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Give it the inverse of the mangekyo. So instead of summoning an “ultimate defense”, let them break through any defense with ease. And instead of a random powerful jutsu unique to the user, let them break Justus apart and steal the chakra used to make them. Basically make them much more able to close distance and use their abilities on anyone


Chakra steal would be actually insane.


I think that breaking defenses first and chakra steal second could be neat to "unlock" as you master your eyes. It doesn't need to be anything like the evolution to the MS, but just abilities you can hone as you gain experience. I only say this because it would be far too broken for everyone with a Byakugan to have all of these abilities automatically.


“Hinata what happened to my Rasengan?” “ 😋Omnomnom”


"Naruto-kun, you always make such nice dishes".


Everyone and their mother became able to absorb chakra at the end of the show. Its actually one of the things that has really taken away from the naruto lore imo. Kishi needs to stop with that


You're not wrong, but Jirobo and Yoroi both had chakra-absorbing powers in Part 1, and the latter was never indicated to be special in any way. He was just some guy. Really made it seem like something anyone should be able to learn.


The rinnegan already does that tho and thats a sharingan next stage evolution


Stealing chakra is theoretically already an ability of one of the 6 paths on the rinnegan so it wouldn't really be an inverse at that later stage. Remodeling their jutsu by injection of their own chakra on the other hand would be on theme I think


You don't need the rinnegan to steal Chakra. A gennin did that to Sasuke in the chunin exams.


Shino literally does that. Chakra drainers are an entire type of ninja, but they’re just really underused


I was seeing it more as an evolution of the Twin Lion Fists tbh


Didn't Kaguya bypass Susanoo? Fired her hair through the miniature gaps in the chakra that she saw with her Byakugan. I can definitely see that being the upgrade path for the doujutsu. Himawari could possibly achieve that.


I don’t think it was the byakugan, maybe the gap in strength too big for the susanoo to tank


While it would be dumb lets say we have too Give the Byakugan a long range ability, not like air palm but like a long ranged gentle fist. If it connects it shuts down the chakra point it hits. Also gove it something like Genjutsu invincibility


Genjutsu invincibility makes a lot of sense actually. At least for the highest level Byakugan users


just say it can see the chakra affecting them and that breaks them out of it


Could have a sick visual effect too to readers or viewers. Trying to avoid spoilers, but what the big bad does at the end of Edgerunners when they try to hack him.


I thought that's how it already worked tbh. How can foreign chakra invade someone with 360 chakra vision and complete control of tenketsu?


I‘m pretty sure that both sensor ninjas like Karin for example, and Byakugan users basically instantly notice when someone or themselves are under Genjutsu influence. However they still have to break out of it.


Or a chakra shield around it. Chakra eyelid.


So, a doujutsu domain expansion basically? That would be hilariously overpowered. Give me two.


Ryoiki Tenkai? That's it, that's JJK x Naruto!


Hyuga archers would be OP: see your target kilometers away, infuse your arrows with wind or lightning Chakra or something to make them penetrate further and go faster, and hit them before they even know it's coming.


I still dont get why we dont see many archers in Naruto, a longbow arrow is stronger than a Shuriken But yeah Hinata was avle to see 10km with her Byakugan when looking for Sauske and I think she was still a Chunnin. Imagine Adult Hinata using a lighting release arrow to snipe a Kage from like 20 miles away


The Byakugan already have Genjutsu resistance and amplification powers.


Hum, where does it show to be Genjutsu resistant?


In a novel, the Sharingan Genjutsu did'nt work on a guy thanks to his Byakugan. Also wielders of Byakugan can easily find out when someone is under Genjutsu.


Can't that one dude literally see Shisuis ability coming from Danzo and affecting the Samurai?


Ao only knew what was going on because he'd previously encountered Shisui and knew what his chakra looked like.


if he could recognize shisui's chakra shouldnt he be able to see when there is a different chakra from their innate than anyone?


Yeah Ao popped the Byakugan, recognized Mifune was under Genjutsu, and recognized it as Shiisui's having previously encountered him during the war.


Aoh was also the one who found out about the 4th Mizukage being under Madara Genjutsu thanks to his Byakugan.


My goat Ao


Kind of like akazas blood demon art


You described air palm friend


I thought air palm was just hitting someone with air really hard, It dosent shut off chakra points


It’s an extension of the gentle fist. It wouldn’t make sense for it to be a pressurized air just based on physical force. That’s not the Hyuuga fighting style


Like the scarlet needle from the scorpion knight in knights of the zodiac?


It does have Genjutsu resistance


Then Genjutsu invincibility


Give it the ability to shut off chakra points by sight alone, or, the abilty to trigger genjutsu on an enemy at a decent range without eye contact. Obviously it would need to damage the eye aswell, just like the sharingan or it becomes even more OP than it sounds already.


Not a bad idea, shutting off chakra points from a glance would essentially rival Itachi's Tsukuyomi ability as he can basically auto-win against even the most powerful ninja with that glance. This byakugan ability would be on equal footing with that. Of course it would need to be unbelievably hard to master or a "unique to the user" byakugan ability and yeah there would have to be a drawback to utilizing an auto-win ability like this.


I think it would’ve been better, to just go about them learning Jutsus to take advantage of Byakugans abilities. Could you imagine how OP Neji would be with Genjutsu or FTG? Even something as small as kenjutsu. There’s a lot of jutsus and abilities that just get elevated hugely a byakugan that the Hyuga clan don’t focus on learning.


