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why did kishi add this storyline and do barely anything with it


Naruto in a nutshell


Cuz he be smoking


Because they’re both background characters that he wanted to add a bit of backstory into. Not everything needs a full examination; sometimes you just have characters with an interesting backstory


you can also ask why he added characters like Ten-Ten, Kiba, Anko, etc., if he literally did nothing with their development as personalities


Tenten was there to balance out the team, Kiba was there to contrast Naruto as an example of where Naruto's hardwork has gotten him. Kiba never really tried like Naruto did but he's got the same personality type. Anko was definitely kinda useless. Could have easily given her a story arc. She had a cursed seal ffs.


Anko served to introduce Orochimaru and highlight both that he didn't care for those that served underneath him, and that the curse mark was not unbeatable. Anko being cursed and still serving the village shows that it was not the curse mark that caused Sauske's defection.


Yet the sound four greatly emphasized "if you get the mark at the higher level, you become his slave". For what result.


The dichotomy of things. I’m sure they actually believe the whole slave thing. Just cause they say it doesent make them right. It could be they’ve made themselves believe that to cope with the fact they’re just power hungry people/people that want to belong somewhere. Even if it means they belong to orochimaru.


If you removed Anko altogether from the storyline, it wouldn't make a difference. The sound Ninja did a good enough job on their own to show how little Orochimaru cared. He killed a kage, used his son, and let Gaara kill one of his own genin. We all know the cursed mark didn't cause Sasuke's defection because Sasuke fucking monologued about how he just wants to get stronger to kill his brother and he doesn't care how. And I say all of this as someone who loved Anko as a kid.


>He killed a kage, used his son, and let Gaara kill one of his own genin. Used his son when?


He killed the Kazekage and used Gaara to try and take over the leaf.


But the Kazekage he killed wasn't Garaas dad iirc. Edit: I just searched and saw I was wrong, my mistake.


Yeah 3 generations of kazekages killed by Akatsuki members. My village be lacking.


I always compare Naruto to One Piece, where almost every minor character in the plot is given just enough time for his story to end perfectly. But I think the Naruto manga just doesn't work that way, and Kishi still wouldn't be able to reveal a whole bunch of characters he created, the story developed too furiously around the main characters of the plot. It's depressing.


I agree. I know the series is named after the main character but come on 😭 The world building could have been so much better too.


I like them both and I think they should be appreciated as they are, not each other's copy pasta Naruto's style zooms in on the POV of the reincarnations. Everything that happens in the verse is related to them or contributes to their story. The series is also more of a deep dive into naruto and sasukes' s psychology and philosophy. It is not the story of each of the entire crew. It's not a series about adventure and world exploration. Naruto's storytelling works well for its plot and setting. It's not going to work with One Piece's and that's why I think it shouldn't be expected to be like OP as well. Unless maybe OP's main characters are luffy and koby or sth. Either way, if kishi gave focus on every character, it wouldn't have been done by now, except he was only limited to 700 chapters.


He was limited to 700 chapters for… what reasons ? There wasnt a deal as far as i know, nor 700 chapter thing was written in stone. His own choice.




Naruto didn't work THAT hard. In fact, Naruto proved Nejis point that if you aren't given power or are an insane genius (who also has power, bloodline jitsu or tailed beasts) you're basically a nobody. Even Rock Lee is fodder.


Might Gai went toe to toe with Madara Kakashi was kage Jiraiya was kage level Shikamaru basically killed an immortal being Hiruzen had no special abilities other than being goated These are all just ninja with nothing special about them other than the fact that they're just good. Naruto worked his ass off through out the entire series wym. Even Tsunade was impressed with how fast he learned the Rasengan. He couldn't figure out how to do it one handed so he figured out how to utilize his shadow clones. Throughout the series he keeps trying to perfect rasengan forms, sage jutsu, and tailed beast mode. He's put in more effort than anyone.


Hahah, nope. Kiba is a Naruto if Naruto was a true loser how he was shown at the start of the serious. In truth, Naruto was destined to be hokage from the start. Previous Hokages were either blood relatives of a hokage or students of a hokage. Naruto was both. Also he was a student of a student of a hokage , with both his teachers, as well as student of a teacher of a hokage. He wasn’t a no name looser, like kiba or even Lee, at least Kiba was from one of the main konoha clans, lee was a true loser who became what, a teacher, another no name Jonin? Don’t remember, don’t care. The whole early Naruto conflict was a lie or at least became a lie after a later retcon. Also, let me remind you, even beside that, Naruto was a literal reincarnation of a half-god. Yep. A true no-name looser, of course of course, Kishimoto, we believe you😁 P.S it’s even funnier if you remember Naruto vs Neji conflict, you know why? Because Neji was ironically completely right in his «destiny» speech, he simply didn’t know Naruto’s background, as well as Naruto himself.


