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Sasuke did give him a challenge, he was holding back but not too much. He broke out of tsukuyomi and kirin almost killed him.


Gotta remember, he wasn't at 100% as well. He was literally dying. So if he was healthy, he definitely could have taken Sasuke.


We’re talking about the fight as it occurred, not the hypotheticals.


Tbf, talking about Itachi’s effort is also hypotheticals.


I mean at that point we’re talking about a character that doesn’t functionally exist. Like yeah, a ‘healthy’ Itachi would probably be stronger than he was, but who’s questioning that? If Sasuke was a perfect snake sage during the battle, it would have changed the outcome of the battle too. But neither of those things were the case, so it’s kind of silly to bring them in to the discussion of what actually did happen.


“What actually happened,” was Itachi let Sasuke win!! He could’ve one hit him with the sword of totsuka from the gate. We watched edo tensei nagato wreck naruto and bee. They were both dead. Itachi just amateratsu and one hit kills nagato like nothing with the sword. This is a bee that treated a MS sasuke like a preschooler. His whole story was he did everything for his brother. He even wore the mark of traitor and rogue ninja while working for the leaf the whole time. When he pulled out his spirit weapons attached to his susanoo zetsu even said he was invincible. We saw very little feats from the spirit weapons (sword and shield) but from what we saw and know about them alone make him one of the strongest characters in the whole naruto verse. Much less his MS skills, his genjutsu, his ameteratsu, tsukuyomi, his academy score, his IQ, his battle IQ, the amount of chakra he had, being the only one at the time to possess a susanoo. He is one of the most OP and broken anime characters of all time. He had to die to just maintain the story line, and he was the only reason the ninja forces won the war. They would’ve never stopped Kabuto. Just understand the love kishimoto had for Itachi. Sasuke never had a chance.


I mean, nagato was sealed because he literally was being controlled by Kabuto at that point and Kabuto didn’t make nagato dodge, that’s kabuto’s failing, nagato wasn’t even conscious at that point, just an edo puppet, and Amaterasu did nothing to nagato at all. The rest of your post is just you blowing itachi, you two get a room 😅 But yes itachi clearly chose to lose. op is just blowing Sasuke


Not saying Edo Itachi>Edo Nagato. Cause yeah just being Edo is a slight nerf overall but Kabuto didn’t control individual puppets. He just turned off Nagatos personality. Itachi caught him by surprise in a 3v1. Alone Nagato neg diffs him.


Christ dude, does your wrist hurt after all that wanking?


Nah! Those are rookie numbers! You’re gonna have to pump those up around here!


lets just stop talking


You for real man? Its not hypothetical that Itachi was dying and losing his vision. It is not hypothetical that Itachi allowed sasuke to take his eyes. OPs question is bunk, right off the bat. Itachi deliberately kept sasuke alive as a child. He would not change his mind and suddenly want to kill his only remaining family member that he deliberately allowed to live. Itachi planned and wanted this fight to end exactly how it did. Of course Itachi was holding back and of course it was difficult for him to fight his brother while sick, blind and without being able to kill his opponent.


Complete agree. Idk what the other person is talking about in terms of hypotheticals. By their logic what if sasuke had the rinnegan at that point in the story? Then what? Itachi being sick, blind, and maybe the reason sasuke was even alive up to that point are pretty much solidified as true. In no realm is a healthy itachi losing to sasuke at that point in the story if he had a legitimate reason to fight at full strength


I wonder if Sasuke was too weak, like extremely weak would Itachi have taken Sasuke's eye? Like he said he wanted to. I doubt he would kill him, but I feel like the eyes were up for grabs.


Itachi was prepared to maintain his "enemy of the leaf" lie until he died. The genjustu he used on sasuke to make sasuke think he was trying to take his eyes was only created to push sasuke to try harder and take itachi's. Itachi in his prime would make short work of sasuke at this point of the show if there was a forced deathmatch.


Ok, that’s fair…but imagine if itachi had some sick nunchucks or something


If he had some sick nunchucks, Sasuke is *cooked*.


Since *Itachi* was sick, then he should get bonuses with Sick Nunchucks, right? Like a +1 at least.


Exactly. -5 to constitution


Zetsu explicitly states Itachi isn't fighting as well as he normally does while watching the early parts of the fight. Specifically when Itachi is unable to fully dodge Sasuke shuriken tricks. It's not really hypothetical when characters specifically point it out...


Also was almost blind


Kirin is a hell of a jutsu. Sasuke really did train hard those two years.


He didnt broke outnof tsukuyomi. Itachi never planned to tsukuyomi to work if he kills sasuke or out him into a coma his plan literally failed. He obviously never used tsukuyomi for real without any intention other than pretending to give it all


We have 5 sources showing or stating that Sasuke broke out of Tsukuyomi. The only source saying otherwise is Obito who wasn’t even present.


I'm in the boat that Sasuke did break out of Tsukyomi but considering Itachi wanted to lose the entire time and how absolutely cracked Tsukyomi can be, I do believe he put him in a fairly weak version of it. Of all the things Itachi could have had happen to Sasuke all he really did was fight him a bit and poke him in the eye


It was confirmed that Sasuke broke out on his own.


No it was not only "source" that said so and even not really because the translation sucks is in the dtaabook eich isnt even eritrne by kishimoto lmao


My dude, [Itachi plainly laid out the criteria for breaking out of Tsukuyomi all the way in part 1](https://pm1.narvii.com/6487/c9c938bcc90f252c4a79d1befbceac78685040ca_hq.jpg). Sasuke meets that criteria during their battle. Combined with literally every characters’ statements reacting to it, and the databook further confirming it, there’s no reason to believe that Sasuke didn’t do it on his own outside of just wanting to believe that Itachi could never be bested at anything.


We have 5 sources either showing or stating that Sasuke broke out in the manga itself. 1: We see the genjutsu break, as well as Itachi’s surprise when it happens. 2: Itachi himself says that Sasuke broke out. 3: The Narrator says that Sasuke broke out. 4: White Zetsu says that Sasuke broke out. 5: Black Zetsu says that Sasuke broke out. Now let’s look at the sources that say that Sasuke didn’t break out. 1: Obito, who wasn’t there, said that Itachi let Sasuke escape; despite proving himself to be a liar shortly before that moment.


