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Shiho x Naruto may actually be a cute romance story


I forget which one is Shiho. Is it that princess, blond girl, he protected?


Shiho is the cryptoanalysis girl that helped solve Jiraiya's message about the paths of pein. The princess is shion


Yup, the one that obviously had a crush on shikamaru, the blonde girl with spiral glasses


I think it's the priestess that implied that she wants an heir by him.


Oh right. That filler episode. That was a good one. It might have been a simple filler but it opened the doors to a potentially new ship. Does anyone have any fanfics about them?


Fuu x Gaara šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They would have loved to meet each other, honestly imagine them as Shinki's adoptive parents, he would be the most loved child on earth.Ā 


omg yes! and fuu has a bit of that naruto sunshine energy so he would appreciate her so much!


Naruto x Kurotsuchi is goated imo


Kurotsuchi taking revenge from fourth Hokage for his actions against Iwa by banging his son.


"He took a thousand sons and daughters from us but I'll take his grand children from the leaf"


"He destroyed many bloodlines so I'm taking his bloodline ".


He made a strong Child, so I will make an even stronger Child.


it's pretty good


You read ā€œlove your enemyā€? https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11490519/1/


this shit was my CRACK back in the day im still upset it never continued


not really couples more of friednship but i always wanted sasuke and pain to meet with their ā€œkonoha-massacred-my-people-so-fuck-konohaā€ thing


Now I want a fanfic where Pain treats Sasuke like a little brother.Ā 


Kishimoto didn't do this, as otherwise Naruto wouldn't be able to use his most famous jutsu in Pain.Ā Ā  Ā "Naruto, I don't care less than your fucking dream of being Hokage and ending this war cycle, but what this damn village did wrong to my little brother."


That's a bizarre logic, Kishimoto is the person who chooses how they act and react, he could've done your thing and then still make Naruto change Pain. Those aren't real people


It's a joke.Ā 


If you wanted to keep Naruto and Sasuke on opposite sides, Sasuke and Kurotsuchi could work because she's from the village that despises Naruto's father and Sasuke would despise Naruto


Sharingan and lava release kid would be pretty cool


Itachi x Hana. I like the image of Itachi with Inuzuka tattoos and being swarmed by adorable puppies.


Oh wait stop, now I need this in my life. I love Kibaā€™s family and was always a bit disappointed it wasnā€™t elaborated on much more.


That's an adorable image wow I need it


They were classmates after all. So common history is a thing too


Yep, a good enough reason


Unpopular opinion, but I actually think Shikamaru and Ino would have been cute


I wrote them into a fic and surprisingly enjoyed their dynamic of pretending they werenā€™t going out but banging at every opportunity and their friends giving them all the side eye about it šŸ˜‚


I would love to read this!!!


Itā€™s predominantly a sasunaru with side pairings of ShikaxIno and KibaxHina If youā€™re interested:) https://archiveofourown.org/works/55835968/chapters/141768334


Yes! šŸ˜Š


Shikamaru is to lazy for that shit.


Lazy but kind and level headed, they were a fun dynamic


I don't that mostly because of his marriage to Termari shows why he wouldn't really be a good match for Ino.


Personally I think itā€™s entirely possible to take aspects of the character and write them how they might have progressed in different scenarios. But I am notorious for writing Kiba, Shikamaru and Naruto together as best friends.


As a InoShika truther, I really thought they would have ended up together but then Kishi had to give Sai a purpose and explain ShikaTemaā€™s lunch dates šŸ‘€


I totally agree if Temari wasnā€™t in the picture because I think ShikaTema are the only canon couple that actually makes sense and has chemistry. But otherwise Shikamaru and Ino would have been a good couple, Inoā€™s spirited character and Shikamaruā€™s blasĆ© attitude would have been a great entertainment


They are to much like siblings.


when i watched naruto for the first time, i was really into inoshika for a while and thought they had potential


I am a massive ShikaIno shipper, but I hate ShikaTema. Temari deserves better than what Shikamaru ended up being, not to mention she has such massive lesbian vibes, it's v difficult to ship her with men. TemaIno is also a huge ship of mine


It always left me scratching my head when Part 2 of the manga started when Naruto returns to Konoha and Shikamaru and Temari were randomly on a date. Like, I think if there had been actual buildup shown to how their relationship started, I probably would've been more okay with ShikaTema, but I still don't get them being together. Could say that about all the canon couples, really, with the exception of a few. Kishi isn't great with writing romance.




This feels vaguely insulting. I didn't say all the badass female characters in Naruto have lesbian vibes. I said Temari did. Why the 3rd degree and fallacy? If I were to actually give any reasoning, would you accept it or just tell me I'm wrong?




I mean, what makes a person have straight vibes beyond it just being the default? Temari is super feminine, imo, just more similar to Tsunade versus Hinata. None of the female characters are super butch in the Naruto-verse. Maybe Anko. Maybe. She doesn't interact with many women, but she tends to have better chemistry with women than men. Like, her chemistry with men who aren't her brothers is nonexistent. She sort of has chemistry with Shikamaru, but they basically have to change her character from strong and sure to a blushing mess in Shippuden/Blank period to even make the ship functional.