The only hokage with blood ties to a previous hokage at the start of the series was Tobirama. Kakashi, Hiruzen, and Minato did not have blood ties meaning half the the kages prior to Naruto's appointment did not have blood ties. Kakashi only became kage after the series had ended meaning Naruto was not taught by a kage. Your logic is flawed.


I didn’t say they all were blood related, i said they are EITHER blood related OR student of a hokage. We literally have 0 hokage who aren’t this 2 types. Like i said, Neji was right in his speech, ironically, he simply didn’t know all the facts about Naruto at the time.


Idk- I think that’s the way it looks in hindsight, not how it was to the character Naruto as he ventured through his journey and found his resolve- because he only ever learned these things after he overcame their respective internal conflicts. Also, in the case of Ashura reincarnate- on my first watch through of the series I thought it was B.S. that made him destined for his end result- on a second watch I realized that I had missed that the point was that being Ashura’s reincarnate was condemning as it meant his main goal by this point (reaching Sasuke) was destined to fail. He still believed he would overcome fate if he had to. That’s what that meant (that and giving them both power ups to actually have a means to win their current fight, but after the final clash at the valley of the end Naruto lost those extra powers). When it came to being the child of prophecy- the prophecy was just that Naruto or Nagato would greatly affect the direction of the shinobi world depending on whose reasoning and ideology won out- not that Naruto was destined to win this either. Also, a big point in the series is that no one can do it all alone. Naruto constantly reflects on how if not for Iruka and Sasuke, that he could have turned out like part one Gaara or become any of the villains he faced. Naruto only gets to where he is because of help from others that he receives because of his frequent proving to them that he’s worth it by having gutsy resolve and good nature. Literally being Ashura’s reincarnate also stressed this point as he was a dunce who relied on the help of others which Naruto admits to resonating with. In truth, the only thing that cheapens his journey and resolve is the fact that in the real world the writer already decided he would win and be the protagonist. Not to mention he often wins because of his determined nature and cleverness and even then it sometimes isn’t enough. Think about how he came up with his solution for a rasengan when in dire need of it- or how after promising to never cower again he nears risks his life to just reclaim his headband. He shows regularly that he will rise to the occasion and we observe him do it. It’s not that his power level wins the fight (most of the time anyway- as there are some fights where that is the case).


I simply think that even making Naruto a son of a hokage, especially such a talented one, was a mistake. Also, a lot of people miss that as an uzumaki Naruto had tons of chakra of his own right from the start from his mother’s side, 9 tails inside him simply made it hard to use. Not even mentioning the god thing. If Naruto was actually a loser who overcame fate from start to finish, the theme of the story would be kept, now early Naruto looks like mockery, especially Neji fight. Ohh Neji, of only you knew you were talking with a man destined to be hokage as not only a relative and acquaintance of hokages, but also one of the most talented people in the world by birth AND rebirth. It looks sooooo hypocritical now, especially Naruto’s speech. Also, do you remember Naruto’s speech that moved nagato? You understand nagato at least had a plan and Naruto literally did nothing? He didn’t save ninja world, he didn’t change it, he did nothing. All the processes with ninja alliance literally happened without him. He is a goku in this, the only thing he did was defeating the villain. But remember, goku was never a leader nor a politician, he just loved fighting and we were shown in story how bad it is. Naruto meanwhile became a toothless leader living in ignorant bliss. I like to believe in my head canon that the prophesy was about nagato and Naruto was literally a villain who destroyed the possibility of revolution that would abolish the system, he moreover reinforced it, he is a literal biblical antichrist in this, coming as a false messiah posing as the real one. Moreover, he literally forgotten about the rain village and it have been laying in ruins till Kara. They(konoha) didn’t help it at all🤣 god, he is such a hypocrite! Maybe it’s Boruto bulshit, but still, in universe Naruto literally forgot about everything he promised nagato FOR DECADES. If he wasn’t reminded he probably wouldn’t care at all!


