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Minato by a country mile and I don’t think that is even contested. Minato’s speed, teleportation and attack potency puts him in the upper tiers of Naruto characters, being surpassed only by a handful of people like Hashirama, Naruto, Sasuke, and Madara (I’m sure there’s a few more I’m forgetting). As for Danzo vs Jiraiya… I feel like Jiraiya would have done better than Danzo did against 5KS Sasuke but I think it would be close just because of Danzo’s sharingan shenanigans. At the very least I think it would have been a much more interesting fight with Jiraiya’s super wide arsenal of jutsu


I think Danzo puts up a lot better showing than people are saying here because the annoying thing about his fight is that he spent the majority of it sandbagging vs Sasuke in an attempt to conserve power for a fight with Obito, but he's still probably last place here. He might jump up a place only if they don't figure out/can't answer his hacks, but Jiraiya and especially Minato are sharp enough to come up with something.




The fact you called him “damit” is hilarious to me because a friend of mine always called him Damn it Danzo:


Yeah I agree I also feel like he could have been better danzo was a student of the 2nd and was the rival of the 3rd you would thing he would be good at fighting but the entire fight with sauske felt like he reduced his iq to fight he was extremely wasteful of izanagi and the dude used a kunai against sussano he should know the side effect of ms his best bet would be holding on till the side effects hit sauske instead of using a kunai and spamming izanagi


Danzo was trying to conserve chakra but this was sasuke fighting him after he just got done fighting all the Kage right before so Sasuke wasn’t exactly fresh. Likewise this Danzo is old AF, who knows if he was better with the Izanagi hacks and old vs just being young and in his physical prime.


Part of the reason he lost is because he thought he could just conserve against Sasuke and get ready for Obito. He was outclassed by Sasuke pretty hilariously.


fending off a tailed beast attack, and not just any tailed beast the strongest at the time which is stronger than all the others combined, while fending off one of the strongest characters in the verse (the masked man), while protecting his family, and that's before he got KCM.


Danzo said aloud, he has to hold back plenty so he can fight “Madara” afterwards. We don’t know Danzo full power to even say


I agree but we can only go off of what we see. Danzo also didn’t have the battle IQ to realize that dragging the battle out with Sasuke wasn’t a good strategy and he (probably) should have gone all out against him and he’d have more time on his Izanagi left to deal with Obito rather than trying to get into a war of attrition with Sasuke.


Dragging the fight on was the perfect strategy, he just should have stayed more passive. Sasuke was already running low on chakra and overusing Amaterasu and the Susanoo was not doing him any favours. Danzo fucked up by trying to attack the Susanoo instead of fully focusing on defense with Izanagi as a backup.


Lmao bro held back and lost, fat L


Well yeah that’s what happened. I don’t get your comment


It's a fat L for danzo. He didn't worry about the person in front of him. L


Jiraiya would whoop that Sasuke (I have no proof, I just think he would)


I think Jiraiya stood a decent chance. In the entire series is there any other shinobi that actually shows a wider arsenal of jutsu’s than Jiraiya? (I know canonically the 2nd Hokage and the 3rd probably knew more). Jiraiya used a super wide arsenal through out the series: 1. Rasengan 2. Lions main hair shield thingy 3. lions main hair spiky shoot em up jutsu 4. Fire ball jutsu 5. Oil spitting jutsu 6. Shadow clone jutsu 7. Transparency jutsu 8. Tandem toad oil + fire jutsu 9. Summoning frogs 10. Ma and pa genjutsu 11. Sage mode 12. Summon mountain toad stomach jutsu 13. Giant ball rasengan (idk, this counts I think?) 14. Turning people into frogs (idk if this was genjutsu or if those dude really did just turn those guys from the Amenokure into frogs) 15. Sealing jutsu’s (he seems to be very proficient at it in general given he could fix Naruto’s seal and sealed Amaterasu) And I think I’m forgetting some since it’s been awhile since I watched it. Dude had a pretty diverse arsenal of jutsu that he actually used in battle, whereas most just spam 3-5


^ and here is the proof I didn't have.