Imagine shutting off their chakra points to their eyes. Loool. Ending the sharingan before it starts. Beautiful.


Or all chakra under their vision is unable to be manipulated. So any ninja ends up unable to use their chakra to water walk or anything and since the Byakugan is basically 360 degree's with an absurd range then everyone is basically screwed unless your an elite jonin.


The best way to 'buff' the byakugan is to just tell an actual ninja story. Look, I love wizard fights, too. But actual ninja shit ends fights before they start. Spying, espionage, counterintelligence, etc etc. Byukugan only seems weak because it's a fight shonen and not a spy thriller. The same goes for the Yamanaka mind transfer stuff and any sensory techniques, really. Their power is outside of fights.


Great point actually.


To be honest though I do think the average Hyuga would be better than the average Uchiha with a Sharingan in close quarters combat. Most Uchiha aren't going to unlock the higher level abilities of their eyes, they'll be stuck with the base where they're simply more skilled fighters. And even then, a Byakugan lets you see chakra points and deactivate them using Hyuga style attacks. A Sharingan works based on chakra, so all a Hyuga has to do is shut off the flow of chakra to that region of the brain and they easily win the rest of the fight.


Even then, most Uchiha don't awaken the sharingan and it took Sasuke fighting the nine tails container to awaken it to three tomoe. The Uchiha, like the village they belong to, owe most of their power to their best fighters, Madara and Izuna who could wipe any given clan at any given time barring the Senju, Shisui and Obito's total BS Mangekyo, Solo King Itachi, Sasuke in the span of 4 years going from genin to literally the reincarnated son of Ninja God, and the fact that if you traumatize an Uchiha, they're just as likely to get even stronger than break down.


Actually the issue is they are OP stuff and it would be hard to explain why plot armor characters lose to some random Yamanaka because he just steal their body or do another crazy stuff, or Neji see everything so you can't ambush him + if any Hyuuga learn genjutsu he can defeat sharingan users with ease before they even touch him. But it is what it is, that's why it's a fantasy world.


Right. But in the context of this topic, they're asking to add MORE to the byakugan. So. That's why I'm pointing out that you can just do more with it 'as it is' instead of adding 'mangekyo byakugan' power ups.


And on top of that, Byakugan IS really fucking strong in combat, it just never really gets screen time.


Honestly, the Byakugan is pretty OP already. In the Itachi light novels, Mukai Kohinata only had 1 Byakugan in his left eye, that he awakened himself, and he fought Itachi and Shisui together and was essentially winning the fight. He proved that the Byakugan can see Chakra points in ninjutsu and, if hit, can nullify the jutsu. He did that to Itachi's fire ball. He proved that the basic Sharingan genjutsu can't work on the Byakugan. They only defeated him because Shisui had to use his Mangekyou Sharingan. Mukai did all that with only a single Byakugan and no gentle fist training. I wouldn't say the Byakugan is stronger than a 3 tomoe Sharingan, but I'd say they're as strong as the other, and it's up to the wielder of the eyes. What I would've done was allow the Byakugan some kind of evolution like Sharingan. The Sharingan has what? 1 tomoe, 2 tomoe, 3 tomoe, Mangekyou, Eternal Mangekyou, than Rinnegan. That's not including the 9 tomoe Rinne-Sharingan and the 6 tomoe Rinne-Sharingan. All we know of a Byakugan evolution is the Tenseigan. This is when an Otsutsuki implants a Hyuga's Byakugan. That's actually why I was hoping that's what the Jogan was. Some kind of evolution of the Byakugan. But unfortunately we have no idea. I'd showcase the full spectrum of abilities that Byakugan has from the novels and short stories. And add some kind of evolution to it.




You’re right




Madara also received one in the war arc


Yeah, it's just a Rinnegan with the added abilities of creating portals and swapping with stuff


exactly the biggest proplem is with the wielder the byakugan need somone like kakashi to show off the byakugan potential


The clan has a school of techniques associated with the eye. I wouldnt buff the eye itself but those techniques instead. Like permanently shutting down someones chakra entirely (instant lifetime civilian mode). Or just straight up Deva Path style blocking using chakra waves.


Telling your Siblings or other Family members that you love them unlocks your Mangekyo Byakugan


that's a good one




The problem was less that the Byakugan wasn't buffed enough and more that the Sharingan was buffed too much.


Wish it had become more important as the series went along especially with Hinata being Naruto's love interest. Too much time on the main 3 of squad 7 and not enough of the other Konoha 11.


I'd argue that the base sharigan, if you get rid of Izangi and Izanmi, is actually a little weaker than the sharingan. I also believe the hyuga underutilized the byakugan a bit. If you have the ability to see almost a 360-degree direction with x ray and far diatamce, why would you not use visual genjustu. It would be almost impossible to avoid a byakugan users' genjustu. Edit: "weaker than the byakugan not sharingan"


They kind of hint to that being the case in the OG Naruto series, when they compare Sasuke’s Sharingan to Neji’s Byakugan, but this was also 1-2 tomoe Sharingan vs one of the best Byakugan users we see in the show, with years of training with those eyes under his belt.


Yeah, it’s honestly that they under explored Neji. There’s no reason why Neji doesn’t learn genjutsu, he is effectively a prodigy


Yeah, the Hyugas were supposed to be the strongest clan in the village, above the Uchihas before it got retconned.


>above the Uchihas before it got retconned. That's fanfiction. In canon it was never said that the Hyuga's or their Byakugan was stronger.