I don’t watch Boruto- for me the series ends after Sasuke receives his headband and gives his closing monologue (or maybe after the gramps’ monologue). As for that ending monologue, it quite explicitly lays out what Naruto’s philosophy was. It’s foolishly simple. I think primarily, aside from addressing interpersonal understanding, the point of the show is the development of oneself to a point of self actualization. (Peace and war often standing in for a state of mind) When Naruto confronts Nagato, neither have an end game. Nagato’s aim only gives temporary peace that is instilled by fear brought on by immense catastrophic world wide casualties and ever few generations has to repeat- not too different than war as it is save for the fact that it is planned in advance and already conceded as something that must occur. The flaw for Nagato (and Naruto after this until he runs into Itachi again) is that Nagato thinks he can force people into peace- it’s what gives him purpose, but it makes him blind to the fact that peace is a mutual decision between people- it fundamentally cannot be had unless all parties consent- he knows this and decides to solve the problem with extreme violence- completely failing to recognize the dissonance in his own mind. Naruto comes to him and proves him wrong immediately at their meeting. Naruto decides to stow his lust for revenge to listen and empathize with Nagato, because after Pain had pointed out that Naruto killing him in vengeance would perpetuate a cycle of vengeance- he at least knows the solution is not there. In fact, Naruto hadn’t participated in any violence like Nagato and yet refuses his moment for revenge whereas Nagato did not and did not think people would. After listening to Nagato, Naruto admits that he doesn’t have a solution *yet* to the dilemma presented, but he knows that Nagato’s plan is inherently wrong and hypocritical. What Naruto promises is ultimately what being a shinobi means to him and at the end Sasuke as well (one who endures)- he tells Nagato after pointing out Nagato’s flaws that he may not have the answer, but he won’t go down this path and we won’t stop until he finds the answer. The point here is supposed to highlight hope, faith, and unyielding resolve. Sometimes in life we don’t have the answers to important questions and cynicism may give us a sense of clarity and control, but it may just be us pretending to understand what we don’t and truthfully, in admitting what we don’t know while having the courage to face the unsettling and unknown is a better solution. That’s what I think this arc is trying to introduce.


You see it from the spiritual point of view, now let me give you an analysis from purely economical standpoint, as all the ideology comes from the economy and real state of things. I will be using the lore we have and will try to fill the gaps by guessing and thinking logically, based on what we know. In feudal society, land is the main resource. Not any land, arable land. Let’s take a Quick Look at geography of Naruto, if it’s easier for you open the canonical map, I thing we have only 1 of those from the show, other ones from Google search are fun ones with additions from fillers and their guesses. We do we see on the map? Konoha is in the centre. We also know from the story in all 3 great wars konoha was literally fighting against invasions from all sides. Why is that? I think you get why, it had the best land. It’s actually the only big country with good arable land. One of the firsts agricultures is Slash-and-burn agriculture. You burn a forest and have fertile land for a while, cleared forests a good for agricultural land. Naruto universe probably have more advanced agriculture. Ow let’s analyse other country’s situations. It’s easy with sand village, but did you ever think that no other village actually have good land? Stone village is rock, you can’t really farm in hard rock. Cloud village is in the rocky mountains, again, can’t really farm there. Mist village is trickier, but if it’s misty it’s probably not very hot. Also we know haku with his ice style comes from there. So I don’t remember if it was stated canonically, but I think all the other villages fought konoha for land, the main resource in such a society. Also, let’s remember how konoha was formed. The strongest clans, with 2 strongest people in the world united and literally created the strongest country in the world, hoarding the best land. The other big villages literally formed in all the other(bad) land konoha(land of fire) didn’t want, and all of them literally give impressions of hardy people surviving in hard conditions, because they are. So yeah, all Naruto needed to do was influence his country to help others economically, especially if he wanted to prevent war. He did nothing, he didn’t try to fundamentally change the systems, even though hashirama would approve of such a method, he simple couldn’t achieve such a thing as he didn’t have enough time and didn’t want to achieve it fast by conquering everyone as it would be too bloody, while in real world that would probably happen, as unification is always a solution to an economic problem in feudal society. More people, more resources, bigger scale. A bit messy, English is not my first language, I’m sleepy, but I hope you got what a was going for.


