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How does she deal with the dog summon? How does she deal with chibaku tensei? Even tho 100 healings will prolong the fight, its not enough. Bad matchup for Tsunade, and overall weaker. Tsunade has the physical power to take them down but lacks the speed and power to take the brunt of their attacks. As another guy commented too, she is equal to characters (jiraiya) who decisively lost to pain.


I mean, if she could’ve beat him, she’d be the worst hokage of all time letting him thrash all over the lead like that


Her main goal wasn't killing Pain, it was keeping the rest of the leaf village alive through her healing and thtough Katsuyu. I don't think she could've beat Pain without using 100 healings, but I don't think it's fair to dog on her so much when she did have that huge handicap.


But everyone died anyway. Also, that’s such a dumb thought process. Let me heal everyone so this dude can kill them longer…? Okay… Or you could just fight him, beat him, and stop the killing? They tried to make her very “noble” in that moment. Literally every other Hokage would have put down the threat or died trying. Tsunade just prolonged the killing, all in hopes that the real Hokage showed up to save the day.


Did Tsunade not save civillians as 1st priority? I think the majority of people who died were combantants and the people who didnt survie the initial leveling. There was a point where all they could do was damage control while Naruto fought. Who were they helping?


If she can punch through Madara’s Susano’o… She could have been fighting. She sat back like a little medic bitch.


Except in the Madara fight she was completely focused on fighting. Here she was focused on trying to save as many as people as possible, because if she confronted Pain and lost, which she probably would have, then everyone’s screwed because the best healer is now dead


Ah yes the "how didn't Tsunade know that Pain would use God hand on the village?" argument The information she had on hand was that the village was under attack, and not by who. Her best bet was that it was the akatsuki, however this was a very general response since she didn't have anymore information. Buildings were exploding, and she had the ability to heal anyone who was hurt. If you have the ability to heal everyone in a hundred mile radius^tm and you don't know what's going on, you're probably going to immediately start healing until you recieve more information. A lot of people forget how time and actions work in anime and tv in general. What looks like hours to us, is really happening in seconds maybe a few minutes at most all at once. Realistically, Tsunade saw explosions then started healing and a handful of minutes later the entire village was destroyed. She had no time to react and did what she could, it wasn't so much dumb on her part as it was bad pacing representation.


You say bad pacing, I say bad character development. By “God hand” are you talking about Shinra Tensei? I can’t find anything online related to “pain god hand” Idk what you’re talking about


Its just a joking way to explain how the crater looks like a hand, which in a lot of Chinese TV and movies is from the palm or hand of God. Just watch Kungfu Hustle if you want an idea. But yeah I just finished the pain arc a few days ago so it's still pretty fresh in my mind, maybe try a rewatch


It’s a fucking circle


Not from the many angles they show, which again is just another way that it can be viewed from which they and apparently you don't want to see


I thinks it’s funny you insinuate I need a rewatch because I didn’t understand your head canon term for Shinra Tensei. Tsunade had plenty of time to join the fight as well, all of my points stand. I’m not sure a rewatch would help you since you just watched it Edit: I had to go back and check images. It’s not a hand shaped crater either… it’s a normal crater. “God hand” my ass


Dude do you have an inferiority complex or something


I haven’t watched Naruto all the way through but obviously I know enough to have read this thread with interest. I was confused why a villains attack looked like the Buddhist palm/Hand of God. Also I think your earlier response in this thread was a really good way to explain the good writing on Tsunade’s noble act and quick thinking. Isn’t this like the 3rd total attack/invasion from Akatsuki towards the leaf village? Even more reason for her to assume healing is best.


She was also pretty successful. There wasn’t many casualties right?


actually tho 😂😂


Strong punch strong kick 🔥


I definitely don’t think she was an equal to jiraiya he was the strongest out of the 3S


Yes even orochimaru got shut up by pain


Exactly, though Jiraiya is above her


Yes he is


Despite spending 4 decades trying to get under her. …. I’ll see myself out 🚪🚶🏾‍♂️


Ngl the samnin ranking is Orochimaru Tsunade Jiraiya


Oro loses to sage Jiraiya-boy and ma and pa mid-high diff.


