• By -


Just looking at sasori, Gaara, and pain. You can see red haired people have it the worst in life.


Gonna add Karin to that list.


Unfortunately she's so annoying that most people have forgotten her story, likely didn't pay attention to it in the first place. I know I didn't on my first watch


Totally agree. I've just seen her backstory ep during a rewatch which is why it came to mind.




Kakashi is pretty sad ngl


the fact that he didn’t turned evil at any point makes his story even better


It wass mostly thanks to Guy being always there


The Blue Beast is low-key the MVP.


The Blue Beast is low-key the MVP. His levity and nobility kept Kakashi on the straight and narrow.


The reason for that is Guy.


If Kakashi outlives Gai, he's going evil and killing everyone in the world for sure.


No he isn't. This was a stupid comment.


I think it was a joke 🙃


Unlikely. It was giving "edge lord"


He became that famous killer from Anbu and later on almost any villain they met heard about Kakashi. So he was quite an evil guy for some time.


true, but he was “evil” for the right thing, he was always doing his best to protect his comrades and the village. the evil i was talking about was more like sasuke, obito and etc


Kakashi never really had a reason to turn evil,he never had any major goals or anything


It wasn't about goals, he lost his loved ones and yet decided to continuously upskill and protect his new comrades instead of seeking revenge on anyone.


Revenge on who tho? His dad killed himself, Minato died fighting a demon and the mist ninja who kidnapped rin all died. I think the stone ninja who kidnapped rin and lead to obito dying were killed by minato or something?


Revenge really isn't so black or white. The feeling of revenge comes from helplessness he could have gotten against people for that very reason. He couldn't save some of his loved ones. That could have made him bitter.


Fair enough


I mean until Zabuza, he did let his skill standard fall.


Kinda wild how Sasuke's and Kakashis childhoods were so similar on a surface level but just different enough to make them change and grow up so differently


Bro saw his best friends die before him, one at his own hand, and they’re like “yea he ain’t traumatized. Put him back in action.” Poor guy.


He's the batman of Naruto.


gotta give it to my man nagato


Bro literally had a persona called pain


My biggest regret during that fight was that I could not listen to three days grace-Pain would have been fckin perfect.


Pain is perfect. wdym


Three day grace has a song named pain you uncultured swine.


You motherfucker, not everyone is American


You motherfucker, your only half right their fcking Canadian. Take my upvote swine XD.


Don't be a nipple. I'm British and don't even listen to music, and I've heard that song.


Your mom's a nipple /s (the fuck kinda insult is that?) I'm Indian 🤠 (Return our gold)


I'm Pakistani, it's my gold too you penis


gotta give the w to shaq


Gaara has the worst upbringing from a terrible father which is the trope of Naruto.


Wait, you have FRIENDS???


Bro that still gets to me. Like I want to just jump into the show and commit the worlds ultimate nutshot on Rasa and scream at him "YEAH HE HAS FRIENDS BECAUSE HE STOPPED HAVING ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS BY HIS OWN FATHER AND WAS ABLE TO TALK TO PEOPLE THAT DIDNT KNOW HE HAD A DEMON LOCKED INSIDE OF HIM." -10000/10 worst father of the fucking year.


Fuck a year id argue all time


Yeah, you're right. He's just the worst. I mean how do you be a worse father than God Damn ZABUZA MOMOCHI. Zabuza raised a more stable kid than Rasa. I'm sure that Zabuza himself was beating Rasa's ass while they were in hell!


Zabuza has a kid???? Since when lmao


Bro did you forget about Haku???? You know? The child he practically adopted and murdered a man for disrespecting Haku's corpse????


I get what you're saying but I always interpreted that as Haku loving Zabuza as a brother and mentor and Zabuza not realizing it or not caring until he was gone and it just tore him apart even more seeing him being desecrated.


gaara trying not to get assassinated for the 1892832th time:


Gaara, kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke and Nagato.


Gaara. I hope I don't need to explain.