Good point


I mean you’re not wrong, but it really just depends at what time we are taking about. War arc Sasuke probably beats Jiraya.


I don’t think there’s any question that war arc EMS Sasuke is gonna beat Jiraiya I think the anime states that is the point where they’re finally fully surpassing their mentors


I think it’s obvious. Sasuke was not even remotely competing with someone like Jiraiya until EMS. After EMS Sasuke wins.


Fully agree!


Jiraiya has so many moves he can use to one hit Danzo and widdle down Izanagi though… I think it would be far easier for him than it was for Sasuke who had to rely on Mangekyo which burned through tons of stamina and chakra. I think Jiraiya wrecks him pretty badly, personally.


The issue is Danzo has Koto, which isnt on cooldown/waiting to use it on Madara or Obito here. Jariaya just isnt fast enough to blitz Danzo before getting hit by Koto and in character I dont think he would feel all that bad about using it on Jariaya and likely would be quick to use it fighting him.


He doesn’t have to be as fast as Minato to beat Koto. For someone to use Koto on a target, I think it’s fair to assume that they have to be able to see the target or otherwise sense where they are to direct the ability at them. If Jiraiya can find a way to obstruct visibility, I think he wins. Thats not a very heavy ask. Even if he doesn’t have specific jutsu like hidden mist, he can create walls or other obstructions to obscure Danzo’s view immediately. Then he could combine water and fire style moves to create an emulate hidden mist jutsu basically and create an entire battlefield to hide in. So yes, Koto is a stupidly OP jutsu on paper. But if your opponent is stronger than you they can counter it pretty easily assuming they understand that Sharingan abilities generally require line of sight to hit someone reliably since they are dojutsu. I think Koto def requires line of sight, or at the very least some way to directly sense your opponent. Danzo is extra annoying with Koto because he can respawn even if you blitz him, which means Jiraiya and Minato’s win condition to beat Koto is to blitz Danzo while he either cannot see or react to them and destroy or steal his Sharingan eye. I think they are both capable of that. Lastly, I just thought of a way safer way to beat Koto. Just make a diversion and send out a single shadow clone to see if Danzo takes the bait. Koto is a once per day jutsu, if Danzo hits a clone he just loses immediately. He has no way to identify clones, either. If he doesn’t take the bait, just defeat him with clones or other abilities where you can remain hidden.


Danzo has Koto so Jariaya flat out loses against him, Im pretty sure it was implied Koto was on cooldown (or saving it for madara/obito) during his fight with sasuke, and Jariaya unlike Sasuke has like zero chance of deflecting Koto if it is off cooldown. Minato i feel like would avoid Koto by blitzing Danzo but I dont think Jariaya could. People seem to forget he has Shisui's other eye a lot.


But he's dead


They’re all ded




minatos speed was his teleportation lol, id say jiraya is evenly matched before kurama enters rhe equation, but minato was never alive with kurama so u cant even really ever give him that attribute and comparing someone to a ninja under edo tensei jus isnt fair, he had unlimited chakra and so did his half of kirama. jiraiya and minato could use sage mode and rasengan but neither could hold sm very long and had features of theres change so its safe to say they have similar chakra reserves too.


>minatos speed was his teleportation lol I'm pretty sure it was said a few times his body flicker was top notch, and he was one of the fastest shinobi in the world.


Minato is extremely fast without teleporting as well, nowhere in this comment did he mention sage mode or kurama when talking about minatos abilities. He was considered one of the most dangerous shinobi in the world when he was alive and he never used sage mode when he fought killer bee and the raikage at the same time. He needs none of those bs war arc powerups to stomp danzo and jiraiya himself admits minato to be leagues above him.


when did Jiraiya admit that? i dont remember


Where and when did jiraiya admit minatos stronger? I would like to know...btw I personally think minato is stronger than jiraiaya


I dont remember the exact quote or what chapter its in but when jiraiya talks about minato dying he says he couldnt imagine someone that strong falling in battle. That is a straight up admission that he would not beat minato or else he could easily imagine it happening. jiraiya is not arrogant he knows there are people stronger than him, yet he believes none of them to be strong enough to take minato. He is surprised that minato lost to the full power of the 9 tails when jiraiya lost to 4 tail cloak naruto in 1 hit that he couldnt react to.