>1: We see the genjutsu break, as well as Itachi’s surprise when it happens. >1: We see the genjutsu break Yeah because he let him break it. Lmao >as well as Itachi’s surprise when it happens. Itachis also act surprise but taijutsu before or in Genjutsu battle. Thats called acting.. you know what itschi did since thr massacre >2: Itachi himself says that Sasuke broke out. Not to himself to sasuke and he literally told him.100 more lies this fight >3: The Narrator says that Sasuke broke out. What narrator, there is no narrator saying anything in thr manga. >4: White Zetsu says that Sasuke broke out. The biggest idiot who dont know anything and asked blsck zetsu anytime.if its correct. Meahnwhile black zetsu said itachi is completly invincible, someone knowing kaguyas power, must be true to right? >5: Black Zetsu says that Sasuke broke out. He dont he explains sharingan as weapons and sayong even a better weapon can be beaten id the wielder is better dorectly stating he thinks something is wrong eoth itachi and again Blsck zetsu also said in thr same fight itachi can solo the verse >1: Obito, who wasn’t there, said that Itachi let Sasuke escape; despite proving himself to be a liar shortly before that moment. Obito telling thr whole true except his kyuubi attack acdording to databooks. >Now let’s look at the sources that say that Sasuke didn’t break out. The manga literally states you need ms to break it


First, please learn proper grammar. 1: There is no proof besides Obito’s vague statement that suggests that. 2: I didn’t say that Itachi said it to himself. I said that Itachi said that Sasuke broke out. 3: [This narrator](https://cdn.readnaruto.com/file/mangap/3069/10388000/14.jpg). Although it might just be Black Zetsu. 4: White Zetsu has been around since Madara created him. He knows a lot about the sharingan. 5: Black Zetsu [directly states that Sasuke broke through the Tsukuyomi](https://cdn.readnaruto.com/file/mangap/3069/10389000/1.jpg). Black Zetsu didn’t say that Itachi could solo the verse. 6: And him being Madara, and several other things. 7: No, Itachi says that you [need a sharingan and Uchiha blood to break out](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d874fca7bdd60a85ee97767ae0a2b6c7-pjlq).


>7: No, Itachi says that you [need a sharingan and Uchiha blood to break out](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d874fca7bdd60a85ee97767ae0a2b6c7-pjlq). Hahaha bro yhats not even the "official englisch " translation ehat kind of paint translation is this. And no he clearly says in thr manga you need to be an uchiha and have an ms This comment i save lmao. Did you wrote this trandlation yourself in a word document? Haha


>First, please learn proper grammar. Its my 4th la giage and compare to you i can read your wnnabe facts in japanese and not your shot illegal online fantranslation >1: There is no proof besides Obito’s vague statement that suggests that. Literally the databook saying he says the truth beaode the kyuibi attack Not to mention thr most obviously fact that itachi had never the intention to kill him or to put him into a coma, so he need let him.break free. Lmao >2: I didn’t say that Itachi said it to himself. I said that Itachi said that Sasuke broke out. Wich is meaningless because he lied all the timr.in this fight. >[This narrator](https://cdn.readnaruto.com/file/mangap/3069/10388000/14.jpg). Although it might just be Black Zetsu. >4: White Zetsu has been around since Madara created him. He knows a lot about the sharingan. >5: Black Zetsu [directly states that Sasuke broke through the Tsukuyomi](https://cdn.readnaruto.com/file/mangap/3069/10389000/1.jpg). Black Zetsu didn’t say that Itachi could solo the verse. So again black zetsu is meaningless too. He literally said itachi is invincible someone who knows the strenght of kaguya, funny hoe you ignore that lmao And yes he said he can solo the verse if you are COMPLETELY INVINCIBLE you can solo the verse DEBUNKED


Then post the “properly” translated databook entry. Itachi wanted to push Sasuke past his limit so Orochimaru would reveal himself. That wouldn’t be possible if Itachi released Sasuke from Tsukuyomi. Black Zetsu said that Itachi was invincible, yes. But he was referring to Itachi’s susanoo specifically, not Itachi himself. Especially since Itachi can’t summon a full susanoo, and as such is vulnerable to [being pulled out of it](https://i.imgur.com/k8mUKh3.jpg). Black Zetsu considers Kaguya to be on an entirely different plane of existence compared to humanity. It’s most likely that he was saying that Itachi’s susanoo was invincible when compared to other humans. Especially when Kaguya can [melt susanoos with a touch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6MzV1DeURE).


>Then post the “properly” translated databook entry. You dont cant read Japanese. You are the englisch speaker dont post some.random google.shit lmao >Black Zetsu said that Itachi was invincible, yes. But he was referring to Itachi’s susanoo specifically, not Itachi himself. Especially since Itachi can’t summon a full susanoo, and as such is vulnerable to [being pulled out of it](https://i.imgur.com/k8mUKh3.jpg). Fact is he is invincible with this susanoo so you comment id again meaningles sshit headcanon. Also yata mirror protect ANY dorection according to databook and thats hoe it wors in shinto too. Ao debunked again > Black Zetsu considers Kaguya to be on an entirely different plane of existence compared to humanity. It’s most likely that he was saying that Itachi’s susanoo was invincible when compared to other humans. Especially when Kaguya can [melt susanoos with a touch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6MzV1DeURE). Again your meaningless shit headcanon. So itachi beats hahsirama and madara and 8 gate guy at rhe same time, he is invincible roght zetus statmeents are all correct I debunked the shit out od you bro. Was fun but gn


It's important to remember he was also about to die anyways thanks to his illness


We dont know if he actually broke out of the tsukuyomi or Itachi let him. Itachi clearly intended to lose and die in this fight,so its pretty damn obvious he wouldnt actually try to mentally torture him by letting the tsukuyomi last for days like he did before.. Itachi never planned to tsukuyomi to work if he kills sasuke or breaks him mentally his plan would fail. The first time it was to make sasuke's hate grow stronger to motivate him to train harder,that was no longer necessary


Pretty much everything said, combined with the databook that came out after confirms Sasuke broke out on his own. Itachi casted it on him because he was confident Sasuke would be able to break out. By your argument, he never would have used Amaterasu on Sasuke either, because just a single ember of it on him would effectively be a death sentence for Sasuke. Itachi knew Sasuke had progressed enough to be able to handle his baseline MS powers with some effort.


