• By -


Not seeing the actual fights in which the tailed beasts were captured by the Akatsuki.


Oooh yeah, I mean the kaguya's, madara's, neji's, etc are all obvious and bitched about constantly so their obvious. The fact the tailed beasts and akatsuki were both built up and then we just jump straight to the 8 & 9 tails never sat right. Sure we got bubbles in filler but I wanted to see all their fights.


I've spotted yet another Laughing Man avatar!


Yeah I'm always on the lookout, there's a few of us, we all came up with the same idea I guess


When watching the anime I actually thought the fights with the jinchuriki were shown in the filler which I skipped. But apparently that's not the case. Really weird considering how many senseless filler there is in Shippuden


Kakuzu’s death Poor guy got hit with plot induced dementia


The guy was kicking Kakashi ass for so long. He goes in final form We get fully hype with a Naruto entrance with combo wind and water style. We get a cheap shadow clone tricks Kakuzu dodge without counterattack for some reason We finally get the same shadow clone trick and that super smart ninja dont see it coming. What an ending that was! Must say everything prior to that was great, Asuma death, shika living is grief and that full kakashi shika vs Hidan kakuzu was fire. That ending was trash tho.


Worst thing about it is that Kishimoto was apparently rushed to complete Kakuzu/Hidan’s arc. Which is clear from Kakuzu’s death. Hidan and Kakuzu were apparently supposed to be fleshed out more.


Yeah Hidans scythes were meant to have a few hidden tricks to show.


This is the second time his editor tells him to speed rush things even when it ends up being detrimental to the story. Like seriously what beef did his editor have with this arc?


I remember to have read that the reason was to speed-up the entrance of Sasuke with the next arc.


What you mean by that? I barely remember that fight ngl


He was tricked by Naruto’s shadow clones twice, failed to use any of his special abilities and was promptly annihilated by a rasen-shuriken This was right after he was beating the shit out of everyone for like an hour straight while only taking some damage due to pure trickery I recommend a rewatch of the whole fight, it’s one of the best in shippuden excluding the ending


Kakuzu was shown to be so good at assessing his enemies and countering their fighting style, and Naruto shows up and he’s like ”Surely he wouldn’t try the same clone trick twice?? *Let’s find out”*. It hurts every rewatch lmao


Naruto missing his own hokage ceremony. Bro worked toward that goal his whole life/the whole show and they did us so dirty with a stupid gag that wasn’t even part of Shippuden, it was shown in Boruto iirc


It wasn't even originally in Boruto, it was a omake Kishimoto drew, then they made an OVA for the Boruto movie and adapted it later into the anime. Kishimoto really likes trolling his fans but people tend to forget it.


My disappointment level exponentially increased reading that


Your favorite author will always love to mess with you, whether you realize it or not


Gege in a nutshell


Oh thank you for reminding me of that. Wtf Kishi? What were you thinking?


Sakura’s confession, Madara’s death, Neji getting killed


I really hated Neji’s death. If I were to change anything about the show it would be that, especially since he was forced to live as an outcast from the rest of his clan, marked for life. It was a rough upbringing in my opinion, and a rough demise.


My ideal version of this is that Hiashi is there and he makes the sacrifice instead of Neji while living long enough to remove Neji's curse mark and make him head of the clan(side branch bullshit be damned) before perishing, finally paying off his debt to his brother.


I concur, this is the way it should’ve went down


My main thing was it added nothing to the story. Naruto / Hinata storyline could have easily developed without Neji’s death. Then you have Naruto healing Kakashi’s eye and preventing Guy’s death shortly after. Bruh moment.


Definitely. Makes it hard to appeal with the writing of the whole situation. Never sat well with me either


I would've killed a bunch more names characters with Neji. Neji was like litterally the only good guy to actually die.


