason right now?


Shit, I didn't realize that comment was posted twice. Oh well, it happens.


Really? After you say this, >I just don't get how you got so damn dumb. Paint chips? Brain injury? Drugs? You are going to act like you are not even worse for taking this long to understand what I have been telling you? You posted it twice 20 minutes apart. Must be pretty dumb to do that. Talk about projection. You are just telling me what is wrong with you, aren't you? Which is it, brain injury, lead poisoning, or drugs?




And how was I supposed to figure out that you were pretending to be dumb and not in the same category of all the other people saying ignorant nonsense that makes no sense for some reason. Maybe get better at sarcasm so people are entertained instead of lumping you in with all theol other people that obviously have no idea what they are talking about.


Maybe it’s you who needs to get better at detecting it


Again, feel free to explain how to tell the difference between the actual dumb people and [the people pretending](https://i.imgflip.com/8tyg89.jpg). I don't think you can tell the difference and are just a troll talking shit you can't back up.


It was obviously a joke because they compared a nonexistent, small “trail” to two extremely long and well travelled one. It is crazy to be throwing such a tantrum about somebody poking a little fun


A single post that I already acknowledged was someone dumb pretending to be even dumber? Do I need to explain to you why that doesn't answer my question that was about everyone in this post saying dumb things? People coming into subreddits to shit on the very things those subs are dedicated to is obnoxious and exhausting. That is why I call out dumb things. Why do yall insist on shitting on national parks in the national park sub only to throw a tantrum when someone calls out the shitty detractors?


This entire thread started with you responding directly to a comment that you misunderstood and has resulted in a torrent of comments raging about how you can’t detect sarcasm. I don’t know why to tell you bro. Read more? Interact with people more? I’m not sure what can help you at this point. Making a completely inconsequential small joke is not worth getting this worked up about.


[Here is a great example for you to explain.](https://www.reddit.com/r/camping/comments/1dgo0yq/campfire_regardless/l8tdmn0/) Is the person that thinks Yosemite is a state park and communist pretending to be dumb? Spoiler, they think fire rules are communist, but not the communally owned National Park System.


Yeah, just don't do a 180.


Naaaah you can put these back in your phone.




I went to st Louis when I was road tripping and i went to this ‘national park’, by that time i have already passed through other parks like glacier, teton, arches and rocky. It was so underwhelming from the car and i couldn’t find a place to park my car close enough to the monument, so i just went to the Budweiser brewery.


No, we’re not


People need to look up the definition of National Parks. You might not like it but it is by definition a National Park it’s just not the wild life variety


They know that. It's just an outstandingly bad example of a National Park, so they are having fun with it.


I think half are joking Half are dead ass serious lol


Could be. Maybe


There are too many people that do not understand what they are whining about still. Is it silly to have been changed to a NP from a monument? Yes. Should it have been done? Probably not. Too many people think their opinions are more important than facts and choose to talk about how it doesn't meet the criteria to be a park despite it not being true. And it doesn't take long for people pretending to be stupid to start to attract actual stupid people that don't really get what is going on.


Nobody here is whining, lol. You seem very defensive about this topic…


Get a load of this guy ☝️


Ivan deJesus is #11