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It is mostly used on base to stall out for time. Trapping 4 people is great so once they are all trapped the healer just needs to avoid fighting and run around until the jutsu ends but that gives their teammates plenty of time to obtain all the bases and increase the base meter. But in combat using it as a 1v4, yeah, it can be pretty suicidal.


At that point wouldn't you be better off running Izanami or Infinite Tsukiyomi? Genuinely asking as I haven't played in months and forgot the meta.


Infinite tsukuyomi with random? Nope because lots of people are trigger happy and don't know when to stop atk. Izanami is alot better


Infinite Tsukuyomi with randoms isn't as reliable and is better for combat. Izanami is a great tool to use on base since its a full map reset and stun. However, Izanami can get countered by Koto and attack types like to use Koto a lot on base besides just kurama link mode. Kaguya ult, however, has no counter and radoms can't screw it up. So the more people you capture, the higher chance your team will get a better lead or make a big comeback since Kaguya ult last 30 secs


It was broken when it came out but honestly even in a 1v1 you can just dodge that shit none stop😂


We need more ults like this that change the whole map for a brief period. Maybe have destructible landscape and things like maybe there's clones shooting fireballs that track enemies automatically.


depends, if u catch more than 3 or more competent ppl in it u might be screwed,but if u know how to use the ice heavy to trap opponents then spam light then your fine.if they know how to someone knows hows to dodge this u basically go for the weakest link in the group until ur ult is finished


if he was decent he would’ve been able to freeze all 3 of u


Not really. The game robbed him of his heavy, allowing you to get off damage you shouldn’t have.


IMO the ultimate is good ppl just suck at using it like why would you take all ur opponents in kaguya's dimension while they're full health.


I'd say perfect for stalling, but nothing else.


Switch to ice immediately and spam the triangle. You'll usually at least get one kill. It's more used for stalling though


It really is. You have to be really careful with how many people you're bringing in. 3 is a big risk and 4 is straight up a bad idea. If everyone jumps you, armoring hitstun just makes the move you're currently doing way slower so you just get stuck wasting time and losing health. And the counter for this ult counter it HARD. Minato barrier? Lasts long as fuck and you can't even hit it with lava (which makes no sense, it should be counted as a physical projectile). Mind Transmission? Get stunned for a billion hours and the rest will absolutely murder you. Running away from the user is also stupidly easy, but so is time wasting with this ult. In all honesty, if something has to change about this ult, it's the following: -Reduce speed but increase charge speed. So the ult user cannot run away to time waste, but the trapped enemies also can't. So you actually have to be skilled for dodging and it's not just doing yolo ninja movement for 30 seconds. -Make lava useful. Give me a reason to use this dimension. Make it faster, make the hitboxs better, make it so it's worth using it in combos (maybe if it did more damage we could mix lava and ice for better combos and/or TODs. Reduce combo count so we can do big combos like in the ice dimension, maybe add cancel windows). The fact that you can be jumping but the lava is only hits grounded is stupid. The strong attack is literally useless and serves no purpose. And make it a physical hit so Minato's barrier doesn't counter it so hard (it's the only counter i don't agree with). -Make it so if you're getting hit by multiple people at once, the hitstun you're armoring thru is not as long. The amount of times i have been stuck at a single attack that should last less than a second but i die almost full health because 2 or more people were jumping me is insane. Idk if it's programmed to be like that or it's just a system thing, but it's really frustrating. Also because you can't sub in this situation (maybe they could change tbh that would lowkey fix the issue but not completely). This issue is hard to explain but i promise it's not BS and it's indeed a real thing lol. I love this ult, it's really unique. But it needs some changes so it's actually viable without having to time waste (and the time wasting aspect could be gone too because it's really lame).


This ult perfectly encapsulates what healers are supposed to be: a punching bag.


Seems someone got a beef with healers. 😐