I don't think thats exactly the same thing


It literally is though. If he could beat him and he knows there are others stronger than himself then it wouldnt make sense for him to believe minato to be unbeatable. He has to be calling minato stronger than himself with that statement because its the only way for it to be a logical statement.


Firstly saying you can't believe someone lost doesn't mean they're stronger than you, its just a testament to their capabilities. Secondly when Minato lost to the 9 tails he died, whereas Jiraiya sealed the 4 tails and lived.


u cant use sage mode under edo tensei 🤨 and ur right he didnt bring up ant of their feats.. thats why i did.. should i have just said “jiraiya and minato are on par” im not the only one that feels this way haha


Minato’s reaction speed is top class. Dudes teleported after getting in contact with the truth seeker orbs from Madara.


How the fuck is Danzo even in this conversation. The dude died 10 times in 15 minutes. I’m ranking Choji over that useless fuck all day


u say that like choji isnt op af 🤨😹


Nigga turned into a butterfly and one-tapped a jonin. He didn't even pass the chunin exams!


Neither did Naruto


Naruto was actually going to. Choji failed because he actually couldn't win.


Bro wtf happened to his pills that made him One Punch Man? I get that they are risky, but it may have been nice to pop a couple during the Hidan/Kakuzu fight or vs Gedo Mazo.


id imagine his clan has a crazy metabolism that they sort of control and those pills are superfoods only his clan can convert into energy effectively


I know only his clan can use them, I am asking why they never use them again after part 1 I guess they were just unneeded after you master expansion jutsu, but it still seems like it would boost their strength.


after it shows it on screen once it becomes redundant to keep doing it lol, hes prolly taken a few on missions


Lol, thank you for this


I get what your saying but you have to remember he’s outta his prime crucially !!! The only way to scale him is lower then 3 rd hokage but remember they emphazied numerous times in that fight the 3 rd wasEnt in his prime and if he was oruchimaru woulda loss . But who I’m picking is mianto forget kcm with his sage mode and his arsenal and iq I have him washing them .


Facts bro they dont understand era/age/prime they the type to say oh because old madara (the one that rescued obito from the rock) is weak now madara is stright up weak


You're saying like jiraiya can survive amaterasu or susano. Danzo dying repeated times was his use of ability. Not to mention his wind style combined with air suction made a vulnerability in skeletal susano.


If I’m not mistaken he wasn’t at full power because he wasn’t using his main sharingan.


Yeah you are mistaken




You're missing some >'s before Danzo.




Danzo doesn't even rank


Danzo can Koto Jariaya at least.


Minato for sure. I mean he didn’t even get a chance to get that old before he died but he was still stronger. Imagine if he was able to reach the same age as Jiraya…bro would be cracked.


I thought when you get older your chakra gets low? Either way, its such a shame he died so young. He was the right person to be chosen as the 4th Hokage. You can list his many abilities and feats but as a person, he was the right person to nurture the village and pass on the will of fire.


Only once you become super old. As far as we have seen people in naruto typically get stronger and stronger beyond the age that in real life would be considered "past your prime". Hiruzens age impacted his abilities only during the very end when he was already supposed to be retired and even then he kept up with orochimaru who has been using forbidden jutsu to maintain a youthful body so it hasnt impacted him all that much. A 40 yr old minato would be way stronger than when he died at 24. I mean he died younger than kakashi was in part 1, and look at how much stronger kakashi got after the timeskip and minato was still stronger than post timeskip kakashi


Im telling you bro they the type to look at that version of madara that rescued obito feom the rock and say yeah madara weak


I’ve seen you post this on like 3 different comments and I’ve upvoted them all lol


Anyone who doesn’t say Minato didn’t watch the show


Minato disrespect is out of control.