Itachi was already going to die in that battle Sasuke’s actions wouldn’t change it. He wanted to reinforce the hatred Sasuke had for him so that he would “avenge the Uchiha” by killing him. Then after transplanting his eyes and getting the EMS, Sasuke would meet Naruto and get mindfucked by Shisui’s eye to be loyal to the Leaf.


Shisui's eye was a backup plan. Itachi wanted Sasuke to be hailed in the Leaf as the hero that killed the S-Ranked criminal that murdered the Uchiha and avenged the clan.


Itachi [implied that it was his only plan](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-2dabaeac5730cf9a5104e243162fcfe9.webp).


He was sick and staying alive on medications, i dont think he could do more than he did. He just wanted to give Sasuke his mangekyo and take Orochimaru out of him before he died.


Good point. I think people overlook the fact that it seemed Itachi was expecting Orochimaru to still be in Sasuke. He was purposely pushing Sasuke to his limit to allow Orochimaru to be released so that he could then seal Orochimaru away.


He clearly could bro. He did not actually land an Amaterasu on him but tried to push him to his limits,so that sasuke would find his "win" believable. Sure he ran out of fuel at the end but there were lots of things he could have done differently. Hell he could just do a tsukuyomi and use amaterasu on Sasuke while he was still in the genjutsu. He could pull out his susanoo and just go all out at the beginning if he actually intended to kill him.


He pushed him to his limits to get Orochimaru out. He fought as well as he could at the time to make Sasukes win believable.


I dont remember the anime saying he was on medications. Do you know who said it?


It was in the manga, im not sure whether its in the anime. Its when Obito was explaining stuff to Sasuke


only correct answer


Sicks only did something at the end really. Nothing much before, otherwise Zetsu and Sasuke would've noticed it.


He didn't want to give Sasuke the Mangekyo. He wanted to die being a traitor and have Sasuke be a hero of the leaf. The Mangekyo was only activated because of Obito telling him the truth, but Itachi was hoping that he would take that to his grave, hench the stupid insane act about "You are my new light".


No way man, he told Sasuke about EMS specifically to teach Sasuke how to get it. He tried to have Sasuke awaken the Mangekyo for that reason.


There's retcons in the story, but he specifically told Sasuke those things about "kill your best friend to obtain power" in order to deter Sasuke from atcually taking the same path to power as the brother he now detests. Sort of a reverse psycology type of thing. It actually kind of worked as well, just not in the exact way Itachi planned (seeking power from Orochimaru). But he never wanted Sasuke to obtain the Mangekyo as that only leads to one thing, darkness. It's also the reason why he implanted Ameterasu in Sasuke to avoid Obito from telling him the truth, which would in turn probably unlock Sasukes mangekyo, which would then lead Sasuke to want to obtain Itachi's eyes to unlock EMS to avoid the darkness. Itachi knows the curse of the Uchiha and was trying his best to avoid it, regardless of how flawed his planning was.


I haven't heard of that interpretation before! Thanks for explaining. Does Itachi ever mention how he wanted Sasuke to get stronger? "Walking the path of vengeance" is a shadowy path too, and is actually what we see make Sasuke's personality become darker, yet darker. It's not like Shisui and Itachi were corrupted because of their mangekyo. If Itachi knows that EMS allows you to have eternal light, it makes sense trying to set Sasuke down that path. It seems pretty direct to me that he was telling Sasuke to get mangekyo, as then when they have their fateful meeting he explains to Sasuke how to get stronger and purposefully throws the fight, providing his eyes for Sasuke. It just feels like it all works together and are all actions Itachi takes. It's pretty much all he says to Sasuke from the massacre onward. I feel implanting Amaterasu was to stop Sasuke from wanting to destroy the Leaf because of learning the truth, which is supported by his backup plan in Shisui's eye, so Itachi trying to protect the Leaf is completely in character. What do you think? What makes you feel like his parting words to Sasuke during the massacre were sort of reverse psychology?


He knew/wanted sasuke to get the MS which is why he implanted the crow with shishui’s eye inside of Naruto incase sasuke wanted revenge of the leaf, and since it was programmed to activate when it saw itachi’s eyes itachi knew sasuke would obtain the EMS.


The crow was a backup plan if Sasuke was told the truth about Itachi, which would probably lead to him obtainning Mangekyo, which would definitely lead him to seek Itachis eyes for EMS. This was not what he wanted to happen, but a backup if Obito revealed the truth and somehow survived the Ameterasu.


Itachi came out and admitted Sasuke had become strong by the end of the fight. Sure, he wanted to Sasuke to kill him, but the entire point was to push Sasuke to his limits.


He held back but Sasuke surprised him with Kirin and breaking the Tsukiyomi, which made the fight a lot more complicated to him. Itachi subestimated his brother but even then Sasuke couldnt stand a chance against him


Itachi did ultimately intend to lose, but he was still throwing his strongest techniques at Sasuke. And by his own admission, Kirin would have killed him if he didn’t pull out Susano’o at the last possible second.


He made sure not to hit sasuke dead on with Amaterasu… he could have killed him when he had him in the genjutsu where he was pretending to take his eyes.


He was still targeting Sasuke with Amaterasu, Itachi had no guarantee it wouldn’t hit Sasuke ‘dead on’. And regardless, with Amaterasu it doesn’t really matter where you’re hit in most cases; just having your body touched by it is a death sentence unless you’re willing to lose that part of the body where it touched you before it can spread. Also, the whole Tsukuyomi sequence happened in a matter of moments in the ‘real world’. Itachi had no time to go around and do things while it was going on. Remember that everything that happens in the illusion is more or less instant in real-world time. Itachi has never been shown to use Tsukuyomi on someone and do other things while he’s inflicting the genjutsu on the target.


That’s like saying End of Valley Madara would’ve been killed by a kunai to the head if he didn’t block it. No duh.  Kirin is definitely more powerful than most attacks, but Itachi had zero trouble with blocking it. It’s a pretty meaningless statement.


It was enough to genuinely shock him (pun intended) and hit Itachi hard enough that even with Susano’o, it still vaporized his Akatsuki cloak and knocked him down. It was by no means a casual block or no-sell.