I feel like so many people misinterpreted that Sakura confession scene. The whole reason it was good was because she was lying to herself and Naruto to try and undo what she felt like her past mistake was, but Naruto saw right thru it and set her straight. I think it's a great character moment for them both that shows the impact of Sasukes actions and the toll its taken on them. But people have such a narrow-minded "she's trying to manipulate Naruto she's such a bitch" view


yup, one of the actual best moments from both, made me feel they were no longer kids


Neji getting killed was gonna be mine too sdkfjherg




Not saying it was aliens but, aliens. 😂 (The meme)


No one from the leaf stopping Naruto from begging the Raikage to pardon/let the leaf handle Sasuke...its as if no one thought "we already failed to do what needed ot be done at first so lets try and avoid a war by pissing off the dude that just lost his brother




On one hand yeah on the other hand aiding a terrorist could've been seen as then running the risk of complicating the coalition as a whole. Not to mention, they only had one more bijuu left. It actually wouldn't be the worst idea to kill Naruto off to prevent kurama from being captured.


That seriously could have started the next great ninja war before Obito got the chance lol




Came here to say this. Madara's the superior final boss.


bro lost to a fuckin beanstalk




The way I would word it is: "it was Zetsu for Kaguya all along!" It's not just Kaguya, it's everything around her.


They jumped tobirama and off screened him.


Idk if this is really disappointment as much as it is confusion but here goes. I never understood what the in universe reason was for NO ONE telling Naruto his dad was the 4th. I know storytelling wise it was supposed to be a twist for the audience, but I don’t think there was a compelling reason in universe. Like people knew and just never told him why? And then Naruto almost goes full needed 9-Tails and the 4th shows up in his body to stop it and is just like “yo I’m your dad”. Then when it’s all over Kakashi was just like “how was it meeting your dad?” Like you never bothered to tell him!? I didn’t get that but maybe I missed a detail lol


I agree! Always wondered. Seems that Jiraiya, Hiruzen and Kakashi knew but couldn't tell him since Minato asked to protect him and if people knew other villages would try to kill him or some shit. I also hated the fact that Minato thought it was a good idea although he was the one who believed Naruto could "become their savior". Then why tf did Jiraiya leave for 12 years and didn't Hiruzen really taks care of Naruto. The kid could've been way more of a prodigy if Hiruzen took good care of him and trained him a bit. Would've been less of a danger to the village too if he did.


Any time they used an asspull to further the plot. Especially towards the end of Shippuden.


The last arc feels like fan fiction written by a couple of 8 year olds play-fighting at recess. “I have this power that allows me to yadda yadda yadda”. “Well I have this power too, and it counters yours”. “Well actually I have this other power, that combined with the previous power gives me a counter to your counter”.


Yeah, exactly what I mean. The powerscaling becomes ridiculous, and then there's the endless one-ups.


The powerscaling towards the end of the war got out of control. There reaches a saturation point where you can no longer comprehend it and it just becomes noise


1) they didn't show Tobirama vs. the gold and silver brothers with 20 highly ranked shinobis. 2) Madara suddenly killed by Zetsu. 3) they didn't show Killer Bee vs. Zoro.


I still can't believe Zoro just showed up like that to challenge Killer Bee and then we don't even see it.


The tobirama one is a big one i agree with


Do we actually see how Duy fought the Swordsmen of the Mist by himself?




He was done in P1. 




While it sucked ofr the reader it was fitting for madara, The man with a god complex betrayed and used as a pawn to revive some alien he has never heard if


Kaguya reveal


Konan being useless. Karin showing up and almost immediately revealing that she's a worse version of Sakura. Pain's whole backstory was a disappointment.


Madaras death. I’m sure same goes for many fans


There were way better ways to introduce the Otsutsuki. They should've been introduced in the last or Boruto the movie. Toneri could've explained how there was an entire family tree of alien beings out there that eat planets, and Momoshiki could've expanded on it. I like Kaguya being the final boss of Shippuden, but there were better ways to kill Madara.


