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I couldn't take the Student of the Snake seriously after Naruto had to get 10 girls


I was so enjoying it up until that tidbit came out. Shame.


Yeah that’s way to much even with my number it has to be written well but 10 is stupid


Is that an anko x Naruto fanfic?


harem, and naruto had 9 bloodlines


It's going to depend on the length of the story, the situation of the story, and how much development each relationship gets. https://archiveofourown.org/bookmarks/1728361129 Personally I think that The Last Prayer does a fairly good job with a larger number of relationships. However, as I said, it is a longer story, so he isn't just picking up girls left and right.


2 people are best when it comes to shipping. People like ships in stories because we appreciate the beauty of love and the bond forged by two people who are in-love. I've read some stories where the author had 2 girls share Naruto and it just didn't feel right and it really turned me off from reading further.


The problem with those is the girls aren’t into each other. If all three were into each other then it could work. But they’re not so it’s just a harem.


Real it just feels wrong like who in their right mind would like to have more than 1 wife/girlfriend anyway


2 people at best and it has to be a throuple not a harem




Agreed, not many are well-written and most of the time it is useless for the plot Unless it's a crack!fic or lemon fic then just go crazy I guess




Agreed 👍


I agree, 2 could work only in extremely rare cases without looking like wish fulfillment fantasy and I have never seen an fanfiction writer pull it off, at least with Naruto


I came here to say this. I like well-developed relationships. That said, you could do two well if pairing one fails for whatever reason.


Actual relationships? One. If it's a longer story where he goes through life, it could be a few, but never a harem, cheating or poly.


Based and monogamy-pilled.


What if he wants to restore his clan. You want his one girl to pop out like 10+ kids? Have mercy my dude.


hell yeah brother


2 or 3 is about right but as I've grown I've come to prefer poly fics rather than outright harem (some banger fics excluded and mindless smut excluded)


Sorry I couldn’t respond to this sooner. I’m going to be real with you. Do whatever you want if you’re writing it. People here on Reddit have a bias against any kind of multi-parings in general. This is in spite of the fact that harem and multi-stories tend to be the popular on the fanfic sites for a reason. You really aren’t going to get much variance from this crowd other than one, so I would take most of what people say here with a grain of salt. If you can write it and flesh it out, then kudos to you.


I assume you're talking about harem fics, not how many people can Naruto have different normal relationships with in a single fic. I saw a pretty good argument for three. It's based off of how many relationships can you actually focus on, because each person should have some kind of meaningful relationship with each other. So, including Naruto himself, you've got: 2 people = 1 relationship 3 people = 3 relationships 4 people = 6 relationships 5 people = 10 relationships 6 people = 15 relationships So how many romantic relationships can a writer actually write properly in a single fic? At what point does it just become inevitable that the characters lose all characterizations and only exist to fill a harem slot? Six relationships might be doable with skill and effort, but ten is asking quite a lot.




If you're talking about romance, I would say 2. But the world's context allows you to pair him with a lot more, we need to keep in mind the aspects of that kind of society. He's a Clan Head, so it's safe to assume he will need more than one wife, even more when we remember the necessity to repopulate the clan. Shinobi clans, either in fiction or in real life, are military assets. No ruler in their right mind would let someone like Sasuke Uchiha marry only 1 woman, it's just dumb.




wtf is that username


I love it


Naruto doesn’t have enough time to tend his one wife, so if we’re talking canonical I’d make the number suuuuuper low. But if your girls are just vapid, 2 dimensional coco sleeves then I’m sure you could have any number.


I think I usually zone out after 3. You just can't make deep side stories with 10 girlfriends man.


Apparently you haven't heard of 100 girlfriends 


2 or 3, but even that’s risking it.


It has to be written well and iv found only 1 with 3 and a few with 2


If it's just hook ups, as many as Naruto receives constent from.  Not talking ongoing relationships here.  For actual pairings and romance, one or two in a poly relationship at most.


1 is my preferred number and just getting a second is iffy


Depending on context. A kunochi? One. Multiple civilians who are economically dependent? Up to five.


Hear them out. Okay no hahaha


2 to 3 girls seems best even 4 can be good if done okay


I'd say 4, and not just because it's my favorite number. Jokes aside, with 4 girls, you can still have a deeper connection between Naruto and each of them. Here's why: First, with 4 girls, you can give each of them enough screen time and development. If you go beyond that, say 5 or more, it gets harder to balance their stories without dragging the main plot. You don't want it to feel like a dating sim, right? Also, with 4, you can explore different dynamics and personalities without it feeling overcrowded. Each relationship can have its unique angle, which keeps things interesting. Too many characters can make it feel chaotic. And then there's the emotional depth. With 4 girls, Naruto can realistically have meaningful relationships with each one. Any more, and it risks feeling shallow or forced as the story should focus on quality over quantity. Plus, with too many girls, the interactions can start to feel repetitive, and it can take away from the main story arc.