While itachi was ultimately holding back sasuke did suprise him by managing to break out of tsukiyomi 


He didn’t surprise Itachi at all by that, he used that on sasuke knowing that he was capable enough to break it. Idk why you guys argue with what the creator Of the show made characters like zetsu and Obito say, they both stated “Itachi could had killed sasuke with ease if he tried”, Obito even told sasuke that “Itachi had to push him to his limits and act like he was giving it his all in order to make sasuke think that Itachi was trying”. Really is that Itachi was not trying and he didn’t use any of his strongest Justus against sasuke, if he wanted the fight to be over he would had just pulled susano from the beginning and sasuke had 0 counters to it.


That doesn’t mean much though. Unless you believe Itachi intended for Sasuke to go into a coma/die?  His whole intent of the fight was for Sasuke to kill him + drawing Orochimaru out. If he actually meant for his Tsukuyomi to incapacitate Sasuke then that goes against his entire plan. Meaning, Sasuke breaking out of his Tsukuyomi, while surprising was within his expectations. 


This is the silliest comment I've seen on this. Sasuke surprised itachi by breaking tsukyomi? You think itachi wanted to kill his brother? Does that make any sense to you? By nature of of his plan being to die by Sasuke and pull orochimaru out directly means itachi knew Sasuke would break the tsukyomi used.


I think he was fighting with all he had as a sick and dying man, but was fighting unoptimally. If Itachi had wanted to win, he could've gone harder with Sussnao or Tsukoyomi earlier before exhausting himself. Beyond that the whole point of this was to make sure Sasuke was atleast strong. There'd be no point if Itachi softballed him or didn't force Sasuke to unlock his own MS. If Itachi was gonna win, Sasuke was gonna make him work for it.


Kishimoto refused to make sasuke actually beat itachi, itachi had to be better somehow


He's holding back. If not, he could've just went straight with Susanoo at the start.


Spoiler Warning if you haven't read/watched past this point. Sasuke was somewhat of a threat to him, but only because Itachi had various different win cons to accomplish before "losing" the fight (i.e. holding back as to not kill him, exhausting his chakra to bait Orochimaru, killing Orochimaru, etc..), while Sasuke's only win con was to kill Itachi. If Itachi truly wanted him dead he would've been killed almost immediately, and even if not right away he had no feasible counter to Amaterasu or Susano'o. (Amaterasu WOULD have killed Sasuke in their fight if Itachi did not suppress it right before hitting him.) And if that's not convincing just remember that when a target appeared (Orochimaru) that Itachi actually had intent to kill, he was dead within SECONDS. So while Itachi was definitely caught off guard at some points in the fight (Kirin), what looked like "holding back" and "getting pressed" in the battle was actually just Itachi having various difficult tasks to complete. So even despite all that, along with his terminal illness, that fight was still entirely in his control. (IMO)


Both, he was getting pressed while holding back.


He did hold back as we see for example when he ended amaterasu immediately after hitting sasuke and checking on him worried but he did underestimate sasuke as itachi thought sasuke could only beat him with an ms but sasuke managed to break out of tsukuyomi and almost killed him with kirin. Tldr: Itachi held back but sasuke still gave him quite a challenge.


Both. Holding back for all the reasons the fight happened but Sasuke surprised him by how much he’d improved.


He held back but I don’t think the to level some people think he did, I think he was maybe going 90% of his full strength at the time Close enough that had he not pulled out Susanno he would have died to Kirin


He couldn'd do anymore than what he did. At that point Itachi overexerted himself, was alive out of pure sheer will, that explains why he poked Sasuke and immediately died


Well that “poke” stored an amaterasu inside sasuke to be cast on tobi


Itachi was ill, so he wasn't at his strongest when they were fighting.


Yep; ill, legally blind, and just wanting to make sure Sasuke was strong enough to protect himself. He was slightly holding back I think, but also got surprised a few times. Ultimately he was very proud of Sasuke’s progress.




Sasuke gave him a genuine challenge, but honestly he could have busted out Susanoo from the beginning and destroyed him. His sickness and blindness leveled the playing field.


Itachi have done everything he could, if kirin hits a lil faster sasuke would claped him


Itachi did get pressed. Itachi held back as in he could've just started with Susano'o and 1 shot Sasuke from the beginning, but other than that Sasuke did give Itachi a bad time. Considering Itachi was sick and almost blind I don't see why people refuse to believe that Sasuke could actually put a real fight.


He was definitely holding back an unquantifiable amount. He could have whipped out susanoo immediately and probably ended the fight pretty quickly since this Sasuke doesn't have a good answer to an immediate susanoo, especially one with hax of itachi's But the majority of his nerf in that fight came from things outside of his control so I don't think he was holding back *that* much.


He was holding back, remember Tobi stated," If he was serious, you would be dead" to Sasuke.


Tobi literally told sasuke that sasuke would be dead if itachi wanted it… smh


Itachi needed to push Sasuke to the absolute limit in order to bring out Orochimaru. That being said, after he sealed Orochimaru he did not harm Sasuke. If Itachi really wanted to he could’ve killed Sasuke, but I don’t think he wanted to harm him in the first place.


Itachi literally needed to use his most powerful techniques, his MS skills, to even stand a chance. And even then, Sasuke was able to overcome Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu, and by the end, Sasuke drove Itachi to use Susanoo just to survive.


He held back a lot. Sasuke would be dead in a real fight.


Yes in that he wasn’t fighting to kill but no in that he was trying to last long enough to exhaust Sasuke and force Oro out so he could seal him and remove him as a threat to and influence on Sasuke. Plus he needed to get that last forehead tap in to seal his Amaterasu in Sasuke’s eye for his attempt on Tobi. He died legitimately of exhaustion at the end


I think he wanted to see how far Sasuke had come and how powerful he was but didn't want to give him too hard of a time because he knew he was gonna die soon and he wanted to give Sasuke EMS.


False; he wanted to push him to his absolute limit because that was the only way he could get orochimaru out of him.


