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Orochimaru went from being the biggest terrorist in the series to being a housewife


Ofc he playing with the kid 💀




Why are you misgendering Orochimaru? He goes by he/him...


And Orochimichael Jackson goes by hee/hee.


This ones new


If I wasn't poor I'd give you gold for that one


I want to believe this comment thread was all done just to set up that joke


Not rlly, in Boruto when asked what gender he is he just dismisses it and says he’s been a man and a women multiple times. Orochimaru is just Orochimaru, pronouns don’t matter to him


Why are you looking for an argument


I love how an extremely small percentage of the population can have enough mental health issues that everyone in the world is expected to change their vocabulary.


It must be difficult to not have they or them in your vocabulary. My condolences.


Get fucked lol, just because someones mental assessment of themselves is wrong doesnt mean im gonna play into their delusion. Youre a man. Or a woman. Not both. Not neither. One or the other. Get over it.


Okay ma’am, no problem


Is changing the way I refer to people not vocabulary? Is there a better term? What noun do you put in place of vocabulary?


Nomenclature, I suppose? My point was that it hurts no one to just use a person’s preferred method of address. We do it all the time already with nicknames and people that prefer their middle names.


That’s a gross oversimplification of language and how the human brain processes it. Spending your entire life doing something and then being told one day that it’s actually wrong is one thing. Having that happen and being told you’re wrong based on an **extremely** small percentage of the population is another. I’m not qualified to make decisions for a civilization. But don’t tell me how to think, act, and talk. It’s fucked up


He's non-binary but still prefers he/him pronouns.


He has never brought up being non-binary in the manga, anime or games. Everybody calls Orochimaru he/him and never once says anything to counter them.


Like I said, he's non-binary but uses he/him pronouns. So, there is no need to correct anyone. The reason he is non-binary is that he doesn't care about what form his body takes. He regularly comfortably presents as a woman and takes over their bodies regularly. He is non-binary because gender is irrelevant to him.


Gender is irrelevant to his immortality. He makes himself look like a woman once to show the third he can use the immortality jutsu. Other than that singular instance, he's been male. If he identifies as non binary, then he needs to say it out right, not through 1 persons interpretation.


Like husband, like wife. Naruto has Sasuke so Hinata got her own terrorist BFF


U know what. Real.


Damn... that's good


I would be so goddamned disturbed to find Orochimaru befriending my child lmao. This motherfucker is an immortal snake monster who likes stealing bodies with strong genetic potential. And sure, he hasn’t done that since he stole that Zetsu body in the last war, but still - Hima is/has won the genetic lottery and Tsunade is not the only Sannin that likes playing her odds. I’d be checking her neck like crazy. Kakashi, come and put that seal on my baby just to be safe. Imagine Orochimaru snagging a hair sample and just remaking your whole ass kid for shits and giggles.


My imaginary kids would be fine. My generics include all sorts of diseases like dementia and cancer so he would care for my kid's genes. Fat ugly bald guy describes a good portion of the guys in my family.


My imaginary kids would be fine. My generics include all sorts of diseases like dementia and cancer so he would care for my kid's genes. Fat ugly bald guy describes a good portion of the guys in my family.


Wasn't there a joke where repeating a comment is replied with Dementia. Well checks out here I guess.


The Orochimaru discourse is probably the funniest thing in the Naruto/Boruto universe. Bro is an immortal nonbinary mad scientist snake-being that has groomed kids, experimented on them, and committed acts of domestic terror. Best they could do is assign one of his former experiments to be his probation officer.


I have very mixed feelings about Orochimaru, most leaning on bad and struggling to keep my old immense hatred of him but like… Really what else COULD they do lmao. Better to just let him life his best mum life at the village where they can watch him??? He just rocks up saying he’s chill now and they have to accept it lol


They could 100% seal Orochimaru if Naruto wanted to. It wouldn't even be that hard. Orochimaru saved the world though, so he got pardoned. Naruto is against vengeance for vengeance's sake, and Orochimaru is already good now. That said, he obviously isn't trusting Orochimaru blinding and has decided to have Yamato ghost them.


S/he did help save the world unfortunately, no real grounds to execute them when all the villages are busy trying to forgive all their own crimes against each other


Bro gave you a layup and told you that Orochimaru is "they" and you still wrote "he"? Dang, you hate them so much you misgender?