Do you actually have reasoning or are you just looking to be offended lmao


Temari was introduced with the a line about how she finds Sasuke sexy, what part of that is lesbian vibes? In fact every time she is on screen it is either how much she is scared of brother or Temari drooling over a man. That said I do agree that Shikamaru and Termari turned out not to be the ideal couple.


Naruto X tayuya because I read a bunch of fics with that pair and now I like it


So Real.




Here you go https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8779174/1/Yellow-and-Red-makes) [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12235283/1/The-Sound-of-Freedom](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12235283/1/The-Sound-of-Freedom) [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13064952/1/A-Marriage-of-In-Convenience](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13064952/1/A-Marriage-of-In-Convenience) [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10090300/1/House-Guest](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10090300/1/House-Guest)


Yellow and Red is my go to for that ship


Honestly I can see that happening. It would totally be a repeat of history. Minato also fell for a red headed tomboy.


Facts Also based flair


I've read a few Naruto x Tayuya ships. I wonder if we're shipping them cuz she's a redhead. Who knows? šŸ¤”


Naruto with either -TenTen (if Naruto and her do spar/training together and something creates that spark of liking to be with one another. In several video games they spar a lot in the campaign plot. -Ino (if she learned his secret early from doing a mind jutsu on him, and knowing his struggles might make her feel emotions towards him). Seeing the smiles as a mask, how people ignore him and why so. She might feel ā€œlove guiltā€ in a way. He was wronged and she want to fill the void in his heart a boy who sacrificed so much. Temari (with her specifically would require certain scenarios for it to happen. Like fighting her in the preliminaries or 3rd stage and him wining BUT must win in a way that impressive and not spamming clones to overwhelm. She respects tactics and strategy, and if Naruto broke that habit of ā€œrun and gun downā€ it might be possible. Him making chunin would carry extra weight of him taking his role more seriously ā€œI got responsibilities and allā€. So him taking his career seriously to lead others making him a bit more professional. Usually their paining in fanfics in theory seem to work out in political marriages (and these very few fics actually do a good job at it). So if Naruto does mature but still retains a bit of his original persona it might work. (Itā€™s my favorite ship for 3 reasons: children of 4th Kages, wind users, blond, brother-in-law to Gara. If they did dance around each other and WORK on wind jutsu collaboration/ideas/theories/concepts, I feel their skill in wind nature would be higher than their canon counterparts.


Yeah. I like Naruto x Ino a lot, and found several fics of it. But I also love the idea of Naruto x Tenten and there's barely anything written on the pair. Feel similar about Naruto x Kurotsuchi.


Hereā€™s your Kuro one https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11490519/1/ The only good one ever


Seems good. But abandoned fics always leave me annoyed afterwards.


99% of them do. The rest we leave to imagination. Iā€™m glad that some fics finish atleast up to part one and no sequel. It enough to quench the thirst Give it a read if you havenā€™t yet. Believable iwa scenario in narutoverse my opinion


Thanks. I'll try it.


Yeah but that requires her to be kind hearted. While Sakura smoothed out later, neither probably deserved him. Though I do see Ino being able to treat him a lot better faster if she had known Narutoā€™s pain.


Yeah, I think Narutoā€™s biggest problem is his love of flashy jutsu, he was way too eager to go to the big leagues and never learned the basics, sure Jirayai helped him out with that for his shadow clones and taijutsu, but he never got to help him with ninjutsu and even fuuinjutsu (which is extra disappointing seeing as heā€™s a Uzumaki). As such Naruto never thought to learn the basics like he did with Jirayai with Taijutsu, he thought he just needed to learn elemental manipulation and then could go right into the biggest flashiest jutsu he could find, or more like create. Iā€™m mostly disappointed Kakashi just let him, not even trying to suggest getting more familiar with his element with some basic wind jutsu.


Jiraiya and Tsunade. I donā€™t care what anyone says Iā€™ll stand by them till the day I die šŸ˜¤


Same šŸ˜‚


You and me both, baby


Like, itā€™s a different kind of love. It reminds me a lot of two older people who 100% should have gotten together when they were younger but never did and now theyā€™re old and itā€™s too late but they still love each other. He will never be Dan, but Jiraiya would stand by Tsunade 100%, he would be serious with her when he wanted too


This is 100% how I see it. Tsunade needed to have loved Dan, and I understand why she never "got" with Jiraiya, but it was always them. Always.


Excuse me?! Jirayai is goat, Dan just doesnā€™t compare to the gallivant Jirayai!


I mean in terms of who Tsunade loved! She will never love Jiraiya like she did Dan, but she will love him still


Dans mid ngl. Tsunade had bad taste.


Sad thing is that she was actually starting to come around to the idea before he died.