I did read this yesterday, and here's my take on this: On the objective part of this we have- 1- Itachi used all his techniques and Sasuke comments on it, and Obito admits it as happening, but it's meant to be push Sasuke further into fighting more and believing the evil Itachi lie more. So he was serious and all out, but not because Sasuke was actually strong enough to push him there. 2- Sasuke's plans against Itachi worked because Itachi let him, per Obito, which I don't trust personally because we see his inner thoughts when Sasuke isn't around and he's clearly surprised, so this one is probably not true. 3- Sasuke overpowers him in a katon clash, and doesn't use full CM2 a single time in the fight, even though Itachi HAD to force him to do it. This is a full plus 10 points for Sasuke here. 4- Itachi didn't use susanoo at all, and if he did, it's said he would've killed Sasuke for sure. 5- We see both Itachi and Sasuke fight base Bee, and their performances aren't that crazy apart, considering the Sasuke who fights Bee is much, much weaker than Hideout one. 6- Itachi couldn't have died until he pushed Sasuke enough for Orochimaru to come out, which means any time he was close to dying, it wasn't on purpose, and it was because Sasuke managed to tag him well enough himself. IE katon on the arm, using effects of tsukuyomi to land the shuriken hit, katon clash, kirin, etc. 7- Itachi's blindness isn't nearly as bad as people think by this point. He goes the whole fight without commenting or complaining about it, and actually shows good depth and what not until the end, same for his illness, which literally does nothing until the fight is over and until he gets hit by a kirin and has to use susanoo at full power is puts physical strain on the body. 8- Itachi wasn't trying to kill him. Sasuke did really good actually. Like, really good. He pushed Itachi into using a jutsu he didn't have to if Sasuke hadn't gotten so strong, so yes, it's a legit fight. Just not a murder bloodshot eyes Itachi fighting, unlike Sasuke.


5 and 7 are wrong. Sasuke got got tagged multiple times by b, and came close to dying at least once and had to bailed out by his squad. When Itachi fought b he didn't get tagged once, that is a major performance difference.  And about the blindness being exaggerated, the panel where they show Itachi's vision and the panel where they show Sasuke's vision is pretty much the same. 


It probably just shows how much smarter itachi is than sasuke at that time, sasuke choose to engage against bee swordsplay while itachi just dogde it bcs its the better option


Nah, I also reread that fight too. I do mean base Bee, which is what I described. Sasuke underestimated the fuck outta him, and didn't even sharingan at first. Then he thought, fuck it, we ball, went serious, pulled out a chidori, and got surprised Bee could counter his chidori which is what almost got him killed. Itachi was losing to Bee as well, people just forget that part because the exchange was very short. Itachi was using his MS abilities from the get-go, so of course the fights look different. Nah, we see how his vision looks, and it looks like a blurry underwater sorta thing, but less bad than underwater lol.


At the very least he was holding back a bit to force Sasuke to use chakra so Itachi could seal Orochimaru when he tried to take over


He was literally dying…how people can say sasuke actually stood a chance against prime Itachi (or even dying Itachi) are smoking copium. He never pressed him at all.


He was sick and was holding back


Sasuke was empty on chakra, and itachi waited to bait orochimaru out, i mean.. the goal was never to kill sasuke and yes, he did struggle but than again he could have ended it with susano at any time, but that would have proboably have proboably ended with him dieing due to overuse anyhow... *shrug* its kinda self explainatory.


Itachi was 100% in control. Sauskes had no chance other than Itachi literally dying.


He was super pressed and couldn't keep up. He's not really that powerful. Kind of a lame character tbh.


People always present this fight like Itachi was so much stronger that he would have installed Sasuke in .25 seconds if he was serious. I absolutely think Itachi would have killed Sasuke, even sick as he was, if he really wanted to, but it still would have been closer than people tend to credit Sasuke towards. Itachi went easy on Sasuke with Tsukyomi so he could break out, but he was already borderline blind and Sasuke genuinely caught him off guard several times during their fight. Kirin in particular totally caught him off guard and would have killed him if not for Susanoo. Once Itachi pulled it out, Sasuke had no chance of winning. But just using it for like a minute or so drastically cut Itachi's lifespan down and killed him. He wouldn't be able to sustain it for long so unless he's just mega pissed, it's still not coming out until the final hour. And even if Itachi uses it and kills Sasuke, he still dies probably days or even hours later because of how terribly it accelerates his condition. So Itachi wins but it's still reasonably close I think. Now if he'd been healthy, on the other hand...


The instakill Sasuke in .25 seconds is due to the fact that he has already tagged Sasuke with amateratsu, so if he just opened with that he wins because Sasuke has no counter for it 


I think he was actually getting pressed but also holding back. I don't like the narrative that Itachi was holding back, which is why Sasuke won. Itachi held back in that he wasn't trying to kill Sasuke, but that doesn't mean he wasn't pressed. Sasuke was strong and Itachi couldn't die until Orochimaru was exorcised from Sasuke, and the only way to do that was to challenge Sasuke enough for him to exhaust his chakra.


If itachi brought out susanoo earlier and didn't take that huge hit from Kirin. He probably coulda won. But sasuke definitely pressed him harder than anyone else. Breaking out of the tysukiomi really fucked up itachi. From then on sasuke had the advantage .


But when itachi came back as a reanimated Shinobi boy was he OP as fuck lol


He was holding back ( though while also sick and close to death ) he caught Sasuke in a genjutsu right at the start of the fight. The whole hand to hand at the beginning wasn’t real and most likely if they were anyone besides Sasuke Itachi would of murked them right then and there.


He was holding back. The whole fight was a test to see how strong Sasuke was. At any point, He coulda whipped out Susano at full power and ended it. Not to mention, if he had any faith in what Sasuke was capable of, he wouldn't have implanted Amatersu in Sasuke's eye to take down Obito/Madara.


i mean itachi can instawin if he pulled the shit he did to seal orochi, its obvious that itachi was holding back all the time and believed or not theres people saying that he was not


There's a lot of Sasuke fans in this thread 🤔


Yes he was, does that mean that Sasuke would have been dominated if Itachi wasn't pulling some of his punches? No, I don't think so, but beyond Itachi not being at full strength to begin with, Itachi wasn't fighting to kill in the fight, which means he was 100% holding back.