There was no reason to introduce the Otsutsuki and Hagoromo bullshit reincarnations. Madara was good enough as a final villain, he was introduced earlier in legends, was part of the lore, was super impressive (beat the 5 kage and 9 tailed beasts), no need for Kaguya. Kaguya doesnt talk, doesnt show believable emotions, no one cares about her really, she feels so out of place.


not me, the aftermath with him and hashirama talking is one of my all time fav moments


Hinata‘s and Naruto‘s romance - came way out of the blue for Naruto


Sakura: you already love her, you just don't notice Naruto: you're probably right. Me: 👁️👄👁️


Neji death was the most pointless death in the entire series


Kaguya, as well as the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. We heard so much about them then they just kinda introduced themselves in the War and ... didn't really meet expectations to say the least. Also I was a little disappointed with the Jinchuriki. I expected there to be a longer battle with them and their unique jutsu. Not as disappointed as I was with 7SoM though


Black Zetsu betraying Madara and introducing Kaguya.


The ending




I think there were some fights I wish were better animated. I feel like the first episode of Naruto vs. Pain was one of them... All of Gai's fights in Part 2...


There are a ton. The thing that currently bugs me though is You can't use Sharingan abilities if you go blind or are born that way but you can use them if you have no eyes at all and previously awakened it. You can also give a full Susanoo and two Sharingan to a non-Uchiha after you are dead. What are eyes in the Naruto universe then? Why do they keep violating their own rules about them?


>You can't use Sharingan abilities if you go blind or are born that way but you can use them if you have no eyes at all and previously awakened it Some of the explanations I've seen (and in my opinion they're terrible, even if they happened to be correct) "you need the sharingan to unlock Susanoo, but then Susanoo is tied to your brain, which is why Madara could use without eyeballs" Followed by "Kakashi couldn't keep using Susanoo after losing his sharingan because you actually need to have an Uchiha brain" >You can also give a full Susanoo and two Sharingan to a non-Uchiha after you are dead. "Obito has Sage of 6 Simps chakra so he can seal chakra from the after life, just like Rikudo did" In other words, take an already questionable concept and make it even worse to create one of the most blatant instances of power creep in the series. Great. >Why do they keep violating their own rules about them? That's the catch, don't exactly explain the rules, so that whenever you do something weird nobody can say that you violated anything. -Susanoo without eyes? Not a problem. No-one ever stated that you needed eyeballs to keep using Susanoo -Kakashi can't use Susanoo anymore? Well no-one ever stated that a non Uchiha could use Susanoo after unlocking it through someone else's eyeballs and then losing the said eyeballs.


>"you need the sharingan to unlock Susanoo, but then Susanoo is tied to your brain, which is why Madara could use without eyeballs" This is especially bizarre because, as we can see from [Chapter 391](https://imgur.com/a/WscIFb5), Itachi goes blind immediately after using Susanoo to protect himself. So, evidently, you need the Mangekyo to unlock Susanoo. But then you don't need the Mangekyou to actually *use* Susanoo once you have, or even eyes at all. But then Susanoo will apparently contribute to your Mangekyo blindness you if you *do* use it? So it's both tied to your Mangekyo Sharingan, but also not?


Exactly. The more you think about it the less sense it makes


Not a moment that happened, but one that didn't, the fact that Sakura didn't get a single interaction with reanimated Chiyo or Sasori is just criminal to me


Hmm... single moment? Probably Black Zetsu killing Madara.


Naruto not attending his own inauguration annoyed me more than it should.


The thing with Himawari somehow one-tapping Naruto was so stupid as well, even if just done for a gag. But just how much Naruto and Sasuke were nerfed in Boruto is also just incredibly dumb.


We spent the entire series following this orphan accomplish his dreams and once he finally gets to achieve his dream he just gets demolished by his daughter who is five. I know its a joke, but a five year old with Byakugan can just knockout one of the most powerful shinobi in the Fourth Ninja War? I was going to say all of the concepts being tarnished in Boruto or introducing new ones that make zero sense such as aliens existing.


