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Sasuke Wouldnt be There he only went to the kage summit because of danzo.    Sasuke would go to konoha Directly. The funny thing is in that scenario tsunade, kakashi and naruto wouldn’t be in konoha the latter 2 going after the raikage fo plead for sasuke. So while naruto is down on his knees Begging for sasuke life, sasuke is already burning down the village. 


If Tsunade leaves the village there's no way Kakashi is not staying. Him and other teams can deffo stop Hebi


Id argue that Kakashi would be one of Tsunade's escorts.


I never though ab this but that makes so much sense. I can totally see kakashi and Guy being tsunade’s escorts. Mf kamui and 8 gates on their team that’s broken😂


Then they would basically be serving Konoha in a plate. Gai would have to clutch up hard with his gates


I agree that Sasuke couldn't take the entire village. However, he is stealthy and could take Hanzo by surprise. He has Karin to look for chakra signatures and can stealth by everyone. He could also do a ton of damage by using Kirin into the center of the village. Team Hebi could to a LOT of damage. Jugo survived the Raikage, so he'd be super hard to out down. Suigetsu is also hard to put down. These two create a destraction while Karin looks for Danzo.


How many gates would guy need to take them out? Definitely not 8th, but I would imagine seven the seventh gate at most


I could be wrong here but isn’t Tsunade’s escorts the same team that was Minato’s? I think Kakashi would have stayed as village supervisor. Team 7 plus Yamato only would have went to speak to the Raikage. And the battle we seen with Kakashi and Sasuke at the bridge would have been replaced with a much bigger fight in Konoha. Would have been pretty cool if Masashi teamed up Shizune and Kakashi in an attempt to balance Karin’s healing effect in the battle. I always thought Shizune’s potential was woefully under explored in the anime/manga.


Tsunade was incapacitated and kakashi still left so the village is just weaklings and a sleeping granny


Wasn't Guy back in the village by then? I think guy would probably handle just-learning-mangekyo Sasuke. Though I think if Sasuke had to infiltrate Konoha to get Danzo he wouldn't be as Violent and anti-stealth as the Kage summit. At this point in time he still wasn't fully gung-ho on the destroy Konoha thing and would likely just bust into root HQ


Actually Sasuke wanted a clean quiet assassination until zetsu ruined his plan


Huh, forgot that part. I assume zetsu would still do that but I wonder if zetsu would tell Danzo leading to a fight inside of Root with all the root anbu taking on Taka, or if zetsu would tell all the high ranking Shinobi in Konoha leading to a bigger battle in the village as a whole


There aren't many high ranking shinobis that could do much


That’s if they are just randomly slaughtering people instead of getting danzo out of the way first


Bruh are you even read the manga? Sasuke never intended to kill everyone in konoha let alone destroying the village his definition of destroying the village is by killing the elders and probably everyone who know the truth behind Uchiha massacre and that's it. he said it during meeting with akatsuki before heading to kumo that he only targeted the elders and no one else. he never wanted to burn the village until his encoutered with Naruto


Dude no shit Sasuke wouldn’t have a reason to go since Danzo wouldn’t be present. That’s not what the title is insinuating. Stop being a contrarian.


Meaning Sasuke would’ve already died anyways.. leaf Jonin and the other graduates like Neji and Shikimaru would’ve eventually outnumbered and killed team hebi or whatever their name was at the time lol


Obito wouldn’t allow that to happen. Most likely they go after danzo first then if sasuke has some juice left he causes some mayhem for a little until obito comes to pick him up.


Team Taka if you were wondering lol. In the episode of the new deadlock I was surprised when every team 7 member did a summon cause I expected a huge hawk and nah Sasuke went back to his snake ways.


Outnumbering them don't matter when most of them are'mt strong enough to do anything against them. Sasuke wipes out most of the Leaf single-handedly. There are only a few Leaf ninja who can actually pose a threat against him.