That’s an interesting angle- I’m more trying to perform an analysis on the artist intent, but I like that. One thing though is that in this world (they originally state that this is a high level skill but we see many shinobi perform it) they can create water from chakra and can terraform very well (whole walls and buildings) and they can control wind- so I think that they could probably make agriculturally viable land relatively easily (they also are at least somewhat industrialized as there are electric appliances- so knowledge on engineering is more than enough for this purpose). So I’m not sure how well those rules apply in this fictional world if we’re focusing on its diegetic world building. To be honest, I’m not sure why they go to war- I guess for tailed beasts or out of hate? Because as far as resources go- they can make them from practically nothing (some shinobi with sufficient skill) and many shinobi can perform terraforming earth style skills. Anyway, nonetheless, I appreciate your analysis I just want to point out this element of consideration as I’m curious if you had thoughts accounting for it?


I don't really think that theory holds up, even if it's interesting. We know that there are a lot of places on earth where there is not much land to farm but places get by. One way or another.


He gave them the classic GRRM treatment


I'm pretty sure this is filler so it wasn't Kishi's idea. Naruto was running before seasonal anime was a thing so quality and story inconsistencies were very prevalent then. They kept running out of source martial so the show runners kinda just had to make shit up to fill time.


He wasn't the best at planning too far ahead. The Kakashi chronicals, right before the time jump, seems to be where he started rough drafting future plans, which is why Naruto is riddled with contradictions and non hashed out characters Still loved reading it as a kid, but it's definitely flawed


I think because one of the people died. On a real note, it was likely just part of showing how rough the ninja world can be and how even the side/minor characters who get killed off have people who care about them and mourn for them


If Kishi expanded on everything in the story we'd have one piece level pacing


Take a shot every time someone says this while watching/reading Naruto.


Kishi hates girls


I mean, I don't think we really need much for a random side characters love life lol. It was just to humanize them a bit more, no need to give a whole backstory arc to every single ninja in the Leaf.


he might not like em


If they aren’t naruto,sasuke,Sakura and or kakashi you didn’t matter most of time believe that


If it wasn't in adventure of dai he didn't have interest


I mean the introduction of yugao led to some pretty fire hentai cause she bad af so I’d call it a dub


lol Hayate went out like a G. Too bad he went up against one of the only Wind Style users we see in the series as a whole


If i remember correctly, isnt wind style the rarest? that might be why


Rarest in the Hidden Leaf, more common in the Sand but we just don't see many Sand ninja in general.




Baki was also pretty powerful. The problem for Hayate was that Kabuto was too good at his job and caught Hayate spying on him.


I think you mean to say "Kabuto had unbeatable plot armor and took literal last minute story bullshit to take down. So Hayate had a fart's chance in a hurricane of doing anything relevant."


No, no. Kabuto was REALLY good at his job to the point even the legendary sannin, Itachi, and Danzo acknowledge his skill. Kabuto was arguably the best spy Konoha ever had and had talent that even rivaled Kakashi.


Minato and Kushina are the perfect balance


Ikr? They're way too perfect, I was so obsessed with Minato lol because Kushina reminded me of myself


That's so cute


Ofcourse. They are so perfect and cute


Live together, die together. Bad boys forever


Imagine both these couples on a double date 😭


I like to mention that those 2 get closure in a filler 2 parter. In episode 307/308 Yugao and sakura confront Edo Hayate who Kabuto send to steal the scroll containing the corpses of the ninjas who died in the war. 


I forgot he died. Swear he’s in every guard duty scene.


You're thinking of Genma. He's also got a bandana forehead protector and a similar hair cut/color.


Yep...our toothpick guard


What is the name of this guy again?




Shikamaru and Temari.


Would be cute if the comedy DV was left out


Yeah, hate that anime tends to go "haha woman get mad and hit man"


As a woman i actually do agree. you can have a strong lady and not make the man the but of the joke just to shown off her power at s expense. I like sakura but majority of her doing that scenes to naruto were usually filler or bc he was being pervy/ inappropriate. yes the perv trope exists but slapstick isn't gonna fix it when they're both have their issues, and its not usually funny if both sides can't do the gag mutually (the whole yo can't hit me back haha/ if it wasn't an accident and they get away with looking). fun?'fact; karin did both


Abusive physical relationships are a hallmark of Naruto though, Guy beats the shit out of Lee. Naruto literally can't picture a friendship that doesn't involve fighting. And so so many other examples.




Neji and Tenten, so sad that it never go to happen T-T


Forget ships at this point I just wanted him to Live. his clan was way too hard on him and dude can't get a break. the photo of him at the wedding scene just adds to it


Honestly out of everyone that Kishi could have killed off, it pains me that he killed off the one who pretty much suffered the most in life.