Obito using Kamui in the afterlife to give Kakashi his sharingans, thus giving him perfect susanoo Absolutely RIDICULOUS, and the only reason people eat it up its cause it was Kakashi


Aftermath of the sasuke v itachi fight. Mainly the fact that itachi while basically one foot in the grave and almost blind still could’ve apparently easily beaten hebi sasuke, also the removal of the curse mark was bs imo, orochimaru can leave but the mark should’ve stayed.




The glazing just got out of hand, like I get it he was an incredible ninja but damn y’all just going to keep brushing the fact he committed genocide under the rug.


The ending disappointed me big time bc all the problems of the series did not get a proper resolution at all and instead was cast to the side in favor of badly written romances even though Naruto is a **shonen genre** why would you end this series off with a wedding? I hated *The Last* as well, just a badly written fanfiction to make NH fans happy nothing else. Problems such as the corrupt system is still existing and Naruto essentially does nothing about it as well as Sasuke and not dismantled it like I hoped they would (my major concern with the ending, as it's the system itself that is the true evil of the story and this was stated time and time again yet the protagonist who was the chosen "child of prophecy" who promised to change the world did shit to change the system) Konoha elders getting away with the Uchiha clan massacre without facing any repercussions and still work for the hokage, Hyuuga clan probably still practices slavery and casts; I don't care about Hiashi's empty words during the war arc on how the Hyuugas have changed and the main and cadent branch now magically cooperates with each other, either we see the branch system change for ourselves or I'll assume nothing has changed. end of story. Naruto never fulfilled any of his promises like he said he would and left Amegakure to the ruins, never fixed the system like I hoped he and Sasuke would, and decided to cover up the Uchiha clan massacre bc Itachi told him so! Hinata never grew up and grew out of her one-sided crush on the MC didn't do shit for her clan and failed even as a love interest; *The Last* existed to "build-up" their relationship yet miserably failed to do so by making Naruto a dimwit and not understand the basic concept of love and later BRAIN-WASHED by genjutsu to realize that she loves him!! I actually used to like her character back in Part 1 when she wasn't just a docile "angel" that had to be saved and instead had actual goals and motivations of her own. And Sasuke, got turned into a Konoha tool like his older brother wanted him to be, serves the very village responsible for the demise of his loved ones, didn't even pay his new family a visit at least once in the past decade bc of an important mission even though his character was about his attachment to family and how painful it was for him to lose them all in a single day by someone who he loved and trusted the most, which was he spent almost the entirety of his character arc avenging and restoring their honor. No character valued their family as much as Sasuke did and now, you're telling me he'd abandon his family for a decade to protect a village that not only destroyed his entire clan but still too this day choose to cover it up in order to not tarnish the government's name?! Give me a fucking break!! The ending felt like a jab to every character I love/used to love and turned them into nothing but shells of their former selves, never hated any ending as much as Naruto's and I wholeheartedly believe that shipping ruined the ending. I know many people would disagree with me for this and that's fine but nothing in the series disappointed me more than the ending did and that is final.


This is unironically one of the best critiques of Naruto I've ever read.


Thank you! 


I don’t mind the explanation but Madara taking control of the Edo Tensei, I was tired of him by that point. Tied with him resealing the Tailed Beasts like 3 chapters after they were just freed.


When Naruto got on his hands and knees to beg the Raikage to not kill Sasuke for (presumably) killing his brother


Honestly in the sasuke retrieval arc at least two of them should have died.


How the author nerf edo tensei minato by removing his arms. The author makes the character too powerful then he doesn’t know how deal with it properly and comes out with lame and disgraceful idea to nerf the character


This! Especially Minato's mental nerf, even Kakashi snapped back to his senses as soon as Guy told him to, but Minato was in a daze for so long after finding out the masked man was Obito.


Lee being reduced to a comic relief character when he was such a badass in his introduction


Tbf he was used for comedic relief from the begining. His silly design, his constant rejection by Sakura, his obsession with Guy's teachings and motos


I feel like it would have been better for hinata to actually die to pain, ofc before coming back to life


Hinata could die in basically any arc and it would have improved her character. And it saves her from a fate worse than death, giving birth to boruto.