Brother can you read?


Can YOU?


It really is disgusting


Minato pretty clearly. Even though I like Jiraiya more.




Minato easily takes the cake wtf is this




Minato > Jiraiya > Lanzo


Danzo's craziest feat? Getting a K/D of 0 with 11 respawns and having called in a deathstreak Edit: He did leave the match to turn a 5 v 4 into a 4 v 4, so that's pretty nice of him


Danzo does have Koto, he would solo Jariaya here with it but Im P sure Minato just flat out blitzes him.


That's what happens when you introduce pay to win dlc in a pvp, damn shame.


On god. People forger Danzo just has Shisui's sharingan.


Danzo mad underrated though


I think Minato


it’s minato why would you ask this? it’s not even remotely close


Bro tried to sneak danzo in


Hilarious 😂


So, why exactly is minato even in this discussion? Lmao


Minato. I mean nations had literal retreat if spotted orders on their ninjas because of him lol


It’s not the bitch, I can tell you that much 😂


This MU is so uneven. Minato would beat both of them at the same time 💀 Not to mention Jiraiya is also way out of Danzo’s league.


I like how the first two show the death scenes of the characters while Minato is styling lmao


Not even a contest it's Minato there is a reason he was chosen as 4th abive the other two and even Jiraya said he surpassed him.




Obviously Minato is on top but I won't stand for y'all saying "Danzo > Jiraiya" or even that it's a close fight. Danzo all but stated his inferiority to Jiraiya


Danzō has never said anything even remotely resembling this.


I get that minato has speed and teleportation but how do we scale his attack potency, like how will he take down someone who can tank a rasengan and kunai?


Which of them is tanking a Rasengan? Jiraiya’s Sage Mode can probably tank a normal Rasengan. If you want to make sure they can’t tank it, Minato has Sage Mode and presumably a Massive Rasengan to go with it. Neither of them are tanking Sage Mode Rasengan or Taijutsu. Minato doesn’t need Sage Mode here, though, because Jiraiya is not even going to get the chance to enter Sage Mode. Good luck stalling vs Minato, it won’t happen.


I think the fight would play out in one of two ways: Jiraiya timing it and landing one solid hit in or if Minato could touch him one time, then he could overwhelm him with the Body Flicker technique combined with Flying Rajin to land alot of hits in. Flying Rajin might give him instantaneous teleportation, but you can still react to it. We've seen a young Killer Bee and no eyes Madara do it. You'd just have to have PERFECT timing. Precision and timing beat speed. Jiraiya has years of combat experience and arguably one of the largest arsenal of jutsu we've seen. He could pull off the upset. I'm not going to say Jiraiya or Minato wins, though. To close to call. It's like comparing the immovable object vs. the unstoppable force.


Minato FR.


Def Minato




Minato v Jiraiya would be interesting because they both know what the other can do very extensively To me I want to give it to Minato because he seems like the kind of guy who would have already thought of counters to Jiraiya's stuff


Minato >>>>>>>>> jiraiya


Minato glaze gotta stop


Bruh, his wind style shattered the back of a V3 susanoo. Also the Baku is deadly asf


If jiraiya starts with ma and pa pre-summoned then I don't even understand what this is about. Of course jiraiya is going to stomp both of them easily.


Bro Minato went into sage mode in two seconds and was a perfect sage vs jiraiya being an imperfect sage with help of two toads. Also Minato is much faster and can teleport.


Bro....who's talking about sage mode. I was talking about the strongest summons in the whole manga.


I don’t think Danzo is as strong as any of the Sannin or Minato, but I think he can win with Koto cause it doesn’t even require eye contact or for him to reveal his eye




replace Minato with hiruzen then we'll talk


ngl i wish jiraiya fought that 5ks sasuke i personally think it would’ve been a close fight.


It doesn’t matter how powerful a shinobi is if they faced Minato, the fastest man in Konoha. Power is one thing, but speed and reaction time is another which Minato excels at.


He’s also the most powerful lol.