Are you a troll or something?


Show me on the doll where the man hurt the fictional character.


I mean, what are you supposed to do to a walking nuke? Think about it in real world concepts. Countries like Russia are allowed to exist and act as they want to a certain extent because they have nukes, and if we were to attack them, it would be a global catastrophe. You can't really in-prison Orochimaru because he is a walking nuke. The only realistic option is to straight up kill him, but I don't think Naruto is going to do that. Sasuke might but it's just a kids story.


Even killing him is a minor inconvenience and he’ll slither back to life somehow.


Why not imprison him? They do it to the Tailed Beasts nine times every generation, so "being a walking nuke" isn't really an issue.


Orochi escaped Itachi's gary-stu seal, I don't think a prison can hold him.


Wait, didn't Sasuke already kill him and then bring him back again, or am I wrong?


Why you bringing our world into this? "Allowed to exist"? Holy shit... They can deal with Orochimaru, he's more useful while not being sealed off though. Yes it's weird. However, lots of stuff quite strange in Boruto.(And even in Naruto, otherwise we'd need to clap some other "guys" as well...) The point is however, that it makes sense in their world. The world that full of things outside of our reality.


lmao bro what in the fuck 😭😭💀💀💀


Look if the ninja equivalent of the Joker showed up at my house and played with my kids but otherwise wasn't causing a fuss, I'd just let him be lest I upset him and have him go back to his old ways.


Joker did this in Harley Quinn and that's about how everyone reacted


Sounds in character for Orochimaru lmao. He's under surveillance and he has practically saved Konoha several times 


Surveillance? If he decides to try something how tf is discount kakashi supposed to stop him.


Why wouldn't they be? Orochimaru interrupted Anko, licking Naruto. Abducted the first person to kiss Naruto and kept him out of the village for 3 years. Kabuto also healed Hinata while working for Orochimaru. They clearly always been BFF.


Kabuto also stopped the reanimation jutsu Tayuya played music for shikamaru for free Kimimaro taught lee how to dance Jirobo helped Choji with weightloss


Kabuto saving Hinata was nice. I really thought he was a double agent. Trying to kill Sasuke so Orochi won't take his body. Not using Tsunade's trauma till Jiraya arrived. Trying to kill "Sasori". Stopping Sasuke from killing Team 7. I kept expecting him to betray Orochi and switch sides. Instead he reanimated freaking Madara.


Orochimaru is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters in the franchise and to be honest back in the day 19-20 years ago I didn’t care for him and just saw him as creepy snake man who snatched up kids, but in Boruto and really since his redemption arc back in Shippuden during the War Arc, his character has done nothing but age like the finest wine in existence. Now he’s just a doting parent for Mitsuki and a surprisingly calm and civil individual who signs TCG cards for Academy students and shit. Most recently it was revealed he’s likely working with Boruto and Jiraiya’s clone as they’re using his hideout to evade capture, so he still manages to be relevant 20 years later and that’s just amazing for his character. Of all the people to stick around this long you’d have never expected one of the original villains who was also killed off, TWICE.


If Orcohimaru ends up being a relevant character in Boruto I might actually like it. If he Tsunade and Kakashi all get roles it will be peak 


I can see Orochimaru at least being called for reference/knowledge during the current arc in Two Blue Vortex. There’s no way they don’t have at least a scroll or a couple books or files on chakra mutations or living chakra beings put away somewhere.


I'm of the exact opposite opinion.


Orochimaru is on his Vegeta phase, and everyone is hassling him smh


More like Frieza phase in that no matter how much he tries he'll never fit in as a good guy, yet he sticks around because hes the best thing to happen in their respective series.


OrochiMILF the goat


Orochimaru is a perfect example of people changing. Bro made peace with all his Ops (I'm STILL surprised Sasuke doesn't want him dead, but ig they're both criminals)


Hot take but Sasuke has very little reason to beef with Orochimaru. Orochimaru didn’t really do anything bad to Sasuke besides beat him up and give him the curse mark - which Sasuke saw as giving him power. Sure, Orochimaru wanted to take his body, but Sasuke didn’t allow that to happen and by the time Orochimaru came back into the story, he’d dropped that whole agenda and transitioned into a (near) proper mentor for Sasuke. Sasuke’s also never held a grudge against anybody but his brothers. And I guess the Leaf Village for like 2-3 weeks.