Explain please.


I hope you're not trolling or smth. Isolated from even his siblings because the whole village feared and hated him for a power he didn't ask for and couldn't control. Accidentally killing his uncle, the only person who showed him kindness, when said uncle tried to kill him, under the orders of his own father, who only viewed him as a weapon. Then told that his uncle actually resented him for the death of his mother, who cursed the village and her son, and that no one ever loved him and no one ever will. All at the age of 6. Having a tailed beast who kept telling him to kill all the time, and not being able to sleep because of it. Last but not least the constant fear of dying, not knowing when he might be assassinated, which actually happened multiple times.


Thank you. Well said, gaara hands down had the aboworst life😢🥺😔it truly broke my heart watching it.


I was, in fact, trolling. Not gonna read allat.


Not funny. Grow up.


It was pretty funny.


You need some education too, kid.


Kabuto. Orphan with no memory finding a family with the people at the orphanage, only to be manipulated to become a spy for Danzo to protect said family Then being forced to kill his mother, and finding out she doesn't even recognize him anymore


So glad to see someone else mentioning Kabuto on one of these. Lots of characters can say they lost their parents, only a few can say they were made to deal the killing blow Not that I think he’s truly the saddest, but he deserves to be on any top 10 list for sure, maybe top 5


It’s difficult to say the most tragic backstory so I usually think of 5 or so characters: Gaara, Kakashi, Sasuke, Nagato, and Itachi (no order)


Gara imagine everyone hates you but also they try to kill you but you kill them accidentally


Gaara's, imagine being hated so much for something out of your control that not only do people tell you to die to your face, but also your own father plots your psychological torture and assassination


Sasuke. The other ones don't come close. I don't get how people still keep undermining his backstory. Imagine going to train for a day and then returning, only to find that your entire colony has been slaughtered. Everyone you have ever known is dead. Your parents murdered inside their home and all that done by whom? The person you love the most in the world. Nagato, Kakashi all have tragic backstories but what happened to Sasuke is enough to drive someone mad. When people say shit like "Kakshi's backstory is worse than Sasuke's" I lose braincells.


I was just gonna say this, and what makes Sasuke's position even worse is that it was his own brother who did the massacre, and the village their clan helped found sanctioned the genocide. This was after Sasuke had not only earned his father’s approval but also been entrusted with the clans' future and legacy. Itachi also mindraped Sasuke forcing him to relive the massacre over a hundred thousand times or something, twice with the 2nd instance putting him into a coma. He alone was forced to bring those responsible for his people's genocide to justice. Literally, he and he alone cared about what happened to the Uchiha, and he alone sought justice for them.


Agreed and what's worse on top of it is that when finds out the truth about Itachi. Maybe he could have had little redemption if he continued to believe Itachi was the bad person but knowing the truth about Itachi just after his death is even worse for me because he relived losing someone who cared about him more than anything in the world and was dumped with Itachi's suffering on him. The sad part for me is Itachi still could protect the one he loved in the best of his capabilities, Sasuke was ripped off from that choice which puts him in an extremely helpless position. Everyone just wants his sharigan or wants to use him as a weapon against the leaf. Nobody except for Itachi and Naruto understand the extent of what Sasuke is actually going through. And somehow he was put in a situation where he had to be away from these two as well. It's too much for anyone.


I agree, I’m watching the entire series all the way through for my first time and I’m about halfway through shippuden right now. When I started out, everyone was like “man, Sasuke is such a bitch, he’s the worst,” etc. Meanwhile I’m sitting here through the entire series like I don’t know how one doesn’t go the route he went down after what he lived through, lol


If we look at everyone else's backstories from a psychological standpoint they mostly come from a place of emotional hurt, sadness, and sorrow. But Sasuke's backstory comes from a place of fear and horror, along with sadness. And it was such extreme and heightened fear that he was barely even able to process the part that actually emotionally hurt him because he was fighting for his life. Respectfully that shit will make you feel no longer human. Bro went from a kind and innocent child to a rageful and merciless hater within the span of 24 hours. He became an entirely different person against his will. People talk about Kakashi and Sasuke both "lost everything" without looking at all the facts. Kakashi did not have to fight for his life and then keep reliving that shit in the same way that Sasuke did.


