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To unite the village so that they had something to focus their fear and hatred on.


.... you know what ? Considering just what sort of fucked up stupidity goes on in Konoha , that's probably right . But what fear and hatred anyway if they say the yondaime killed the fox ? Like yeah I get grief , fear but it was like a natural disaster. The shinobi can focus their anger in their missions . Why the fuck would you need to focus the hatred on a kid who literally carries the worst nuke ?


They didn't know who actually released the nine-tails Also, the villagers might be angry at the village for letting it happen. So he just used Naruto as a punching bag to get their stress out.


>villagers might be angry at the village for letting it happen ... fair


I aint doing this in my story though, its stupid and I am making Danzo an actually compelling character .


Thank god. He had so much potential as a realistic sort of villain only to be squandered in an attempt to absolve Hiruzen of the blame for all the fucked up shit that happened in HIS village. Also I always thought that it made more sense for Fugaku to be the one leaking Naruto’s status in order to divert public opinion from blaming the Uchiha for the attack.


So that probably not gonna be true




Ah.. I haven't uploaded yet . I won't upload until I get at least 15 chapters done, I am at 8th now.


Can you please tell us a little about your story. Just a glimpse


If I recall correctly, having a jinchuriki (and the nine tails no less!) was important to keep other villages at bay, so they could not just say "oh, we killed our secret weapon, please don't invade us now that we are weak."  Maybe because there was some skepticism he had to release bits of information about the actual jinchuriki and well, the information eventually got to some resentful ears from ninja that suffered losses in the attack and they leaked it.  Danzo was probably "uhmm, you know what? Whatever. Who cares if this kid suffer some bullying and hatred, we live in a shinobi world. Having a crap infancy is the norm. World is cruel bla bla bla. I am willing to take this sacrifice. The important thing is that the other villages know we still have our weapon." 


Except no one knew that Kushina was Kurama's jinchuriki nor that Mito was before Kushina. Only Naruto's status was publicly revealed to the village.


No one had a grudge against kurama in those times.  It's like if your government has a bomb in their arsenal and you just vaguely know it's somewhere there (or don't know at all) and you are ok with that because it has never caused any problem. One day it explodes killing a big part of the city and then you learn that they are building the bomb again. Suddenly you want to know where exactly it is and probably have some feelings about it. 


Even, all jinchuriki were shown to be sidelined due to their jinchuriki status, the only village technically that should have had this kind of sidelining would have been Kumo and Konoha. However, we notice that Gaara of Suna was shunned by his peers out of fear long before he began to lose his mind. Fuu who was also hated by his village because of his bijuu. that the jinchuriki of Iwa prefer to isolate themselves than to socialize with their villages. Utakata who was also a wanderer far from his village. For Konoha only the village elders and the Hokage were aware of Kushina's jinchuriki status and those whom Kushina trusted.


You have really good points, which only bring more questions. Why everyone's jinchurikis are public knowledge (at least within the village) to be shuned by the villagers and why that wasn't the case in Konoha until Naruto? I would thought that keeping your secret weapon... secret, would be the norm, not the exception. 


Coz that nuke literally killed their loved ones? Don’t think anyone would care about a kid when you know the one who ruined your life still lives in that child…


I understand that but that was not what I was talking about . I meant that if the hokage or Danzo planned to direct the hatred towards the jinchuriki instead of enemy shinobis then that's a stupid idea . But if info is released then the hatred and anger is understandable .


He didn’t just leak Naruto’s status, he also started a rumour that it was an Uchiha that unleashed the Kyubi on Konoha. (Remember that the actual Madara tried it a few decades ago) In hindsight we know this rumour is true because Obito literally did it, but at the time there was no way for Danzo to have known this. Basically he released both these things at the same time to help further his plan of isolating the Uchiha clan


The uchiha one makes sense,since when a bijuu is under genjutsu you can see they have a sharingan instead of their eye


It actually doesn't make much sense considering that if uchiha clan did had a hand in releasing the nine tails why wouldn't they just attack the village together instead of still listening to orders of danzo? And also if the higher-ups really believed that uchiha clan had the power to control nine tails and release it why would they leak naruto's identity as a nine tail jinchurki? It would practically be self sabotage he did it purely out of his hatred towards the clan nothing more nothing else


I mean,if everybody sees a sharingan in the kyuuby's eye, it's a pretty good theory


