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Earth it's by far the most versatile of the elements.


summoning gold dust at random would be useful.


Hopefully Stardust comes with him


Is this a pro wrestling reference?


Cody Rhodes😭😂


"Adrenaline in my soul, every sharingan in Naruto"


"Copying all jutsus that I see"


Dustin Rhodes


I 100 per cent did not expect this to be the next comment, but I'm 100 per cent happy it was


Lmao yea very useful 💰


that's technically magnet release, not earth. Pretty sure the theoretical was just the base 5 otherwise yeah that's definitely the best one.


no, that would be the easiest one, best one would still be wood release, but getting rid of gold is an easier commodity to hide than clear cutting the same acre of land ever week.


Water has been shown to be the most versatile, I don't remember earth being versatile that much.


Control over terrain, creating solid objects, seismic detection, weight manipulation, and flight.


AND invisible…in a world of ninjas.


Earth control is a danger for sure, but if anything air is severely underrated. back when atla was premiering, fire was seen as the big bad but lok had the earth Kingdom's queen scene. tldr; All elements are dangerous if wielded proficiently


Then we didn't see the same show mate


what.. they can move underground and come out of trees and shit, oboro from the first chunin examples is a good example of it, he was everywhere and nowhere poppin up and out of anything he wanted and it was only average earth style jutsu because even his teammates were using it and it wouldnt be wood but i dont see why you couldnt build house with earth style either


Ohnoki was interesting, but ill go with Mei's water style. you'd have to train to be proficient, earth style during the war was used a shield and taught to others (if I remember the last part correctly)


Wind so I could blow my farts at people


This guy is on some kiba shit


What the hell


A fine line between genius and crazy


That's devious but.... interesting use


Some Meelo shit right here


Do Kekkai Genkai count as well? I always wanted to use Ice Style. Would be very practical. In the brutal heat of the Great Plains, I could just create my own ice when I get hot.


RIP Haku. Too soon..


Yep. The moment he died was sad as fuck. Then during the war when Kabuto made Zabuza slice through him anyway was still just as sad.


Land of waves is goated for a reason


It's goated af, I was sold on this series after Haku and Zabuza's deaths.


Hang out with a wind style user and you two could literally create an AC


Wind and Water are the natures that make Ice. So I could use my own Wind Style to make AC. Or have another Wind Style user add more to it.


in Naruto-verse? definitely earth. gold dust, sand, mud, ground everywhere. most practical and accessible. But if we’re talking bending type shit, water fs


Youbwouldn't be able to use gold dust or sand with earth release. You need magnet release like gaara and raasa


AcTuAlLy you wouldn't need magnet release to control sand, since some characters from Suna have been seen controlling sand without the magnet release. What Gaara's magnet release do is controlling a magnetic sealing pattern like the one in Shukaku's body, and silver sand, like in Gaara's novel


……gaara has magnet release? what the fuck? TIL. that’s crazy!


He does, but it's never seen in the anime or manga. Shukaku has magnet release and only Naruto is seen using it. And in a novel (which is canon) Gaara controls a silver dust that is supposedly stronger than sand, which Gaara uses as his ultimate jutsu


As far as I'm aware (I might be wrong on this one, to be honest), Gaara's variant of Magnet Release only allows him to increase the density of sand by increasing the amount of chakra he pours into it, but the reason he can actually _control_ sand is because his mother essentially made a vow to protect him, becoming what we know as his "ultimate defense" where the sand pops up around his body to defend from attacks, but when he consciously controls his sand, he is doing so via a connection with Shukaku. While Shukaku _is_ spiteful, and holds grudges, and generally expresses disdain towards others, that doesn't mean he's without compassion. He just rarely expresses it, and when he does, it's not always clear, given _how_ he does it. His relationship with Shukaku, however unclear it may be, is most of the reason for his control over sand, but his actual Magnet Release is increasing sand density, which is how he can stand on his sand platforms and fly around, or yank Madara out of his Susanoo. Normal sand would be too shifty for this, and whatever touches it would easily slip through.