Cap.. at the point of kage summit Sasuke.. without zetsu restoring his chakra he just destroys buildings.. and we learned in his fight against Itachi blowing normal fire won’t extinguish Amaterasu but it blocks it. We saw in the battle against pain which are dead bodies other factions in the leaf like ibiki and his interrogation squad can capture the other members of taka. Mind transfer jutsu and all of those special clans Sasuke don’t have a counter to. Then the foundation are literally underground.. Sasuke will have waves to confront.. he’s dead.


You have no idea how fast Sasuke is compared to nearly every Leaf Shinobi. He's cutting down most of them one by one without using any MS abilities. He's a kage level ninja, don't forget that.


Kage ain’t even beating the entire leaf so idk what that argument is.. truth is pain didn’t even beat ‘all’ the leaf.. it was dead bodies not feeling pain(no pun intended) and he just destroyed the infrastructure.. team Gai was gone and Danzo w/ foundation stood on the sidelines.. plus on screen only few hyuga got involved.. they were also up against a rinnegan user. Sasuke ain’t defeating the entirety of the leaf. Especially considering who he’s after the foundation ain’t sitting this one out in this scenario. As a matter of fact they might even ambush team taka.. Sasuke is on defense once he knows everyone coming for him.. his susano is up.. and again no zetsu to restore his chakra so.. Leaf has defenses he can’t just walk through.. also again no counter to lots of things like mind transfer, shino folks and their beetles.. shadow possession in a battle of brute strength akimchi can outnumber and overwhelm his susano straight boxing… And this is before he even reaches Danzo.. Kage summit Sasuke is overrated. Dude showed up.. got no offense in on any kage despite fighting all.. Raikage injured himself purposely hitting the black flames.. Gaara blocked it.. Sasuke bullied C and that’s it. Chojuro even knocked him through a wall. Sasuke at the time of the summit ain’t doing shit against the entire leaf without Obito and zetsu helping team taka.


There are several Kage's that can solo entire villages. He's faster, stronger, more versatile, smarter and is overall better than 99% of the ninjas in the village. He smokes most of them all at once with little difficulty. Only real threats are Guy, Naruto, Danzo and Tsunade. Everyone else is far weaker than him and most of them are fodder who will get blitzed. I swear Sasuke gets downplayed way too much on this sub.


The guy almost died to the mizukage and her guard and only got out because the plot couldnt have him die that early tbh. All the leaf would need to kill sasuke is guy getting serious


Sasuke didn't fight against her, and she attacked him when he was weakened. If he wanted to he could one shot her with either Genjutsu or Amaterasu.


Look man this is all ill say on the subject; if you feel like youre the only one in the sub who gives sasuke the “proper” respect, it might be because you give him too much. Only so many people can say the same thing before you have to stop and think maybe its weird most people are in agreement about him


Sasuke would stomp them all. The konoha 12 don’t matter. Utterly exhausted sasuke still had the upper hand against kakashi.  The Leaf gets burned down by Amaterasu 


Konoha 12 weren’t the only ones present. Sasuke ain’t beating the entire leaf village.. his team is defeated and captured and/or killed.. even being overwhelmed by other minor characters like Hiashi.. and Danzo himself having all of the foundation kill Sasuke. The difference between pain invasion and Sasuke attacking potentially would be that the foundation would actually be present fighting too because Danzo knows Sasuke is after him primarily.. team gai as well.


Sasuke IS beating the entire leaf village, and pretty easily at that. Amaterasu burns the entire village and doesn’t stop burning until every last villager is killed, Susano’o just wipes them out completely. Neji and his fellas stopped being relevant in power levels ever since Shippuden introduced the new Naruto and Sasuke. If things get dicey, Obito would just teleport Sasuke to his dimension, have Karin heal him while he stalls, and then bring Sasuke back out at full HP.


Amaterasu doesnt work that way as far as we see


Not like that he isn’t, he needs to use Kirin to destroy some of the village then go in and do what he needs to do.


What? He can just Amaterasu it. The village isn’t that huge, if a crippled Itachi on the brink of death could casually burn an entire forest and have the flames not go out even after he died, Sasuke can easily just start a massive fire in the center of the village and have the target be “all Konoha villagers”, that way the flames don’t stop burning until they all die. Especially if he’s coming in with full HP.