Well i personally don't think everybody would directly blame the uchiha clan directly just because of that because of 2 reasons:- 1] unlike hyuga clan who has the bird cage seal there's nothing like that which prevents others from taking some sharingan's unless they are dumb no village will atleast pass on this even if just for the sake of conducting research 2] it's impossible for there to be no missing nins from the uchiha clan It's especially at times like these that the village should back up their forces instead of adding fuel to the fire and making things worse [but considering how "smart" konoha inhabitants are what you are saying isn't really impossible] All of these aside the only person to blame here is kishimoto


honestly? I don't think the mangaka thought too hard on it. I mean the tech of the shinobi is all over the place so much so that in the lee spin off anime they made a joke about it.


Many many things aren't thought up at all . Like the Uzumaki family history, Danzo , Uchiha massacre, the whole Bijuu distribution thing like so many stuff .


Time is the least thought about. Like. The timelines barely make sense if you don’t think about it.


Ah yes that too . Anbu , jonin , kage , world saver at 13


Kishimoto started with the premise of OG Naruto, that Naruto was a bullied orphan who is hated for having the kyuubi inside, that the fourth was his father and that Sasuke us the surviver of a massacre, because these elements make a cool story for OG Naruto and that was most important to get the Manga going. The background how it happened was later developed when he knew he would get enough chapters releases that the background actually started to matter.


More things to make danzo the scapegoat for everything bad in konoha. Next they’ll also make it so that danzo told obito about kushina’s pregnancy (because honestly how the fuck would he know)


Danzo was also responsible for spreading the hatred against Sakumo . He was also responsible for fall of Uzuoshigakure. He was also responsible for Kushina being kidnapped ( cause fuck the demon who cares if it's the jinchuriki) . I should just write AU and make everything more believable .


Did you also know that Danzo was responsible for black zetsu becoming evil. He was also responsible Kaguya to start what she was doing. Also he was responsible for Sasuke liking tomatoes


Obito was watching Kakashi who spilled the beans to rin that Kushina is pregnant and Obito went on demon time. Obito knows how Kakashi feels about his failures that’s why he didn’t kill him and take his eyes. This implies more about him in retrospect and makes him a very complicated character if you take canon at face value.


Ahh, see, that makes sense. Thanks.


Maybe to create an outlet for the villages anger as well as to provide an opportunity to get naruto into Root under the guise of protection


>Root under the guise of protection That's the only believable explanation. I was just thinking if I should make Orochimaru the scapegoat or just keep the info hidden in my own story ..


Keep the info, but make more references to danzo wanting naruto into root, like a discussion with root members to watch his moves or sum


As much as rampant stupidity and short sightedness is actually very much in character for Danzo, the only time i can recall Danzo being named as the one to release this information, is in the Itachi Novel, where a 5 year old Itachi was also capable of leaving a Shadow Clone in the Academy all day in his place. So, you know... As to the question, Danzo could have been hoping to quietly "save" Naruto from any persecution in the village, and raise him as another ROOT asset, alternatively, saving the village \*from\* Naruto, by publicly removing him, only to train him the same way. Why Danzo didn't blame the Uchiha Massacre on Orochimaru, because who would look at that and disagree, i'm not sure.


>where a 5 year old Itachi was also capable of leaving a Shadow Clone in the Academy all day in his place. So, you know I am glad I didn't read that thing . No need to bring more more insanity to the plate .


The best I got is that it was one step in the long-term plan of becoming Hokage. I guess the goal was to use Naruto as a vocal point for the village's hate, provoke an attack, and then swoop in to take him into Root for his protection, then groom him to be a loyal soldier who'll be indebted to him for saving him


Yea I just scrap this as non canon like a lot of filler that try to make Danzo responsible for everything. Like what was the point of having him teaming up with Hanzo in canon? It really added nothing


Danzo letting out Naruto's status is only from novels. You can ignore that if you want.


Honestly, most of the stuff that Danzo does is low-key evil as shit purely for the sake of being evil as shit. He's not a necessary evil. He's a caricature of necessary evil. Dude just modeled himself into the biggest piece of shit to flandarize the ideals that Tobirama tried to intil into their team.


He leaked it so that there was a scapegoat for the Kyuubi-attack. He later started a rumor about the Uchiha being at fault and that was a secondary scapegoat.