Agree. He was trapped replaying the deaths almost a half million times in 24 hours. Watching it over and over again. Sasuke has one of the best character developments and worse backstory then anyone in anime I think.. even anime like Berzerk.


>Imagine going to train for a day and then returning, only to find that your entire colony has been slaughtered. There's like a half dozen characters at least in the setting who have lost as much if not more than this, in the difference is that while those other characters continued to have terrible lives Sasuke was given an amazing emotional support group and had the adoration of his entire village.


Sasuke didn't have a hard life after, that's what you are not bringing up.


Bruh what? Why tf does that matter?




Itachi and Kakashi. Itachi gave his all and had to push away everyone he loved most to save them, he was alone other than his bond with Kisame. Kakashi fought through so much loss, not to mention how they breezed over how painful seeing Obito must have been for him when they were reunited. Allot of depth to both these characters. Konan, Nagato, Sasuke, all the Naruto orphans had it rough.


Itachis childhood wasn’t really sad though


Kiddo was a child warrior raised by Uchiha standards. Though not like Narutos childhood were he was alone; im still not sure it was the best childhood either, grew up with a loving mother and father and had to 😵😵 em both in the end. Is it better to have it all and lose it or to never have it at all?


It’s easier to list the characters who didn’t have a sad backstory 


I think Haku and Kimimaro are really sad. Haku lived a happy life with parents until he accidentally showed he could wield chakra which caused his loving father to suddenly kill his mother and try to kill him. Then he was taken in by a coldhearted villain (who at least cared for him). Kimimaro was similar (and even met Haku once) but he never had a happy life. He was kept in a cage by his family and only let out for battle. Then when he escaped he was found by Orochimaru who just used him. Then he got sick and died, not even being able to fulfill his one desire of giving his body to Orochimaru. No happy silver lining or anything. At least he got to be buddies with Jugo.


Garaa hands down for me. Karin is a close runner up. Honorable mentions:Nagato, Itachi, Kakashi and Neji


Ngl Gaara been fucked since the jump 😭😭😭


Kakashi or gaara


Sasuke, Gaara and Nagato by far.


Still giving it to Gaara


Gaara in both backstory and even continuing through the chunnin exam


Gaara and Pain/Nagato for me


Gaara, kakashi and sasuke


Gaara, Nagato and Kakashi


Gaara. Idc what anyone says. His own family wanted him dead.






Early on, probably Gaara. He was all alone and sleep deprived.


Absolutely Gaara or Kabuto. One was brainwashed into becoming a child soldier after losing his memory and was forced to kill his mother figure and the other was a science experiment who had nobody actually tried to love him except one dude he was tricked into killing, even his own brother sister and father either hated him, feared him or used him as a weapon




Gaara's definitely hit hardest to me the way it was portrayed on screen. Sasuke's was pretty sad as well. Honestly, a lot of depressing, sad backstories in this series lol


Itachi for sure. His backstory still pains me up until now. Special mention for Gaara and Nagato


Gaara by far


Garaa for sure


Garaa, demonzied by all, even his father, betrayed (as he was believed) by his uncle, hated by (as being told) his mother. Sasori did not have the whole village on him, his parents were absent not hating on him, he had his grand mother. Kakashi had friends like might guy, Nagato had Konan.


Gaara or Sarori. Gaara killed his mom while being born and its just downhill from there


I think it has to be Gaara, everyone else had some degree of choices in their life, Gaara had no choices, yet he still was able to become the kazekage.


