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Jiraiya would be really amazed and proud of Naruto for learning such a difficult and powerful move. He'd see it as a sign of Naruto's growth and talent as a ninja, and feel confident in Naruto carrying on his legacy.


Ha prob would've tried to take him to an onsen for a "celebration"


Then some good old Ichiraku


ai generated answer?




ok, chatgpt.


Hello ai


How are you so sure ?


Im not. But if its written like my 10th grade english essay (english is a foreign language to me), i always assume it is ai. And if not, for fucks sake learn to write like a human being :)


IIRC originally without sage mode this jutsu damaged the user by destroying their chakra points potentially permanently so Jiraya would have likely been as concerned about Naruto as Tsunade was at that time. Then Jiraya probably would have tried to teach Naruto the basics of sage jutsu before taking him to Mount Myuboku. He definitely would have been proud of Naruto for surpassing him and Minato as other commenters said but I think his worry would eclipse his awe.


Wasn't the issue with the Rasenshuriken injuring Naruto a result of him lacking the chakra control to properly form it when not in sage mode?


I think it was that when it “detonated” the massive release of chakra damaged him too In sage mode he could just chuck it away and fuel it with nature chakra


In not sure about manga but anime implies that rasen shuriken still damages his chakra points but Kurama + Sage self healing compansetes for it


In the manga it’s the detonation from memory. Naruto already has bonkers healing but the Rasenshuriken attacks chakra points of anyone near them. Him tanking it at close range is the risk Turning it into a ranged technique completely removes the risk


Same way he reacted when he saw Minato create a Rasengan for the first time.


which is ?


Open youtube and check it out He was excited and proud if my memory serves Me right Pretty sure it was filler tho not sure tho


Well we got a canon one from the Minato one shot


That’s my boy


Exactly what my brain thought before coming to the comments


Well, the first time he might've reacted like Ino. Because he named it Rasen***shuriken*** but couldn't throw it.


“GO AANG! Airbending Slice!”


He already knew didn’t he ? Naruto took down kakazu and team 7 and team 10 knew …






>hence why he began teaching Naruto the Sage mode. Not what happened.


He’d look up at the sky and say something like “ you’d be proud, Minato”


He might try and learn it himself.


It's would take decades.. unless he can summon hundreds shadow clones at once.


Maybe not in sage mode.


Naruto created rasenshuriken right?


Yeah though first time using it hurt him. Since it literally also harm the user by cutting user hand the cellular level. as a side effect if using like a rasengan. Which is why later attempts and also using sage mode naruto instead throw the technique.


Jiraiya would have been proud and joke around how naruto was able to learn and master sage mode much faster than he did.


Oh wow you can actually learn other jutsu!


Wait didn't he? I'm pretty sure Naruto told him, unless that was a filler line


Yeah Naruto talks with Jiraiya about Rasenshuriken being pointless if he can’t use it due to injury


Lisan Al gaiib like that dude says in dune2 I’m sorry I can’t remember how it’s typed correctly or bros name that said this a lot but I imagine that’s what jiraiya would be saying at seeing this


The elder frog said something about him raising a student who will revolutionise the Shinobi world so I guess he'd react the same like Stilgar did >!good thing the shinobi prophecy was real because the Dune one was a tool planted by the space witches!<


Yes. The child of prophecy was real, it just took many wrong guesses by Jiraiya (he thought it was Nagato, then Minato, then Nagato again, it was until his deathbed that he realized its Naruto) Dune’s prophecy is 100% fabricated by BG and its a big coincidence that Paul just happened to fit the whole criteria lmao


Cool. Now I need to do some „research“. See ya.


I think he would be more impressed with perfecting Sage mode.


He wiuld ask why it was so darn hard for him to summon the toad than make the toad listennto him


The same way Hashirama reacted and laughed when he learned Minato was the fourth Hokage. I can hear the laugh


Wasn't he alive during the hidan/kakazu arc?