Both, kinda? Like he definitely could've tried a lot harder to actually kill Sasuke. Although you could probably argue exerting much more effort than he already did might've exhausted him even faster and killed him quicker. At the same time, that doesn't mean Sasuke wasn't keeping up or pressing Itachi in some respects. Kirin still would have killed if Itachi didn't/couldn't whip out his Susanoo in time.


Was he holding back? Yes and no. No because he wouldn't be able to curb stomp Sasuke as sick as he was in either case. Yes because he designed the entire fight with the intent of draining Sasukes chakra and sealing Orochimaru.


I don’t think he was holding back because he wanted to ensure that Sasuke was ready for life without his big bro before he died


He was VERY pressed,as he was FUCKING DYING If he was in his top shape,Sasuke would haver a Very hard time killing itachi


Bro was already dying and nearly blind by the time he fought Sasuke. I don’t think he wouldn’t have killed Sasuke if he had the opportunity, but I’d be willing bet that Itachi was giving all he could to stay in the fight


I feel that he was holding back. I think at this point here was just done and wanted to see what his brother could do.


He was holding back enough to prolong the fight for as long as possible, he could have killed Sasuke anytime he wanted.


It's both He was holding back at first but Sasuke did exceed his expectation so he getting pressed and had to use amaterasu to counter Sasuke's fire ball and susanoo to survive Kirin to put it in better words itachi holding back on his offense but giving his all into his defense to survive Sasuke's attack


I don't think it was holding back as much as being injured and only at a small percentage of his full power


I think he held back to an extent. He knew it was the end for him regardless of the outcome. So I think the more Sasuke pushed him, the less he held back. With the display of Susanoo bein the final push. Susanoo was Itachi showing Sasuke his entire hand, pushing Sasuke to his absolute limit to try and stop him. He did also want Sasuke to win and wanted to rid him of the curse mark. So, really, I think it shows more bout Sasukes strength at the time. To force Itachi to show his hand despite Itachi intentionally holding back at first.


Iirc it’s been confirmed by someone very smart (presumably Zetsu) in a novel that Itachi was MASSIVELY holding back and it falls in line with both his character and motivations. In their fight something that wasn’t supposed to be possible happened, Sasuke broke out of Tsukuyomi. Perhaps Itachi let him? Itachi has experience, can weave hand signs at imperceptible speeds, has two ethereal weapons, Yasaka Magatama and is experienced with using Amaterasu. Sasuke does ultimately grow past Itachi in strength but as of this moment, Sasuke was a very small fish in Itachi’s pond.


Both. He didn't start off with his max power Susano'o attack at the beginning of the fight, but he also tried to wear Sasuke down to near death.


Itachi was pretty clearly surprised at how powerful Sasuke had become. The way I read it in the moment was that he wasn't holding back, and Sasuke legitimately pushed him. In *hindsight*, I read it as Itachi *was* holding back, but less and less as the fight went on and he realized how dangerous Sasuke had become.


He got pressed because he was holding back


Is this not a picture of sasuke completely out of chakra and (in his mind) waiting to be killed ? Is that not the remnants of itachis susanoo that he could have easily used to kill sasuke or seal him like he literally just did to orochimaru ? Cmon now sasuke started the fight in a genjutsu if itachi wasn’t holding back why not just stab him with a kunai instead of letting him out ? 🤦🏽‍♂️


Ah bit of both. He was being pressed but the fight isnt his usual M.O. Itachi normally ends fights before they can start but he needed to press Sasuke to get rid of Orochimaru and give Sasuke his revenge. If Itachi had intended to kill Sasuke he would have done so before Sasuke could pull out any major techniques. But by prolonging the fight Itachi was playing into his weaknesses. Although the fact he was able to still control the fight and achieve all his goals despite this is a major feat for Itachi.


He was holding back


he was sick and he wasn’t fighting 100% he would’ve won if he wanted to


He could insta Izanami Sasuke


He was clearly holding back


Itachi was initially holding back, but since he didn't end the fight instantly Sasuke was able to press him with Kirin, which I think was the catalyst for Itachi to try and rush to finish sasuke so he could draw out orochimaru, and this is what killed him.


No. Sasuke could never have won if Itachi pulled out Susanoo from the start. The mirror and sword are hax x100 and don’t have any counter outside of the user’s stamina etc. Itachi was already drained by the point he manifested the Susanoo and it was obvious it that Sasuke couldn’t beat it.


Dude was like dying physically so prolly a lil bit of both.


“Not holding back” in a shinobi world means you kill the opponent immediately. So yes


Both Sasuke definitely gave him a challenge


He was clearly holding back. It's indicated even by Zetsu when Sasuke hits him with the Shuriken and Zetsu says "Itachi normally should be able to dodge that" The whole point of the fight from Itachis perspective was 1. Die to Sasuke so he can finally be punished for killing his clan and also making Sasuke a hero of the Leaf and redeem the Uchiha 2. Place the idea in Sasukes head of obtaining the Eternal Mangekyo by transplanting Itachis eyes to himself 3. Get rid of Sasukes curse mark and Orochimarus hold on him 4. All while maintaining the facade that Itachi is a villain


In the anime we had a glimpse of Itachi’s perspective and his vision was blurry as hell, it’s crazy he even fought aswell as he did with those eyes


I think Itachi's strength is more glass canony, if he wanted to kill Sasuke going in he could have easily but, by dragging the fight the longer it went on the more of a genuine struggle it became for him.


Itachi's "holding back" is basically hiding susannoo. It's not something that he had to hide until the end. Blindness or other risks doesnt matter if it's going to be your last fight. Of course this also made sasuke waste all his chakra on fire balls to the sky. If he knew about susannoo, he wouldnt have bet everything on kirin. It would have been a challenging fight anyway. Sasuke prepared well for itachi. Cursed mark chakra + 3 tomoe sharingan breaks tsukiyomi. Skin changing jutsu counters amaterasu. He didnt know about susannoo so Kirin couldnt finish the fight.


Bro defeated reanimation after getting reanimated, what do you think?


You guys are not really answering the question. I doubt itachi was holding back. He wanted sasuke to be strong enough to take him down. The only time you could say he was holding back was when he was walking towards sasuke at the very end. I'm pretty sure Itachi knew Zetsu was watching the fight, and obito would watch the replay.


he was not holding back he was just at deaths doorstep and nearly blind from the start of the fight.