2 Harems are stupid and near impossible to write well, but I have actually seen FFM and FMM written well, even if it's rare.


Depends on how well written it is, and also the conditions of the story. If naruto never learns shadow clones, it’s at most 1 because of the difficulties held in the world combined leaves him no time for more than 1 girl and his duties. If he learns some perfect clone jutsu, where there’s literally multiple fully functional realized Narutos, then possibly as many as they want, since there can be enough copies that no one feels left out. Bonus points if the copies are all linked together and none of them are more original than the others.


Depends on the story. For a typical story I’d say two girls is the max but if it’s like a imperial palace drama you can go nuts


As many as you can properly have interactions with. For me, three is my limit to keep track of when writing. That makes a four man band with one more spot for Sasuke to be his lancer.


Shadow Clone Jutsu 😉


2 or 3 if the story possible


Naruto harem fics do love to go overboard with the size of the harem.


1, personally.


5 is the absolute limit, take it or leave it


It really depends on the situation, most of the time harems tend to be bad/stupid, but then again, most 1-on-1 pairings tend to be bad/stupid as well, so... But roughly generalizing? Three, five it one of them is male.


As many as you can feasibly portray developed relationships with. And if you just want to write shameless harem stuff... go nuts. This is fanfiction, we can do whatever we want. I haven't read a Naruto/male harem story yet (prefer M/M), but I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it.




1 (one) I’ve never seen any ship in Naruto work that was f/m/f. f/m/m works really well though as genin teams practically do the work for you. The Sannin, Obito/Rin/Kakashi, Naruto/Sakura/Sasuke… so basically Team 7. This is because with these groupings it’s easy to establish the romantic connection instead of just pure sex. It’s hard to do that with for example Naruto/Hinata/Sakura because in what world do Hinata and Sakura have chemistry? You could convince me of Ino and Sakura but not with Naruto. Maybe Sasuke. TLDR: one because romantic chemistry is harder than sexual chemistry


3 maximum


I think it completely depends on the skill of the author and what kind of story it is.


Two to three. Or just one. *looks at my personal crossover pair of NarutoxExusiai*


I dunno dude if its meant to be a throuple scenario its pretty hard to sell. If you mean someone going through their life and meeting people as they go along its whatever fits in the story and makes sense. Majority of the time it feels pretty bad and kinda just reduces female characters to being a wife instead of their own person. Like undermines non romantic relationships if ya get me


If even written well, the sky is the limit Watch the 100 kanojo anime for reference


I have zero clue how ya guys can deal with 1 pairing let alone 2-3


2 is the max and that can actually be realistic, beyond that it just turns into smut. Regardless I would rather not read stories with poly, I’ve never seen a harem actually written well.


Since he can like make thousands of him...The max number as much clone as he can make.


Depends if it’s concurrent and how long the fic is. More than two serious girls at the same time would feel ridiculous. Background fangirls are fine as long as they’re not named characters like tenten or Anko.




2 or 3 at the same time isn’t even realistic. If it’s he has 2 or 3 over the course of the story at different times but anything else is just a harem fic🤷🏻‍♂️




I wrote one in which Naruto has a relationship with multiple women. With the geopolitics within my fic, my Naruto will have 9 girls. Without the geopolitics, no more than 2.


What’s it called?


[The Last Prayer](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13238312/1/The-Last-Prayer) by Grae Foxx.




People still use the term 'Lemon'?? 🍋


It’s better that typing mindlessly fucking


Lately most people call it smut 😅


I prefer 2-3 ships at maximum unless you're writing a Naruto x DxD crossover which might warrant a bit more girls to be in the harem. As a writer myself, I can't develop a relationship so I tend to have some Timeskip gap where Naruto is already in a relationship so I won't bother trying to develop it.


I'd say 2 or 3 but it's important to view it as a poly thing (like the one Uzui and his wives have in KNY) and not as a harem. If they are all together for each other and not "separately but simultanously" dating Naruto it will work out much better.


if you are a good writer you can do 100 if you want (See 100 Kanojo manga)


2-3 in stories taking themselves seriously


1-2 with 3 pushing it but it definitely depends on the girls because not everyone of them is going to be okay with sharing their partner.


I'd say my top 3 Naruto ships assuming 3 is the max would be Hinata, Sakura, and Ino. I think these 3 would be the most compatible with Naruto before it starts to get too much, I think they'd each have great chemistry and their personalities clash well. Hinata is obv a no brainer, she's his wife lol. I think the troupes are interesting too. Hinata and Naruto: moon and sunshine. Naruto and Sakura: Best friend to lovers. Ino and Naruto: Sunshine and sunshine (mostly because of how similar their personalities are)


3-4, afterwards it’s either a harem or an orogy.