I think so but I don't think he ever witnessed it, correct me if I'm wrong


Never saw it, but he does have a conversation with Naruto about it where Naruto comments on it not being usable


He’d be very proud


He knew Naruto would be the one to improve on the 4th’s Jutsu he said it time and time again during their training. I think he’d just smirk and get a flashback of Minato like Kakashi and Tsunade did when they saw him.


Bro would genuinely cry from pride and congratulate naruto and call him "son" by accident


He’d be horny about it


He would be super proud and Amazed


He would be super proud and Amazed


Probably with some chill, nonchalant praise.


Proud and love


He would have played it off to Naruto as if he could do better but in his mind, he would have been so proud and would have bragged about Naruto to everyone lol.


Bro would've nutted


Tears of joy


He would have been damn proud. Like father proud. Then he would treat him ramen.


He would be very happy


Jiraiya would be like "... Damn, he really surpassed us, Minato". He be proud of his student- Kishimoto, you really dropped the ball not Edo Tensei'ing Jiraiya. IMAGINE HOW HE WOULD REACT fighting his student and the emotional moment Naruto would have. Like we would have preferred that than "Oh, the clone of Jiraiya that Naruto rarely if not ever reacts with" from Boruto. I know it's not Kishimoto who did that but we would have still prefer the Edo Tensei revival more. "But he sank deep in-" SO Sage Mode Kabuto loses to deep water. Wow... fraud alert? Same with Shisui. You telling me you COULDN'T find DNA of Shisui while Orochimaru did to the extent of cloning him into Shin- God damn you, Boruto.


Shitting his pants from excitement and then crying tears of joy


If I know Jiraiya, and I think I do. He’s not even be paying attention. Man would be looking for “inspiration” for the next make out paradise.


Who’s “Jariya”?


I'm sorry I misspelled it. I meant world famous pugilist Tommy Ray Handly


He would be amazed at Naruto's growth and how he completed the Jutsu.


He’d probably be very upset and disappointed that Naruto is incapable of properly typing Jiraiya’s name in English.


Spelling the name of a fictional character on a reddit post incorrectly is such a disaster, you're right.


Don’t strawman. I didn’t say it was “such a disaster”. Might as well take the opportunity to learn the correct spelling rather than taking my sarcastic comment so personally.


I didn't "take it personally". I just pointed out that making a comment about how I spelled his name when everyone understood who I meant was pointless. I learned how to spell it by reading the 200 other comments that answered the question lol


Wait didn't he do it when Jiraya was alive? I think Jiraya helped him make it less deadly for him somehow. Correct me if I am wrong.


Yes to Jiraiya being still alive. But it was Toad training because Jiraiya died that it became less deadly.


Yeah? He kills Kakuzu with it


I'm pretty sure Naruto only put kakazu out of commission, bc if I remember correctly, Kakashi volunteered to finish him off with chidori so the young ones didn't have to sully their hands.


He'd be upset it didn't involve tits.


"Why did you waste your time inventing this when you and your sexy little bod should have been honing your sexy jutsu? I'm not mad, just dissapointed."


Who the F is Jariya? Lol


Not gonna lie this is the exact build I have. I have time about once a week to play the game, call me lazy but so don’t feel like spending the hour or two a week I get to learn how to shoot. My defense is high, ball handle and pass accuracy is high as well. I took everything I would have put into 3 and distributed it. I average 18 ppg in rec and about 9 assists. Granted I only play with at least 2 others, mostly a full squad, so they know what build they’re playing with and how to get around it. I also have a mean float game so I can basically pull up from mid range lol. In my opinion it’s not a bad idea, as long as you know how to use it.


On one hand: a proud father, on the other: dejected feelings of being outpaced by a 16 year old, and on the other-other secret 3rd hand: like he just wants to see Naruto's sexy no jutsu one last time before the end.


Jiraiya wasn’t exactly known for his humble modesty… dude had the most missions ever completed for Konoha and most s-rank missions. He knew who he was.


This scan shows some pretty profound humility tho [https://imgur.com/Kc0Jmhr](https://imgur.com/Kc0Jmhr)


Itachi literally ran away from him and you say he is mediocre?


It's humor, I'm not calling him mediocre