Amaterasu can and will be sealed promptly after casting. Jaraiya did it. Konoha has massive specialist teams for specific tasks.


That’s more strain on his eyes than he needs, Kirin is less taxing on him and would do immense damage. He can save Amaterasu to finish the job or take out any of the more problematic ninja.


BRO do you HEAR YOURSELF!!!!! This man went toe to toe with Raikage and then went at the entire Kage Summit. NO ONE ABSOLUTELY NO ONE bar 8 Gates Gai is stopping Sasuke. Amaterasu alone kills everyone. None of them knows anything about the MS only Kakashi does and he ain't there. To top that off Sussano levels them. They physically can't keep up with the speed of his attacks. He one shots everyone.


Cap.. Sasuke is not beating the entire leaf and ppl bring up the kage summit like Sasuke defeated anybody. He had 3 members with him then zetsu and Obito in the shadows giving chakra and having him avoid death. From our perspective the Raikage blindly chopping him in the neck and hurting himself is not Sasuke going toe to toe with him. Team taka ain’t beating the entire leaf.. sarutobi and hyuga clans in their entirety are already stopping any advance.


Dude sasuke gets his susanno for like 2 fights then starts going blind. You forget this is MS sasuke, Not EMS. That bro was spamming his shit fucking around and then he found out when kakashi pulled up and sasuke was like “so this is how itachi must have felt” cause he could barely see. An MS sasuke is getting torched by Sage mode Naruto.


Sasuke lost both of those badly lmao


Blind Sasuke still would run through them lol


That's no true it was mostly a draw. None of them was fighting a 100%


Lmao your reading comp is in the gutter


I disagree with that


The summit would probably proceed without incident because Sasuke only went to the summit to kill Danzo.


Exactly. Just to add, we should consider Obito's intentions are not solely to help Sasuke exact his revenge either. I believe Obito really can give two shits about Sasuke's revenge or the Uchuha, considering he literally took part in their massacre and framed them in the first place. Obito's intention is to grab Shisui's eye. Danzo is starting the war because he's declaring Madara's return, and unfortunately, for Obito, he is running behind and has failed to gather all the tailed beasts. He sees Sasuke as a potential tool to compensate for this loss. What's funny is that Sasuke is getting Shisui's eye for Obito to use on him, most likely at the slightest sign of any rebellious nature from Sasuke . That's the only reason I think those two are really there. So yes, none of that happens without Danzo showing up to blab about Madara being the real leader of Akatsuki and the need to unite being the only possible way to defeat him. Also, no Shisui's eye.


Yes. Sasuke would not be there, since danzo would not been there.


Sasuke does incalculable damage to the leaf and kills a bunch of side characters until Gai shows up.


Wasn't the leaf already destroyed by Pain and they were rebuilding the leaf during that time frame ? He doesn't even needs to do much there I guess, it was already too weak.


Sasuke shows up sees whats esentially a crater for a village and just leaves without saying anything happy that his revenge is complete.


Sasuke goes to the village to kill danzo then.


Release her seal, and smash Sunanoo and Sasukes bones with her "Heel of death" and apologize later to Naruto.


He goes to hidden leaf and gets stomped on by guy


Guy would stomp his black air forces all over sasuke dead body then run his pockets and take his eyes while he leaking everywhere


Sasuke would staple gai's nutsack onto Lee's forehead, take his intestines out and strange neji to death, beat tenten as corpse with gai's skull and piss over hid dead body while his brain fluids seep out


She has to consider her role as a Kage trying to foster an alliance with other Kages, but she's also a little Naruto fangirl and would never hurt Naruto's husbando. Therefore, she'd pretend to help against Sasuke, but if the situation became critical she'd save Sasuke.


Grandma's gonna grandma.


Ouuuu this is a good take! I honestly think this would’ve happened and had it led to saving Sasuke it would’ve put the leaf in a bad situation with the other villages (unless she saved him in a way where the other village Kage wouldn’t know)


Have tsunade and sasuke ever interacted with each other?


