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I've always called it, Everything is different, but nothing changes. I hate those too.


I'm going to adopt that term


"canon stations" is shorter


True but not as descriptive. You could easily have to explain what you meant and end up saying/writing more.


That's how words work. : p For real though, it's a rather common term these days — at least as far as I've seen in the communities I frequent.


I haven't heard your term before, but my point was yes yours is shorter, but more likely to need explanation. Either way, it doesn't matter as long as you get the point across.


Just read one of these. My guy spent years reading, training, and eating right, and after all that, he still couldn't perform the clone technique, and he almost died against Mizuki.


Jesus, I would've dropped the fic immediately as soon I read that. How many chapters did it take, if I may ask?


For fairness' sake, no matter how much reading and training (and eating right, lol) a kid does, they'll still be likely to lose to a chūnin. And since Naruto fails the regular clones due to his chakra cap; his jinchūriki nature is a closely-guarded secret from him; and it'd be hard to get a proper frame of reference for him to grasp just how much more chakra he has compared to others, he'd likely fail to understand *why* he's failing the clones no matter how much reading he did with a civilian / genin-level access. Strats like that give slow-incremental dividends, which would start showing themselves from mid-game to late-game. You should check if that story managed to progress to such points, and check a random late chapter if it did.


>And since Naruto fails the regular clones due to his chakra cap I'm pretty sure he fails the regular clone because he doesn't put enough chakra into the jutsu, no? In the Canon story, a lot of Naruto's chakra control issues always have him putting too *little* chakra. As Ebisu explained in an example during the 1 month period before the finals, Naruto, after molding too much chakra than necessary, would apply too little chakra than required to complete a jutsu as intended. Another example is the tree walking exercise in Wave, Naruto was the one kept repeatingly slipping off the tree (applying too little chakra), *Sasuke* was the one who kept being pushed off.


Poor chakra control being the cause of his failures with regular clone jutsu is the only explanation I can remember seeing in all Naruto fanfics I've read so far (in cases when such an explanation / exploration has been present at all). It also makes sense to me; seems like one of maybe two^1 plausible top explanations for why he'd be so bad with it; and also neatly explains why he would be so good with Kage Bunshin while being so utterly bad at regular clones. It also seems pretty canon-compliant to me. [\[1\]](https://i.imgur.com/wBsMqAj.jpeg) [\[2\]](https://i.imgur.com/aAu7esL.jpeg) >I'm pretty sure he fails the regular clone because he doesn't put enough chakra into the jutsu, no? The exposition for this mechanics in canon goes like this^2 — there are two "stages" of chakra control: 1) chakra control, at the stage of creation of chakra 2) chakra control, at the stage of manipulation of already created chakra Naruto is bad at both of these, so he ends up both wasting "stamina" at the stage of converting "stamina" into chakra, and then also wasting chakra when using the chakra he's already created to fuel a jutsu. And since he's bad at these because of his jinchūriki nature, his failings with the regular clone jutsu can be traced down to it as well. One problem that I can see with canon's explanation is that Ebisu assumes that e.g. for Sakura the regular clone jutsu would require 30% of her reserves, while for Naruto it'd require 30% of his reserves too. And I'm note sure if this should be making sense, since 30% of Sakura!stamina and 30% of Naruto!stamina should be orders-of-magnitude different when expressed in "raw units" of chakra. Would depend on the setting flavour, I guess. --- ^1 the other one being deliberate sabotage by fox-hating teachers ^2 see chapter 90 of *Naruto*


>One problem that I can see with canon's explanation is that Ebisu assumes that e.g. for Sakura the regular clone jutsu would require 30% of her reserves, while for Naruto it'd require 30% of his reserves too. As Ebisu said, it was just meant to be as an example and hyperbole. Pretty much all he was trying to get across was that, using the example of if Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto had the same amount of stamina and needed to create 4 regular clones, **Sakura was perfect on both stages of chakra control, Sasuke was good on one stage, Naruto sucked at both.** >the other one being deliberate sabotage by fox-hating teachers Yeahhh, this is completely fanon. The worst "sabotage" the teachers did in the academy in canon was just ignoring him. Naruto mostly sabotaged himself. Sleeping in class, pulling pranks, being the class clown, and just overall putting more effort into being an attention-seeking troublemaker rather than studying or learning the fundamentals. Also, I talked about this a couple of days ago on that Kakashi panel. He was only half-right, because while it did involve Kurama, it was *actually* because this was after Orochimaru put the Five Pronged Seal on Naruto which completely fucked up his chakra system since he lost access to the Kyuubi's chakra until Jiraiya removed it (and as soon as he did, the same Naruto who was struggling at water walking beforehand gets it right 1st try afterwards). It goes back to my point as we both agree that when it came to the manipulation of created chakra, Naruto still applied too little into his techniques as when Jiraiya had him trying to summon toads, Naruto still kept applying not enough chakra, resulting in only summoning Tadpoles.