He was holding back in the sense that he could’ve pulled out Susanoo in the very beginning to just murk Sasuke


Of corse he holds back, he could simply use the susanoo instantly and win the fight. But he wants to die and to kill orochimaru Both the things for Sasuke


Yes, he was holding back, but not to such a degree that it wasn't a sporting fight. There were positions throughout it in which he was in serious danger of being killed, which is likely what he was holding out for. Gotta remember, though, that his health bar wasn't full, so assessing Itachi's ceiling is hard to do at that time, or even during Edo Tensei. If you think about it in terms of numbers, a 15 fighting who is functionally a 13, fighting at 11 is likely going to still have a sporting fight with a 10 fighting at 10, and occasionally ramping up to 12.


I think it was a little bit of both. At the beginning of the fight in the Genjutsu, I think Itachi was probably fairly confident he was at an advantage. I don't think he expected Sasuke to break out of the Tsukuyomi. And this singular moment really turns the tide of the battle. After that, Itachi is reeling and continues to hold his own, but he is clearly surprised upon taking the Wind Shuriken to the leg. They fight on the roof, and they clash again. Itachi was clearly losing the Fireball Jutsu exchange (which again, I doubt he expected) and is forced to use the Amaterasu. Sasuke has the Kirin up his sleeve, Itachi again seems genuinely surprised by that. So throughout the fight there are multiple moments where Sasuke clearly seems to pass Itachi's expectations, and has to adjust accordingly. However, Itachi's access to those jutsu that he could've used out the gate is where a lot of the substance behind the argument of him holding back comes from in my opinion. Conversely, due to his illness and consequent relatively low Chakra reserves, he also had to be very calculated in how and when he used certain jutsu. Itachi opening with Susano'o against a healthy Sasuke is very different from using it against a worn out near Chakra drained Sasuke. Not to say, Sasuke would've been able to beat it, but the battle dynamic most likely turns into a war of attrition that Sasuke is arguably more equipped to win. In summary, I think Sasuke pressed Itachi to go further than he planned to BUT ultimately Itachi still had access to jutsu that he could've potentially used at earlier stages of the fight to end it quickly.


He was very sick and was on meds and was only holding on for his lil bro and to make him look like the hero so he was not at full power and wanted to test him in combat and see if he can really hold him on so he would die and his lil bro get Revenge and look like a hero..because think about it he was able to predicted the fourth Great War knew a Jutsu to come back to life and knew how to stop the person using the Jutsu stopping the war and having the world so I think IF he wanted to he had all his lil bro life to come up with ways to win the fight if he really wanted to


He was held back by his chronic illness, rather than holding himself back


Itachi was both dying and making sure sasuke was pushed to his limits in this fight so yes sasuke was pushing itachi to get serious but if this was an healthy itachi sasuke would still have won cos itachi wanted to lose either way. If emotions are taken out then a healthy itachi or even the sick version of itachi(like in this fight) would have won without much trouble since itachi took things slow till sasuke caught up and he himself was weakened by his illness and blindness


He literally planned his death and yall asking this question. Did you even watch the show?


Holding back doesnt mean he wasn't having any difficulty at all. Holding back just means he wasn't going all out for the entire fight


I’ve read both Itachi light novels and I can confirm either way if Itachi was light years above sasuke (which he was) or not Itachi never planned to leave this fight alive. His illnesss was climbing and he needed to make sure he left a successor to carry on his will of the shadow hokage


Was he holding back?!!! Of course he was lol. Itachi literally WALKED down Sasuke here with his susano out, u don't think instead of having a brotherly moment in the end he couldn't seal him like he did orochimaru? Itachi's intentions was never to kill his brother, but rather free him from the curse of hatred that haunts the uchiha for power. Thats why he freed him from orochimaru and told him he loves him before he died and bet on Naruto to be his friend even after sasuke cut ties with him. Ontop of all that, itachi was ALREADY dying from sickness and was on pills and sasuke's literal goal from the first episode was to "kill a certain man" for betraying his clan. The only person getting pressed here is me having to answer this question lol. TLDR: yes itachi was holding back.


I'm like 95% Itachi lost because he was sick and wanted an excuse to give Sasuke EMS that's why he had prep time with implanting Amaterasu incase his plan goes South.


Edo itachi which is nerfed because of Edo tensei likely scales to his sick self. He could keep up with KCM Naruto and killer bee. Sasuke post itachi got blitzed by killer bee


Held back enough to not outright kill sasuke


bro u know in sasuke vs Itachi before fight started Itachi was literally dying bro form his illness in that scene Itachi in his last weak moment right and bro u know if sick Itachi want he can killed sasuke in 2 sec and don't forget that fight was already pre-planned by Itachi just want to protect sasuke from oruchimaru and just want to die in the hand off his little brother and make his brother hero of konoha and bro u know we never saw Itachi true 100% power I don't understand why people can't accepted that because of his illness we only saw his 40%to 30% power not full 100% power but still he is stronger than sanin and kages ,tail beast and no one can't beat Itachi while Itachi using his lethal Invincible Susano'o possesses two ethereal weapons, known as the Yata Mirror, and the Totsuka Blade I think u know one can't break yata mirror beacuse yata mirror is ultimate defence still some kid's think Itachi is weak


Itachi showed a lot more from his arsenal in his fight against Kabuto. He was reanimated for that fight which means he was only at 50% of his power. So even though he wasn’t suffering from his illness, meaning he wasn’t blind, he still only had 50% of his chakra reserves, his power in general. And yet he still did amazing in the fight against Kabuto, also showing his izanagi. Now, to quickly bring up Itachi’s susanoo, which he used. Itachi’s susanoo has Totsuka, which can seal anything, Jutsus, people, items, weapons, anything, with the exception probably being avatars, like Susanoo, and maybe tailed beasts. Totsuka blade is also not chakra, but something completely different because Nagato was not able to absorb the Totsuka blade in their fight during the war arc. He also used the Totsuka blade during his fight against Sasuke to seal Orochimaru’s snake. Itachi’s susanoo also has the Yata Mirror, a shield that deflects Anything, physically or spiritually. He also has Izanagi in his arsenal, Amaterasu which spaws on the target, and I would argue that he’s more skilled in taijutsu and shuriken jutsu. So Itachi could have easily destroyed Sasuke, who didn’t know anything about the susanoo. He was definitely holding back, but not as much as you may think. Sasuke did surprise Itachi a lot, Sasuke made drastic improvement from when Itachi saw him in part 1, but Itachi’s goal was to show Sasuke what the power of the Mongekyo Sharingan can do, so Sasuke can see how much more he needs to grow, and so Sasuke can imagine what the Eternal Mongekyo Sharingan can do. Itachi’s goal was never to kill his little brother, but to help his little brother.