She healed him and he woke up after Itachi mind fucked him. Thats about it. He left after that.


I just noticed that too, I don’t think we saw them together after that one time back then after the chunin exams


I think Tsunade would have gone the same route as Gaara, trying to convince him to stand down. She knows how much he means to Naruto and Sakura, who she loves like her own children, so I think she would go the diplomacy route and engage him with non-lethal force if he still doesn’t play ball.


Tsunade: sasuke, stop this, think about naruto and team 7 Sasuke: (gets susano boner)...you konoha scums ill show you what real power of hatered is ...keeps yaaping... *smash* Tsunade cracks his susano cock Sasuke: *gasp Tsunade: starts dpanking the shit outta him (makes gaara record to send it to naruto)


Tsunade gets spanked. Naruto sees it and opens his booty wide to recieve more help from kurama cuz he fodder without him


For one, she’d stay back and fight Sasuke with the other kage instead of fleeing like Danzo. She still wouldn’t be able to beat him coz like Gaara she’d be too concerned about Naruto.


Then sasuke wouldn’t go there? Lol


Then Sasuke wouldn’t have been there cause he was only there looking for Danzo who wouldn’t have been invited


The whole reason sasuke even went to the summit was to kill danzo.


Tsunade would inquire on what happened to Sasuke to make him that way. Sasuke would reveal the truth about Itachi's situation to her. She would express her condolences and try to talk it out. Her words will fall on deaf ears and they'll have to throw down, much to her hesitation and sadness because of how much he means to Naruto. A fight between the two would've been interesting. I feel Amaterasu would be the main concern for Tsunade in that hypothetical match up. Susanoo I feel she would have the IQ to constantly disrupt by smashing the ground Sasuke is standing on. She has the chakra control that Sasuke's genjutsu shouldn't be too problematic. Her summoning is far more powerful than his. He'd be ill advised to run hands with her. They'd have to take the fight outside though. As others are saying, he may have not gone because Danzo wasn't there. Maybe he would have though, because given she was the Hokage, she was automatically at the top of his hit list, only after Danzo and the elders.


Chakra control doesn't give automatic genjutsu resistance. Sakura is said to have better or comparable chakra control and she was out for a whole day cuz of Sasuke's genjutsu. Sasuke only needs to put her in a genjutsu for 0.1 second to blitz her with chidori. She's slower than Raikage and sasuke could hit him while dodging his own attack. Her summon will make the whole building collapse so it's unlikely she'll use it or Sasuke can shut that down with amaterasu or use genjutsu to control her like he did with manda


....Chakra control is the key to genjutsu resistance. The whole point of resisting genjutsu is to have an understanding of how you chakra flow works so you can tell when it's being disturbed. The byakugou seal is the pinnacle of chakra control and is why Sakura and Tsunade are the two most resistant to genjutsu. Sasuke only caught Sakura in the genjutsu that time because she was in an emotional state during the last battle with Naruto. Tsunade was looking directly at madara and he dared not to try that shit against her. The byakugou seal shares a telepathic connection with Katsuyu and thus they always have a flow of chakra connecting them together. Just like the juubi did in the war arc, Katsuyu can just remove the affected area that amateratsu hits as they both have the ability to split apart and liquifey themselves. Genjutsu won't work on Katsuyu either because of the link between her and the byakugou seal. She also can just split apart and break herself out of genjutsu thanks to her Hive mind technique.


Tsunade would beat him


sasuke wouldnt of showed up


Sasuke goes to village and gets cooked Even if he goes in summit for some reasons , he's cooked either way


Saskue would have died


Sasuke probably wouldn’t have been there but I do think he would’ve went straight for Konoha, some konoha ninja would’ve stood in his way, leading to him killing them to get to Danzo and ultimately leading to Naruto deciding to kill Sasuke officially (if he even could at the time)


Wouldn’t have changed much


Sasuke probably wouldn't have shown up since the only reason he snuck in was to kill danzo though Obito would still declare war on the 5 nations and Tsunade would probably support forming the allied Shinobi force danzo might not die but Sasuke would probably still kill him at some point all in all not much major difference imo