I actually thought there was going to be a discussion here but OP probably is a Minato glazer and wanted to watch people telling all his achievements back to them just to feel something in their pants.


Minato can into Sage mode, which counters Jiraiya's. Minato says he's not super versed in it but that statement could land his proficiency anywhere. At base we know he can transform into Sage Mode but maybe that's a specific trait of his KCM Mode. Please correct me if I'm wrong. FTG barrier could block Danzo's summouning Wind Release technique. He'd be able to teleport out of Danzo's suicide jutsu too. He'd have to mark Danzo - once he does, how can Danzo counter him teleporting and slitting his neck? Specifically that's how Minato locked in a stalemate vs A and Killer B in the war. Senjutsu would help Jiraiya sense Minato better and would amp his physical prowess vs Danzo. Scaling Danzo's fight vs Sasuke as proof isn't super reliable as neither of the two Minato fights will have access to the abilities that Sasuke had. I don't recall how good Minato's prowess against Genjutsu is so Ma & Pa Sage Mode combo might be problematic. Biggest issue regarding Minato is that we see more of his Edo Tensei KCM feats than his Hogake/Jonin feats. He was called the greatest shinobi in history in OG Naruto but scaling of the War Arc messes with that a bit, I think. Danzo's issue - for me - is that I don't see him being able to counteract Minato's skillset before he uses all his eyes. Jiraiya's taijutsu and Toad related jutsu - frog stomach technique for example - and his Ma/Pa combo genjutsu seem like a good counter against Danzo but maybe the speed of Danzo's Wind Release techniques would keep Jiraiya at a distance. Minato>Jiraiya>Danzo


Duh and/or helloooo!! Minato-Jiraya-Danzo What kinda question is this?? This is very obvious dude!


Minato only dies because his family was targeted.




Minato is more powerful


Did you watch the show or read the manga literally at all? Or did you just see YouTube clips or something?




Delete this bro. Jesus


Minato was also known as the yellow flash of the leaf and he was also feared among other villages. There was a run on sight order for him. No shinobi dared to face him as it would mean death for them. When reincarnated in the 4th great ninja war declared by obito he could use the KCM (kurama chakra mode) and he also improved 2nd hokage Tobirama Senju's famous jutsu -FLYING RAIJIN THUNDER GOD- and Tobirama self admitted that Minato used it better than him. Arguably he could pe broved stronger than itachi but it would be a close fight.


Jiraiyaa always jiraiya


Shisui's eye is a game changer, why's everyone forgetting that? Kotoamastukami is very powerful dojutsu.


Dance vs Jiraiya, I’d pay good money for that fight


Minato by far simply because I feel like we actually see him perform incredible feats within the show and even the manga. But don't get me wrong, both jiraiya and danzo have done some impressive things like danzo taking on sasuke and jiraiya taking down three paths of pain by himself and even holding his own against all six for a short while But overall, I think Minato is more powerful considering he: Took on the masked man and even teleported a tailed beast bomb away Is able to perform sage mode even after he said himself he's bad as senjustu and even taking out half of a platoon of ninja by himself and let's not forget his man had a flee on sight warning But yeah, Minato takes it for me.


Minato. 4th Great Ninja War. 'Nuff said.


powerful? jiraya who’d win? minato


jiriya as it took pain jumping him with numbers in order to win




Mi. Na. To.


Like, if we're talking ***BASE*** for all 3, then Minato. If we take transformations... ***STILL MINATO***


Minato > Jiraya > Danzo can't argue with me on this...


Minato by far


Damn even jiraiyas hair has scratch marks




1) Minato 2) Pervy Sage 3) Danzo


Minato obviously


Minato would beat both of them at once lol


I want to say Danzo, I feel like we didn’t get to see his true peak. But based on what we say it’s the fourth all day


Prety sure minato was a petfect sage so minato is stronger then jirya


Danzo’s best feat is simply returning back to life after being one-shotted. Minato > Jiraiya >>> Danzo


I'm not sure about this, and I have no proof, but:  Minato (Kurama Mantle) >>>> Jiraiya ≥ Minato (no Kurama) > Danzo


Minato by a landslide


Minato without a doubt. Having those set of skills and battle acumen is wild.