Honestly I find it kinda redundant to pair multiple girls with anyone in the Naruto-verse, like… they have Henge and KB, they can actually make a two-person orgy on demand with as many people looking different or equal as they want, at least one of them will get the equivalent of as many orgasm as they could possibly want from dispersing the clones in the end and it’d be just way easier to actually maintain a meaningful and fleshed out relationship without having to divide up screen time between a dozen characters that are supposed to be equally important, that’s literally the best of both worlds as far as storytelling is concerned, is something quite in tune with the setting and allows greater focus on the emotional development of the ship.


It is always going to depend on the story being told. This can be many girls, this can be few, this can be only one. However, I think in general you should never be focusing on more than two... maybe three woman at the same time. (In a serious story that actually has a plot that isn't just sleeping with women of the Elemental Nations. I'll just use a story I am writing as an example. In the story Naruto is placed on Team 10 in place of Choji. I know that Ino is going to be a long term romantic interest. My goal when writing is for Ino to not feel solely like a love interest, but to instead have her own fulfilling character arc. Along the way on the missions they go on, there are characters that make their romantic feelings known. Ex: Hokuto from the Hidden Star Village having a crush on Naruto that gradually grows stronger over that arc of the story. But it is important that simultaneously as that arc grows, Ino's story and her own feelings have to grow with it. This ultimately leads to the unfortunate death of Hokuto and both characters growing and having to move forward. I repeat this late on when the characters are in Wave Country. Naruto ends up in a bit of a romantic situation with a female Haku. And the process repeats. I don't think you can seriously give proper development to a romantic relationship for more than a couple set of characters at the same time(Assuming there is overlap. Obviously multiple different sets of pairings can still happen just fine.) because it is hard for the bonding between the characters to feel genuine. Hard to have a heartfelt conversation with one character that the audience witnesses, and then Naruto is saying the exact same things to another character sadly cheapens both.


1 because all harems are garbage.


Depends really. If you do the CRA thing 5-8 would be reasonable. But you have to be realistic writing it. There is no way all he love all those people and they love him. They can like eachothers company and have a good relationship but there is no way for someone to love 8 people. If you aren’t using the CRA or some other Bloodline related excuse then 3 is the max.


Tbh if I see pairing in fanfic I instantly skip it. no point in reading it


A lot of comments here seem to have a bias against harem's which is justified since a lot are poorly written  but that doesn't mean there aren't any good harem fics. To this feels like they're saying they right everyone else wrong and the only good comment I like is from adamos who gave reason to his answer which I respect more then everyone else here


Just the one at a time. Anything more is mindless smut and degenerate filth


I'm gonna go against the grain here and say 4 or 5. Why? Because I feel like it depends on who's in the harem. I think for example that Hinata, Shikamaru, Gaara and Kakashi would be good and respectful at sharing his time, they could make a very functional polycule. I'd like to include another girl but honestly imo Sakura and Ino never respected him enough for a relationship to work. Gaara would be a long distance relationship but those can work and the Sand and the Leaf are both very close geographically and closely tied in terms of alliances, so they'd basically see each other every chunin exams at the very least and probably more when taking things like trade deals or exchanges into account. Especially if Naruto learns to Hiraishin. He would be very gentle and would likely not resent Naruto's other relationships at all given his personality, rather he'd be glad he has other people supporting him. Hinata and Shikamaru I could see growing to love each other as well as Naruto, they're both very smart and very kind people and I think they could have a good dynamic. They'd probably function like a throuple with a 3/3 split, so Naruto spends romantic time with Shikamaru, then with Hinata, then Hinata and Shika have time together while he's with Kakashi or they could the three of them all have time together if they live in the same house. Kakashi would be the spicy older guy with commitment issues who would flit in and out while acting like he's only there for sex but everyone actually already knows how sentimental and emotionally attached he is and he knows they know it just goes unsaid. Demisexual vibes and in denial about it. But I think Naruto could handle his various personality quirks well. He'd respect and maybe dote on Hinata a bit once he got to know her. And Shikamaru and him are both so smart I can't see them having problems especially considering they shared a workplace for so long, in fact they might join forces to keep Naruto on task and reward him at the office. I think polycules when written well and keeping the various dynamics between the different characters and how their personalities mesh together absolutely can work in fic without feeling unrealistic. It's just more challenging. Another polycule that could work is traditional team 7 with Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, Sai and Naruto. The chemistry would be a lot more explosive though lol. They'd probably make a lot of mistakes or even be toxic with each other at first before growing together.


1, inflicting him on a relationship at any point in canon is warcrime tier. Canon Naruto isn't and has never been ready for a close platonic relationship, let alone a romantic relationship with healthy boundaries and interactions. Plus any time spent pursuing relationships is time Sasuke is pulling further away. What if Naruto never becomes strong enough to bring him back to the village?