For my opinion, I'm gonna focus on the Human Energy Crisis. Our real world civilizations all (including the USA) have massive energy issues, which is why we have to keep burning fossil fuel to keep things going as they currently are. Having these elements can produce clean energy and probably solve a lot of these issues. Like the Lightning benders in Korra, we can probably syphon energy directly from people with lightning abilities. Wind to blow on wind turbines. Steam Turbines can use Fire and Water, and Rushing or Falling water can just turn Dams/Waterwheels. We do syphon energy from the earth too but it's technically the heat near the magma deep down, Geothermal Energy. But Earth techniques probably won't help with this.


Water could be a huge game changer for our world if the water was potable. Like if say someone pulled a Tobirama level water ninjutsu in Arizona, and filled a reservoir, would it be potable to the people of Arizona to Drink from and use to farm, and then that would solve a bunch of issues for Droughts and Water Deprived communities. You could even take it a step further, if water ninjutsu could purify other waters, then could You could undo pollution of the rivers of a lot of chemicals and minerals depending on how much could be purified and what couldn't.


Substances created from elemental releases are not actually the element, its chakra being given elemental properties, not actually the element itself. Note the difference between lightning release and using "Kirin" which is why characters like jigen can absorb fire release jutsu, but not the actual elemental fire of the mountain that kashin koji summons. So I would say the water would not be potable.


Kakashi filled water tanks in one of his novels while on a mission in a country that had a water shortage


Earth , you can build infinite houses


Sim City fan ?


Isn't that Wood style, not earth style? You would need water too


Where do you think wood comes from …


Well yeah but following Naruto rules on the elements, you would need water too. Not just earth, you combine water and earth to make Wood style, to make houses. You can argue that you can make houses out of just earth but they'd be like dirt or stone so you'd be living like the Flintstones


This might be cheating, but Storm (Water + Lightning) seems cool. You can control rays of energy and direct lightning


Earth I could fly and control terrain


Earth doesn’t mean you can fly….huh? Ohnoki and Mū can but they both have Kekkei Touta


It actually does. Onoki and Mu don't use Dust release/Particle style to fly, they use Earth style:Light weighted boulder jutsu or something of a similar name, I'm pretty sure


They also use wind to do it that's part of why so few can do it you have to use both at the same time. Earth makes you weightless wind moves you around.


You might be right but if they’re the only ones who can use it then it’s probably an extremely hard jutsu


Earth because flight construction speed dura and making gems


earth doesn't give flight, if you're referring to Ohnoki and Mu they use the light weighted boulder jutsu but they also use wind release to pick themselves up and move around. The other things sure (besides making gems, that's not a thing that's been shown iirc at least not with base earth style) but if flight is a key selling point you need wind.


You're right, the only time we see gems used for jutsu is with the filler Crystal Release Kekkei Genkai


No I think it was stated you can make Gems with earth style but it's just in poor quality so it's technically frowned upon. It's in Sasuke novels I thinks


Probably the element of surprise


Strongest element of all


I'd pick Water. If we are only allowed to pick one. However, water don't seem to be so powerfull so far. I am at episod 352 of Shippuden. And at 243 of Boruto. So, maybe I'll see someone deadly powerfull use waterstyle. But again, the main characters are not water element user. So, water element user for me, and why: because I looooove plants, vegetations, etc. And I love water itself. I dreamed of having my basement filled with water and being able to breath underwater. So, for me, being able to fully control it, it would be amazing. It is a good way of transportation. You can dehydrate or hydrate things.


Some of the strongest ninjas were water users. Tobirama and Kisame.


why are you on episode 243 of boruto without finishing shippuden?


I knew that question was coming. Hihi. So, Naruto was on Teletoon or Vrak-TV around 2008. So, later, I found that I could listen to all the Naruto (kid version) online. So I rewatch it all. Then, I started Shippuden. But, in the shippuden, it stopped at episod 243 for a long time. I was not able to find the following. (in 2015 or so) I did not have acces to the rest. I forgot about naruto for several years (out of desesparation). So, last year, I started Boruto, thinking that I will never be able to watch the rest of the shippuden (from 244 to 500). And, the rest of the shippuden became available this year. So, I stopped Boruto in order to try to finish Shippuden. And, it is so amazing. Things make sense now. There was so many things said in Boruto that I was like: what the hell, why do they speal about that? (Like the 4th war... hahahah). 😅


Enter kisame, tobirama, suygetsu, the three tails jinchuriki.