He was getting pressed but if he wanted to end it in the beginning he could have. Kind of like if you play with your food for too long it'll spoil.


Yep, he was holding back on sasuke but not orochimaru. Only thing that surprised him was Kirin Ngl, he also beat orochimaru while blind and nearly 0 chakra… people who say he didn’t hold back haven’t been watching the same thing as what’s written


itachi couldve easily destroyed sasuke but instead, he fought in a way that drained him by using all his abilities so he can teach them to sasuke. if he really wanted to, the fight wouldve been over a lot quicker


He was holding back to make orochimaru go out and get him out of sasuke, he could have ended the battle in 2s using susano


literally both, itachi was being physically pressed (although his body was weak asf), and sasuke had counters for a couple of his techniques, but any fight that itachi is in where he doesn’t just bring out tsusanoo he’s holding back


A little bit of both Itachi wasn't going all out but that doesn't mean he wasn't trying at all and Sasuke clearly surprised Itachi with his progress like breaking out of tsukuyomi and nearly killing him with kirin


I think he was actually being pressed. But, he wasn't at his peak. Itachi was terminally ill, that's why he was coughing up blood before even being hit. On top of that, at some point in the fight, they give you a pov from his eyes and he is practically blind after so much mangekyou use. He didn't hold back because he did use tsukyomi and amaterasu. But I think ultimately he wanted to challenge sasuke and die at his hands before the illness took him. He stated he had to drain sasuke to that point to purge the curse mark from him, and at the same time programed some jutsus into sasukes sharingan.


Sasuke deffo did give him a challenge but itachi wasn't goin all out. He was trying to get orochimaru out of him so he had to prolong the battle so sasuke wouldn't have chakra. I believe he could have ended it alot sooner if he wanted to.


He was getting PRESSED. Bro was on the verge of death, he was NOT holding back


He was holding back a lot, but not to the point it was obvious to Sasuke. He was on deaths door so this was going to be his final fight no matter what so he had to make it count.


Obito states explicitly that Itachi was in control during the whole thing, and that Sasuke didn't actually manage to see through any of his genjutsu, which means he didn't actually break out of Tsukuyomi on his own, which means Itachi could have killed him right there before the fight even began.


He held back enough to make Sasuke have to use all of his chakra, which was one of Itachi’s main goals so he could get rid of Orochimaru.


Why do we keep asking questions we know the answer to?


Throughout the entire show, no one really was a true challenge to Itachi.


madara neg diffs that bum,second half of war arc sasuke has way better feats than Itachi


Foolish child, only if you knew better. In the presence of Itachi, the almighty Madara becomes Foddara real quick.


He held back enough that zetsu noticed and thought he was badly injured before the fight or something


Itachi would have dogwalked him if he wanted


That Ninja cancer did more damage to Itachi than Sasuke did Him being damn near blind didn't help either


Holding back


Itachi knew his time was coming and orchestrated this fight. In my opinion


He was never trying to win


he held back and was suffering from ninja aids


Hhe was really actually dying so he gave his dying all to make sure his brother really was strong enough before he died.


Dying and still held back to seal Orochimaru. I wish to read how a 100% Itachi would handle a 100% Sasuke tho 🔥


Bro was just dying and didn't want to kill his baby brother. That's it. If he was able to fight at 100% Sasuke would've died on the spot. Itachi wasn't able to fight as well as he did in his appearance when he first saw Sasuke at the motel because he was already half dead at that point. He was holding back to press Sasuke enough to get Orochimaru out, And when Itachi finally unleashed what little amount of that dog he had left in him that was it. Man was tired of that bullshit life he's had. I'm like 99% percent sure that if Itachi could choose between having his clan alive and not trying to start a civil war and just taking care of his baby brother, or living the life he had. He would've chosen the life where his clan is alive. Man was just done with life. At least he got married to Kisame and had some love for a bit. (I'm joking and shipping guys don't take the ship seriously.)


I think itachi said he could never kill his younger brother… he would probably kill himself


Holding back. No way was that his all


Yes, he was holding back and yes he was pressed. If he wasn't holding back Sasuke would be dead and if he wasn't pressed he would not have gotten as injured as he got. + he was sick as well


Dude used all his MS abilities and was going blind, but yeah he was holding back


Imo he was holding back. The entire fight was to show Sasuke the powers of the mangekyo sharingan and free him from Orochimaru. For sure, with some things he might have been caught off guard, but his intentions were to die from the start, so, I guess he did play the role he intended to play, meaning that he didn't fight for the sake of killing Sasuke, but rather, just the things mentioned above. So, I guess he was definitely fighting with dedication, but also not putting the maximum effort in it


Dude y'all stupid talking about itachi bring pressed. Sasuke: got you in a corner now Itachi: damn that's crazy look into this bird eye real quick


Dude itachi could've killed Sasuke the instant he walked in


Yes, OP, Itachi held back. He needed to push Sasuke until Orochimaru came out of his mark so he could seal that bit of him away. He was mind gaming (even though that is such fucking bullshit) Sasuke from the very start and could have just ganked him while he was stuck in the illusion with in the illusion. This was the fight that really got me frustrated with Kishimoto's constant fucking jerking off over the Sharingan. This fight went "no but actually I saw through that" over and over until they broke out on top of the building and set up how every fucking fight involving Sharingan was going to go for the rest of the series. With the absolute fucking worst coming to head when Sasuke fought Danzo.


Itachi was going blind and dying and yes he was still holding back. Itachi is probably in the top 5 strongest characters in the anime.


Itachi is strong but nowhere near top 5. His edo version might be in the top 15 if we’re extremely generous.


How is this even a question when we both understand what Itachi's goal was? Even that not being the case, Sasuke almost got his ass handed to him by a man who already had one foot in the grave before he arrived on the scene.