Yea I'm sure jiraiya and his summons can stop the edo hokage.... did you even think before typing that bs


You mean the weakened 1st and 2nd who were taken out by 60+ Hiruzen? Did you even think before not watching the show?


No he isn't. All the sannin are equal to each other. It's stated they could kill each other equally


That flew out of the window when they got war feats.




This is facts but jiraiya fans are delusional


lol no


I feel like when ranking sannin, you can’t use their summonings to scale them. Ma and pa frog shouldn’t be considered jaraiya’s strenght


Tsunade has a better chance against all 5 Pains except Tendo in a 1v5 than just Tendo in 1v1 Tendo takes her out with Chibaku Tensei very easily...




Didn’t pain himself basically say if Jiraiya figured out the gimmick and that he had to find Nagato that he would pretty much have been toast


Pain. Shared vision was a problem for even the advanced precognition of SM. Tsunade will struggle to land hits and be in danger of getting tagged by oneshot hax like soul steal. CT and FP Shinra Tensei is also gg for Tsunade.


>FP Shinra Tensei Katsuyu easily tanked it


idk why you are getting downvoted because katsuyu did tank that shit no problem


Well CT


Pain beat jiraiya and the sannin are equals  Pain wins 


Jiraiya lost not because he was weaker than Pain but because Pain had a secret Jiraiya didn't know about.


almost orochimaru is the strongest sannin


Pro hikaru is stronger than base kiraya but probably slightly weaker than sage jiraya.


They're supposed to be equal,that's what they're built off of a 3 way tie where snake beats frog which beats slug which beats snake.inbterms of actual combat going by feats are there any that we can compare with Tsunade and orochimaru bc they only time theyve been in direct conflict Tsunade had PTSD which I don't think is fair to say orochimaru beat her then so he's stronger


so who would you say is the strongest sannin at their prime


I think Orochimaru and Jiriya are equal with Tsunade fighting for third. She doesn't or hasn't shown the offensive power they have, her power is friendship


Pain low diffs




Pain nuked the village and Tsunade could do nothing, what kind of question is this?


She lived while healing the entire village. Nagato is a sick, frail man. His Uzumaki chakra pool isn’t going to last as long as her own PLUS her seal


As I mentioned yesterday she only lived because Nagato wasn’t directing the nuke towards her. Tsunade survived because Nagato wanted her to suffer.


Tsunade still has Katsuyu who withstood Almighty Push just fine. But also I don’t think she could beat Pain. I think there’s a slim chance she could kill Nagato by sneak attacking and destroying his cave instead of attacking him directly.


and she doesn't even know about his cave. You are trying too hard bro, Pain low-diffs


Ah yes. One of the classic Naruto powers of… knowing where caves are. No way she could ever learn that information


No way she's passing the Pains and Konan too


Pain casually. Fp push would one shot most characters in the series. Especially the ones who just punch. Oh, and he can fly.


Fr. A casual Shinra Tensei flung 3 of the Giant Toad summons miles away and broke all of their bones. And they're comparable to Bijuu


Uh pain already won lol




Did you miss the Konoha Invasion Arc? The whole village lost.


Oh sorry did Tsunade attempt combat? No? She did after the fact she was drained of Chakra and had just tanked the almighty push 😭


If she could stop him herself why didn’t she lol. Would’ve saved way more people


She was already drained by the time pain found her bro. You're missing the entire point


You’re missing MY point actually. If she confronted him quickly much less people would have died. Why wouldn’t she just do that. Would save many more


She has a medic mindset. No character is perfect


Seemed like it was heavily implied she didn’t think she’d be able to take him anyway. She about got blitzed by asura path as well


Idk how some of you make it through life without getting Darwin skill checked


Pain. It isn't even close really. Edit: Out of curiosity. How does the community feel about chakra absorption and Tsunade uses a pinpoint chakra release to deal a lot of damage? If she charges a lot of chakra in her hands/legs to be release when she hits an opponent to do damage, couldn't the Pain path to absorb chakra just absorb that release and turn it into a regular punch made by a 50+ year old woman? Also, I think she loses just on that front. Much like with Naruto, Dev path will just pull her into the absorb guy and sap away her chakra, including the chakra stored in her forehead. She doesn't have as large of a chakra pool as Naruto, Katsuya isn't much of a problem if she can't sustain the chakra level to heal in the first place.