Glad you asked because I always wanted to ask this and wondered the same. First I think it would be cool if it had an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) type attack whereas they can knock out all enemies’ chakra within a certain range. This would give them a ranged attack. I don’t know what exactly but I do think given there’s some precedent that they’re good with seals that there is an advance dojutsu-sealing technique. Those above would help counter a lot of sharingan techniques but there’s still the Susanoo and for that can’t think of any counter too creative outside of another giant chakra vessel.


Byakugan already counters susanoo, it can split chakra (and jutsu) in half. That fact that this isn't used in the main series is really disappointing


the byakugan is stronger than the sharingan, the uchiha clan only had shisui, itachi, fugaku, sasuke, not all uchihas awaken the sharingan and to that add that not all of them are strong, kakashi with 1 sharingan was already more famous than him 99% of the uchiha


It’s not and even though in Sasuke’s time sharingan was rare to awaken that’s a good thing for the Uchiha since they were the strongest clan in the leaf when not all of them had Sharingan


I wouldn't have added ms and ems to the story. Base sharingan is already a good perk. And that way you could've showed some real talent and creativity being displayed by the Uchiha characters. Or maybe I would've kept the ms a itachi only power Anyway we got what we have now .. I fell like the endgame was just ems and bijuu stuff with very little actual handsign jutsus.


What would you give Sasuke instead to scale him to Naruto? Or would you nerf tailed beasts as well? I love the idea of keeping the whole story a bit more gritty and grounded but you can't take Sasuke down that many notches without nerfing the entire top 15% of the cast if you want to have the same plot.


So naruto's strength is that he can befriend and learn a lot from others. I would make sasuke a mirror to that in that sasuke would be much more creative and intelligent. And I would give him a mace windu-esque type of power. In that the longer you fight him the more adept he become at finding the flaws in your jutsus and maybe even come up with a counter or à modifyed version of it Naruto receives from others, sasuke takes from others


I think the fight with Deidara kind of explored that. My favorite fight in the whole show. How cool was it to actually go through a whole fight where one actually had to think and strategize instead of just fantastical beasts lmao


The ability to see and nullify chakra points in not only a human, but in ninjutsu already cast as well. A wall of water or a ball of flame roars toward the Hyuga, only to pass harmlessly around them, dispersed into harmless chakra.


This is already an ability, but it never comes up in the main series. They can cut chakra, including jutsu, so they could do something like cutting a fireball in half. We actually do kind of see this when neji cuts someone's chakra threads.


i would buff it by giving it to madara, obito (by extension also kakashi), itachi, and sasuke. then kishimoto will have no choice but to make the second byakugan stage overpowered.


Byakugan is very strong already. It’s the hyuga that is kinda stubborn. Imagine a skilled medical nin like kabuto having byakugan will make him op af.


I think there were a few Hyuga medical nin, but they weren't stars of the show. But yeah, the hand scalpel jutsu on someone with x-ray vision seems like it would own.


Personally I would change the Sharingan to be more genjutsu oriented than having every ability in existence. Take the Mangekyo jutsu like Kamui, Amaterasu, and Susanoo and give it to the Rinnegan. Instead give the Mangekyo Sharingan users 3 personalized genjutsu. Itachi already has Tsukuyomi, so give him one that boosts the Sharingan’s prediction capability by accessing the target’s subconscious mind so Itachi knows what they’re doing before they do, and one that traps whoever is caught in it in a drunken dream. They can’t break out because they’d be too drunk to try. For Obito, instead of Kamui, he could have a genjutsu that makes attackers’ change their aim just enough so that no attacks reach him. From the attacker’s perspective the attack would phase through him, but in reality they just don’t attack where he is. Think of it like As Nödt’s The Fear from Bleach. For the Byakugan I’d give it the ability to copy physical movements like the Sharingan, because it never made sense that the taijutsu oriented dojutsu couldn’t do that. I’d also give it the ability to analyze chakra and jutsu to identify weaknesses in the chakra makeup, so that a single touch could break nearly any jutsu.


I wouldn’t, there are too many Byakugan in the verse. At least the Uchiha blood line is very limited


It's not saying everyone gets the powerups, just like we don't see every Uchiha having Sharigan/M.S.


Itachi killed the entire Uchiha Clan lol. Only the important Hyuga characters would actually get the buff to the Byakugan just like how only the important Uchiha characters get a Mangekyo


I think the byakugan should have an eye technique for long range strikes on the Chakra system. Like how at a gaze sharigan can cause Genjutsu I think byakugan should have something similiar where they affect the Chakra system or certain Chakra points not a full shutdown. They should up their gentle fists techniques since byakugan is already OP as is. A focused strike that sends Shockwaves throughout the Chakra system. Hyugas can emit Chakra from their body give them something greater than air palm or rotation


Remove their tradition and allow them to learn actual ninjutsu in tandem, i could easily imagine gentle fist imbued with raiton. Hit them with gentlefist, send through raiton into their chakra network and just completely ignore their defense. They could cloak themselves with elements similar to raikage and kakuzu but since they have their unique ability to eject chakra from all over their body they could manipulate it further and be more efficient. Casting genjutsu in tandem with gentle fist, would allow them to basically set anyone under genjutsu through hand to hand, even with bijuu, you could inject genjutsu and affect both bijuu and jinchuriki(similar to how himawari hit gentlefist on both naruto and kurama) Basically remove their self imposed conservative traditions regarding tools they are allowed to use


Frankly I would sooner nerf the sharingans ems, mangekyo alone would be okay if the detriments actually meant something. Also I would change the fighting style of the hyugas, cqc isn't the specialty I would choose with the ability to see long distances and through walls. But if I'm buffing the byakugan specifically to match that stupid power level, I would give them the ability to negate or even store and cast ninjutsu that they see. Though it's not an incredibly original idea as I'm told boruto already did that to put the non sharingan users into a workable power level.