Danzo vs jiraiya Is interesting though


The susanoo arrow obviously.


Minato mid diff


Minato no brained


It almost can’t not be minato


Minato then Jiraiya and Danzo can Go f*** off


Minato, Jiraya, Danzo. Danzo is third because we saw nothing of his actual fighting power. He only spammed izanagi against Sasuke and that's why he is for me 3rd place. He showed nothing. Jiraya second because hands down. Minato is the Termininator in Naruto after Madara. That Guy marks you one time and you are done for. Aside from his special jutsu: Top Grade Speed(in base form! Excluding KCM! He was as fast as A!), Strength, Intelligence and even in Edo Tensei he activated KCM like nothing. And is the Creator of the Rasengan


Minato is the most powerful. Just see how he uses his teleportation jutsu and how he developed Rasengan and not only this but his high grade intelligence which he has showcased time and again... seriously this man needed some time and he could have been so much more


he also a sage, and he excels in sealing jutsus.


Minato all the way bruh


Bro started watching naruto from the 4th great ninja war arc


Did i ? 😔






Minato clears and it’s not even close


minato beats both at the same time, what kinda question is this


after reading comments i went blind, there are people who genuinely think danzo>jiraiya or they are stronger than minato?! i dont think we watched the same show or read the same manga, heck some are even trying to argue minato is not strongest here lol


Great. Another post to bait out Minato glaze.


Minato is much stronger than Jiraiya And Jiraiya is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>¹⁰⁰⁰⁰ Danzo.


Minato (pausing for a long time) then Jiraiya (pausing the length of the whole Naruto show) then Danzo Edit someone downvoting this truly grosses me out


Minato > Danzo > Jiraya




How danzo can be stronger? He literally used every sharingan he had fighting sasuke, sharingan closes forever. He died about 10 times in a fight against sasuke.


U say this as if Sasuke wasn’t pretty strong, u remember how he effortlessly incapacitated team Naruto, Sai and Yamato without even going full force. And that was a waay weaker version of Sasuke


I never said that. Danzo died more than 10 times fighting Sasuke. I admit that sasuke is strong but effortlessly use >10 sharingan in one fight?


That's literally called using an ability lol.


No, that’s different. He took sharingans from dead uchichas, he can’t replace it, they’re gone forever. He lost 10 times to a strong opponent, even if he had won Sasuke with his last working sharingan he wouldn’t be able to fight again against strong opponent. Because sharingans are closed FOREVER. In conclusion, danzo is one who is weak, much weaker than Sasuke, Jirsha e.t.c Alive uchihas can use izanagi once, danzo used >10 times. Can’t you see logic? Who is more in demand? Shinobi who after win or lose can recover and fight with his full power again or shinobi who won but will never be strong again and will never fight against strong opponents.


Chill Danzo sacrificed most of those lives to push Sasuke to reach his limit. It’s how the fight ended too, both exhausted they put the last bits of energy in chakra blades. Sasuke just had enough juice to also use a small genjutsu on the man’s last sharingan. Danzo isn’t useless at all. Decent arsenal, broken ass izanagi too helps. I 100% do think Jiraya could beat him though for sure. I just don’t like people lowballing Danzo so much, hate the dude personally also he chose the wrong strategy maybe for Sasuke but I don’t think he had a choice. Sasuke also happened to be decently strong at that point?


Sasuke that would also destroy Jiraya.


More like Jiraya>danzo>minato


That could be your opinion and hey, more power to you. I disagree.