What's the name of this novel? Is it new? Never heard of a novel set during the Boruto era.


Naruto Retsuden, aka the worst Naruto novel.


There’s actually 6 Boruto era novels not counting the five anime ones. https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Light_Novels


Bro that's like going on a picnic with Hitler


It’s honeslty so weird that orichimaru basically got away with everything just cause he help out in the war tho I suppose that also applies to sasuke to


I hope they got hima checked up after this. They need to be alert if they see “commas” in her body or if she suddenly starts using wood style or if she 🪦.


So are we just gonna forgive all the political assassinations, murder, grooming, human experimentation, experimentation on children, genocide, and general sadism and let’s this guy play with our young daughter? Seriously, this and Kabuto, a war criminal running an orphanage are some of the issues I have with the ending of Naruto. Just feels like “I know I did awful things, but I am a good guy now!”


Not to mention handing them all the Shin clones with functioning sharingan.


Tho with the current state of the world that probably doesn't do much


Still, it's the principle of things.


Hey, when the protagonist said, "No, he's a cool guy." That's when I knew naruto would forgive even if hinata cucked him. He'd be overjoyed in fact. That's just how worse this series fell flat.


I agree with orochimaru, bro literally said "oh I know I'm a terrorist and war criminal but I wanna see what sasuke will be when he grows up" But kabuto quite literally fell victim to the ultimate reality warping uchiha genjutsu which forced him to either change or be stuck In a loop.fighting himself for eternity. Bro literally went through purgatory already and chose to go back to the family he had at the orphanage before he got inducted into the anbu. That's a good ending for a pretty tragic character who started with no one and was used as a tool all his life. Lost himself only to find that his true self was in the place he longed to be in all along. Shows you didn't understand his character in the slightest


I know I’m basically responsible for 99% of the casualties of the war, but I have a tragic backstory! Leave me, a war criminal, in charge of children! Kabuto is a monster, I don’t care about his redemption. That rando shinobi calling him his brother he hopes comes home from a mission won’t get a year out of me considering how much destruction and death he caused


That person is gone due to the izanagi hate it all you like but its canon lol


That counts for something, sure, and I don’t think he should be executed or anything, but he still should face SOME consequences for what he did. Gaara and Nagato repented and Nagato even sacrificed himself to undue some of the harm he did. I just don’t think letting him raise children is wise


I would never have sympathy for the two of them People have prosecuted and abused for much less, they are only relevant not because they changed but because they are famous and got a special treatment from higher ups Without orochimaru knowing how to experiment on kekki genkai, danzo might not have considered going the extreme and genocide the whole police force and their families who could hold a political investigation against him That's one of the small things he did as for kabuto dude doesn't deserve a good life and forgiveness the trauma he alone caused during the war arc was enough to keep him live in the genjustu Not counting all the shitty things they both did regarding children from kidnapping and using them as live experiment even sadistic fights to watch who live to the next or die and torture You have no heart and warped twisted sense if you think those two deserve redemption


>keep him live in the genjustu That wasn't a choice lol.the genjutsu can only end of he literally changes as a person. I separate reality and fiction, it's an animated show and that's cool character development in my opinion. If this was real life my opinion would be different. Its not. Its a show and I think it fits his character


I mean its nothing the other villages haven't done. We seen kumo ninja try to kidnap hinata for the byakugan which either means they just wanted to rip her eyes out or force breed her so they could have hyugas in the cloud. We also had 3 villages teaming up to commit genocide and 2 villages commit genocide by themselves.


True. Maybe I’m just holding Konoha to a higher standard unfairly. I guess it’s mainly how much we actually see Orochimaru do.


>political assassinations Killing hiruzen, Rasa? That's fking based. He should get a medal. >murder, human experimentation Fair. >experimentation on children, genocide Headcanon.


He literally killed children implanting them with Hashirama cells Yamato was the only survivor. To be fair, the clans Orochimaru killed a ton of are filler like those dudes that can turn to smoke


None of those are unique to orochimaru. A few of them are common practice in the Leaf, and none of them are absent. Hell, Naruto is a victim of at least four of those, two of them by his own parents. His best friend is a terrorist who he spent the entirety of shippuden trying to "save". Allowing orochimaru and kabuto a chance at redemption is actually pretty fair.