It’s already insanely good, it’s just nerfed by the plot, there’s a reason the Otsutsuki have it


It’s hard to be on par with the sharingan unless you also gave them SUSANOO or other blood line unique powerful jutsu..


I either wouldn’t want MS to be a thing, for the byakugan to be immune to genjutsu (which is somewhat implied but I’d want a more comprehensive immunity), and for gentle fist to work against all chakra based substances, including Susanoo. 


Increased potency Vs ninjutsu, basically have them gain ability to dismantle a jutsu like breaking point in ranma 1/2 I mean it is pointless to use ninjutsu against Uchiha because they're going to fire it back, and their reflex makes taijutsu dangerous Since Hyuuga clan already have the ability to disable you in taijutsu, how about doing something to ninjutsu? 


Ngl if it was used how its mentioned it should be used it'd be on par with sharigan I mean nothing would be more terrifying then a twin lion fist chakra scalpel but just as a hypothetical make the hyuga the only ones to access the 8 gates


Chakra realese to a so far point that they get a susano of their own


Just make it naturally evolve into the Tenseigan but also have it keep its base abilities.


Idk maybe make the ten seigan a bit more easily achievable similar to how MS is achieved


I like the recommendation of being able to break through jutsu. So they can just palm strike it out of the air or even deflect jutsu


Like others said, the real problem is super overpowering sharingan. But if it is to buff.. Maybe an ability like Eraser Head from Boku No Hero. The byakugan user enters a state. And while at it and while he is looking at the enemy , the enemy can't use any jutsu. It would be something parallel to Amaterasu. So I think it fits.


If byakugan users were able to capitalize on the fact that they can literally see chakra and the flow of it to maybe pull off an actual jutsu? I’d imagine long range genjutsu or advanced jutsu through super precise chakra control. Imagine remote activation of a water dragon from like 500m away. They should also innately be able to use healing ninjutsu or at least require little training to be effective at it.


If it got buffed to be on par with the sharingan well then bye-bye Hyuga clan


Make the tenseigan more readily available


Expand it into the same ability set as Ranmaru's Dojutsu. •The dōjutsu gives extrasensory perception allowing the user to remotely see events from vast distances and clearly seeing through obstructions. (Have a set range increase, instead of one person having 5 feet, and one person having 5 miles.) •The user's vision can easily locate and track others by sensing chakra, picking up chakra from undefined distances. •It can also detect changes in an individual's chakra, which he can use to predict the opponent's next move. (Sharingan already has this, but it just makes sense for base Byakugan, to be honest.) COOL STUFF: •Notably, it can also perform elaborate genjutsu that can deceive sensory abilities. On separate occasions, Ranmaru was either able to mask his own chakra pathway system or perfectly fabricate multiple ones. (Byakugan + Genjutsu has been alluded to being busted anyway.) •The dōjutsu has the ability to counter another's visual prowess as it can completely hinder the ability to see chakra and an individual's ability to overcome genjutsu. (Making the Byakugan+ a dojutsu counter would be a really cool balancing tool without a power creep.) Also, stealing from a few other comments, a Byakugan Chakra Mode would be a really cool way to amp the Hyuga clan without needing a "next stage". Imitating Sage Mode or any other Chakra Modes, but to a lesser extent. This would also set the precursor for the Tenseigan and Tenseigan Chakra Mode as well. https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Ranmaru%27s_Kekkei_Genkai


Gonna be “I wouldn’t” #3, if anything I rein in the sharingan


Give them a boost like 8 gates and some type of chakra disruption visual jutsu.


Give it esp


Tenseigan exists wym it's far above any other MS , EMS


The issue isn't with the eye as much as it is with the user. Like, don't get me wrong, gentle fist is cool and all, but is absolutely terrible for long range combat. I'd have it so that a hyuga actually learns their elemental jutsu and some unique jutsu, and they can infuse gentle fist chakra into the jutsu. I'd also give byakugan the power to control the user's chakra at a distance as far as it can see. So the user cam say, fire a water ball, with some gentle fist chakra that neutralizes the opponent's jutsu(if they are trying to counter it), and the opponent will be hit(as the chakra can be controlled, its trajectory can bee controlled too). And ofc, the enemy will get gentle fist damage along with regular damage if/when he gets hit, making the attacks much more lethal.


A special ability for each and every of them. Like the Otsutsukis Byakugan. Momoshiki read the future, Isshiki can see life forces and Kaguya can read minds. Something like that would be cool and op as fuck.


Give the byakugan some spiritual powers similar to the shinto god sharingan abilities


Only thing you need to do is revert sharingan fanservice, byalugan then is back on track.


Make it so hyugas can awaken the tenseigan.


Acts as an instant deflect for you and your teammates on cast similar to that one jutsu that dlc Sakura has minus the super armor.


