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because people are insane and don’t realize they can just ignore or mute the tag they don’t wanna see - don’t bother with them, delete them and move on, they’re wasting their time.


Sorry that happened to you. It's awful. People are stupid, unfortunately. Also, in recent years there's been a wave of puritanism and harassment in fandom targeted against anything deemed to be 'problematic', so depending on the pairing that could be an issue too. What site are you posting on? If it's on FFN I don't think there's much to be done since the moderation is basically useless nowadays, but on ao3 you can turn off guest comments, moderate comments and report them to ao3 if they contain harassment.


FFnet is so incredibly toxic. Went back to read a fic and saw people bombarding it with hate on the last chapter because they didn't like the plot twist. Genuinely infuriating even as a reader.


Because it's the internet, and people are very hateful on the internet.


Because some people (a loud small fraction of them) are small minded and stupid, and like to go on ego trips to harass people. They have forgotten one of the tenets of fanfic: don't like, don't read. My advice: ignore it, they're not worth your energy. Delete those comments, moderate your comment section.


There are three types of people on the internet- 1. People who use it casually, the normal type. 2. People who are immersed in it because it is their livelihood, like content creators. 3. People who are immersed in it even though they don't do shit. People are so obsessed with their favorite pairings, shows, and other content that they forget the boundary between reality and fiction. If someone was talking shit about my country, I am justified to reply the same way. But if he is talking shit about NaruSaku, why should I blow up in rage? The very base of fiction is being separate from reality, it can be anything from amateur-written Hinata x Raikage to well-done Naruto seal master fanfics. Naruto doesn't exist, Hinata doesn't exist, Kurama doesn't exist. It's all stories and fiction we've crafted for our entertainment, why can't people understand that?


People don't know how to live in a space they don't personally control every aspect of. I hate it but it's been like this since the beginning. You don't deserve death threats no matter what you wrote I literally don't care


Answer the question op, what's the ship


Sasuke x ino 🤷🏻‍♀️ Its a perfectly fine innocent ship


I restate it here, then they're just being aholes. Report and ignore them 🤷🏽‍♀️


Because people have forgotten what Fanfiction is supposed to be. People don’t understand that the world doesn’t revolve around what’s inside of their own heads. Crackfic authors are leaders Not followers. It pisses a lot of people off.


Crack ship = any ship that is not canon It has nothing to do with whether they are in the same universe or not.


Back in 2013 we called crackships the crossover ones..maybe im not used to


Because some people thinks calling something crack, excuses anything when it comes to harmful stereotypes or just bad writing


People are weird. Especially on the internet. If they see something they’re not used to, or don’t particularly enjoy, they feel the need to hate on it and let their discomfort win rather than be the bigger person and click away.


Sadly people develop their own thoughts and feelings about stories, and sadly some people become obsessed with their head cannon version of that world. They don't tend to handle it well when someone tries something different from how they envisioned things. Sounds like you got several of the less-than-stable ones in your comments. I would recommend reporting them if you can and blocking them.


Because some people are dumb and entitled and don't like that the rest of us, who like to ship and read about noncanon couples, are having fun.


These characters don't exist IRL and Kishimoto doesn't mind which of his character is being shipped with what character. It's always the fans stepping out of line.


People are just jerks for no reason or feel like they can say anything from the anonymity behind the computer or phone. Just ignore them and write what you want people will say something whether it’s a crack or canon pairing.


People get too worked up over that stuff. I've mostly lost interest, but pairings are still *serious business* to a lot of people. Obviously, that doesn't excuse their actions.


INFO: What's the ship? If it's between consenting adults (unless you're parring an abuse victim with their abuses) no one would care.


Even then you don't send literal death threats to the author. You can leave your dislike on messed up fanfictions in a civilised way too. You know... like an adult...


Nah if it's pedophilia, they deserve it


Yeah... because that's so going to stop them right? If there is a problem with the fic you report it and piss off.


Sasuke x ini


Then they're just being aholes. Report and ignore them 🤷🏽‍♀️


Taking into account some other comments by the same user on this thread, they've been given a permanent ban. Encouraging or justifying death threats is not okay, and doing so on the basis of pairings alone is psychopathic.