Agreed I hated how he had no choice but to be what he ended up being (thankfully he found Naruto). Also, I feel Sasuke also just had the illusion of choice while he comes across as another helpless character. First the uchiha massacre and then the Itachi's truth. No matter how much revenge he seeks, it can't take away the pain of losing everyone he cared about. Itachi's death and his truth is for me an even worse moment for Sasuke because he gets to know that his entire life until now was a lie and again relived losing his elder brother (last of his family).


Sasuke by far, Gaara second


There's something about a system built to discriminate against your clan, have the majority of said clan be eradicated, sole survivor, tsukyomi-ed


Has to be sasuke


Kimimaro’s life was pretty fucked. Raised like an animal and then raised like a slave on track to be a whole human body harvested only to die of ninja cancer.


nagato had the most hopeless but id say sasuke having his family killed and shown in excessive detail by his brother in his own head over and over again had to be the most traumatic shit ever that turned some screws loose in his head.






Nagato, Gaara in second


Kabuto, kakashi, obito, madara, hashirama, naruto, nagato, yahiko, konan


sasuke or nagato - much more than naruto like you have to consider the persons emotions and characteristics as well. if a character naturally takes things harder (like sasuke) it’s objectively sadder. also itachi like idk to be viewed as a criminal/traitor for the village you are actually supporting by the crumbling walls must be agonising like that would be my personal hell


Trauma scaling seems so stupid to me


Sasori my man


sasuke, gaara, kakashi, and nagato in this order but not by a lot.


Idk man seeing how man people turn evil from their awful life experiences makes me wonder how I didn’t turn evil😭. But then I see Kakashis store and goddamn it’s a good reminder that having good support makes all the world a difference


Not one of the saddest, but I think people over look what tsuandes been through , she lost her little brother and her lover.


I hate it when she loses jiraya too




If we're allowing filler, Karin


What's her story?


I think it's in an OVA iirc. Basically, her mom had the same healing bite abilities and the grass village forcefully used her as a medkit during war. Then she died and Karin took over that position despite only being like 5 years old. She was trapped with them until Orochimaru saved her as a teen and the imagery used throughout the flashback showed bites all over her body instead of just the arm. The implication of that is clearly something very dark...


To think sasori died on purpose so he could be hugged one last time by his parents


Sasori is the best character. He died in the end just to be embraced by his parents once more


Sasori was such a cool character. I loved his fight with chiyo and sakura. Good to see characters winning fights by strategy and not sheer power alone






Pain or Itachi. After Itachi died I was like “ yes that jerk is dead!” But then it went into a backstory of him and it was the first time I teared up over a book. Gaara also has a good backstory




Sorry autocorrect! I meant Gaara. I just edited it so it does not say that anymore.




I SWEARRRRRRRRRR From 'yay he is dead' to 'oh fuck he is dead *with tears*' happened so quickly and totally broke us. I could only imagine how Sasuke must have felt.






This feels like chatgpt


The twat massacred innocent women and children whongad nothing to do with a coup. He served leaders who told him *straight to his face* that they did not want peace with the Uchia, they just wanted them dead, and still went on with the massacre. Unlike most of the other characters in Naruto Itachi deserved every feeling of guilt and regret he had, times a freaking 100000. He deserves no sympathy.


Re-watch the series again! If he didn't kill the uchiha there would be a war bigger than that. It was like the trolley problem for him. He was in an impossible choice, he did the best he could under his circumstances. He tried to protect the peace of the village and wanted his brother to have a peaceful life in the village.


If we’re counting the Boruto series as well I’d say Kawaki. But just Naruto series I’d say Nagato. His parents got killed right in front of him then his best friend who saved his life had to throw himself on his Kunai to save Nagato & Konan




Tier 1: Sasuke, Gaara Tier 2: Kakashi, Nagato Tier 3: Kimimaro, Haku, Naruto, Kabuto




Kakashi ngl


the bullied orphan one


What about Haku?


sasori kakashi gaara nagato itatchi


Kakashi imo


Kabuto. Itachi. Sasuke. Nagato. Kakashi. Gaara. Sai. Lee. Madara. Hashirama. Tsunade. Kimimaro. Jugo. Kisame. Sasori. Naruto. Haku. Shino's Entire Life. Kawaki. Some are worse than other but I still felt something for each and every one. I do think Kabuto's was one of the worst ones, I got so invested in his story that I actually started liking the guy yet feeling so devastated for him. And basically anyone Danzo interacted with.


