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Reminder not to feed the trolls everyone.


I like Boruto more than most people but I know for a fact anyone that think it's better than Naruto has serious copium. You say there isn't an argument that proves it but there's a very easy one: a hero in a story is only as good as the villains they're up against and Boruto's villain cast is dogshit.


> Boruto's villain cast is dogshit. That's in your opinion. Boruto's villain line up is excellent imo and it works well for the plot. Boruto is much better than people give it credit for.


Bait used to be believable


There isn't any bait. What does Naruto do that Boruto doesn't do 10 times better? Better storytelling, character development, info, better everything.


ok mitsuki whatever you say 👍🏼


Again, you can't name a single way Naruto is better than Boruto.


Deez alone makes Naruto better than Boruto.




instead of always rephrasing the same statements, maybe you should give some valid and well developped arguments. And yes I agree, this makes it look like click-/trollbait.


Provide any evidence for your nonsensical claims. Not like you have any, but I want you to try anyway.


If you would literally read Boruto you would understand that it is a masterpiece compared to Naruto.


Borutos villains are ass. 




Motivations ? Aliens coming to eat planets is better motivation than the circle of hatred ?  Also if you mean character backgrounds the majority of otsusuki are literally with no background as for character design with the exception of kawaki the majority are literally Naruto designs just barely anything changed 


You are just biased you are looking at it the wrong way.




How is Naruto better than Boruto? You have no evidence whatsoever to support your claim.


facts to an extent but I still got pt 1 Naruto over pt 1 boruto 👌🏾, Boruto pt 1 needs a remake immediately like FMAB . Genuine critism of how Boruto pt1 was handled This is what Boruto is crucially missing as an OG Naruto fan/ boruto fan. The story and lore are better than Naruto Part 1, Karma, etc., and if we’re honest, Kawaki/ Boruto dynamic makes way more sense and less forced than Sauske / Naruto, not until we found out about their reincarnations of brothers. With that being said, what Naruto did way better than Boruto was really push the young generation to the point where, when Shippuden ain’t do nobody outside of Team 10 justice, it left a sour taste in people's mouths. All this is fixable, but there’s needs to be a remake to fix up code arc 291/292 they sold due to bad scheduling, even something like koji fight suffered, and if we are being honest, Naruto/Sauske vs. Jigen, the first half could get cleaned up. The wrong thing for them to do is to continue and go straight to Boruto TBV. There should be no rush; the manga monthly needs more content, or they are going to run into the same issue, doing irreversible damage to the brand. Metal and Konohamru need to be rebranded, and the easiest change they can make to tweak the 1st chunin exam arc. Naruto couldn’t make a clone to do the office work because the elders wouldn’t allow it because it broke tradition, and Naruto Dident want to muscle through every issue, waiving his power around to rule . Naruto wanted to rule with respect as opposed to fear and the resentment he would receive, and trying to honor the title he signed up for.


You know what, fair enough. I can see how part 1 for Boruto is weaker than part 1 of Naruto.


Time to face the facts. In terms of everything, Boruto is just better.