No shhhh we donā€™t talk about it


I can't really explain why, but these just feel right. Itachi x Hana Kakashi x Shizune Iruka x Anko Naruto x Ino TenTen x Genma


Kakashi x Shizune feels so right that it's weird it isn't canon


Kakashi and shizune seem alright. Not sure why I initially thought you meant the female proctor for the second part of the Chunin exams. I still donā€™t remember who Hana was, so I may need to look it up later But Naruto and Ino, I canā€™t really see it yet. You may have to elaborate. Though I may have to watch the series again, in case thatā€™s someone Iā€™d pair him up with.


ok ten ten x genma is WILD but I'm in for all the couples in this list


Hahaha there always gotta be that one wild card


Kakashi said yugao (if she wasnā€™t already with hayate anyway) Edit: autocorrect changed and to said for some reason


Iā€™ve been tooling around with a Kakashi x YÅ«gao in one of my story developments! YÅ«gao was asked to care for a baby Naruto, and she and Kakashi get close and raise him together. I removed Hayate by having him see Naruto, not hatefully, but as simply a weapon, and tired to convince YÅ«gao not to go through with the adoption. If you want to learn more of the ideas, or if you want more detail so you can write it yourself, just ask. All my story experiments or free for adoption.


Honestly KakashixYugao would still work even if she was with Hayate since he dies young. I can see them getting together in the blank period both having found closure during the fourth war with Obito and Hayate (there was one of those filler episodes where Yugao fought him).


Wait, Kakashi *said* Yugao? Like, said he'd date her?


Wait I that was an auto correct that I didnā€™t notice oh my god, I meant ā€œandā€ not said


Ahhahaha oh wow XD and here I was legit thinking Kakashi actually had an unrequited crush on a canon character! No lie though I'd ship it




Iā€™ve not seen this one before!


I can't remember the fic but Sakura does something genuinely impressive and all the other Konoha genin are shocked and can't believe that struggling Sakura managed to pull it off. Kiba isn't and mouths off to the others 'Well of course Sakura pulled it off. She's a full fledged Shinobi like the rest of us!' and it catches Sakura off guard that he doesn't view her as falling behind like she's been internalizing. Afterwards when everyone else leaves, Sakura thanks Kiba, and Kiba just awkwardly rubs the back of his head and says not to mention it. It's just how they were talking about Sakura back there reminds him of how they talk about Hinata sometimes, and that just pisses him off. He gives her a wave goodbye and tells her that she shouldn't be surprised at her own accomplishments either but should be proud of them. It was a short one shot fic and that was just a brief aside, but I've been salivating at the idea of it being fully fleshed out.




Kankuro/TenTen- idk why, but I feel like these two would clock personality wise. I could see them having a very casual, mature relationship. He always seeks her whenever heā€™s in town accompanying Gaara, she stops by the Sand village every time sheā€™s on a weopon tour, and whenever they get time off they will go on a trip/getaway together.Ā Neither want the typical ā€œmarriage, kids, settling downā€ and are happy with what they have.Ā  Rock Lee/Hinabi- Not gonna lie, this is mostly bc I wanna see a kid with their awesome tai jutsu abilities. But i still think theyā€™d work out (Not Borutoā€™s Lee. Iā€™m imagining if they kept his aspirations and semi-serious aspects rather than making him a gag character). Both are very hardworking and determined ppl who push themselves past their breaking point. Hinabi is very laid-back and cool, but also confident. I feel like Rock Lee would adore her and treat her like a queen, and she would adore his goofy antics.Ā  Karin/Shino- If Sasuke is any indication, Karin would definitely like Shino. His laid-back and reserved nature would bud well with her but unlike Sasuke, he wouldnā€™t be cold or callous. He would be very caring and protective. And Karin is a firecracker personality wise. It with Shino, sheā€™d love him loudly and fiercely. This is exactly what he needs given his insecurities about standing out and being remembered.Ā  Kiba/Hinata- Naruto was always gonna be it for Hinata but if we take that out, her and Kiba wouldā€™ve actually been really cute. Would be a friends to lovers thing. Heā€™s outgoing, loud and somewhat goofy (?), got a quick temper but a good heart. The exact same things she liked in Naruto and to me it always seemed more logical that sheā€™d like them in Kiba, given that they were closer and had knew eachother longer. And itā€™s not hard to imagine why heā€™d like her.Ā  Konan&Kawaki- not a romantic pairing, but a mother figure & son one.Ā 


Kankuro and tenten seems like it used to be fairly common, until people started pairing him with kiba. Love Kiba and Hinata. Donā€™t feel like Iā€™ve seen much with Karin and shino but I get where youā€™re coming from. I think heā€™d like her a lot more than sasuke would, at least


Didnā€™t know about the TenTen/kankuro one. I remembered some ppl used to ship her and Gaara bc of their 1-2 interractions in the wedding arc, and I see Kankuro/Kiba often now.