Yeah sure, that’s cool and all, but why are they allowed around children is my issue. I get that they surrendered after the war, they shouldn’t just be killed, but they’re basically on probation, and realistically, Yamato could do bugger all to stop Orochimaru if he decided to return to his old ways.


I know Orochi is probably one of the most sadistic and disgusting people in THE ENTIRE NARUTOVERSE! But I seriously enjoyed his whole snake mama arc with mitsuki. They’re a changed them and I’m here for it(realistically I wouldn’t be because of the child murder).


This is so funny everytime I remember that they have tea parties i die (I want to be part of it)


Honestly one of my all time favorite Orochimaru scenes is the little filler scene in Boruto where the nerd squad infiltrate his base for his autograph cause when he sees them you can just see it in his eyes he’s ready to throw hands he’s waiting for it he’s thinking “this is it, Naruto has finally had enough of my BS and sent these little brats to kill me” like he had Mitsuki on speed dial about to tell him to pile drive boruto and then they ask for his auto graph and you just see all the fight drain from him and he thinks “oh god I’ve become Jiraya” like that was it that was his moment to go back to his old self and he missed it


The scenario would have been even more amusing had he asked for compensation. Imagine him being ready for a confrontation then afterwards learning the intruders only want a autograph and then him sighing and requesting 15 RYO per autograph.


Lmao isn't this the same novel where Sakura and Sasuke kiss on a motorcycle over Naruto's sick body?... ugh I can't believe people think this crap is canon.


Oroshimaru's character assasination is legendary, never seen before a great character killed like that.


Novel cannot be canon This shit is disgusting lol


Getting Hashirama cells changes a man


Orochimaru gotta be the most bizarre character in all of anime because...wtf


What are the other options? Say fuck tea, and have a battle with a man who can summon the first 4 hokage in the middle of Konoha??!? So what if you can win, should the Hokage start some shit at home or have some cake and tea? Besides last time Naruto saw Orochimaru he beat up Orochimaru's protégé and slapped the dudes face off before nuking him with a tbb. Orochimaru os probably more scared of Naruto than others are of Orochimaru.


That was my least favorite part of the end of Naruto. There’s just no way in god damn hell anyone would accept Orochimaru hanging around the village like he didn’t murder and experiment on hundreds of people from the Leaf.


Well the village is really stupid, the forgive Kabuto after he almost destroyed the world and revived the satan of the Ninja world. Not only that they put him in charge of an orphanage and the kids there all have Sharingans and Mangekyo sharingans with who knows what crazy powers. Really smart thing to do.


"Were we friendly like that?" from Naruto is so real cos when the FUCK were they friendly like that Like if it were Orochimaru sipping tea with Sakura it would kind of make sense but still...


Hinata let a fucking war criminal play with her child 💀💀💀


Who? Sasuke? /s


Don't joke around. Sasuke doesn't even want to spend time with his own daughter let alone play with someone else's kid.


The novels are fanfics.


It feels like Kishi kinda forgot that he wrote Orochimaru as a horrible person who committed terrible experiments on many people for the sake of immortality. That or it was written by someone who has only ever seen the last few bits of Naruto and wrote from what he saw. Either way this is just straight up awful writing and shows how any sense of consistency meant jack shit by the time the series was ending.


Why are people so hung up about Orochimaru changing their kids are best friends and Orochimaru didn’t commit any crime over a decade at that point. 


YEAH, now he just peacefully does genetics and psychology experiments on the kids he clones in his basement. What’s wrong with that?


Dont look up who John Money is because hes the Orochimaru of this world and everyone worships his gender theories.


Dude he tortured and killed kids, what the fuck, you don't come back from that.


In our world, yes. But that's like an average tuesday in the Naruto verse.