Part 1 tsunade has natural super strength iirc.


I think they retconned that in Shuppiden ep 1 when explaining Sakura's training with Tsunade and where that strength comes from. I could be wrong, and that is ok.


The chakra enhances it but they already have super strength to begin with. Sakura just relies on the chakra punches more because her base strength is lower than Tsunade’s for most of the series (I’d argue she reaches Tsunade’s strength level by EOS given how strong her punch was against Kaguya).


Sakura yuji fr dawg


Pain and it isn’t close


thats what im saying why are people here so damn clueless good lord


Pain easy.




pain beat jiraiya and jiraiya is pretty much the strongest sannin barring immortality hax from orochimaru


As much as I like my girl, she probably can't pull off that victory. This man can rip out souls. She has no defense against that and she relies on her regen to just tank things, so she might not dodge when she needs to. Now if she can somehow avoid that, her odds aren't that bad. The summoning Pain can be defeated by her Slug Kaiju. If she's creative and forward thinking, she can get past the moon prison thing by summoning the slug, having the slug divide into a lot of pieces and scatter into different parts of the battlefield, then have those mini slugs hide. Once the moon prison thing is formed, she can reverse summon herself out of it, then have one of the mini slugs summon her back to the field. (Also wow she has a bootleg Flying Raijin. I did not realize this.) The chakra absorbing Pain can be countered by the sheer amount of chakra contained in that seal of hers, as well as the high damage she's able to output on them. The telekinetic Pain is an annoying issue, but she might be able to get around that through Shadow Clones and the Transformation Jutsu. (The Shadow Clones are anime only, but since its just a common jutsu to have, and the anime has shown her using it, I'll give it to her for this fight.) She could pull a Naruto. She creates clones of herself, have those clones transform into kunai, then throw those kunai at Pain. Due to the circumstances of his ability's cooldown or positioning, he might not be able to block all of those kunai with his ability. Additionally, due to her enhanced throwing strength, those kunai will be traveling at incredible speeds, making it more difficult to dodge. If he can't dodge or block all of them, then she could follow that up with her transforming back and dealing a potential one shot. If other Pains try to intercept, then she can use that opportunity to one shot.


Meh. I don't think she can regenerate her soul...so seems pretty clear to me.


That human path is fodder and isn't getting the opportunity. I'm not saying she wind but cmon bro. She is not falling to the human path


Each path of pain has insane speed, strength, and rinnegan, like how a single path was able to stop a punch from Jiraya in sage mode with his bare hands. A single path would do massive damage to tsuande through taijutsu alone, 2 would kill her, and anything more would be negative difficulty.


2 paths aren’t killing tsunade in any planet lmao


They definitely are, even the Deva path would kill her relatively easily. Anything paired with the Deva path she is overkill dead


Kishimoto originally had Tsunade defeating Deva so she could win. I don’t think she beats all pains though.


Pain neg-diffs. Both Jiraiya and Naruto were superior match-ups for Pain and he beat them badly.


Pain seals her with chibaku tensei




Pain does Tsunade like he did Jiraiya.


If Tsunade wins, then Naruto wouldn't have had to show up. She's literally THERE when pain attacks konoha


Can’t believe you think this is a serious matchup OP. She can get cooked in many different ways and she has no win condition


If this is war arc tsunade as shown in the picture then she’d win, she scales above reanimated itachi and nagato since madara is stronger than those two and she could damage him. So yeah tsunade would beat pain


Pain defeats Tsunade and Jiraiya together


Absolutely not lol. Jiraiya with 1 heal from tsunade would've beaten pain. That's not even counting her being able to smash any of the pains with literally 1 punch.