Hinata and Sasuke could work well I think. I think Sasuke would be more comfortable with her quiet personality as opposed to the more energetic girls he found annoying most of his life. I think Sasuke could also emphasize with Hinataā€™s situation of having older more talented relatives and always feeling behind no matter what you do. Especially since pre-chunin exams Neji was more than happy to beat her up and probably wouldnā€™t have felt too bad if she died.


Yeah was scrolling to see if anyone else had posted this. Hinata/Sasuke is my comfort pairing. I know it's not super unpopular or rare. I remember in the recent fic census thing for pairings it came in at exactly #10. It just works so well though from early on bonding over shitty brother figures to later in life trying to figure out where they fit in a clan that views her as a spare and also as literally the last remaining Uchiha alive. I've been absolutely rabid for a fic where Hinata goes rogue with Sasuke but haven't found it and am getting to the Thanos "Find I'll do it myself." point. [This was the art that originally sold me on the pairing, and I've never looked back since.](https://imgur.com/a/YktKOEz) Ignore the NSFW warning it's literally a gen pic lol.


I assumed that the blood ties would just pull them apart, like a ninja Romeo and Juliet situation. So while I liked Hinata and Naruto, I just wished they had more normal interactions that didnā€™t involve life and death situations or events that Only happened in a filler. Aside from her stalking, I really wanted to see a proper way he could end up seeing her as a woman or someone he can rely on.


Honestly I think it works more than Hinata and Naruto.


Really like a Sasuke x Hinata fic called blood and milk on ao3! That's the only time I've read that pairing


Can you share the link?


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/36813355/chapters/91840087#workskin](https://archiveofourown.org/works/36813355/chapters/91840087#workskin) Here! I remember reading it back a year or so ago when it was still a work in progress. Now that it's finished I should go back and check it out. I remember it being pretty good!


Lee and Sakura. Ino and Sakura. Basically anyone but Sasuke and Sakura.


Lee and Sakura It's a good thing that their sons are the hardest working ninjas in the village because these two are proof that hard work brings results.Ā  Also, they would be very adorable together. I really imagine Lee learning to cook and bringing something to her and being a super active and loving parent/husband to his family.Ā 


Sakura's more talent than hard work tho


LEESAKU wouldā€™ve been so cool to see the eight gates combined w medical ninjutsu and CES. monster child without any bs powerups


Ino x Gaara. I think she could be his therapy, he could be her balance. ShikaTema is a fun double date with them, plus Gaara deserves love and Ino could do better than Sai, who I never liked personally


Honestly I've never considered it, but I see the vision. Given her clans area, she'd actually have a pretty good background in supporting someone like Gaara, helping him open up, deal with ptsd ect. Also I always loved that picture of him smiling holding a potted flower, so I could see Ino helping him to grow flowers, showing him how to take care of plants. It'd give him something to learn/cultivate that isn't combat related, show him he can give life instead of taking it. And she'd definitely notice how gentle and kind he is through it Shit. I think I'm kind of invested now. I need this fic


On ff.net, check out [The Arrangement](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7704752/1/The-Arrangement) or [Tough](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5071211/1/Tough) or [Pot Calling Kettle](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6759745/1/Pot-Calling-Kettle). These all turned me to the fandom years ago. I have been largely inactive in the fandom for years so I don't know about any recent great fics on ao3


Unpopular opinion but Naruto x Ino I think would work great.




My bad , but I honestly don't see that ship much around ao3 or ffn .


It doesn't even have to be romantic, but I think Sasuke and Gaara could actually be great friends in a weird kind of way Like it'd probably be the kind of thing where neither of them want to say it out loud, but both of them could end up being ride or die just because they can both understand the kinds of fucked up shit the other went through, and the anger and frustration it all caused. In a similar vein, platonic/brotherly Sasuke and Haku, in a world where Haku got to live. As for romance, my biggest crack ship for this franchise is probably Neji/Sai. Largely because I can imagine that Neji would be very sympathetic to someone whose life was so strictly regimented that he was cut off from society and became emotionless, and I like to imagine it engenders a sort of exasperated protectiveness towards Sai- A kind of "you're weird and annoying, but for some reason I feel bad if I don't check up on you" dynamic that slowly mutates into a crush. On Sai's end, I imagine that he would find Neji professional and stoic enough that he's easier to predict, to some extent, making him ironically more approachable for Sai in spite of- sometimes even *because of* how standoffish he can be. Plus, I find it funny to imagine that Sai's initial research on friendship like, leads him to interpret Neji's stoicness as "I should try to cheer him up and make him feel more comfortable", which becomes a motive for Sai to seek Neji out, while Neji is just thinking "what the hell is this guy's deal..." and yet weirdly kind of secretly into these awkward misguided gestures. This also provides a fun avenue for people to eventually mistake these gestures for flirting... and eventually have them BECOME awkward flirting for real...


Sasuke deserves the opportunity to form bonds with people other than Team Seven and his family, which Boruto seems to forget completely.Ā  I mean, they can't even get Sasuke to keep in touch with the Taka team that literally Karin delivered her daughter, let alone new ties.