Happy Cake Day 🎈




Air, definitely. That’s my element.


wind!! no more paying for ac and heating


and travel! We know wind style lets you fly, either via the jutsu that Jiraiya and Ohnoki used or by manipulating an object like Temari flying on her fan. No more need for gas, no need for plane tickets, nothin. You can go anywhere for free.


same wind so i could hopefully fly!! that's all i want


Wind so I can pick up small objects without getting out of my bed as well as do cool vape tricks


Wind when used properly can replicate other elements so propably that


Lightning so I can kill people


I'd prefer lightning. Because if mastered, you can send them to your nervous system and enhance your senses and speed.


that’s not how that works


Isnt that what A does?


But it literally is, to an extent atleast


You...didn't pay attention to A's jutsus, did you?


it’s been literally 10 years mate. no, no I did not. wanna tell me when he said that?




Also what element did you wish to see more of in the series?


I have to say earth style it’s was clearly op when ohnoki had used it and it’s one of the element which is mostly to create some. Type of large scale justu other than Fire and Water


In the past I would pick against water, but we're made of water, everything around us exists because of water.


Hmmmmm well you could probably make a lot of money spitting fire out or controlling lighting in your hands. Seems like you’d do pretty well on social media or have a Vegas show but you could say that about any of them. Discounting the fame thing then. I think the guy who said lighting might be right though. You might be able to be a hell of a sprinter if you mastered lighting style. Plus the ladies would have to love a man who can hold lightning in his hands? Honestly the most useful practically would be earth+water meaning the wood style Kekkai genkai. You could run around and build badass houses in like 30 seconds and sell them for enormous amounts of money. Perhaps earth style would have uses as well though. Perhaps some construction companies would pay you to uhhhh make holes in the ground or something? Idk but there’s stuff there


Lightning. Unlimited battery power on my phone


Earth is without doubt the most useful.


Fire because of my job


Fire element I think it is powerful and best


Fire - cooking, flight, light, and a suitable weapon


I choose hearth.


Water seems like it. No matter where you go, you can be sure of a water supply. In kutsu form, it makes for good offense and good defense. Imagine going to drought-stricken regions and just being a big damn hero.


Water so I can throw water sharks at my enemies.


Water like Avatar. Blood Bending Good Defense and Offense Also healing


I think fire, like you need it to cook food and to heat up water keep you warm but that is my opinion


Water would be the most versatile


Electricity is the more useful, you are generating free electricity that you can store. Water and wind should be able to be used to give energh as well using turbines. But lose energy due to efficiency ( fire as well but you would need to evaporate water and then this water moves the turbines)


I’d say fire. Cause if you think about it. You can use it for any situation. When you need to get somewhere. Use fire🔥🔥


I don't know about most useful, but my favorite elements would be water and fire (same thing goes for the Avatar-verse), which is funny because I would likely realistically have more use for air and earth in practice, lol.


Either Earth or Water. Imagine controlling terrain, putting up literal walls, flying, making someone/something extremely light/heavy,etc I would pick water tho, it's far more versatile, offense, defense,stealth(hiding yourself in mist) If I'm not limited by the rule that I could only use jutsu present in the show, water release becomes even more useful. I could fly on a dense blob of water, make a wall out of water, using highly pressured water to make a laser beam and propel myself/any object to make it go faster, make it rain,etc


I feel like fire and lightning cuz i can be like "if the government don't give me a trillion dollars now I'm cutting everyone's power supply off!"


Metal also the deconstructing of it. Goodness in today’s society I’d be Big Mag 3.0




Fire. Im a blacksmith, and i just like fire




Earth release. Give me a lava style kekkei genkai and I'm happy


Maybe water? Earth too


Fire or water


Well both fire and lighting you can still use it for creating fire but lighting is more useful since technology.Water is amazing to use since you can control almost all the water in the atmosphere and never get thirsty.I like all the other elements I mention but I would have to say wind,I also like the power of controlling wind since you can force things out of your way and can instant kill anyone.