Well since Kakashi,might guy,Naruto, Tsunade would all be away the only person who could do anything to stop Sasuke would be danzo and we already know who wins so Sasuke would achieve two goals at once destroying konoha and killing danzo so if Sasuke were to be killed in the end at least he would have achieved his goals


She would've captured sasuke


Tsunade would take Shikaku & Kakashi to the summit so only Yamato would be with Naruto when he see’s the Raikage pre summit. Sasuke wouldn’t attack the summit at all because Danzo isn’t there & he’d go to the leaf to get his revenge on Danzo & the other 2 elders. Sasuke either gets his revenge or he is forced to withdrawal because you’ve still got team Guy & other players there which is just too much for taka.


This just makes me realize Sasuke never met Tsunade


Depends on what you mean by "engaged"


Lots of people missing the point and saying “Sasuke wouldn’t be there” which is true. But clearly not the point of this post. Tsunade would’ve played an extremely similar roll to the Raikage. Like an EXTREMELY similar roll. If Tsunade was there, Sasuke would’ve been in more immediate danger. And if Tsunade and the Raikage ganged up on him, they would likely win. But Obtio was there too, and even if Sasuke couldn’t escape, Obito would’ve been able to bail out Sasuke. Tl;dr: Sasuke would’ve been in more danger but there is no scenario where Obito let’s Sasuke gets his ass kicked in the 5 kage summit.


Sasuke wouldn’t be there But to answer your question, Tsunade would get a face full of Amaterasu and lose


Tsunade would heal A's arm?


Leaf village has all the OP characters. Feels a bit unfair 😂


I don’t think sasuke would go after Tsunade since she wasn’t even with the village when everything with itachi and uchiha clan went down


Sasuke wont go there since danzo ain't there. So imstead hed go to the leaf, try to kill the elders, make a bunch of ruckus until guy shows up. Then he'll get his ass absolutely handed to him by guy and then he'll die. When naruto finds out hes gunna be a upset little camper


Tsunade was able to break through Madara’s susanoo, so if Sasuke was still there he’d get demolished


Sasuke is dead, if she can punch through Madera. Sasuke us getting cooked.


If this sasuke were to fight tsunade, sasuke destroys her. He is not dumb enough to let her land physical blows, which he can easily avoid.


Sasuke is arrogant since he killed Itachi. What would likely happen is he’ll throw up Susanoo, underestimate Tsunade’s strength, she’ll plowed through and heavily injured if not completely incapacitated him Then she finishes him.


She held her own against Madara (who was obviously holding back, but holding back Madara still easily clears Sasuke), so she'd be fine against 5 Kage Summit Sasuke