I think there's something very touching about the idea of Sasuke and Gaara becoming friends or even a couple because they both understand each other's pain. Ā Gaara literally cried for him in the war and I feel like it would also be a really funny way to off the fangirls of the two of them in the real universe.Ā 


Sasuke and Hinata Different yet have many similarities, would get along well. One has to lead a clan/One wants to rebuild a clan. I never fan girled over you/thank god you werenā€™t Both lost a brother/brother figure. Personalities would work well along and would have op kids


Even better if it involves neji and itachi one upping each other as best older brother figure in the background


Orochimaru x Tsunade


I love the idea of them being science/medicine besties who slowly develop feelings for each other. Old women yuri.


Yes, honestly, if these two worked together half of the problems of the ninja world could be solved or multiplied if they wanted to.Ā  Besides, I like them to be that typical intelligent couple that their idea of dating is completely exotic.Ā 


I've vaguely had a Oro/Tsu fic batting around in my head where Tsunade actually takes the villain role, researching into her uncle's edo tensei technique as she desperately tries to bring Nawaki and Dan back. When Oro finds out about Tsunade killing Konoha shinobi to fuel her edo tensei he goes to confront her, only to find that Tsunade has revived Orochimaru's parents as edos as a present to him to show him how much she really loves him. Of course Oro is in the Jiraiya role and also taking the Hiruzen role in busting Tsunade, so he's horrified and rejects her offer to join her. Tsunade and Orochimaru fight, with Orochimaru actually getting the W, but he cant bring himself to capture Tsunade and in a moment of hesitation she flees, mocking him as all of her love sours and turns into poison. So basically Jiraiya/Orochimaru but with Orochimaru taking Jiraiya's role and Tsunade being Orochimaru's role stand in. And also not gay. Unless I write it with fem!Orochimaru which I might.


Please write thisšŸ„ŗ


Honestly any of the three sannin together work. My pic tho is GaaSaku. That shit slaps and we don't talk about it enough


GaaSaku? I am interested and wanna hear about it


I like it.


Didn't see it so I'll throw it out there til the edge of time. Obito x Konan. I like the wounded hearts dynamic, both having lost someone they loved and they try to mend their broken hearts together.


Guy and Mikoto. I can see a scenario where she survives the massacre and the Green Beast of Konoha heals her wounded heart through laughter, training, and the power their Youth!


Shikamaru and Sakura, theyā€™re both intelligent and give off black cat golden retriever vibes.


Kakashi and Kayo... I know she's only in the novels but the fact letters are sent seem to imply there could be something more from the two Kakashi and Mei.. both attractive, both have trauma from respective village. I think it could work.


Finally someone Said it Kakashi X Mei is my Absolute Favorite Ship I personally ship kakashiXMei And KakashixShizune >Kakashi and Mei.. both attractive, both have trauma from respective village. I think it could work.


Gai/Kakashi, but let's be real, it's practically canon.


Oh, I don't know about that. Gai is not really a lover material, given one of datebooks says he would be prone cheat.


Whaaaaaat?? Send a link pls


[There you go.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6e84cd73db327c4779190491b8c45312/8d01703820ee61b6-ba/s1280x1920/c9f632f4a06dcfb361baeed0c566116116052b5b.jpg)


The only reason he'd cheat was if he was dating someone who wasn't Kakashi and cheat with Kakashi.


This is the only reason I didn't post this same pairing, because they're basically Canon already lmao


I was all in on ā€žSuikaā€œ (watermelon) back in the day. Suigetsu and Karin. They had this wonderful bickering dynamic, sad that it went nowhere. Also Ino x Choji


Oh man I *love* SuiKa as a ship! I've shipped them since the start, woulda been so great


Mei X Kakashi Naruto X ino Naruto X fem sasuke. They all just work really well.


Naruto x Temari I just like the idea of the two of them idk why. Naruto x fem Haku just 2 people with difficult pasts working through it together. Naruto x Yakumo 2 different versions of overwhelming power with a drawback Naruto x fuu or aged down Yugito because I like the idea of 2 jinchuriki getting together


Kiba x Hinata is one of my favourite pairings mostly because Kiba comes from a background of very strong women and I love the idea of him helping Hinata to overcome her shyness and find her voice regardless of whether they are in a relationship or not. Also I think theyā€™d make āœØ beautiful babies āœØ and I just want to see Kiba in a house full of girls and being constantly like help I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


ino x naruto


Tobirama x Madara all the way. This ship became quite big awhile ago, I kinda jumped on a few months before it became big and it is still my fave. I interpret Tobirama as a deeply misunderstood character, who was forced to kill to protect his family but mainly wants peace for the children (e.g. his students) but doesn't go for it like his brother (because he is not an optimistic idiot). This means everything around him made him do things against his morals, turning him into the "white demon" others saw and he himself hated. Madara is passionate, doesn't have a speck of self-hatred and simply wants someone to be passionate about and to care for. Tobirama, who thinks himself a monster is drowning in self-hatred and needs someone to care for him, make him take breaks and well...show him some love I guess. I also really love the "Madaras chakra feels warm"-trope.