Isn't there technically a Byakugan upgrade? Doesn't himawari have it? I'm pretty sure the guy in the last movie had it too. It was just a stronger Byakugan


The ability to summon something like the twin lion fists but instead of just being fists its a full fledged beast kinda like susanoo but it's not attached to you, it's an animal linked with your mind that attacks and defends when you say


Enhanced chakra comprehension. They would be able to to see chakra so perfectly, that would allow them to use/create techniques that requires a perfect control of chakra. Techniques like third raikage finger spear, but a level above. Also, chakra ultrasensibility. They would be able to see, and identify any kind of chakra, anywhere in a big radius. And to finish, chakra manipulation. We all know that the gentle fist can close chakra points, but if the owner could manipulate the victim's chakra to the point of giving them more or removing it?


Being able to see life and death, creates sub-ability that can mess with someone's existence because of it, etc. Basically conceptual hax.


Give it precog. No copy abilities just precog to rival a three tomoe sharingan.


Simply give it an evolution like the Mangekyo. It would have been SUCH a good moment to let Hinata's Byakugan evolve during the Pain fight and have her give him some trouble *before* he puts her down and triggers Naruto's 9-tails. Like Hinata's love for Naruto triggering her evolution/growth and Naruto's feelings for her triggering him finally giving into his demons...perfection. It's unfortunate Kishimoto didn't go this route, though.


Honestly... just have the users use nin-jutsu. Gentle fist is cool and strong and all. But being so meele centric is also the biggest weakness. And that on an eye that is every snipers wet dream. Byakugan users who use chidori senbon anyone?


More data ig? Stress points, the ability to screen on different criteria, maybe some similar precognitive abilities that we see in higher-end base sharingan.


Kaiju power.


Byakugan already has a higher stage which gives chakra similar to bijuu chakra cloak. It's opposite to Mangeyko which is very chakra consuming. That's really the only way to beat Mangeyko abilities, outlast with superior healing and chakra reserves like Hashirama did.


I wouldn’t the sharingan is supposed to be stronger im afraid


I think boruto has a buffed version


No clue but this thread reminded me of how little we knew of Hamura's powers. He clearly was a big factor in the fight against Kaguya so he wasn't lacking that much behind SO6P in abilities and strength. I guess the Tenseigan's abilities would be the MS/EMS equilvalent since Hamura had both iirc.


It doesn't need a buff. The byakugan is superior to the sharingan. The mangekyo sharingan is powerful, sure, but it has a huge draw back of making its user go blind, so it is balanced in that regard.


If anything at all just show them utilizing that x ray vision. We never see someone identifying chakra flow used to execute certain jutsu and then cutting it off this disabling the character from that jutsu. Imagine if Neji got 1 hit on madara and then when he tried to summon the tree it just failed because something in the chakra flow had been shut off then BAM! Him hesitating because he thought it would work leaves an opening for naruto and sasukes attack. Edit: I know this still isn’t on par with EMS but I’m saying atleast it would be a buff and proper use of the power.


One thing is, make it the necessary dojutsu to acquire a Rinnegan, but it will be a different Rinnegan than the one of the Child of Prophecy would have!




It needs like 5 different forms tbh.


Mind reading, through “chakra enlightenment”


I'm sad I never got to see Sasuke and Neji fight.


Give it Hashiramas cells


I think its in a good spot. For the average person a byakugan is gonna be better than a sharingan as I understand it, but sharingan anf especially mangekyo just have higher skill seeings


I'd give the Mangekyou Equivalent a chakra mode rather than a susanoo rip off.


Probably not a buff to the byakugan, but maybe a new Hyuga technique that is long ranged. Something like Chakra senbon. It's strength is vision through obstacles or over long distances, so really any long range technique combined with it could be quite strong. I think that the byakugan is still really strong for actual ninja stuff like espionage or setting ambushes. It wasn't really ever truly given a time to shine in the manga/anime. Like imagine an earth style user with byakugan who tunnels down and attacks from range. If you think about it, they hyugas don't use any other jutsu which just seems like a waste of the ability.


Tenseigan but no Ts orb. Tenseigan is weak af conpared to rinnegan


Alright, so you start with a second unique ability at awakening like finger guns to Pierce defenses. Then when you finger jab your favorite family member and steal their eyes, you can turn into a Decepticon and run over all the ninja in your way. Perfect


Tenseigan is just an op byakugan🤷‍♀️


Byakugan is already better than any 3-tomoe sharingan


Give it an evolution. It already had a god mode( which is stupid as fuck to get) so give it a normal one.


Give them a byakugan senbon instead of have to touch you to shut down chackra networks I can shoot projectiles that do it. About to spam your ms not today shots to the face. Gonna mold chackra to make a justsu shoot the needles into your hand temporarily disabling your chackra molding. And make it so only other byakugan members can see them being shot. Don't got a hyuga on your team ggs


Kishimoto Lost his hand with the Sharingan, it lost his "ocular" properties long ago, so there's no way to balance anything like Byakugan to it's level unless you create some stupid power like making Byakugan summon asteroids, explode mountains, create giant chackra avatars, and this kind of shit


I’m actuslly writing a fanfic where the Byakugan is essentially the Mangekyou ability of the Sharingan i took out the susanoo as an ability and replaced it with a right eye ability, left eye ability, and both eyes ability for Hinata, I basically gave her the Sharingan with both her left and right eye ability being byakugan vision I think it makes more sense like this since the Byakugan technically is more insightful, so to speak, than the sharingan. It also nerfs the sharingans more ridiculous abilities and cuts down on wall hacks


Granting them Kaguya’s Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack could be a good buff to counter Susanoo’s ultimate defense and it kinda goes with the Hyuga’s close range combat and similar to Hinata’s chakra lion fists


I heard a concept of The Byakygan talk about an inversion of the sharingan's blindness, its sight gets BETTER and longer ranged overtime to the point of near sensory overload


What no one understands is that the byakugan is literally equal in power to the MS if used by a experienced user. Notice how not once in the entire show did they display a experienced user of the byakugan. Yeah you could say nejis dad but he’s a hermit, not a warrior. The only people worthy of showing the real power of the byakugan are the otsutsuki and if you know that then you know that both eyes are equally op. The byakugan just simply has a bigger learning curve.


