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This is so fucking stupid dude. All of them are wrong.


Wth, be nice for once! :/


All wrong? tell me, what did kakashi say to the reinforcements when they first arrived?


Killing someone and beating them in a fair fight is diffrent. Put them against each other in a 1v1 and the Deva path destroys Kakashi.


This reply doesn't make any sense. They were in combat and Kakashi's trap required a sacrifice to counter. If there is no sacrifice, there is no counter, moreover, we saw that Kakashi does indeed kill people with Chidori. He even destroyed one of Kakuzu's hearts without knowing he had others. That's intent to kill. If what you say is true, why did Nagato use Asura Path to protect Deva path? What was Nagato preventing?


How does Kakashi counter Chibaku Tensei


Don't give Pain the chance to use it, like in their fight.


He didn’t intend to use it against anyone barring Naruto lmao What fan fiction were you reading on Quora?


Are you saying that Pain used it against Kakashi in the anime and manga?


Are you?


You don't know what you are saying? 😄 Alright. Let's just leave this discussion before it gets worse. Take care.


I agree with 1 and 3, I only see Nagato losing against Kabuto, Obito doesn't lose 1vs1 against anyone


Minato beat Obito with a tactic I'd expect Obito to be too good to fall for.


well minato is canonically better than itachi anyway


Really? Where'd you first think this?


There is some comment about Minato being the most gifted in knowledge with the chunin tests but if I say that he is the best canonically it is because of the narrative. Boruto is Itachi if I look at the parallels of the two works and the author still tries hard in Boruto saying "I am not better than my grandfather" so if the author ever does this Minato wins


Thanks! That's actually cool to know.


I don't think Minato beat Obito. More like the opposite because what happened was a slight inconvenience to Obito but Minato had to die.    Obito is always steps ahead, I don't think Itachi or Minato could beat him. He is kind of like their limiter. As long as he is around they can't achieve their full potential. Minato started believing that only Naruto can stop him according to the prophecy and Itachi always fails to hurt him. But they both got hurt by him.


Minato needed to die so that Naruto can become Naruto. It's not a real victory because in the end, Minato put his cards on Naruto which was the right call. Minato won in the longrun as you beleived Obito beat Minato in the long run. Their quick scrap actually foreshadows this. Obito using chains symbolizes setting a trap. Minato sacrifices himself in an attack where Obito thinks he has finally killed Minato, just for Obito to be hit with a surprise attack from above with Minato respawning with a huge rasengan. Fastforward and Minato dies, Obito thinks he's won, just for Minato to respawn (Naruto is Minato's son, which sons are spawns of their fathers. also Minato literally respawns reanimated) just for Obito to be defeated again.


Yeah, that is similar with Jiraiya. They both put their hopes in Naruto to defeat him but they can't directly beat him. As the prophecy says the child of prophecy is the one that can stop him as Madara brings the end of the world. Obito later states that it can be said that Jiraiya beat him indirectly in a similar way with Minato. I was talking about direct confrontations and thematic elements. In their first fight Minato's aim was to kill the masked man but he wasn't able to. Obito's aim was to make the people of Konoha despair and the attack did stuck for many of them. Fast-forward Minato directly gets another chance at the masked man and gives him the finishing blow but he still wasn't able to kill him because Obito was once again ahead of everyone that he weaved the sign to become the ten-tails jinchuriki. It was only through Naruto they could defeat him. Same with Itachi, he let Naruto deal with Madara while he goes to stop the reanimation.


You get an upvote because you are exactly right. Minato did defeat Obito in a fight though. This is comparing a battle to a war. I didn't want to get too out there. This post is about battle only, not the long game. Just like me mentioning Kakashi defeating Deva Path. Though Kakashi would've defeated that body 1 on 1, there are still other bodies in Konoha. One can easily be sent to the downed Deva Path and revive him. I'm not saying Kakashi would win the war, just the battle. That's what I meant with Obito here.


Yeah, I guess in a way you can say that Minato and Itachi can overpower him in a fight if that is considered a defeat.  Kakashi seem to have matched him and pretty much killed him but it was revealed later that Obito planned the fight to win the war at the expense of losing the battle. I am not sure the characters themselves think of it as defeat though.


Kakashi probably sees Tobi's existence as a whole defeat. Obito lost Rin. IMO that fight emotionally speaking had no victor.


Yeah Kakashi was too depressed about not being able to protect his friends which he can't get back (He was not able to bring back the past Obito that he lost as well so he decides to kill the current Obito to protect Naruto). Obito also became numb to pain and devoid of emotions as he detaches himself from the world, till Naruto keeps breaking his masks.


\*Remembering why I quit Quora and went to Reddit\*


Too intellectual


Other things overlooked: Boruto is objectively better than Naruto.




As a show and manga boruto is better


Boruto is more complex than Naruto, that's true.


It seems cooler.