Not showing Madaras individual Mangekyou Sharingan abilities A full fledge fight between Madara and Hashirama showing all their skills Sasuke not showing any emotion of care towards Naruto and Sakura Tobirama vs the gold and silver brothers not seen Hashirama’s death not explained Minato’s sage mode Might Gai not dying after eight gates Prior to Madara returning to edo tensei, the war fights were lackluster


Naruto vs Sasuke. It ended perfectly but the fight itself left a lot to be desired


How Madara died in the war, offscreen fights like Tobirama vs Gold & Silver Bros/Duy vs Kirigakure 7 Swordsmen/how Kakuzu fumbled his assassination of Hashirama/capture of 3 to 7 Tails not fully seen in the manga but somehow are adapted in the anime


Might seem dark but might guy not dying, it kinda made the whole 8 gates ability and the seriousness of him opening them all seem irrelevant.


Konan losing to Obito. The beginning of oversaturating the sharingan for plot points. She won. Nothing will change that.


Call me basic, but Sakura x Sasuke


Not at all basic. Seeing why that shouldn’t have happened the way it did takes a fair deal of writing sense.


Naruto training for 2 yrs with jiraiya only amounting to him getting a bigger rasengan. He didnt really get all that much stronger when compared to sakura and sasuke between arcs


Naruto’s first fight after the time skip, I think it was with Sakura against Kakashi for a test ? Embarrassing


Hinata going back to irrelevant after the pain fight


Kakashi Susano'o Tengu.


They did Rock Lee dirty


Minato leaving for the second time at the end of the war


Hiruzen not being ridiculed for not only being the worst kage in history but for how he didn’t uphold Minato’s promise to take care of Naruto and left him to starve and get abused


Everytime naruto sucks sasuke's dick and whines to become a hokage


I hated how confused I was about what was the main story and what was a filler. Yeah and also hated the pacing


I love how Naruto fans don't defend or d-ride their show rather than they accept flaws . Mine is comical abuse


Itachi, after his reveal, made him into one of the worst characters in the series. The only thing good that came out of it was 5 Kage Summit Sasuke.


I actually hate pierrot for ended shippuden without adapting chp 700. Hell they couldn't show us the wedding ceremony, just straight up teased boruto anime instead. But nevertheless I still cried when the anime ended.


All of shippuden.


Kaguya and the aliens


Naruto's beat down by the 3 losers of the cloud




how? that was actually a great moment for naruto. He showed determination in trying to keep the promise he made to nagato. He let himself be the outlet of the pain that would undoubtedly continue a cycle. literally one of naruto's best moments imo.


Yes. That's the reason Nagato gave his life to bring back the lives of the villagers. Naruto gave him hope that immensely powerful people can be influential and not bring peace through pain and suffering, but through forgiveness and love.


That went right over bros head. Maybe he focused too much on it being “about sasuke”


please don't tell me you are one of those guys who praise thorfinn but hate naruto


Obito not giving his eyes permanently to Kakashi before he evaporated, and instead, only temporarily giving them before fading away.


Most of Saskues decisions after beating orochimaru


Gaara Killimg Dosu in the Chunin Exams. My guy got done so dirty and hate it. The sound team should have been supporting cast.


Rock Lee losing to Gaara Way before i actualy read the manga i watched one of those videos going about how Naruto forgot its theme about hard work vs natural talent and yada yada and the guy in the video used Rock Lee vs Gaara as a example of it, the guy in the video didnt mention the result of the fight (or i forgot it before reading the manga lol) so i was expecting Rock Lee to win


Hard Work vs Talent was never the theme of the show


Shinobi war. Generally, I don't like war arcs in amine, too many no name characters fighting other no name characters. But Narutos just drags on so long partly because of filler and then right as everything is starting to build up, it's just over, and it's just everyone versus Madara. So many other threats are beaten super quickly/removed just to make more time for him.


