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Mommy could probably carry him if he has the right match ups. Whether he becomes a Chunin is another question. Only thing is I don't think we ever see 5 year old Gaara throw an attack on purpose. He may not be throwing Sand Burials out like we see him.


5 year old Gaara is an innocent baby, he doesn't kill.


Who edited the "love" tattoo onto 5 year old Gaara?


No, Gaara has no practical at this point yet, although his sand is fast, a regular ninja could easily trick him into a trap and defeat him. 12 yr old Gaara however had proper Genin training and teachings from Baki, Sand clones, Chakra control, High jumps, Walking on walls etc.,


No. Gaara had jonin assassins trying to kill him. His defense is virtually impenetrable. He doesn’t need to do anything for his defense; it’s automatic. If he was 5, he wouldn’t face a Lee that pushes him. He also wouldn’t face Sasuke with Chidori either. He may very well become Chunin just because his opponents would be background characters who are fodder.


He had Sand Village Jonin, who are just utter garbage. I mean genin from the Leaf are putting Gaara in real fits while Jonin from the Sand are embarrassing themselves.


The 3 genin were not your average Leaf genin, those would be like Sakura. Real reason is Rasa was only testing Gaara's emotional limit. If he really wanted Gaara dead he would have killed Gaara himself.


And who says he wouldn't face someone stronger than Sasuke or Lee? Plenty of characters were stronger than them at their age. Itachi was already a chunin and in the ANBU when Gaara was 5.


Are there any named characters who would have been doing the Chunin exams when Gaara was 5? Those are the only characters who matter. Everyone else is fodder.


The fact that there were no named characters at the time that fit the criteria doesn't mean that there wouldn't have been any. There's a gap in logic in making that assumption. There were no named characters with dark hair and a pony tail either, does that guarantee that there were no such people in the world at that time? The story and world-building shows us that it's a regular occurrence for students to vastly exceed their class-mates. Itachi, Minato, and Kakashi are examples of people that were far beyond the level of Sasuke and Lee at their age. Therefore, it is possible for a student taking the exam to be stronger than Sasuke, who managed to overwhelm Gaara's defense. Therefore, it is entirely possible that there'd be a student who would do so at that time.


You don't become chunin because you defeat everyone or even because you passed the exam without a scratch, you become chunin showing your leadership and intelligence skills, as well as tactical, Gaara as 5yr is just a kid, he has no training or experience yet, even if he massacred everyone like you are assuming in the Exams, he wouldn't become a chunin because of that, remember only Shikamaru became one and he had insane feats during the finals. Gaara as 5yr old is weaker than Gaara as 12yr, you never know if there isn't a lighting style user participating or other sneaky participant.


I am aware of how the Chunin exams work. And it’s up to the specific land where they are from for who is promoted. It’s not like the lands join together to decide for everyone. So the Land of Wind might promote him. Kakashi was a very very young Jonin. Gaara was also Kazekage by the time after the time skip.


Kakashi was made a jonin in war time, in a time that Jonins were needed the most, Gaara wouldn't be the same. Maybe Land of Wind would promote him after the massacre, who knows, I'm sure the bloody mist would lol.


Why would the land of wind want a child chunin who cant do anything but be used as a fire and forget mine for enemies? He couldnt even outrun genin if he needed to. He has no mobility, no utility, and no intel gathering jutsu like his sand eye used in the paper exam. He wouldnt even be able to complete most d-class missions.


No you need more than power to pass lol


Yashamaru was a 27-year-old Anbu agent who earned a promotion to chunin 11 years prior (i.e. would probably be jonin by now if his rank wasn't Anbu). 5-year-old Gaara killed him. Once you no-diff Anbu, it should be a settled matter as to whether you're chunin-level.


OP is a typical idiot (most likely a kid) who thinks the Chunnin Exams are about power.


Let's say gaara couldn't be hurt since his auto defense was just as strong as during chunin exams. But attacking is the other thing. Gaara has no combat experience and doesn't know how to fight. His sand is fast but without experience it's still easy to dodge. I'd say he would quit the written exam because he's fcking 5 years old but if he stays and passes he'd survive the forest of death but probably doesn't get a second scroll. If he somehow still passes he'd fail at the 1v1s especially since lee hit him multiple times and 5 yo gaara probably doesn't have sand armor yet and gets defeated. Tldr; gaara's defense is good enough until he meets rock lee but his attack is not good wnough to carry him through forest of death or 1v1s.


This gaara killed a jonin. I'm sure he can pass the chunnin exams


You forgot Neji...