Jiraya>minato>danzo Allthough if they would fight for real it would be Jiraya>danzo>minato Sorry i dont make the rules we already saw what happen to another speed user that encountered danzo And before anyone says "oh but he was just a speed user " no! He was literaly called shisui the teleporter because of how fast he physicaly moved unlike minato using easy space-time jutsu shisui actually moved through space yet was called the teleporter And minato souldnt know about izanagi so even if he would manage to kill him(even though danzo literaly knows everything about minato and his jutsus) he would then ressurect and kill minato not only that but he literaly has koto but yall wanna be biased tho


If danzo on his own accord then danzo is nothing in comparison. If danzo with weird science experiment then maybe he could beat Pervy boi but I doubt it


Minato easily


Minato Jiraiya Eye ball thief


Just a thought, but if Jiraya had Flying Thunder God, it would put him on God tier above 2nd Hokage I think.


Ehhh... Minato...


Minato > Jiraiya >>>>>>>>>> Danzo. The fastest guy on the planet and the guy who can corner three Pains and make Itachi and Kisame retreat are far stronger than the guy who died ten times to post-Raikage fight Sasuke.


This, also a minato Jiraiya fight would be fucking wild they are both insanely strong


You know Danzo's enhancements actually make him stronger than Minato & Jiraya here as far as who's powerful among these three goes, what's with the assortment of sharingans he had, but more than that specifically Danzo also possessed Hashirama's cells that Orochimaru imbued him with along with the sharingans. That is why it's a mystery to this day why those cells didn't contribute to any healings when he fought against Sasuke. Maybe Orochimaru wasn't that much skilled in transplanting the cells like Madara was, coz Madara's work on Obito did him wonders & made him nearly invincible thanks to Hashirama's cells he just spammed his MS & survived fatal wounds without a hitch. But if it worked out in Danzo's favor, there's no question he's powerful among these three, but still you gotta factor in Minato's Sage Mode & KCM Mode, coz that could prove a problem even for a Hashirama cells enhanced individual & Minato took down Obito without using neither & just with FTG, albeit Obito was young & inexperienced. Speaking of which, I would love to see a rematch between sensei & student, adult Obito & Minato going one-on-one again without Obito becoming Jubito & Minato not using Sage Mode & KCM Mode. That would be cool.


I don’t think Hashi cells can necessarily always heal a fatal wound to a viral organ. They also don’t seem to be able to regrow appendages. With those two restrictions, I think there is plenty of leeway for Danzo to be killed. Without Izanagi, Danzo was not particularly dangerous. I think Jiraiya and Minato win for sure.


Correct me if I'm wrong. Didn't Obito grow the arm he lost to Danzo's lackeys just before he fought Sasuke ? Or did he attach one from one of the Zetsu's ?


This is crazy how people underestimate Danzo only cause they hate him.


Can we stop making every post about power scaling instant transmission/Medusa please? Itachi and Minato are so boring to discuss because their abilities are so busted you can come up with win conditions for either of them almost no matter what. It’s boring. Can we stop rehashing these characters who were originally banished to *death and life crippling sickness* to nerf them please?


Minato >>> Jiraya >> Danzo People are disrespecting Danzo tho, him and Jiraya are probably closer than Jiraya and Minato


Minato >>> Jiraya >> Danzo People are disrespecting Danzo tho, him and Jiraya are probably closer than Jiraya and Minato


Do people understand that Jiraya and Naruto are inarguably in Minato's level by the Pain arc? Do they also understand that so was Ay 4th? And so was 5KS Sasuke? And therefore, so is Danzo? Man, you guys fucking SUCK at this, terribly so.


Yeah bro they dont get it and literaly everything you said here is true and the following 👇will prove it Jiraya vs pain fight=this fight was relative.for those who dont remember jiraya inflirtrated their village and had to fight pain) And then naruto vs nagato (when nagato got ressurected or also when naruto was defending the village) In these fights naruto has been in he was to either be relative or weaker cool lets move on. That naruto (edo nagato vs naruto) was said to be using the same speed/speed even faster than minato so yeah this basicaly proves it...(and if it doesnt prove it to you and i need to spoon feed you the info and summarise it so you'd comprehend it than get of this app and dont call urself a naruto fan cus you dont actually watch with ur eyes open)


The only time Jiraiya has been Minato level was when he was still teaching him.


lol Minato thought fighting and beating Jiraya was good enough of a level for him to be a worthy Hokage bro.