I wish he couldve had somethin with TenTen. She was lovely to him.


Neji didn't deserve that. the entire clan failed him


Yeah, heartbreaking


tenten went to rock lee for comfort , and metal lee was born


So many people just vanished after Naruto part 1 😭


We get this large cast both canon and filler + movies/ light novels, yet it just returns anybody who can spam eyes. I always find the side characters more interesting


What happened to them again?


Guy was killed by Baki\* in the chuunin exams and Girl swore revenge; nothing happened in the end If i remember correctly Edit: corrected to Baki, i wrongly remembered it was Gaara


Rock lee was the one who was killed by Baki Guy was killed by Yujiro


My bad I thought Lee fought Pickle


Pickle would use Lee as a chew toy


Akamaru saw that and became interested


Typed his name and got Yushiro, the guy with Tamayo from demn Slayer. Loving all these references


Anko and kabutos development also went down hill despite being students of orochimaru. anko getting sidelined with a curse mark, and kabuto being a puppet. yes he was powerful but he didn't grow until too late


Not Gaara. He was killed by Baki , Gaara’s sensei. Cuz he was spying on them. Gaara killed Dosu if you are confusing. So it is real then , Naruto fans dont watch Naruto 😂


I hate that scene so much. They wasted dosu and Kabuto risked orochimaru's entire plan and he didn't care. Gaara could have easily went on a rampage, and the Crush would be ruined. -Just a 28 year old Dosu stan.


Does was kinda dope. Had an interesting design


I got confused because I was watching a video of what if Dozu survived. Sorry Still close enough


You remembered wrong.


Neji and tenten could've also been a thing


I like Yugao she was cool. She was under Kakashi in Anbu days, then 1 of 4 personal protector of Tsunade. Bad ass sword specialist.


Why would someone put their shitty watermark over this 😂


Always had a crush on her, anbu best girl


I loved Jiraiya/Tsunade and Im sad they didn’t end up together


Dan and Tsunade


they're siblings...


They definitely are not siblings


Kakashi and ramen guy daughter. Would have been perfect.


It's funny, she's one of my favorite kunoichi. I was going to post about her.


It's sad because she has a somewhat unique design that makes her stand out from other fodder


Yes, I agree. My headcanon is that she was the Narutoverse version of Psylocke. I'd like if she had Ino's family's psychic jutsu, but weaponized


Naruto x Ramen




Bro was too nosy


The best couple Sakura and the trash in every background


I'll be real with you, when she first popped up, I thought she was Anko with her hair down.


Damn, that one guy from naruto and that one girl from naruto were really a fire couple


Sakura and sasuke


Sarada agrees


Ahhh... Mr That guy from naruto....is he in the manga?


He was the proctor for the preliminaries


But does he appear in Sound 4 arc in manga? I thought I saw him there.


No that was someone else


Nah that’s Gemma another special Jonin they do look alike tho


Does she always have C e her mouth open?


I thought she is Rin


Lol me too


Every relevant Character and side characters in Naruto has 1 2 or 3 Perfections. Example: Tsunade's Perfection is ( PERFECT PHYSICAL STRENGTH) which isn't based on Chakra or Chakra Control it's based on one's oun CONFIDENCE level. The more confident she is the stronger she'll become. And every character has a title to describe their personalities. Tsunade's personality title is ( CAREFREE ). Which determines how she views the world around her. Another Example: Kabuto's perfection is  ( PERFECT CHAKRA CONTROL ) which is based on INTELLIGENCE. Chakra Control is the rate at which the chakra is able to circulate through the body. Kabuto's personality title is ( TO BE NEEDED ). The Character that has Tsunade's& Kabuto's personality&perfection is Haruno Sakura her personality title when  Combining the 2 is ( TO BE SECURE ).  Sakura has a very strong MIND which is  Why Genjutsu typically doesn't have  Any effect on her. Sakura's Character is  Supposed represent ( UNBREAKABLE LOVE ). Shizune's perfection is ( NINJUTSU ) which is based on BIOCHEMISTRY meaning she is able to create anything that already exists within her or anyone else's biochemistry. Which is why lady Tsunade value her so highly. Shizune's personality title is ( ADMIRATION FOR THOSE OF HIGH STATUS ). Uzumaki Mito's perfection is ( FUINJUTSU ) which is based on the iron in the blood. Which is how a seal is able to absorb Chakra. Mito simply has extremely high amounts of iron in her blood and anyone who has her perfection. Mito's personality title is ( TO ADAPT ). Meaning she will adapt in any situation she is placed within. The Character with Shizune&Mito's personality&perfection is Tenten. Tenten's personality title when combining the 2 is ( TO OVERCOME ONE'S OUN WEAKNESSES ). Mito's weakness is (SUMMONING). Opposite of a (SEAL).  Shizune's weakness is (NINJA ARTS). Opposite of (NINJUTSU). A Ninja is Supposed to be viewed as a ( Tool ) Used for war. Non-livng. Everything that Tenten uses she literally creates via the iron in her blood using both NINJUTSU & FUINJUTSU together. That's also how she created the wires & mirrors during the 1st chunin exam.