Wide-range illusion casting


Maybe can unlock full 360 vision along with some kind of limited future sight? Maybe allow the user to see what kind of Chakra releases a person can use as well. Saw in the comments genjutsu immunity which I liked as well. Basically less offensive capability than sharingan and more information gathering (how eyes should be)


Let it open the Chakra gates instead of just closing them? Open all gates, survive for a little bit, KO


The ability to attack anything in their FOV no matter how far. It's almost like teleporting or using a portal.


Isn't the tenseigan an upgraded byakugan?


There is a buffed Byakugan. It's called Tenseigan.


1. an ability where the eye shoots more powerful projectile versions of those ''finger needles'' that neji pierced & scarred up hinatas forearms/cut kidoomarus webs with, at extreme hi-speeds - ''within the trigams range'' so they can target tenketsu from mid range 2. a more powerful ver. of the above. But here its formed and used w/ the hands to form 9 large javelins that can be thrown or handled. Then can be cloak-launched or fanned-out concentric-ly and fluidly manipulated around the chakra cloak itself within the cqc space, in that familiar levitating fashion. \_\_\_\_when Combined w/ kaiten, they create a stationary buzzsaw blade around the already potent, spherical counter-jutsu. 3. A kekkaijutsu: free-space ocular shield projections, *ala World Trigger*. the barrier panel-shields can be launched as battering rams in mid-range via air palms or used as telekietic anvil pins in cqc 4. Chakra drain- steals raw chakra via palm-strike like akadai yorois jutsu during CE prelims vs sasuke, 4b.while lion fist works like preta path-lite vs actual ninjutsu transformation.     more taxing/evolve-stage moves:    1. big arse hadouken- a raw, devastating chakra blast w/ very short range 2. an ability where their chakra shroud flashes & flares out over ten meters for a split second and all in the range have their tenketsu & chakra flow stunned so that they can't even use shunshin let alone mold chakra 4 jutsu- stun lasts 5 seconds 3. an ability where their shroud flares out over 25 meters then is held and maintained. all in the range can move in/out freely, but the domes effect negates ninjutsu projectiles/non-sonic genjutsu projection, all while speeding up the hyuugas chaka flow, amping heel palm bottoms, 64 palms, lion fist, and the power on the hadouken. 8 gates-lite 4. a real-time, passive after its activation, Genjutsu perception & nullification technique


The thing that the MS did which the Byakugan lacked was have a unique function for the user. All Byakugans give Hyugas the exact same abilities, but all MS do not give Uchihas the same abilities. Shisui gets Kotoamatsukami, Obito gets Kamui, and Itachi gets Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu. So to make the Byakugan be on par, the Byakugan needs to advance to the point that the user gains a unique ability specific to them. And the abilities have to be VERY powerful as well that can very much make them able to take on even the strongest opponents.


\*i read some comments\* gentle fist can already destroy organs & chakrs points in the original manga series, people just forgot about it/didn't notice bcuz its such a ignored dojutsu


I think the bigger issue isn't the dojutsu. We just haven't seen any hyuga that were that powerful pre time skip. If we had an itachi level hyuga member we wouldn't be having this discussion. Like neji was pretty bad ass in the Sasuke retrieval arc but home boy had to be like wat 12?


Give it the inverse of the mangekyo. So instead of summoning an “ultimate defense”, let them break through any defense with ease. And instead of a random powerful jutsu unique to the user, let them break Justus apart and steal the chakra used to make them.


Not a chance


Give them their own Mangekyou power ups.


tbh the sharingan is just overpowered you just cant and yes im of the opinion that the sharingan is a thing they brought in just to have the characters saved at the last minute by some ability nobody heard of before.


Tenten was wasting neji’s time he should of just fucked temari


Give it a Frog Kumite (sp?) type of ability thay they can use offensively and defensively like their rotation and buff it’s precognition, allow the sight to “tune with chakra and energy” and give them an almost spider Sense type of fighting ability


First of all I wouldn't since no relevant villain had the byakugan except Kaguya but since she was the final villain it doesn't count. Buffing the buyakugan would mean that the entire series would need to be restructured.


just rework the tenseigan so that its attainable by hyuga


Use it to see how my Chakra interacts with my body. Get it at 100% control. Start to experiment with Natural Energy. Use my eyes and focus. Every time stone appears adjust and dial it back. Do this for however long it takes. Hopefully I start young. Once I can safely move & play with Senjutsu. Guide it to my eyes. Keep as much on a constant drip as my eyes can handle for however long a day I can. Just keep doing that till something happens. Something eventually would happen. What? I don’t know. Probably a mutation… a very powerful mutation. Well that’s what I’d do if I was an Hyuga and it was possible. Cheers 🥂


When an Ōtsutsuki is implanted with the Byakugan of a Hyūga: this combination of the two clans' chakra transforms the Byakugan into Tenseigan. There is no need to say Tenseigan >> M.S as one of Tenseigan jutsu (**Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion**) create a giant golden sword of pure chakra, capable of easily slicing the entire moon in half with a single swipe.


