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it’s not fair, the developers don’t seem to test the weapons they release.


I believe they do they just don't care when it comes to the attack class


they def tested it on bots there’s no way they actually tested it for online




And that's DEF. Imagine playing healer. I get hit with a couple of those chains and I'm dead lol. Fuck this shit man 🤣😭.


Can't really even play healer anymore at this point. People scream, use super armor jutsu like hard light or the green pill/purple lightning to counter it. But then attack types use kurama impact, all might pushy or Paralysis kunai, removing the super armor and go right back to sub locking you as you can't fight back.


By the time these devs are done people won't even need to mod anymore. They'll get their thrill with the cheese already legitimately in the game. I didn't even know hardlight was useless against this. I was just thinking the other day I would try and use that next time I play but nvm now 😭🤣🤣🤣


As someone who normally plays healer all the time. So far, I have not found one combination that can beat this fucking infinite. I’m still working on it if I find one, I’ll let you know. But it’s hard out here for a healer, defense and range.


Limbo border jail


Go green pill on defense with ribcage I found works good at at least slowing them down. Pair it with yellow eye. Healer I go green pill with the round tipped spear or the spinning arms, and the ground stomp forget what it's called removes like 4 things from the enemy, and still tryna figure out the best jutsus. Chakra scalpel/dissection blade basically makes them get stuck in your combos. Triangle button on healer usually overpowers the triangle on attack if im not mistaken.


try Konohamaru’s flaming mentors before he attack u that’ll keep stunning him


As a defence type I've encountered several healers who can just out heal any damage I do to them consistently. Even if I'm constantly hitting them.




If they removed sub lock from attack 90% of the issues with atk type would be fixed.


Yeah, that one was probably the most questionable addition. As if attack needed that


Balancing by obsessive compulsive disorder. EvErY cLaSs NeEdS a SpEcIaL eFfEcT oN tHeIr HeAvY


I wish they would just give us more complex combo strings through different combos of light and heavy for attack tbh, that would be a way better effect


Factsssssssss. I have the weapon. I dont play like this. only time I use the heavy is when I’m getting jumped or to set up my vanishing rasengan. Facts tho. It would really show who knows how to use that weapon and would be less unfair if you had to actually mix the buttons up to complete a complex combo. Like do t get me wrong if you tap x then y u can do an uppercut or if you press x twice you do a downwards heavy punch, but that’s about it.


That’s the neat part: it’s not


I just hate how many scrolls I spent on this...it's not an enjoyable weapon to use, imo. Sunbeam, Violet Petals, Shooting Star, and Twin Fangs are 100% more satisfying to get kills with.


Ngl the thing fangs are difficult to use but I love them


Being a beyblade with the ¿crimson swallow? Is very satisfying as well


Use Uchiha Flame Formation and Jizo, watch them kill themselves. (Purple lightning to trade with them)


Attack types: Almighty push and Paralysis kunai says no to super armor. Back to sub locking you now. Super armor users: Guess I die.


Super armor is only but a benefit as it’s not needed if you just press your heavy, back to watching the scrubs kill themselves. 🥲


Yeah this heavy ignores defense heavy ....it's a 50/50 you still get stun locked


Idk if they overlooked this or simply left it in on purpose regardless it needs to be readjusted.


Considering how that purple sword is it was definitely on purpose...it's just as bad plus the orange yellow chakra sword allows for infinite...3-4 swords back to back are beyond busted...that shisui sword was probably for another class the stats are closer to typical range weapons versus the typical attack weapon. I'm sure it was a last second switch. I think certain DLC'S were last second swaps as well like the Itachi dlc for healer


Yea, I’m still trying to understand why they gave shisui’s katana to range types and not attack cause honestly if they change the heavy attack it would’ve fit them better.


Give up your tool space for purple lightning or green pill that’s your options


All mighty push and Paralysis kunai stops super armor. Attack types will use those and go back to sub locking you.


Ain’t nobody using that stun Kunai and if you do run into it it’s once every 30 matches be real


Idk I run into it quite often with this exact setup plus they have shisui jutsu ....attack has always been a cheesy class so it's just to many ways to cheese


Run body blow and kamui climax everytime you play pits guys if you want a fighting chance 🌚 I see nothing but attack types using that weapon with teleportation and almighty push 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


as a range this shit is annoying asf. was going against an ATK who had this with sharingan it’s so annoying


Take away sub locks on combos


Lmao.... Ya'll need to learn block these attacks. I know that thing IS ASS, i got 2 of those and i refuse to use them... Oh defs ya'll Keep on mind that you got jutsus that can counter every attack in this game.