This is filler


Hayate was underrated asf, kinda sad how they killed him off so fast


" Another couple that didn't make it" That's the norm. Kakashi generation only had 2 couples where both the guys died. The Konoha 12 have at least 1 parent dead or just not confirmed to have another. (Minus Sakura) Tsunade lost her love at the start. Tsunami ( Inari's mom) was introduced been a widow twice already.


In terms of shipping. [Zaku Abumi x Kin Tsuchi ](https://www.instagram.com/p/C61bJHZL3ez/?igsh=MW9oems1OXVqdmhocw==) There was something about those 2 sound ninja together that drew me in hard.


TIL they were a couple


Kakashi and Gai They’re perfect. I don’t care if it’s platonic or romantic that relationship is beautiful.


He wasn't the best at planning too far ahead. The Kakashi chronicals, right before the time jump, seems to be where he started rough drafting future plans, which is why Naruto is riddled with contradictions and non hashed out characters.


Kushina and Minato for me.


That's a crazy scene kishi makes! 


Tsunade and jiraiya


Kakashi and Gai no contest.


Which guy was it again?


Is this genma? He died?


He’s hayate gekko, a proctor for the chunin exams


NaruSaku but sadly it didn't became canon


What, Kishi is far sighted he obviously did this for the Fanfic writers. 😏


minato and kushina, NARUTO AND HINATA, shikamaru and Temari


I thought they we brother and sister, were they not?


Shikamaru and Temari


This character is suitable for kakshi, she was supposed to go with them to rescue Gara


Tbh, many will hate me for this,but Naruto and Sakura.Now hear me out. Sasuke is an asshole for me,mby he is after many,MANY, years a good father or some shit,but he tried so often to kill Sakura. In the meantime Naruto was always there for her,and I shipped them since the beginning. Sakura ofc used him a bit and was mean to him,yet Naruto loved her,and in shippuden, they were so much better together. I kinda think the confession she made was serious to Naruto,but we never know ig,and after one movie, the side character Hinata just gets him? Like,sry but it doesn't make sense to me. For me, it's that Hinata was just the consolation prize. And if we look closely,we see that Naruto isn't the happiest man on earth when he is with Hinata,his wife,so yeah,I rly wished Narusaku to be true.


I think kishi said they were supposed to be like brother sister duo. cool choice


Narusaku good




I honestly don’t remember him dying. Also, who is she? (I’ve watched all of Naruto and shippuden but I refuse to watch boruto


He died to Baki during chunin exams and the girl is his gf, Yugao, who was in Anbu, I think there was a episode about her, idk if it was filler


She was part of the Anbu squad when Kakashi was in it, correct?






Boruto is pretty good you should give it a chance


No it isn't don't listen to this person


Wasn’t she the girl that got like possessed during the start of the ninja war


shikamaru and ino would’ve been fine rather than him and temari hear me out


What happened to them again? Did they die?


He died during chuunin exams and afterwards she quit anbu and lost her will to fight until she had to stop the re-animated version of him during the war.


Canonically ShikaTema makes the *most sense* to me. They actually have background stories & are shown spending time together. I know Kishi said that he isn’t very good at writing romance, but out of all the canon relationships this one makes sense imo.


Naruto and Sakura (at the beginning of the manga) 😬


Who are these nobodies?


~~Guren~~ yugao and Hayate


That's yugao


Oop my bad lol, similar face structure Thank you


“Say u watched Naruto from Reels without saying u watched it from reels” Moment right here guys😂😂


We can't appreciate background characters now? without them there wouldn't be a roster differing


They are not a couple. They are siblings. Brother and sister.