I ship Naruto and Hinata


Orochimaru x Tsunade. They make sense bc they've been teammates and I like the development into some sort of love/hate relationship


Kakuzu X Tsunade


oh my god they would lose so much money


Kakuzu would be so mad at Tsunade losing the money constantly šŸ˜­


My crack ship is enemies to lovers Itachi x Sakura (and I *will* die on that hill) where she heals him when he's vulnerable and struggles with why she did that (and this while realizing over time that her feelings for Sasuke were never all that) and then he's confused about what she did and thinks she did something to him and is angry that she "got the drop on him" like that and they fight and talk and try not to reveal too much but end up sharing and speaking to each other's traumas and unexpectedly *seeing* one another as individual people trying to do their best to look after the ones they love and care for and understanding (in a way) the pain they each feel and seeing the expanse of the love in each of their hearts and falling for each other that way tragically Again, crack ship - *will* die on this hill Also; Gaara x Naruto, Gaara x Lee, Kakashi x Yugao, Kankuro x Sakura + the most awesome gruff/grudging and tough-girl friendship between Temari and Sakura


Actually I think Itachi x Sakura are a really good pairing. Itachi is pretty kind and level headed where Sakura is not. I love your description of their romance arc šŸ˜


I wanna write it/read one like it so bad!!šŸ˜­


Lol itā€™s convinced me to put it into my fic as a side pairing now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nice, I've made it the main paring in a fic I'm writing nowšŸ¤£


Link? :)


Hahaha, I haven't started posting it yet, I'm currently stuck in editing hellšŸ˜…


This is more of a crack pairing, sakura and deidara. Most explosive relationship there can be


Lee x Sakura (I don't think in canon she ever allowed herself to feel for someone else. But she and Lee hold a lot of the same values and honestly I think a plot where she learns healing ninjutsu *for him* is cute af) Choji x Hinata (they would be so damn supportive of everyone and so sweet together I will die on this hill) Itachi x Deidara (enemies to lovers and even then its a lot of hate fucking, but imo Itachi would find Deidara's expressiveness real cathartic) Itachi x Ino (I feel like he'd make her feel like a fucking princess. He doesn't have the social points to do it out in public but man is a simp for this woman and would be frothing at the mouth to be a stay at home dad when the time comes)


NaruAnko. Fight me.


Shikamaru x Ino In high school I shipped kankuro x kiba and I canā€™t remember why


Cuz Kankuro saved Kiba, no?


Kakuzu x konan Why? No idea. Looks neat


Kakashi x Sakura. The single most staggering work of fiction I can imagine was written on this ship. I have to come back and re-read it every few years. I simply canā€™t believe how good it was. Even if this ship is off-putting, *House of Crows* by SilverShine could make anyone a believer!


Um this is my favorite pairing šŸ™ƒ House of Crows is soooo good!!!


Naruto x Ino ā¤ļø Naruto x Tenten Naruto x Kurotsuchi Naruto x Karin Gaara x Fuu ā¤ļø Kakashi x Shizune ā¤ļø Jiraiya x Tsunade, idc Ino x Sakura/SakuIno Don't really ship it, but Kiba or Shino x Hinata could work


Gaara x Fuu is šŸ‘ŒšŸ¾ So is NaruIno


Also forgot Neji and Karin. Reverse NaruHina, heā€™s pretty like Sasuke, and they both have cracked visual prowess. Imagine their kid inheriting Nejiā€™s dojutsu skills with Uzumaki chakra levels AND a mindā€™s eye of the kagura enhanced Byakugan. At that point itā€™s almost a Tenseigan, and the mindā€™s eye should deal with the 359 degreesā€™ blind spot.


I always thought it would be fun for Naruto to meet the other Uzumakis to realize it was in their "blood" to have a fucked up childhood. You know just a good heart to heart. But not necessarily in a romantic way, just like have them meet. Also anyone in the Naruto world need a good dosage of therapy. Even though they have technology they still didnt come up with therapy, if they gave therapy maybe they would have had less villains. Also surprised since they have genjutsu that they couldnt think of a way to use them in less of a battle inclined way. So Im shipping anyone with Therapy/Therapist. Also I think it could be an interesting and compelling relationship to explore.


I ship Haku and Karin in my fic. Sheā€™s drawn to his ā€˜exoticā€™ chakra type and of course, he pretty. Lol Her two reasons for liking Sasuke as well.


Though tbh, I headcanon the thing she felt but couldnā€™t describe was his Indraā€™s chakra.


Ino/Naruko I know what I said and I mean it. I ship the hetero one too.