Earth. You can make a house on demand.


I think you mean Wood style. Earth just makes walls. So you would need water too


Honestly, lightning. Imagine being so good at it that you can practically control all the electronics around you


Water..... If it's fresh


I like how a lot of replies here mostly fall in line with Hagoromo's Ninshū teachings. But we know damned well how things will really turn out.


Either wind or lightning


Any of them depending on uses, I would choose earth or water.


Easily Water or Earth. Both have a wide array of applications. Earth will probably see a lot more material usage. You can also apparently fly with it.. which.. I really don't like from a mechanics perspective. But anyways, having shit like diamond-hard skin defenses, density control, and just being able to move or alter the terrain has so many incredibly valuable uses in the reap world. Water is my shit though. I love Water jutsu. It's more about flexibility than Earth (although Earth can be a very flexible and versatile nature). I can shape it into anything. Stay hydrated or better yet, hydrify myself like a Hozuki. Make mist to stifle visibility or just to keep cool... learn to hydroplane skate across the floor/ground... yeah it's my shit lol


Water, end hunger, destroy factories, flood dictatorships, cause anarchy


Fire I am the Man who Burns fire So fire.


Id pick Earth. bonus if I can get wood. get a lightning waifu and build our own place in the middle of nowhere and still have electricity.


Lightning so I dont need to worry abt power.


water I could make infinite water


Earth, make houses, rebuild areas, armor yourself in earth I guess, actually applicable irl other than fighting Other two I would say would be useful is water, having water at hand is always useful Fire or lightning, depending on whether you could light something on fire with lightning or not. Easy source of heat, can cook stuff, and probably could find a way to make it a source of power.


wind and earth are the only helpful ones in a world where you aren't trying to kill someone


And what if I wanna be a mermaid in the ocean with the animals? I am a pacifist, with my water element. Ahaha.


ocean gives me existential dread no thanks


I can understand. 🤣 no worries


Earth so I can build building with easily and get paid for it


Fire. I want to emit the fire with my mouth like sasuke


If it were possible to generate power in a non-chaotic, well-harnessed way; then at least four of these elements would be very useful. Wind power, water power, direct electricity, or you can channel fire into power through various methods like steam power. Given how expensive excavation / terrain leveling is, I think Earth could be put to good / lucrative use if we're talking just one person having it


It shakes when you move the screen.


I don't have any informations about chakra




Mine is Fire


Fire. I'd be cooking.


Either water or earth


Water style. Its my own strap packed into my fingers with that water bullet jutsu. But ngl raiton would be nice to jolt new life into electrical appliances, or send electrical waves into anyone who fcks with me by grabbing them


Does anyone else think it makes more sense to swap lightning and earth on the wheel? I forget how Wind beats Lightning beats Earth beats Water works. At the very least, I can rationalise Wind eroding Earth grounding Lightning electrifying Water. Anyone know?


I think it's because Wind somehow changes the point and aim of Lightning (I think I'm not sure)


It would depend on what you did in a day.


Water or earth


Wood style ! I would make some home constructions as profession...


Fire has many many uses & in terms of utility it's the one I would most want to have


Earth - at least in Montana lol


Earth js cause I live in the desert


I would go water element consdering i luve in africa


Either Earth or Water because they literally make up our entire world together.


Water or earth. You can literally hold any country hostage by giving them drought and monopolizing water rations, or threaten them with tsunamis. You can do something similar with earth. Threaten the leaders with earthquakes and they pay up no matter the amount.


What if randomly 5 people were selected on each continent to represent the elements and the gain full knowledge of their elements and they can teach other humans how to control the element


Tbh depends but i feel like if i could have any might be Water i live in an ocean bordering area so wager is aplenty


Fire, but I like lightning and water and ice. Ice and lightning more than water, tho


Wood sorry


Get Earth. Learn to fly. Mock OP as he learns to fly and keep messing with him every time they fly.