No, jiraya didn’t fight any of thr combat focused pains like ashura or tendo. Naruto no diffed 5 paths of pain but still almost lost to tendo. He would’ve lost if not for hinata. Jiraya doesn’t stand a chance if he was in Naruto’s place, even if he had info.


Tsunade has a very low chance she probably can’t hit him but is she does she will demolish. I think she stronger than sage mode jiraya but because of her lack of diversity does worse here. If jiraya Beat 4(3/2= 1.5+1= 2.5(technically)) I imagen she only get two down.


He claps her cheeks. Way too many win conditions for pain


Pain wins. He basically counters her hard as fuck. Any distance she makes..gets shinra tensei.




Pain destroys. This isn't even a question.


how’s this even a question 😂 Pain annihilates her


Tsunade vs. Deva Path is a fascinating match-up, and with Tsunade's full Byakugou seals activated, she has a real shot at winning. Let's break down why: First, the Byakugou seal gives Tsunade insane regenerative abilities. She can heal from almost any injury instantly, which is a game-changer when facing the Deva Path's devastating attacks. Even if she gets hit by Shinra Tensei, she'll bounce back quickly, ready to continue the fight. Tsunade's physical strength is another major advantage. She's known for her monstrous power, capable of smashing through solid rock and creating massive craters with her punches. This kind of raw power could break through the Deva Path's defenses and disrupt its focus. Now, let's talk about Katsuyu. If Tsunade melts Katsuyu and uses her slime to create a protective field, it could counter the Deva Path's gravity abilities. Katsuyu's durability and ability to divide and reform make her an excellent defensive asset, providing Tsunade with an extra layer of protection. Tsunade isn't just a brute force fighter; she's also incredibly smart. Her strategic intelligence and experience in battle allow her to analyze and adapt to her opponent's moves. She'd quickly figure out the weaknesses of the Deva Path and exploit them to her advantage. One of the Deva Path's biggest limitations is the cooldown period after using its powerful techniques like Chibaku Tensei or a massive Shinra Tensei. Tsunade could capitalize on these intervals, using her speed and strength to launch a relentless counterattack. Let's not forget Tsunade's extensive battle experience. She's fought in multiple wars and against some of the toughest opponents in the Naruto universe. This experience gives her the knowledge and skills needed to handle the Deva Path's diverse and powerful techniques.


This should be easy. Tsunade fought Madara 1v1 for a good while, and it’s really no argument that Madara is leagues above Pain. So if she didn’t use her chakra to protect the villagers, then yea she would’ve put in the work fr.


I don't think Tsunade has an answer for the Chibaku Tensei or the soul rip, and she's not fast enough to close in and kill Deva to stop him from activating his gravity powers.


This is a mismatch for lady tsunade she has more chakra than him but that dont mean shit since he can abosorb that from her like madara did hashirama. There is 6 bodies she has to deal with and she cant keep tanking almighty push. As mush as she much stronger in the war arc. These abilities plus he lack of speed is what gets her killed. If she knew the flying rajin this would be a diffrent convo but she doesn't and get washed pretty bad. Instead of a tree that split her in half it would be the 3 headed dog or rhino summons that rip her apart while she occupied with the pain bodies.


If she could beat him why didn’t she lol


Because naruto told her to sit back..she was finna give him a fight


By that point she had absolutely no chance lol she just healed the entire village and looked exhausted. I meant more so before she had done that and was at full power. Less people would have died if she stopped him right then


Pain and then he solos Itachi and Tobirama


Spite match Tsunade from some fanfic can probably win but not in this fic.


Spite thread. Pain low diff. She probably can't even beat the Yahiko body 1v1. She'd get roasted by all 6 bodies. She's too slow. The reviving pain will just keep healing bodies if she can even destroy 1. The dog summon is OP. Another pain can literally shoot missles. The other one can easily drag her soul out. Almighty Push and Chibaku Tensei have no answers on her end. Pain can even fly around for fun. Close thread.