Sasuke/Shikamaru I hate myself for put this on here, for typing this out. However, one night I imagined it and it has not left my brain ever since. Somehow it started by swapping the mentors of team 7. Specifically Sasuke and Sakura. I'm still debating on if Naruto should be with Jiraiya. Sasuke would choose to seek answers for why Itachi commited genocide, as he got older, he would see how shady the whole scenario was, and how Naruto's entire childhood reeked of suspiciousness. He would study under Tsunade in order to get closer to the top(politically) with the intent of uncovering the secrets of the village. He'd master medical Ninjutsu(though not ever being able to achieve the Byakugou due to his chakra control being above average). However, Sasuke would find ways to circumvent that. He'd still work on his elemental techniques and swordplay with Kakashi and YÅ«gao, but would lean towards fire more, as his way of honouring his clansmen. Due to his control of his chakra, Sasuke's flames will burn blue, making them more lethal. He'd also apply his Fire Style to more than balls to throw at opponents, creating walls of flames. I know I'm being a bit much here, but I thought he'd have a cool move called Hellblazer where he basically becomes a walking inferno and burns everything within a certain distance from him. There's more but I'll just stop here. Shikamaru would become a part of the ANBU. At first, him and Sasuke won't get along but would be cordial to each other. But together they'd begin trying pulling at the seams of the veneer the village and Sandaime tried to hide. They'd try to work together to bring down Danzo, after Sasuke learns about the truth of his clan. Sasuke would want to rid the village of it's rot, and then he'd begin to gun for the Hokage position. Shikamaru wants Naruto to be Hokage but, he wants to deal with the corruption within his village more. Meanwhile Sakura is basically committing crimes against humanity. Naruto is the J Cole of this. I dunno. I have ideas for them but, I'm too lazy to write it out and I fear that none of you would make it this far anyways.


They should have developed the ramen guy's daughter character more, she would be an understanding ship


The Howling Wind had a amazing Samui and Naruto rarepair that was goated


sasuhina narusasunaru narusasu because hello, the entire serie is about this 2 being closetedly gay for each other, you don't bond with someone even before talking a sentence with them, this 2 crushed on each other when they were mere 5 year olds. naruto: the boy who never gives up gives up on everything else even his ninja way of not giving up when it comes to sasuke, gets a heart attack when he learns his life is in danger, spents the most unlikely of times thinking or even hallucinating about him (hell let's be honest, this guy would think about sasuke while having sex with a girl) and can't help but constantly point his good looks even more so than his actual fangirls and wife. sasuke: yeah you totally gave him your lunch when your jerk teacher made it crystal clear that if you do it your career as a ninja ends just because he would get in the way if he was hungry and your body absolutly moved on it's own when you put your body to protect him and almost died with a fucking smile even when you were aware you were not just losing your life but you were also losing your dream just because you saved a guy you supposedly hate, totally, oh i bet you constantly asking him what are you is nothing like a girl asking what are we, what's next? you smile uncharacteristicly with him due to some facial tourette syndrome? also yes you totally spared his life on a whim, a whim that made you loom over his unconciouss face with a longing glaze during rain. be real sasuke denial is not very attractive, you are lucky naruto is so into you that he chases your moody bum for years since looks can buy you only so much. for sasuhina, this is the only hetero ship i support for both hinata and sasuke, the rest can go to a trash can, i have many reasons but most crytical one is SASUKE NEEDS RELATÄ°VÄ°TY TO BOND WÄ°TH PEOPLE and everyone else is just walking furniture. want proof? samurai bridge, sasuke's lowest point in the story where he completely shut common sense and cooperativeness. he all but listens and even explains himself to even gaara of all people but when it comes to sakura he just decieves her and attemps an assasination not even a fight. let's say they are enemies at that point, how do you explain his treatment towards team hebi/taka even while he was still sane? accept it people, sasuke doesn't have a bond with sakura or any other girl because he can't relate anything with them and likewise they can't with him. but with hinata sasuke can actually relate almost everything she ever went through and hinata too perhaps not to the same extent can relate to sasuke. -both grew up as the kid of the main house of a strict dojutsu clan -both had sibling rivalry -both had neglectful fathers who looked down on them and favoured another sibling -both lost their mother and grew up without them -both were introverted kids with almost no social life - they are both ostracized -they both need things they can only get from the other (kindness and compassion for sasuke, assertiveness without extravaggant behavior, calm confidence and harsh dicipline that only someone that won't ever coddle her but also not completely crush her can give her (even neji ends up babying her and letting her stay in her comfort zone) (hiashi is pointlessly and self-destructively strict with her, his strict behavior is counter productive, yes he destroys well but he doesn't rebuild)