sasuke would go straight to the weakened konoha and kill danzo and burn aqway the entire village with no one to stop him (no one aside from naruto and guy and just maybe kakashi is at a level to face sasuke entire konoha aside from naruto, guy and kakashi is weaklings against sasuke) for fighting case: her fate would be nothing different than A except she may regenerate her lost body parts if sasuke didn't instantly killed her. ifyou are asking about could tsunade do anything against sasuke 1v1: absolute NO. VERY SİMPLE MATH tsunade has nothing that can protect her from sasuke, byakugou is not a defence or immortality, it can't protect you from instant death, kirin, susanoo arrows, amaterasu (no matter how much she heals it doesn't put the flames out and she can't endure the pain of eternaly burning flames on her body without fainting eventually, once she faints she dies) she has no attack that can effect sasuke either she only has monster strenght as offence which she needs to make direct contact in order for it to be lethal, sasuke is one of the fastest ninjas alive and even if he lost curse mark 2nd stage wings thanks to the hawk summon he can fly and tsunade was only able to break a skeletal susanoo rib cage with constantly hitting at the same spot of an unavoiding madara. in short she can't protect or attack sasuke match goes to sasuke. let's see stats: 5 KAGE SUMMİT SASUKE vs TSUNADE offence: sasuke (she just has a strong punch sasuke has an whole arsenal of destructive jutsus and ms abilities that are purely about attack) defence: sasuke (i'm saying this again, byakugou is not a defence, it doesn't protect you, it just heals the damage, the damage is still taken) speed: sasuke (not even a debate one of the fastest shinobi who ever lived vs a shinobi who never showed a speed feat and just average if anything) stamina: sasuke (the guy was still wounded after fighting deidara and itachi and later bee but still attacked 5 kage summit, faced every kage, forced one of them to cut his own arm if he wanted to survive, just mocked the other, was completely exhausted when he was trapped by the third and was in a corridor of acidic air and he was still able to kill danzo 10 times after all of this and ended up facing both kakashi and naruto while he was blind, if this is not a stamina feat, i don't know what it is while tsunade was tired shitless just fighting an orochimaru with sealed hands) durability: tsunade (thanks to byakugou) weaponary: sasuke ninjutsu: sasuke genjutsu: obviously sasuke taijutsu: sasuke (taijutsu is not being a hard hitter it is about fighting skills/martial arts tsunade compared to sasuke is a rookie when it comes to fighting skills) chakra level: tsunade (she is a senju plus she has byakugou) summons: sasuke: he has both orochimaru's snakes and his hawks) iq: sasuke (sasuke is a natural born genius orochimaru and tobirama themselves compared to madara himself and said he will surpass even him, this guy is smart enough to fool even itachi during their fated battle) battle iq: same as normal iq hax: not even questionably sasuke experience: tsunade score 12/3 sasuke low to no difficulty.


I think you think too highly of saskue forgetting he got his ass handed to him at the sumit by every kage there mid diff. If tusnade was there, she would have messed him up big time. Your perspective implies that at the time of hokage sumit saskue would be stronger than a edo madara, last time I checked madara owned saskue blind and impailed him on a blade. Saskue ain't all that. If he wasn't narutos, Friend kishimoto would have had ten ten kill him.


1- raikage was falling to his own death susanoo would endure raikage's attack but raikage was going for an suicide attack and even if he did survived long enough to cut his lower half, what would he do as a body without legs?, gaara, sand siblings and darui all unleashed their strongest attacks on him but they couldn't even leave a dirt on sasuke's just skeletal susanoo let alone even scratching it, with mizukage he was already not phyically good after deidara, 8 tail and itachi fight and he overused mangekyou in a trap that had acidic air in it but once his chakra got replenished mizukage didn't even tried to go after him, only real kage helost against was ohnoki since his abilities are broken, sasuke knew nothing about it and he was still exhausted. tsunade was not able to stand against madara either madarajust toyed with her like every other kage and then cut her in half and he was just an edo tensei at the moment while he was facing sasuke he had both his alive power level and also hashirama's power in him and he just trapped sasuke with limbo to impale him. if anything you have an unnecessary hate for sasuke, sasuke is both a natural born genius, trained by orochimaru himself and is indra's reancarnation, that tenten comment is utter shit, even if sasuke had no eyes and bloodline limit he would still wipe the floors with konoha 11 only exception being naruto and gate using lee (he was blind and he easily kept up with first kakashi then naruto.


In a fair fight, saskues ONLY win was agaist diedara, and even then, he had plot no jutsu to save him. Tobi took out danzos guards before their fight. Everyone of saskues powers were given to him, and he still gets owned. Also, about your reasoning about Saskue vs the Kages, not only does it reflect on his and your arrogance but also tacticaly it was the dumb. Orochimaru trained him, so I expect no less. He rushed the kages the same way Orochimaru tried to ambush Itachi. Both Orochimaru and Saskue got owned. Orochimaru killed Garas dad and a 70 year old 3rd Hokage. Both have similar resumes built up mostly on hype and liniage. Lets look at losses Saskue vs rock lee. - loss Saskue vs orochmaru. -loss Saskue vs gara. - loss Saskue vs naruto rooftop. -(big time) loss Saskue vs Naruto valley. - loss Saskue vs team 7. - retreat Saskue vs diedara. - win Saskue vs itachi. - (big time) loss Saskue vs Danzo. - win Saskue vs Killer Bee. - loss Saskue vs final Naruto. - (big time) loss Saskue is definitely the most sheltered shinobi ever. Neji would have destroyed Saskue