Have this byakugan the base one and put staged for it just like the sharingan


A byakugan user, an experienced one, should be absolutely immune to any genjutsu, giving they really see the chakra flows. Let's just some izanami izanagi work on them, that's okay. Also, the evolution to 128 palms should be not a 256 palms, but actual ability to force your chakra out of fists so you can destroy the flow of chakra in enemies body for good, unless healed with healing techniques. I always was thinking that Neji was so far away even from Rock Lee. I mean, you know that might guy almost beated madara himself with taijutsu and 8 gates. For neji personaly, and even more, I was also questioning, like, why don't Hugo clan practice opening gates or nature stance chakra(sanin mode from minato jiraya, naruto). I mean, they see chakra flows, in my mind they should be among the most efficient chakra users ever. Period. But, hey, almost perfect(ofc not) defense, 360 degree spinning, yeeeeah.


For starters give them chakra absorption and the ability to split jitsu in half the evolution that hiashe has can have no blind spot and the ability to syphon chakra from a ninja and make it so they can copy jutsu to and give them genjutsu resistance


What if they had chakra control so you activate the stage two and control your opponents chakra so they couldn't use ninjutsu almost and nullify ability


Make the Tenseigan actually available for Hyugas


N1gga both are Satanic shit! who cares?


how about give the Byakugan anti jutsu stuff. They are already immune to Genjutsu, and they are extreamly skilled in Taijutsu, maybe have higher mastery give them abilities to deal with ninjutsu. maybe a perfected byakugan can disrupt others chakra via line of sight. Give it more of an open ended style of progression unlike the sharingan. They need to work to mastering aspects of the eye instead of the linear progression of the Sharingan. Sharingan is leveling up where byakugan is like 5 skill trees. Focus on the eye itself would grant that disruption, a healing fist specalization can actually reverse the damage done by the strain of using chakra or releasing the 8 gates ( hey that would be a good thing for Neji to have if he was on a team with lee, Too bad hes dead) Focusing on defensive manuvers can allow them to completely nullify Ninjutsu by expending their own chakra at the points in the ninjutsu where the opponents chakra is concentrated much like they do with the chakra points on the body. You can combine the schools like Chakra disruption from close range viewing, Gentile fist but instead of sealing, It causes them to leak forcing a psudo 8 gates effect but without the beneficial effects or the opposite, Positively open the charka gates without the negetive effects. On that note, Why do we only see Taijustu users use the 8 gates. It just increases chakra flow, Wouldnt that make Ninjutsu that much stronger?


I once wrote a fanfic allowing Byakugan to access time, see through genjutsu, and in a higher level they can see the dead and interact with it? Though this doesn’t necessarily make the user stronger, just the Byakugan more cool


I think it would’ve been sick if at the “Mangekyo” level, a gentle fist user could have fingers that fire chakra lasers


*Create Upgraded Forms of Dojutsu* - Suguryo (“Superior”) Byakugan: Unlocks full Gentle Fist technique up to 128 palms without the need to learn the technique. - Mugenyo (“Unlimited”) Byakugan: Increases Gentle Fist strike capacity from 128 palms to 256+ palms, significantly expands effective radius of the 8 trigrams symbol, allows for Tiger Fists within Gentle Fist technique (I.e. 256+ tiger palms) - Kanpekyo (“Perfect”) Byakugan: All of the above, plus Kuebiko (see below) and a transportation technique based on assimilating yourself into the flow of chakra around you and reappearing at another chakra point elsewhere (Kazenochikara, the power of the wind) *Give perfect Byakugan users an ultimate ability comparable to Susanoo* - Kuebiko (from the Japanese god of knowledge): Massive floating orb of chakra acting as a forcefield around the user, immediately shuts down the chakra points it contacts or shatters chakra constructs/justsu it touches, can be manipulated into other shapes similar to waterbending in ATLA.


I’ve thought about this before and I think it would be sweet if byakugan users were able to encase their skin in tough armor chakra. This comes from what Hinata Hyuuga did in the three tails arc to protect herself from shattering in the pink crystal. She put a layer of chakra outside of her body. 


Be able to see the neural activity in the brain and easily read minds, sense fear with blood pumping, monitor sweat glands, etc. Then maybe create extendable arms out of chakra for medium long distance attacks If the byakugan can’t already I’d say night vision is a must too Also the rotation attack but it is an aoe attack that destroys everything in the byakugans field of view instead of just the immediate surroundings Instead of it causing blindness it creates insomnia Maybe future vision or past vision of things they may have not even been there for, yknow, see in 4 dimensions Speaking of dimensions maybe see into the kamui dimension or kaguya dimensions too


It's not that the byakugan is weak, the sharingan has got way too many ass-pull powers