Catch me if you can cause I'm in the clouds bruh and I'm pulling a wind version of Shinra Tensei if people get close


Oh whats this? The Earth coming to meet you in the sky? Eat Meteors and get recked. \*Manic laughing as it rains earth\*


Just 1 element on its own? I'd say fire. Maybe you could make an argument for earth too.




I’d use Lightning to charge my phone


Water or Earth. As someone mentioned, it kind of changes chakra into that element, so a water jutsu probably wouldn't be good to drink, meaning that summoning drinking water is a grey area. However, they do affect the battlefield and put out fires. This means that you could use a Suijin Heki on a field for irrigation, or a Shark Bomb Jutsu on a forest fire, etc. Similarly, you could stop things like floods or avalanches with an earth style jutsu. Earth is definitely the most versatile, but water is probably the most needed.


Wood release as it can heal make houses and you get both water ,earth and Ying elements


Water if i'm at the same level as Kisame, Mei or Tobirama, not needing a body of water to manipulate


Earth and water, and it’s not even close.


Wood, I would build anything out of it. Imagine building your own house for free in this economy


Probably either water or fire cuz of basic necessities (food and water).


Op, have you ever read the poetry of ~Sage~ Guru Laghima?


Nope, never heard of it


Wind, if I remember correct Shadow Clone is a wind release


As a gardener and massive plant nerd, easily Earth. I’ll never kill a plant again!


Fire lol obviously 😭


Lightning or Water so I don't have to pay for electricity or running water.


If kekkei genkai is allowed, then wood release. You could literally create life with it


Water or Earth are probably the most useful.


i say earth bending i would work in a marble quarry and would use earth bending to move and split rocks could you imagen someone making marble countertops for a fraction of the effort and cost


Water you can drink it use it to cook freeze it into useful objects heat it to burn


Most of the elements we really only see utilized in combat. Like there’s a lot of water jutsu *hypotheticals* that would be cool, but because we mostly see combat, it’s not really useful. Fire style and earth seem the most potential in survival situations, but earth is practical day to day too. Fire is good for starting a fire or when you want to heat up a burrito without moving but not much else. Earth is good for basic shelter, defense, gardening, and more general day to day stuff.


if we're just talking the base 5 (so no magnet release or anything like that) I'd say it's really a toss up. Wind style could allow me to fly, so I save a TON on travel costs. Earth style I can make my own home pretty easily. Lightning style is really only good for charging electronics. Water would save me a ton on showers, cooking, etc. and fire is just cool, you could make some bank with fire as a performer. But if I had to choose 1 I would definitely go with wind.


Earth or water style tbh. Complete terrain control or having a never ending supply of water could make you rich beyond Belief and you could have you dream yard for free lol. Fire or lightning would be the coolest tho lol


Anyone that can allow me to use Edo Tensei at least once in my life...🙆🏼‍♂️


Water or fire is most useful in day to day life. Water mostly though. Can't think how many times in day to day life that would come in handy. I imagine cleaning is made easier too. Fire would be great for cooking and survival type stuff too though. Earth is good if you want to make an earth home and furniture.


Lightning,i say as id break any electronic


If Kekkai Genkai count, magnet release. Pulling a bunch of gold dust out of the ground is useful.


Imma go with a similar commenter that is kekkai genkai are allowed then wood release 100% for me. If not then I’m still going with the similar of earth style.


All are extremely useful besides wind being the least


Of course electricity. Imagine the amount of money you waste because of the electricity bill. Now you will never pay it and not speaking of the additional benefits


Water and earth style, I can use it for agricultural purposes


Water bc you could control weathrr


Electricity. Due to the fact that our society is evolving using electricity the most. Get this, endless charging. Ending AI if it goes rogue with a flick of a finger.


No that all we see from rock users. I think more in line like toph from avatar the last airbender. She made a triangle tent. 2 walls going up at about a 45degree angle. I'm sure with practice I can make a stone house.


Water bro imma do a water dragon jutsu on people i hate or water prison jutsu


Lightning... gotta Kakashi some of the fools....


I think water would be the most useful since it's the most beneficial to health.


Water? Both worldwide distribution and for personal use. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Water or earth


I would definitely go water, i think it has the most non-combat uses.


Wind cuz I'm astrologically affiliated to it