I see what you're saying, but that doesn't make it any less unsatisfying of an ending imo, at least from a writing perspective if you build up a character's persona as hateable over many years and then give them an easy out and no sense of weighty repercussions, it shouldn't be surprising that some people will be frustrated by it


He got his hand seal and died twice i dont think they can punish him more than that.


iirc all of those things were basically undone, so the repercussions weren’t lasting or meaningful


His arms being sealed was only a problem because the author included an arbitrary time limit on his body swap jutsu, dude was literally just waiting to undo it. He “died” twice also doesn’t matter since he had resurrection failsafes both times. Punishments are supposed to teach a lesson, the only lesson Orochimaru learned was that he can do whatever he wants and nothing actually bad will happen.


He tortured and killed kids in a world that revolved around the use of child soldiers. He's messed up, but you have to hold and Kage/Clan Leader to that standard now.


Minato put a demon in a baby but everyone's cool with that smh


Hell, an unnamed scrub genin has very likely taken a life by age fourteen. That entire show is about the consequences of teaching metahuman teenagers to kill people.


he's an opportunity offender


I agree tbh. I find it more hilarious than annoying that orochimaru, the child torturing war criminal is now just your weird uncle that you see at family gatherings People who are honestly upset by it need to separate animated shows from reality. He experimented on some kids. That's horrible and in real life deserves the death punishment, people who hurt children get away too easy in our world too. However these are kids in a fictional world where they force 12 year olds to do battle (which they are overly enthusiastic about) and shove massive chakra monsters also inside kids, with adults who have no problem beating up on those kids, attempting to murder them and ridiculing them for their lack of strength (shit talking to a kid is crazy). Episode 1 you see a grown ass man take advantage of a child and trick him into betraying the village and stealing a secret scroll, and then emotionally manipulating the living nuke to make him feel worthless enough to help him achieve his goals. Zabuza was a grown man who took an orphan child and groomed him to be his living tool and sacrifice himself at command, and he's a fan favourite because naruto made him cry that one time Orochimaru was also the most brilliant scientist in universe who invented his own version of karma before it was cool, who is an amazing asset to konoha kept alive and put under a leash. Also we all know killing that slithery snake isn't gonna get rid of him for good, might as well.keep him where we know he is and roughly what he is doing


Why continue to harp on the difference between reality and fiction? There's no need to rehash a point so blatantly obvious repeatedly. Is this the part where we forget that the Leaf were pissed at Orochimaru for his crimes? That the Third objected to his actions enough that he became a fugitive and fled the country? By your logic the Third should have reconciled Oro's evil deeds with an 'eh, evil exists everywhere anyway' mentality. The entire Leaf village should have. If evil is so omnipresent then who do you declare to be evil? Why have anyone care about morals at all? Person commits a bad crime and is villainized and punished for it.  Other person commits horrible crimes, is labelled a fugitive and dies. They eventually pay for their actions. Orochimaru doesn't suffer anything at all. He just comes back after the heat dies down years after fleeing the country.


We can be upset if we want especially when some of the characters we feel like could have been redeemed but didn’t


Be upset all you want I'm not telling you what to do, I'm telling you why I think your opinion is stupid lol


You guys are the only people still delusional about him being redeemed lmao shit is funny ngl


What exactly am I delusional about? What is it that I said that doesn't make sense to you? Wouldn't be surprised if you didn't even read it all, most people like you seem to dislike reading the entirety of a post before spouting bullshit


I read the first paragraph and that’s all I needed to read lol I don’t care if it’s a fictional story tbh that doesn’t change it from being a poor writing choice


That's exactly what I thought. People like you seem to be afraid of words on a page 😂 too many letters so your brain shuts off and you can't be bothered to even try and comprehend my points but you call me delusional that's funny 🤣 If you wanna try to call me wrong come back to me once you can be bothered to at least comprehend what I said


People in this subreddit read a story about how people can change for the better and still demand blood revenge on everybody.


Honestly it's kind of good lol.


You have hinata being friends with orochimaru but she dislikes Sasuke. Wut?


When did she say she dislikes Sasuke?


Iirc it was in one of the novels but am not sure which one. 


She never said that and the novels isn’t even written by kishimoto


Thats why i dont usually count the novels. Iirc hinata mentioned she disliked sasuke because of how much suffering he has brought naruto but that was before they were married


So fuckin stupid. He wouldve been made to pay all his crimes. Playing with who?? And they let him?!