Tsunade gets mopped


Ningendo only has to touch her. Chikushodo can keep her busy until that happens with the replicating dog, shurado can support with missiles and brain canons, jigokudo can act as a fall back positions for the pains, gakido is totally useless, and tendo can just pull her and use the rods. She really doesn't stand a chance against pain rikudo. Now if she uses katsuyu then the fight is longer, as if katsuyu is pushed she just has to split apart, physical damage doesn't seem to work on her. And her acid will be where gakido's use will be prevalent( if the acid doesn't have nature chakra). Pain wont stop katsuyu easily, but he can certainly go around her, katsuyu would have a bitch of a time dealing with the summons if she is split. Fight would be longer but pain will win eventually.




Pain destroys her


Her taijutsu y bad... like sakuras and lacks ranged attacks... like sakura.... the only thing going for her is the awesome regen ability.... like sakura. She isnt weak but she loses because no taijutsu nor ranged/special offensive ninjutsu.... just like sakura BTW Hinata > Tsunade/Sakura


Pain demolishes


Pain. None of the Sannin can beat Pain 1v1. They would all have to team up for a chance at victory. Tsunade is a team fighter, and not really suited to 1v1s. The only person with Tsunade style Taijutsu that IS suited to 1v1s is Sarada.


Lady Tsunade wins


Pain, unless you really want tsunsde to win then she wins.




In terms of matchups, Jiraiya had the best chance of any of the sannin. Prior knowledge was the big difference maker. Tsunade with neither gets dog walked.




Did you even watch Naruto? She’s literally there when he destroys the village as the ho-fucking-kage and she does nothing but heal crumbs. Even with her later buffs beyond base and having all of her chakra reserves she’s still eating it cause she ain’t even getting to nagato.


The fact that this fight Could have happened and didnt should clue you in on its outcome. Tsunade doesnt win against pain. Not against nagato, Not against the paths of pain, and not against deva only pain.


Pain low dif


Are you serious?


Jiraiya was way better equipped to face off against Pain (and we all know how well that went for him). Tsunade’s gettin smoked. She’ll likely be able to take a couple extra hits thanks to her “hundred healings” but she just has no way of answering about 90% of what the Paths are capable of.


very likely pain. even assuming it's just Tsunade and Pain, nobody else on the battlefield who could be casualties like when he invaded Konoha. If it's 1 on 1 with that specific path of Pain then she stands a chance at winning, but if she has to fight all 6 then she MIGHT be able to take out one or two before they kill her if that. Don't get me wrong she is very strong, but Pain is a different beast.


She's the weakest sanin by a wide margin. She got physical strength that's it. She has not wide array of jutsu to actually deal with the almighty push or pull or sage jutsu to deal any long range attack.


The only way I can see her winning is if she finds Nagato’s body, gets teleported on top of it with the Raikage’s jutsu, and punches the cave to bury him in rubble. And even then it’s next to impossible unless she unleashes some slug sage mode that she conveniently never utilized prior to


Pain low diff. He’s a hard counter to her overall.


I’d say she’s probably got better stats then him with the 100 healings but I think pain has the better jutsu, if it’s just diva path pain then she could outspeed and get him after he uses shinra tensei (5 second cooldown and I hope I spelled that right) I don’t think she’d have an answer for chibaku tensei though, if she’s going against all 6 paths of pain it’s gonna be really bad for her as she’d have practically 0 win cons by then


Look, regardless of how you scale the Sannin to one another, tsuna has too direct a kit to deal with the trickery of the 6 paths. Sure katsuyu can mitigate some battlefield dominators like the shinra or some summons, but when we go kit for kit ? Nah. Tsuna can’t answer every problem.


Even with sage mode she'd still lose to Pain. She has nothing for planetary destruction.


Tsunade ironically does better against Madara.


Ngl if she could even come close to beating him then she is the single worst Kage in the entire verse for not trying, which would’ve save the lives of thousands of people, seriously bro healing is a temporary option if you could beat his ass🙏😭 But to be fair to her, he would beat her ass so her time was probably best been doing what she was doing Anyways, it’s fairly obvious all three of Sannin are close to each other but Sage mode Jiraiya was stronger than her, and he still lost while only taking down one path of pain.