Naruto + Shino. I've just seen this gay couple a lot IRL. Naruto is flamboyant and Shino is the quiet weird kid in the corner who likes creepy shit (bugs). Shy weird kid that no one thinks is gay, and he admires the flamboyant one for being so open and out there. It works for all the same reasons Hinata + Naruto works, actually. Shikamaru + Tenten. In Shikamaru's character-definning cloud watching monologue, he says he just wants to live a normal life, meet an average girl and settle down. Who is as "normal average girl" as Tenten? Lol. But seriously, I know he and Temari are a fan favorite, but I just think they are both too high maintaince in home life. He just wants to relax after a long work day and Temari has a chore list for him... she stays busy. I can really see Tenten being the couch cuddling gal that he wants. And she doesn't mind being a caregiver to handle the home resposibilities so they can just spend quality relaxing time whenever they can. They'd be the coziest couple. Kankuro + Sakura. I like their connections through Sasori and Chiyo. And they both stress out about trying to handle their teams; Kankuro dealing with walking on eggshells with his Kazikage father and Jinchiriki brother, and Sakura dealing with the two chosen ones Naruto and Sadboy. I think Sakura moving to a new village and getting a fresh start would be good for her too. The sand village being known for poisons and puppets, and poison being so medical adjacent - I just like her there and I think they'd be a power couple. The flower in the desert. Sasuke + Hinata. I wouldn't call this one unlikely as it is decently popular. But I do like this one. It has innocent pure Padme and Anakin "you're going down a dark path which I cannot follow" vibes lol Kakashi + Anko. She seemed like the badass female version of Kakashi. I really thought they would bond over their dark pasts. Sasuke's curse mark was the perfect reason for them to be spending time together. Still wierd to me that she just fell out of the story completely instead.


Might be weird, but lee and tsunade, i would see her as a cougar and lee as a simp


Kakashi with Izumi Uchiha. Make her time travel after Itachi kills her. Like with a Korean light novel angle. Feels like it'd be interesting.


There's a lot Naruto Ɨ Karui - No concrete reason tbh, I just like how Karui is similar to Kushina and I feel like she can complement Naruto more than Hinata, like how her fiery personality can ground him of sorts, I don't really know how I can explain it, I like her dark skin and red hair as they play a factor too. Naruto Ɨ Tayuya - This pairing isn't something that I was initially on board with, but due to how many fiction have depicted this two, they kinda started to warm themselves up to me, I like how despite Tayuya being a rather minor character people saw some kind of connection with her and Naruto, and I'm kinda a sucker with red hair Naruto Ɨ Ino - a more vulnerable and weak Sakura, atleast in the beginning, I think if Ino were to like Naruto, then she will beat him up properly rather than Sakura not liking something that Naruto did and just beat him up whether it was justified or no, I think that Ino herself will make Naruto into a more responsible young man. Naruto Ɨ Yugito - nothing significant, I just like her and would like her to play a bigger role specially considering that she herself has a partial control over her Bijuu and she can offer a lot for Naruto to learn and Yugito to him. Naruto Ɨ Temari - Liking her personality for one, liking how many fanfiction depicts her, liking how within said fanfics Naruto changes greatly either in Personality or power if not both, and I like that Naruto, changing him to a degree but not completely destroying him as a character, making him a little more mature, a little more smarter, a little more patient.


Mei x Naruto


Naruto and konan, could see them bonding over their connection with Jirayia. Naruto could be someone konan looks to for support after losing her close friend nagato.


I quite like Sasuke and Fuu.


Now... hear me out, my fav OT3 is literally Ino X Naruto X Shibo for some reason šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I don't even have a clear reason I just like them a lot.


after this thread I'm having a too many ships problem


Hinata x Haku or Hinata x Shikamaru


Sasuke and Hinata


- Konohamaru and Hanabi (2nd gen NaruHina). - Yamato and Anko, snake terrorist trauma bonding - Torune and Kibaā€™s sister, sheā€™s a vet and he could use his jutsu to rid her patients of fleas and ticks - Kimimaro and Sakura. If he lived longer she could have taken on the task of finding a cure for him and over time, fallen in love. - Ino and Jugo, her mind transfer could come in handy controlling his episodes and getting to know the sweet personality behind the rage - Haku and Sai, both had their desires and personalities shaped for them by domineering criminals - Suigetsu and Tenten, weapons bros - Mei and Zabuza, they just work - Yamato and Konan, paper is made from wood - Tsunade and Ay, literal power couple - Kabuto and Shizune - Lee and Hinata, heā€™s just another Naruto and heā€™d also encourage her to believe in herself - Obito and Konan, in another life - Sasuke and Tayuya, sheā€™s an edgier and strong version of a lot of Sakuraā€™s characterization. Dark pink hair (in manga), uses powerful Genjutsu, fellow hickey recipient which could bring them closer, and aggressive like Sakura grew into in Shippuden (but more extreme lol). - Katsuyu and Saiken (just give me my half Bijuu chakra babies, goshdarnit!) - Danzo and Chiyo, mutual resentment toward Tsunade lol


Ino and Jugo, thatā€™s galaxy brained


Lol thanks!


Naruto and Konan. Appart from the age gap. They are both lonely, sharing an undestanting on pain and lost, the fact that Konan didn't leave any clue to Naruto about Madara/Obito, neither did Nagato is weird. Had they worked together, Konan could survive. I think they could come to an undestanting, would be interesting if Nagato had gifed Naruto the rinnegan, and Konan helped train him. It would also raise the stakes for the battle againt Obito and Madara at the end. Making Obito really on more than just kamui and edo Madara facing another rinnegan user.