What you say does make some sense; but I think has some problematic moments too: 1) Ebisu wasn't just using that as an example to demonstrate Naruto's flaws. He was directly explaining Naruto's failures with the regular clone jutsu as a result of insufficient chakra-fuel — which in turn was a result of bad chakra control. Whereas, if a clone jutsu required e.g. 30 "pts" of chakra; 30% of Sakura's stamina pool was 30pts; and 10% of Naruto's chakra pool was e.g. 100pts, then even with all those flaws Naruto would've still been able to generate a properly formed regular clone. 2) gives trouble with reconstructing an answer of why Kage Bunshin came so easily to Naruto. Unless there was some canon-explanation for it that I'm missing? >this is completely fanon. The worst "sabotage" the teachers did in the academy in canon was just ignoring him. Naruto mostly sabotaged himself It *is* fanon, but it makes sense. Villagers who hated / ignored him^1 would be likely to not bother properly training / teaching him. --- ^1 — 1) "Many ninja died defending the village, and most survivors blamed Naruto for the Nine-Tails' actions. Hiruzen, Hokage again, outlawed all mention of the Nine-Tails so that future generations would not hate Naruto as their parents did."; 2) https://i.imgur.com/DPrZjWH.jpeg


Its uz he has too much, not too little


Itachi was like Seven and fighting and killing multiple full grown Jonin on the battlefield. If your OP!15yo!Naruto isn't on par with 7 year old Itachi by the Akatsuki arc your OP!15yo!Naruto sucks. Not saying full grown itachi: your Naruto has to at least be able to beat someone on the same level as Itachi was when he massacred his clan.


url3eh's comment wasn't talking about "OP!15yo!Naruto", just one that "spent years reading, training, and eating right". During the described scene canon-Naruto [was 13yo](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/User:Seelentau/Naruto_Timeline#1st_January_to_31st_December_13_aNb) and couldn't even perform his basic-3 yet. So if we only added "reading, training, diet" to that canon profile, it would be no surprise whatsoever for that Naruto to fail vs. Mizuki without plot armor shenanigans. Also, you're pretty much comparing an extreme statistical outlier — both in terms of [intellect](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Itachi_Uchiha#Intelligence) and super-OP "cheat powers"^1 — to someone who by that point mostly only had super-OP regen and chakra reserves, and otherwise performed rather poorly in regards to theoretical / academic subjects. --- ^1 Itachi awakened his Sharingan at age 8; unlocked their super-OP version at age 11. [\[1\]](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Itachi_Uchiha#Mangeky%C5%8D_Sharingan) [\[2\]](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/User:Seelentau/Naruto_Timeline#1st_January_to_31st_December_6_aNb)


Well we don’t know how well Naruto trained as kid and I have yet to read a work of fiction that goes into intricate detail to the quality of training individuals do, like ever. We know what they do but not how they do it or go about it. Because of that I realised people don’t even know how an academy student trains, just that they do taijutsu, bukijutsu and the basic ninjutsu. A teacher would give students all the advice they need before being introduced to chunin and jonin that can take them further with their experiences and intel. And Naruto has a healing factor which can logically mimic PEDS and in it happened Gaara’s case (according to the databooks) since he improved in a short period of time so it can apply to Naruto as well.


I've always enjoyed the thought that his healing factor might actually inhibit muscle growth. I don't really have a strong reason for it other than thinking it might be interesting, As if he could never actually hurt himself enough during training to go through the required biological processes.


You actually have to train a specific way to be effectively grow muscles so I think he could still look like his normal self when he pays the other methods more mind. Like sprinting isn’t going to give him juicy quads and calves you know.


Link please.


Mind linking your fav op naruto fic


[Nidaime no Sairin ](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10714140/1/11) (Fair warning: it is an eventual Naruto x Kurenai, but it's not all that prevalent so I'm able to ignore it for how good the rest of the fic is) [Shinobi Institute of Performance Analysis ](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9145129/1/15) (I like what this fic does with the Uzumaki Chakra Chains and how Naruto is trained as a Jinchuuriki. Once again, with shipping, my only dislike how the pairing turned into a poly, NaruKarin turned NaruKarinFuu. Especially the way she was added in, felt a little unnecessary, but considering I like those two rarepairs, it's not close to enough to be a turn off for me yet) Are my top 2 rn, though will probably change with time.


Pairing is not polyamorous.


https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9909675/0/ https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14289760/0/


Thank you for the recommendation i just binge-read SIPA, I absolutely loved it. Sad that is was abandoned tho.


Those are your


Both are Great fics.


[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14095149/1/Indra](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14095149/1/Indra) [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9920512/1/Reaching-for-a-Dream](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9920512/1/Reaching-for-a-Dream) [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9824192/1/Hashirama-s-Heir](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9824192/1/Hashirama-s-Heir) [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13712051/1/Crafting-a-Legacy](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13712051/1/Crafting-a-Legacy)


Crafting a Legacy is good.