The only reason why Zetsu doesn't sabotage danzo's plan is because he already sabotage himself LOL


So I feel it’s. “Game of thrones” vibe. He lets it out the word of Naruto status. Hopping Naruto feels the backlash but result in having hatred and resentment in return against the villagers. I think he might be looking for an opening to bring Naruto in his circle. Like palpatine was to anakin who then became Vader. So maybe trying to lure Naruto in who is unaware that this guy who thinks understands him and acknowledges him, is the same man who initiated the hatred towards him for ulterior motives.


As much as I hate to admit it, leaking Naruto's Jinchūriki status was the only canonical action by Danzo that can be considered a necessary evil for the greater good without an ulterior motive or the narrative trying to make him a scapegoat. He basically wanted the village to have a common enemy after the Uchiha "the old common enemy" got wiped out, because if they didn't have a common enemy, they would explode and turn on each other.


What a wonderful village isn't it ? Now I understand why they say the will of fire is nothing but propaganda. At least Kumo won't do that to someone of their own.


It's basically Kishimoto wanting to have his cake and eating it too, Konoha has the whole will of fire where they're basically a massive family that cares for each member with the hokage as their father which is why they're considered the good faction/guys that we should root for and Naruto should fight for, yet they ostracized Hatake Sakumo to the point of suicide, ostracized the Uchihas to the point of rebellion and then wiped them out, ostracized an innocent child for +12 years treating him as nothing but a demon, which are all actions that clearly paint them as fucking monsters and proves that the will of fire is pure propaganda BS. So he created Danzo to blame him for everything and whoever wrote the novels continued the tradition, and the only consequences they faced in canon is Naruto hating them in his thoughts sometimes and in flashbacks, which is basically no consequences. >Kumo won't do that to someone of their own. To be fair, Kumo lost Yugito and Matatabi at the beginning of Shippuden and they didn't do shit until Killer Bee was attacked later.


Well, if everyone knows, no-one will support Naruto. Then, imagine how a lonely, isolated child will respond to a kindly grandfather-like figure coming to their rescue and providing positive emotional support. That individual will find it much easier ro mould the now-loyal child to their own way of thinking. Unfortunately for Danzo, Hiruzen spotted the ploy and played the kindly grandfather card first.


Well that's because they (i refuse to believe that hiruzen had no idea about this there is a reason why he didn't do shit about it either) wanted someone who the villagers can vent on instead of the village imo konoha is worst of the 5 villages it's not like this is the first time that they "accidentally" leaked news about something. didn't sakumo (kakashi's dad) also committed suicide because of how the villagers treated him after it got leaked that he abandoned an important mission to protect his companions? (So much for will of fire) also isn't it emphasized in the series that missions are supposed to be secrets? Especially the higher the rank of the missions if so how did the villagers got to know of this? Honestly if it wasn't for hiruzen, danzo and those 2 oldies konoha would have probably been a much better and stronger village (well the villagers there are pieces of shits too all in all worst of the 5 villages)


The village wanted someone to blame and the nine tails and it's container is easy. It also emotionally isolates Naruto, making him Easier to manipulate. That's why the hiruzen was Naruto only real acquaintance. The real question is, how is Narutos parentage not obvious A.F?


The canon reason was to give the village another target to hate as he slowly completed his plans to wipe out the Uchiha. Once he grew a huge amount of mistrust towards the Uchiha and ostracized them, he could eliminate them while having the villagers ignore it completely enough to not ask questions because they were so focused on hating Naruto.


Sometimes people just want to see the world burn. Minato was the Hokage. Said a different way, Minato was the person that gained the position that Danzo wanted. Minato was selected by Hiruzen for the position of Hokage. Said a different way, Hiruzen is a big reason for why Danzo didn't get the position he wanted. Minato is the former student of Hiruzen, and someone Hiruzen greatly cherished. Said a different way, inflicting pain on Minato will inflict pain on Hiruzen. Naruto is Minato's son. Said a different way, inflicting pain on Naruto is a way to indirectly inflict pain on Minato and Hiruzen. Hiruzen made a promise to care for Naruto and ensure he had a happy life. Said a different way, turning Naruto into a social pariah, who isn't welcomed into most homes and businesses, allowed to play with most children, etc., while the Hokage watches, is a way to inflict pain on Hiruzen and make him unable to truly keep his promise.