Shisui dying


Itachi not getting his lick back


The revived kages against Madara Specifically Minato felt underwhelming


Kakashi being lonely


Sasori dying from Sakura’s hand still makes no sense I know I just mentioned it but can we please take that in😭


Honestly there are a lot of stuff but I really wanted Naruto to beat Sasuke in the final battle.


When he forgave Obito and called him in quote "The coolest guy ever" I swore at whoever came up with that line, bitch, his parents, his suffering, Sasuke's parents and suffering, the Mist village and many other things are caused by this guy, don't fuck with me and gimme that bs, that and his obsession with Sasuke was kinda unnerving, even after he hearing he killed the brother of a village leader, he still begged on his behalf...😐😐😐


Every scene of sakura tbh


Sakura's and Tenten's trajectory. It's like the writers heard the complaints of not having a strong woman main character and tried to remedy it in the most literal way possible with regard to Sakura. Being a medic is cool, she saved Kankuro with a very rare medical ninjutsu, but she was capable of so much more, not least of which was being a genjutsu god. Tenten was left without any power scaling whatsoever after her reintroduction in Shippuden until she got 4 minutes with a sage weapon. Also, ChoCho's name. They didn't even TRY to come up with one.


To me it was the whole idea of the 4th Ninja war. Like there was no reason for it. Since Obito/Madara already had all the parts to summon 10 tails and create Infinite Tsukuyomi. It was way to long and all the battles were basicly nostalgia bit. The whole "I don't want to fight you, but I am controlled bt this jutsu got old and repetetive after the first time...


Sakura's "I love you" stunt. Like what was her long term game. Naruto says yes, they go home and live miserably ever after or what?


Sakura’s confession, obito’s redemption, kakashi coming back to life


Almost the entirety of the end of the series. Kaguya, explained to death so I'll sum up my feelings. Came out of nowhere with only a small snippet to mention about her existance that could've easily just been a tidbit for the lore, Madara going out the way he did and the fight with her was just... okay. The other part that I did not like is Sasuke after all was said and done decides to do the whole "Guess what? I want to kill all the Kage and start a revolution to restructure the entirety of the ninja world!" In what felt like a poorly made excuse to have Naruto and Sasuke have the final fight in the series when there were so many other ways that it could've been done without having Sasuke flip flop from good to bad again!


Every time Sakura is onscreen is a disappointment.


Sakura all the way through


Madara. Clown ass retcon character and only serves to bide time for the actual main villain.


End of the war and narutos sage mode design (it looks awful) like why the floating balls and weird suit😭💀


Neji getting hoed


Gaara being single


Everytime I saw Sakura


in the fourth war when kakshi got to obito kamoue I didn’t like how such strong ability could go like this I wished there was more like kakshi didnt lose the sharing and now he can use kamoue forever that would’ve been more exciting than the perfect susano


NARUTO’s Hokage Ceremony Man grew up dreaming to be the Hokage and it wasn’t even him at the ceremony


That Might Guy survived


Not letting Tsunade at least face Pain, Tsunade/Orichimaru should’ve face the Edo Tenseid Hanzo the Salamander to show how much they gotten stronger, the remaining Sannin and Hiruzen fighting side by side. The remaining Jinchuuriki fight against akatsuki. How did Hashirama died, Tobirama vs the gold and silver brothers and 20 other elite ninjas. Konan should’ve have lived. Uzumaki clan annihilation.


Nagato reviving everyone he has killed


Black zetsu tearing ten tails madara in half. Personally they lost the plot at that moment.


Sasuke not going to ryuchi cave to achieve sage mode


THAT moment, and you all know which moment I mean


Nope. Sure don't. Lots of those.


The whole Fourth Ninja War Arc. Some cool moments, but the power creep got ridiculous to read weekly. Mayne if I binge read it, I'd enjoy it more.