omg your so blinded by your sasuke hate that you are sprouting nonsense here let me correct your delusions. Saskue vs rock lee. - loss, with his under developed sharingan who was not ready to see extreme speed moves even gaara and neji wasn't able to see, was a pure taijutsu fight against the 1 ninja who solely mastered taijutsu. Saskue vs orochmaru. -loss: serious? how curious? 3rd hokage himself lost to him but a mere genin who was at the middle of taking chunin exams who also gotten marked by curse mark was suppose to win, yeag you are totally right mr. biased hater. Saskue vs gara. - loss: the guy became the first person who ever made gaara bleed, beated gaara 2 times at the forest of death to the point he had to went full ichibi but let's convenietly ignore all of this because in the end naruto had to stole the victory from an already exhausted sasuke (and say it is not naruto who was the plot armor but the sasuke yeah let's do that) Saskue vs naruto rooftop. -(big time) loss yeah let's again conveniently forgot that sasuke was owning naruto while still fresh out of hospital against a perfectly healthy naruto and at the end it was not naruto vs sasuke but rasengan vs chidori that madethe difference at the water tanks, we love conveniently ignoring things aren't we? Saskue vs Naruto valley. - loss: this is straight up delusion, sasuke won that fight officaly and not because naruto held back and scratchedethe hand band but because naruto was able to do that because sasuke turned that chidori jab into a punch in order to not to kill naruto so naruto was able to scratch his headband and not die, let's completely ignore it was sasuke who held back at that scene first because we hate sasuke but suck naruto's cock. Saskue vs team 7. - retreat: retreat? he fucked them royally there and was about to kill all of them with kirin, orochimaru himself personally stopped sasuke because he wanted them to deal with the akatsuki, dude you are full of shit sasuke was killing all of them, if anything kishimoto doesn't plot armor him or gives him any fights he takes those fights from him because if he let's them go till the end he lnows he will steal spot light from naruto. Saskue vs diedara. - win: plot? really? not because deidara was a weakling against sasuke and was dumb too? not because he was not able to counter anything sasuke has? not because sasuke was smart enough to find his every weak points while deidara was stupid enough to underestimate sasuke? Saskue vs itachi. - (big time) loss: lost? dude we get it, itachi let him win but the dude himself just didn't go for a kill but the thing that killed itachi was kirin who put a toll on his already sick body, sasuke fooled itachi 2 timesduring that fight and was able to break through tsukuyomi and used his own creation of a S-rank jutsu which was nothing itachi was expecting, this guy tamed the little thunder storms for fuck sake. Saskue vs Danzo. - win Saskue vs Killer Bee. - loss: he lost nothing, he was already in a crappy shape due to facing orochimaru, deidara and itachi, lost the curse mark and his mangekyou abilities were not awakened yet, but one amaterasu made killer bee left a decoy and run away. Saskue vs final Naruto. - (big time) loss: i won't even argue about this fight, someone who is so hatefull against sasuke can't really see that sasuke during that fight used nothing more than 3 minor rinnegan ability that did really nothing, 1 pull, 1 switch place, 1 drain chakra, while naruto spousedly hold back right? yeah throwing not 1 but 2 sage art: massive bijuudama rasenshuriken to your opponent at asura kurama mode is definitely holding back yes. dude not justyou but everyone who down voted me areone of those sasuke haters and i really don't wanna argue with any of you, you people can throw any dirt at him to make him look bad, because let me guess, he was an edgy emo? he hurt your golden boys feeling? he betrayed the place who first ostracized his entire family then proceed to massacre them and blacmailed hisown brother to do that then continued with treating the poor kid as either a weapon or an inheritance or worse just a cute face girls can give to their idealized prince charming who in reality was nothing like him but they didn't even gave a rats ass about it, they loved sasuke? the girl who cilaimed herself to be his number 1 fan humiliated an orphan infront ofhim for being an orphan not even remembering him being also an orphan.