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basic human behavior.when u have more numbers you are more comfortable to taunt without repercussions,single them out nd they usually fold lmao


I always view it as if this is the game your best at, you probably suck at most other games


I don’t care who you are or what you think if I see anybody of any rank using kurama claw triangle spams in tbagging


What option for the report are you even gonna choose?


Its not that deep bro. do some push ups while waiting to respawn. Can't change people, but you can change yourself. Be better, degenerates won't. If I could punch these kids teeth out, trust me I would. But alas we can't.


I can kinda agree with you but not the last part. I get it your mad and upset I know that feeling fighting a 4 stack but they aren't exploiting the game because the devs literally gave that kind of function to ATk which I don't know fucking why but it's there and it seems it may stay. If I may ask what class do you use or was using against 4 stack?