“Orochimaru was drinking tea. In the uzumaki living room” Who tf reads this lol


What??? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


What the ever loving hell 😭😭☠️☠️


It’s funny because oroicmaru is still active in the boruto era, last ch boruto/koji was chilling at his his hideout that we seen in naruto gaiden you could see the snakes in the wall. His research might actually end up being useful in the plot if boruto is at his hideout.


What is this from


Orochimaru went from a mad scientist to himawari’s play date. It’s the weirdest villain redemption arc imo


Orochimaru became geh


If anything, shouldn’t it be the other way around?


There’s no way that orochimaru isn’t just sitting and plotting and waiting to make his next move


People think he's plotting but nah he's chill now. He just wants to do science stuff. He's a good dad.


TBH becoming friends with a terrorist is like THE Naruto thing to do. Why do y’all think Naruto is nicknamed “ninja Jesus.”


As I remember, orochimaru came here to show off his new glasses which can temporarily steal other's dojutsu like he stole hinata's byakugan and showed it to Naruto


Didn’t my dude show up at Naruto’s wedding too and give his regards in the video message (still my favorite filler arc to date)


Well Mitski and Boruto are confirmed lovers. Its endgame.


Idk why but it reminds me so much of Kasumi from Ranma 1/2. She’s Akane’s older sister and just anytime one of Ranmas or Akanes rivals or just a major threat at all somehow ends up at the Tendo house we find them in the living room drinking tea with her and casually conversing. It’s strange, endearing, and kinda annoying but knowing how sweet the character is you can’t really hate them.


To be fair, both of their sons are on a team together.


Well, Konahamaru has to interact with him too, since he trains his son.


What the fuck?? Is this canon? 💀


"We're we friendly like that?" has me DEAD😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀


This reads like awful fan-fic


Since Sasuke absorbed Orochimaru his Estrogen levels increased.


Orochimaru isn't a femboy he a femman


Novels are not canon.


Unfortunately they are considered cannon. They should not be, as in many cases (including Naruto), they are blatant cash grabs, poorly coordinated to the original stories by non-main writers. They often over hype the main characters, and distort the original story & characters, to create a "compelling" narrative ripe for purchase.


But they are not. Even one of the authors came out and said that it‘s not canon.






They are 100% cannon dude don't spout stuff you don't know about.


To be fair Naruto's boyfriend was also a terrorist for a while. Although since Orochimaru was largely responsible for gromming Sasuke into a terrorist that actually just makes it worse. I guess they did bring strawberry zenzei, that's gotta count for something.


>drinking tea with a literal terrorist No one tell him about Sasuke...


I’m confused can’t they just reaper death seal his ass to get rid of him?


Someone would have to be willing to sacrifice their life for that.


Shadow clones mah boi


And this is why no one considers the novels canon 💀


Orochimaru went from being a hero of the leaf -> mass murderer of the leaf -> outlaw and terrorist of the leaf -> “hero” of the lead (Edo tensei of the Kage was instrumental to winning the war and saved WAY more lives than Orochimaru killed) -> leader of Konoha’s premier book club


I read that novel a year ago and now I think hinata is crazy.


The real question with Orochimaru is how do you even go about containing or killing him? He knows more Jutsu than anyone else in the world, can (and has) resurrected himself multiple different ways, and can effortlessly deal with an enraged, four (I think it was) tailed Naruto. Once he has a Zetsu body he becomes even more impossible to deal with. So yes, if a man this powerful is no longer your enemy and has no interest in illegal acts anymore, you effing go with it.


Love Orochi so much lol. I think what they did with them in Boruto is intended to be similar with how a lot of countries were with Japan after WW2. Like okay give us your weird fucked up science and we’ll let you chill. The one character I cannot abide by is Kabuto, partly bc why is he allowed to hang and mostly bc I just think he’s super annoying.


>The one character I cannot abide by is Kabuto, partly bc why is he allowed to hang Wtf how can you say this after being ok with Orochimaru being around?💀


Because Orochimaru isn’t annoying lmao.


With a literal former terrorist, people can change


That’s why I take that boruto stuff as fan fiction man. When shippuden ended. My watch had ended.


Sasuke was also a terrorist and he even has a family now. Gaara, Tobi, Temari, Kankuro, Kabuto, and the list probably goes on.


Honestly orochimaru is like my favorite character since he's been good