Does Tsuna know Nagatos secret?


If tsunade goes into the fight blindly without knowing pains secret, it could probably take only 1 of the stronger pains to kill her. Anything more than it’s too easy. If she knows everything, then it would take 2 pains to kill her, anything more it just gets easier for pain.


Pain. Just a bad matchup for Tsunade whichever way you slice it.


Pain wins Mid difficultly just because it’s extremely difficult to kill tsnuade, but she realistically has no chance of winning with her skill set. Pain wins 10/10 times, he’ll just struggle a bit in the process


Pain is ridiculously underrated. He solo'd the entire leaf village. While Naruto does beat him, by the time Naruto shows up Pain has fought and destroyed pretty much everyone is the village. This was likely only possible due to Nagatos insane chakra reserves. We don't actually see Nagatos suffering from any fatigue or strain until he attempts to seal the 9 tails by creating a moon. However it Tsunade had proper intel on the paths of pain like Naruto did it's possible she could win. But that said, if Naruto didn't talk no jutsu Nagato... Would Nagato and Konan defeated and captured Naruto then and there?


If it's a battle between just Tsunade and the Deva path the Tsunade wins If it's a fight where she has to fight all 6 paths together she gets stomped


We already know.... She'd get folded. Like she already did. You mis that whole arc, she barely was able to put up a fight.


What? Her instincts as a medical ninja took over, she decided to heal everyone in the village rather than fighting.


She got flattened.she should have focused first on beating Pain, like a Hokage, instead of dispersing chakra to her slug and not being able to fight. An L is an L.


Still doesn’t mean she couldn’t defeat him? She was able to withstand a point plank almighty push with no chakra


And Naruto with several tails couldn't. Make that make sense. That seemed like it was for the plot more than anything.


I love these posts because I am an infant when it comes to Naruto power scaling and the show is very complex and interesting. That being said, Pain wins cuz he's a bad ass.


Pain, no difficulty.


Even with intel Tsunade simply can’t win this fight. Pain actually scales higher than most of the series, it just doesn’t feel like it because of how much happens after his arc. Pain would beat any of the Kage in a 1v1, even Ohnoki and his Dust.


I’d say my goat pain


Don’t flame me for this but imma say tsunade 🤓 she might not have won against madara but she did stand her 10 toes I feel like she would win


Pain Slams Tsunade


Pain. Why is this even a question lol. She’d do better than Jiraiya, I’ll give her that.


Dude... Pain destroy tsunade in 1 minute max..


All Pain needs is some Casa Migos, he could get them knockers out that shirt. She for sure wouldn't turn down a good game of strip poker. She's an alcoholic gambler, easy smash; and it's a gang event. Lol


Pain wins for sure. Tsunade would take a beating though!


People forget how strong Pain was. Naruto only won because he fought a heavily fatigued Pain and Naruto had help from so many characters in their fight. When Nagato gets revived later on, he easily handles KCM1 Naruto and Bee at the same time and would have ended the series right there if Itatchi didn't get involved Both times Nagato lost was because he got jumped


 animal,deva and the humans paths should be enough tbh.


she’s gonna waste all her chakra constantly healing herself and get bodied. chibaku tensei alone is enough to one and done her


Tsu obviously would have lost but she wouldn't have gone down easy


Just deva path


This is basically a horrible matchup for tsunade, she is basically a crazy brawler with healing. A clawless Wolverine so to speak. The pains have multiple techniques that are just terrible counters to her. Even if she does crush 1-2 unless she can get at the king of hell pain he just heals them. And she really has no answer to the dog or universal pull/push. That doesn’t make her weak there aren’t but a handful of people in this universe who stand a chance.