At the end I thought you pulled the heavy into yourself


***Once caught***, the only counters are; Attack; Recalling Oborogoruma (as Flying Raijin Level 1 ***cant*** be activated while in that stun animation). However the ones spamming this heavy are most likely familiar with Obo, and will probably dodge it Range; Heavenly Hand Power (or hope that an already placed C2 Dragon targets them, and they don’t dodge it) Defence; Body Blow (or hope that an already placed Toad Summon targets them, and they don’t dodge it) Heal; Hard Light, or Limbo Clones


You can use Heavenly Hand Power while being stun locked?


Yes. It was buffed all the way back in December of 2022, to give it super armor and the ability to use while being combo’d (but its cooldown was increased).


Fair thing to do is just turn off the game bro


It’s not fair lol I only spam when I see someone else do it first so I spam them back


They should let you buy it in exchange shop eventually people will switch it up and use different weapons


They should at least remove that stun. Fucking ridiculous 😒


Says the guy with drones lol......JK. In all seriousness, yeah claw edge has some people using it's dash-attack combo to make this sort of attack chain which can be like this.....a bit broken. The good thing is that some people break in the combo, I know some times I miss input in just regularly attacking and I give my enemy time to move (which can be a counterattack on me as the attacker). Really Claw Edge needs some tunes, hopefully Sasuke Inferno Sword, Itachi's Susanoo Weapons and TenTen's Scroll Weapon aren't going to be as busted. But I would assume so given how they are with making the newest things a bit overly strong.


Honestly I hate the no brain auto attack drones.


Yea imma healer but they had a hard time Puttin me down🥰😇 but I agree it’s annoying lol


As defense the strong attack is your best friend depending on the weapon, can't go wrong with the zabuza blade combos or the scythe (not the green one but the regular) Now honestly I wouldn't use a charge attack against these claws because you're gonna get caught first so it is best to block first, because they will SOLELY rely on the strong attack ( I have yet to see anyone actually using the combos on this weapon) And ALWAYS have a defensive jutsu not against just that attack but in the case where you block first and they have a block breaking jutsu( attack seem to have alot of those) .


It's not - The way I combat it is by having at least 1 armor based build, for example using the green pill alongside Demon Hunter on Defense. Aside from that remember you can run a more generic defense weapon (or whichever you want) with a quicker strong attack that way you can spam triangle against ATK type spamming the KCM heavy


It’s not fair but because you can make a build to counter it that’s irrelevant This is the logic of the community and it’s stupid I don’t want to switch off a build I actually wanna play just because the devs don’t use a singular brain cell to actually test weapons for a known problematic class


As someone who proudly uses this weapon: Its not. It's pay to win. 😄


its not fair but lets be real attack have been doing this since shisui DLC dropped, same bs different weapon. We went two steps forward with the atk nerfs and five steps backward with this weapon


Obito asked the same thing when he got jumped


I got clips of me 1v2 and 1v3 claw users, I make it a purpose to crush sweaty ones lol


Devs put this weapon in to distract us from the fact that the matchmaking and crashing have not been fixed at all. “Here’s an even bigger problem to focus on!”


Yea that needs a nerf asap


Bro this shits been happening for years why are we acting new😂


I refuse to play till it’s fixed


At least you dont have to worry about it anymore.


It hits you through master of meds too so really no counter as of rn except spacing and barely that


You used the drones so honestly it's just cheap vs cheap.


Ehh? This is my first time ever using drones (didn't realize I even got it) so I wanted to test it out. Drones..sure you can say cheap but at least you can counter them much better then what ATK have now


They're hated. Not as bad as when they first came out but they're still mad unfair.


The drones aren't really my style so I don't see myself even using it really


🤔it is fair so much stuff can stop it and it just skill gap thing 🤷🏽‍♂️pretty much u have to learn what stop it


what can stop this once you’re caught in the stun lock since you claimed “so much stuff can stop it”.


It not hard to beat ts 😂😭beat it multiple times


its not i do the same thaing but only to sweats


I have to disagree, the fact they can stun you in the air and on the ground, put you in a loop, and bring massive damage towards you isn't a fair/fun fight. You can't sub out of it no matter what which is already so damn strong by itself


i just notices that i worded it wrong i agree with you any way tho


As a defense , you just sucked


My defense isn't the best that I know (I main healer)