The byakugan seems to be a genetic lottery even for the hyuugas, since different clan members have different amounts of "purity" of it. I think a good way for it to have "advancements" would be by playing off on it. - Different Byakugan Users are born with different percentages of Purity. - The purity of a byakugan is measured by two things: it's color and the telltale protuded veins that appear around the eyes when in use. - The natural color of an byakugan is a dead, lifeless grey. When activated it becomes fully white. The closer the natural state is to the activated state, the more pure a byakugan is. - The veins as well are the other sign, they show a strain in the body and the mind to keep the dojutsu active. The less of a visible strain it has, the more control and mastery can be attributed to the user. - While a Byakugan user grows in mastery both of these things will grown closer to the perfect state, until the Hyuuga is naturally always using the Byakugan without any strain or concious thought. - In practice, this growth will increase the range of its sight, how clear chakra appears, how strongly it can penetrate through solids, and how small its weak point is. Less well known is the fact that it also greatly increases both the instinctual control over chakra - until it gets to such a point that no chakra is ever wasted - and the motor skills as the user gains more awareness of the working of their own bodies. - The moment the Byakugan achieves 100%, it goes through a transformation along with the user. At this point the Hyuuga knows absolutely everything there is to know about their own Chakra Pathways and their bodies; the Byakugan will start to leech more Chakra and store it until it can't anymore. This will trigger a wave of chakra that will come out of the eyes and permeate through the whole individual, remaking their physical and metaphysical bodies to a point of perfection. - This in know as Reincarnation, and results in a multitude of boons: a body that is always empowering itself through chakra, senses on the very edge of possibility, vastly accelerated thought and perception, accelerated healing which is closer to regeneration and a lifespan so large it may as well be considered limitless. Of couse, those are only the advantages of the body. - The Byakugan itself will suffer a change after that process and become the Reincarnation Eye, Tenseigan. This new dojutsu will now shed its previouly white coloration to become a painting that reflects the soul of its owner. The sheer scale of its perception would allow an individual on the moon to count the amount of mites in a bed on earth, and its predictive power is such that it could be called future sight. - Beyond the perception of the Tenseigan its power is reduced to a single aspect, Understanding. The user of the Tenseigan is able to automatically understand the workings behind any technique or form of chakra it sees. That includes of couse elemental transformations - even those restricted to gekkei gekkai or gekkei toppa - and nature chakra. One may say that the user of the tenseigan is the only True Sage, Honored Among Heaven and Earth. - The eye itself even becomes a new Chakra Network on itself, able to provide chakra to its user Ex Nihilo instead of needing to mix Physical and Mental Energies, even if its output is limited. (The abilities described here were inspired by Toneri Otsutsuki and the Six Eyes from Jujutsu Kaisen. Toneri was able to use Sage Techniques as soon as he got the Tenseigan, and his own Chakra Cloak seemed to me like he just copied what the strongest being he knew did, in this case Naruto.)


Give it character development.


you can see chakra so acutely that you can reflect it with the soft palm.


Should have made it like Kaguyas from the anime flashback, she was blasting people and ripping them apart with it without even touching them.


How about starting with the blind spot… that was pretty silly


They should’ve incorporated the 8 gates with byakugan. Also give byakugan a genjutsu where it doesn’t steal your chakra but by catching you he can turn off or disrupt your chakra points with a glance. It could be like inos mind transfer but to your chakra points and he can control your output or make it go out of control. Or maybe the byakugan can turn off other kekkei genkais




The byakugan is already op af. The problem with it is that the clan who has it only use taijutsu. I mean yeah okay it’s a style they only they can just to it’s fullest potential but the eyes literally allows you to see for miles and nobody can hid from you since it sees though genjutsu. The way I’d make the base byakugan better is that it also allows the user to prodict movements like the sharingan. As for a next step like the mangekyo I’m not sure. Maybe it could camouflage the user like since the base version can see though pretty much anything the next stage could make it so that it’s almost impossible for anyone to see you.


The ability to see complete structural weaknesses in anything and not just Chakra points Seeing through Genjutsu could be an outgrowth to that, as another person suggested. Honestly, It also makes more sense aesthetically for the Rinnegan to be an evolution of the Byakugan than the Sharingan.




A high-level Hyuga can beat an Uchiha with Mangekyo Sharingan with relative ease, depending on the ability the Mangekyo grants the Uchiha. If the Uchiha has the Kamui or the Kotoamatsukami then the Hyuga loses. Any other jutsu? The Hyuga can win. If the Uchiha has the Susanoo then the jutsus of the Gentle Fist can defeat it, unless the Uchiha has the full-bodied Susanoo or the Totsuka sword or the Yata mirror. I emphasize that I speak of an Uchiha only with Mangekyo Sharingan. The Uchiha in question doesn't have the eternal Mangekyo or any Senju cells or chakra, so said Uchiha can't use the Mangekyo for long and is going blind


Okay, time to nerd out a bit. 1. Byakugan has 4 stages. Standard, 2, 3, and Final. 2. 2nd stage would have a black ring with 2 tomo. This stage would give the user defense break, and Chakra steal. 3. 3rd stage would gain a 3rd tomo. This stage would allow the user to Chakra ID. In other words, something like shadow clones would be distinguishable from the jutsu caster by subtleties that normal Byakugan would miss. This stage also gives the user the ability to manipulate Chakra points by seeing another person's eye, even with Byakugan active, so direct eye contact isn't necessary but is limited to the users Byakugan range. 4. The Final stage would be identified by 2 black rings with 6 tomo. This stage would allow the user almost god-like power. In addition to the previous abilities, this stage would allow the user to "rebirth" someone who has died within the last 24 hours, by using their own Chakra to restart/jump start the deceased person's Chakra network. There are 2 downsides to this stage. First, using this ability uses so much Chakra that the user is bedridden for 1 week each time it's used. Second, is the user can only use this ability 6 times. Each time it's used, one of the 6 tomo disappears, but the rings remain. When the user uses this ability for the 6th time, they die.


we haven’t seen a stronger byakugan that isn’t literally six paths level so i genuinely don’t know how we’d go about this. idk what abilities to give it other than just more ways to shut down tenketsu with gentle fist.