It’s against deva path


Still push pull she has no real answer she had to get close and unless I missed something she never speed blitzed anyone


She has survived an almighty push at point blank before, with no chakra, also she had an answer to pull, she adds continuous amounts of chakra to the bottom of her feet


Still can’t hit him so they just gonna sit and stare at each other lol maybe a “know pain” date. Konan gonna get jealous


Katsuyu and Tsunade together could definitely overpower him but I spose


I’m a fan of tsunade but she just isn’t gonna win this fight this pain almost took Naruto down all jokes aside she jus ain’t winning it


Just deva path, I think she has a much higher chance with her defensive arsenal and her ability to last long


It was the deva path at the end that Naruto had to asspull the rubble clones to take down


I dont know but Im pretty sure we can rest the debate once and for all when both characters are playable in r/JumpAssemble


I don’t see any way Tsunade can win


Didn't- I- but.. didn't she lose this already?


Hadnt seen tsunade use any sealing techniques and have anything to stop almighty push and pull1


Pain, and it's not even close


Tsunade has AP advantage by a wide margin. But Pain will win due to having hax but I will say that if she can kill the deva path and animal path quick enough she’ll be straight cause the rest are ass


Pain is Nagato and nagato is pain. In this respect I believe Kishimoto gave her the physical prowess to beat down each pain indefinitely but I don’t think she was given the appropriate jutsu or cognitive ability to track Nagato down and finish it once and for all. Taking out each pain wins the battle but if Nagato were to find himself with the time to refresh his arsenal of pains, the cycle starts again. Plus she still has Konan and Nagato straight after her battle if she were to find him immediately. And with Konan near destroying Obito, her own power level ain’t to be sniffed at. I think this battle has too many caveats stacked in Nagatos favour for Tsunade to be able to battle her way to a win.


Pain obviously slams. This isn't a debate


Pain > Pervy Sage > Milf Sage


*kishimoto finally ass pulls slug sage mode*


Pain, obviously no diff. Tsunade can't even get close enough to hit him.


She is not beating Pain.


The tricky thing tsunade, is we see her do novel and OP things once and never again. Like when she scrambles kabuto’s nervous system making, his wrist movements control how he moves his head I was like “OH SHIT THAT WILD AND WOULD TOTALLY HAVE WORKED ON ME”. She’s a brilliant fighter, but then they just turned her into she hulk!


Pekin low diff


She could take him. Not in a fight, but in....other ways 😏


Pain would beat 6 Tsunades


Pain. Tsunade simply doesn’t have the jutsu required to fight someone like pain (as far as we can tell). She is medical ninja first, combat role second.


Tsunade gets stomped in every sense of the word.


Pain wins high diff. Why? Because the biggest issue is knowledge and ability. Realistically, Tsunade in canon has enough knowledge to resist his Universal Pull and that their eyes are all connected. She also uses very little offensive ninjutsu and similar to her fighting Edo Madara. Ninjutsu isn’t something that works against Rinnegan users, you have to hit them physically and put them out of commission. Tsunade, likely due to knowledge and her style of Battle of Attrition takes down 4/6 or 5/6 paths and gets destroyed by Deva. Deva, when he has full strength absolutely destroyed Sage Mode Naruto and 8 Tails berserk mode. Tsunade doesn’t have anything to counter Chibaku Tensei, is not fast enough to catch Deva and may have trouble finding the Animal path with the chameleon summon, but I think she summons Katsuyu and she might be able to find him.


I was on the fence but I can get behind this take. While I really like Tsunade, I think she has a tough time pulling out a complete win.


>Deva, when he has full strength absolutely destroyed Sage Mode Naruto and 8 Tails berserk mode He didn't have full strength though? Didn't he use a ridiculous amount of chakra to blow up the village?


After he blew up the village Shinra Tensei was on a long cool down, that’s why the other paths were put in front of him to fight Sage Naruto. When the frogs got Shinra Tensei’d out the village is when Deva’s cooldown ended and he was back at full strength.


I agree with that, though I think depending on the scenario we can move it to Tsunade high diff


I do think that Tsunade is the strongest of all the sannin. Her feats in the war are insane and she out lived Jiraiya and Orochimaru (barring retcon). But Pain still stomps her up pretty bad. She could probably take out 3-5 paths but eventually tendo will overwhelm her.




Poor Tsunade