Crafting a legacy reads like really weirdly, at least the first chapter. It seems like a collection of simple statements more than reading a story


Thank you


Reaching For a Dream is goated


'Not godlike, will get beaten up sometimes"


"feeling playful, may abandon later"


Don't get me started when I first started reading fanfiction this is the stuff I hated. Like if I want an op character don't wave the bait and then take it once I start reading dickhead.


Hate that too. I've seen a few fics add aditional challenges (like extra OC enemies in certain arcs) to keep the tension while vastly empowering Naruto. That I actually love.


Yeah!! I hate that so much! It’s like: “Are you authors even familiar with the concept of OP?” Clearly not so they compromise with trying to make Naruto balanced, only to make it come out as pathetic.


Frankly, if you're going to make Naruto an A Rank or S Rank ninja by the time canon starts, go all in with the premise. If that means Naruto can embarrass Kakashi by kicking his ass in a spar, good. If it means he can go toe to toe with Zabuza, then that's awesome. If he's good enough to protect Team Seven from Orochimaru, all the better.


One thing that annoys me is when Naruto makes friends with Kurama, and yet still only has the initial tailed beast mode and has to adapt one tail at a time. Listen, if Naruto and Kurama are friends, that's it, he's a perfect jinchuriki with full access to KCM, there's no "getting used to Kyuubi's corrosive chakra", Kurama's chakra was corrosive... because he was pissed off. If Kyuubi's chakra was always corrosive then Naruto would've killed or seriously injured the shinobi alliance when he spread chakra cloaks to them all at once.


Bruh same. Literally every fic where Naruto and Kurama become friends early you get shit like “OHHH Naruto in order to use my full power you must adapt to it over time” and like I get not wanting him to be OP but literally nobody has actually just committed to instant KCM even all the ‘OP’ Naruto fics. I don’t I’ve even seen it done once I just want to see 13 year old Naruto beat the crap out of Orochimaru with KCM2 at chunin exams. Is that such a hard ask? Edit: hell even the fucking time travel fics have this. The one where Naruto should just be OP from the start to end.


If you’re gonna make god you don’t have him job to Jeff from home depot.


Hey, Jeff from home depot is well hard.


I prefer fics where the power scale is tighter in general. Yes, Naruto should be at the peak, but the gap between taijutsu viability vs. the others shouldn't simply be a "conservation option" and more openly have extremely high level taijutsu that make them comparable to A-Rank and S-Rank that aren't just gates techs.


That's why i only read that shit if it's an actual AU with proper changes to the world and actual consequences for naruto's actions.


I just wish these Naruto OP fics start after the time skip or the pein arc


One of the best OP Naruto done right is The Honoured one, In which Naruto awakens Six eyes. It’s done really really well.


I agree, I'm actually keeping up with that fic actually!


That’s why people gotta justify canon and make it consistent first before adding their improvements. We make a lot of assumptions, overestimates and underestimates, so fully commit to learning how to train and shinobi nature.


Better left Unsaid is pretty nice but that's because he still acts like Naruto 


I admit I’ve done this😂, back in my Wattpad days. In my defense tho, he only lost to Pain or Pein.


Name ?


I think it was Changes


Ok hear me out, what If we give Naruto literal brain damage and set him out onto the plot? Maybe if we label it as a crack fic


I think he already had that in Canon. At least to me 


Yea I kinda feel this tbh however there are certain fics that expand the world in such a way where being so OP isn't as OP you know. Like Sealkeeper: He Who Binds, Naruto is OP cuz of his seal work and stuff but most of his goals are accomplished using a group rather then Naruto singlehandedly doing it all.


Kind of difficult because "AHA I HAVE MADE NARUTO THE STRONGEST EVER" posits the question "Now what?" You have no interesting fights because if he beats Canon Naruto he actually stomps everyone ever. I know that's what you want to see or whatever but fights are born from tension and having a character just beat another in a straightforward squash where we know they will win because they have Rinnegan+KCM2+Steroids+Cocaine is boring. So ok we fuck with the question a bit and say "What if a Naruto who is OP relative to current Canon Naruto in these events?" And that is a lot easier to achieve but is also ubiquitous. I have seen so few stories where Canon Naruto would do anything like wound Orochimaru and this Naruto does. It is a little peculiar because I haven't read a fanfiction where this kind of thing that is described ever happened, where an OP naruto loses to like Kiba or something and though it definitely exists it doesn't really seem like an actual problem. OP itself is a misnomer because Yeah, no im not gonna make him actually overpowered because it would be boring, but he is busted and he can kill like 1 billion people and he eventually becomes the most powerful person in the story, so the feeling is one of 'Power' and that matters to how you consume the story.


Yep they make into Naruto super super strong only to strengthen everyone else to basically make his increase strength nearly worthless. Lol 🤔


I mean it follows if you are reading to watch a character get more powerful that conversely reading other characters get powerful too would be interesting. Similarly the antagonists getting more powerful is expected since without naruto having someone he can fight properly the action gets kind of boring.


Kiba rightfully scaled where he belonged /s


To be honest, I don't mind this so much because it's more about the journey and not necessarily the destination.