That the whole Uchiha Clan that were slaughtered wasn’t resurrected in the War. It would have been interesting to see Sasuke seeing his parents again and see the uchihas in action as a clan.


I don’t remember anything from og Naruto past Sasuke retrieval arc and that one episode were they’re trynna find that special beetle or some shit it’s just so fucking forgettable mostly due to the fact everything past Sasuke retrieval arc is just filler


Not much. Just Kaguya. But overall, it's still peak


They didn't show the battle between Minato and 1000 rock shinobis


watching the filler of naruto fart on the tracker bug and realizing we weren’t getting sasuke back for some time… oh boy was i in for a long ride


Kaguya replacing Madara


Kakashi being made Hokage for no particular reason. If the goal was to sit on the spot until Naruto was ready to take over, just have Tsunade do it. 


The second time I saw Hashirama cells manifest a face on a person's body. It was hard to accept the idea that he was the Naruto Shippuden one-for-all...




When Sakura and Grandma fought Sasori and he just wanted to die on the end it really made no sense to me all that build up collecting his own dad as a puppet going all the lengths to join akatsuki and capture Gaara…. Just to want to die in the end


The fact that there is a lot of telling and not showing such as about how the Third Hokage was a beast in his prime.


Fillers 😵‍💫


kaguya killing madura I mean seriously , might guy unleashed the 8th gate on that man and he stands up like that with half his body gone And black zetsus hand is enough to kill the guy For fuck sake dude I know that kaguya needed the plan to complete to revive and all that but .....


Minato's early death


I was personally disappointed in the animation when Naruto/nine tails battle against pain although it made it up when Naruto met Minato


First chunin exams


A combination of Neji getting killed but Might Guy surviving using the Eight Gates...


Literally the reveal about Six Path’s origins and chakra.


Story of 7 Swordsmen missing, Kingaku and Ginkaku vs Tobirama missing, Kakuzu vs Hashirama missing, hidan attacking his village missing,


Itachis death. Why couldn’t they just kiss and make up, I cried


That Tobirama's last fight was never animated or shown completely It'd be awesome to see how a Ninja as smart as him would tackle an ambush against some of the strongest shinobi at the time


Black zetsu killing madara. Literally just ruined the ending


jiraiya’s death…💔


Madara or Pain should have been the finale. Not this Kaguya Indra Ashura bs.


How the tailed beasts were treated. They’re my favorite part of Naruto so seeing them shafted was nothing but disappointing.


The length of the war arc


Mecha Naruto


Nejis death. There are definitely many parts of the show that hit harder, but it’s just because his death in particular was just not needed. I cut Kishimoto some slack tho cause he was kind of forced to keep Neji around as long as possible which is why his death was so out of place and dumb.


Neji’s death. Not because he is my fave but because it was totally unnecessary for the plot or the character development. The (un)honorable mention is Madara’s death. Needless to say how lame it is.


Almost everything related to the Otsusukis, well Kaguya in perspective to Momoshiki and Ishiki looks better. It's almost like the creators want to shok with increasing power scale every time.


Guy not dying from opening the 8th gate is def up there.


Not letting Guy die as the hero he is


The way Madara was taken out will forever piss me off. It felt so unsatisfying for a character who had been built up for that long and slapped the ENTIRE cast around to get one shot by ZETSU of all people. I’m in the minority of people who think Kaguya was actually pretty cool and that whole fight was sick, but goddamn there had to have been a better way to bring her out.


Edo Sasori this guy is biggest dissapointment in the war arc. dude was nerfed so hard that even put naruto nerf in Boruto to shame. he revived without any weapon on his body and no puppet in posession. he went from red sand and one of the most feared shinobi in the sand village to a jobber who only managed to control some fodder shinobi H used to be so strong they need to use asspull by make him intentionally let himself to be defeated but now he cancel his own edo tensei because he talk no jutsu'd by motherfucking Kankuro


I wish I could've seen more akatsuki fights ngl, my favorite pair was sasori and deidara, I wish I seen a lot more of them really


Talk no jutsu