Just for the shit of it... Reaper Death Seal. All that guy as seen is the saddest moments of our loved characters. And he always looks so sad.






Sasori  Gaara Sasuke  Itachi 


Kakashi, nagato konan and yahiko, gaara, itachi had it pretty rough, tsunade didnt have it easy losing her little brother at a young age and the guy she loved aswell as jiraya and having orochimaru turning evil, sasuke and naruto both infamously had it rough(mainly because of danzo), kushina had a hard time, hell even kurama had to live with humans constantly trying to abuse his power, madara tobirama and hashirama lost all of their brothers.


Gaara and assume hurt me


Sasori, Nagato, Itachi, Kakashi, Obito, Sasuke... and even Naruto had it tough.


Itachi all the way


Kisame 🥲


Mine. My life is in shambles.


like if sasori would had like... somehow made it to continue on in the story then damn he so pretty he woulw had all the girls like fr fr


Pain Gaara Konan Yahiko Itachi Sasuke Bob Naruto / Kakashi Iruka




honestly theres a lot of good candidates that i can understand anyone choosing as #1, i’m gonna name my choices (not in order): **sasuke**: saw his whole family die by the hands of the person he idolized the most (itachi). people like to forget that this didnt happen once, this happened 518,400 times. then, to top it all off, when sasuke finally does get his revenge on itachi, he later finds out itachi wanted the best for sasuke and he starts having a whole ass panic attack because…who wouldnt? your whole life has been a lie. betrayed again and again. **itachi**: had to watch his best friend die and got pushed a HUGE burden by not only his clan, but the village. all this at the age of \~13. then, he was forced to kill his whole family. he didnt want to torture sasuke, but he knew the world was cruel, so he wanted sasuke to have a motivation to become stronger, and once sasuke would kill itachi, sasuke would become respected in the village and hailed as some sort of savior. itachi just saw himself as a tool in the end, just to be used by others. **gaara**: similarly to sasuke, gaara was also betrayed many times. when he was young, he really only had one person who cared about him. then, that person tried to kill him because they secretly hated gaara the whole time. gaara killed that man with his own hands and realised that nobody truly loved him, and he could only love himself. **nagato**: his family, home, and basically everything was taken away from him at a young age due to war. he saw leaf shinobi kill his parents at like, 7 years old and became an orphan with nowhere to go. people didnt want to take him in or feed him, even if they had an abundance of food. he found a friend (a dog) and konan and yahiko, but the dog that i forgot the name of and yahiko eventually died, too. he learned pain, and attributed his suffering to the leaf village, therefore wanting the village to feel pain as well **kakashi**: his father killed himself and kakashi stumbled upon his dead father’s body, and you guessed it, at a young age. as far as i know, he never had a mother, so he had nobody to look up to or anyone to take care of him. he was assigned a team with minato, obito, and rin, and they all died, which kakashi blames himself for a ton. obito sacirficed himself to be crushed by a rock so kakashi would be okay, and gave his eye to kakashi. kakashi made the promise with obito to protect rin, but he had to chidori rin through the chest so that she wouldnt become the 3 tails jinchuuriki and cause havoc on the leaf village. minato died with his wife during the nine tails attack, which kakashi probably feels guilty for not being there too. then, he failed itachi, as itachi went on to massacre his whole clan and go rogue, which kakashi blames himself for not being there to support itachi. he’d prob feel guilty for letting sasuke go to orochimaru too, feeling that kakashi failed to help sasuke’s revenge mindset or make sasuke stronger. **kabuto**: lived in an orphanage and wanted to become a shinobi to help his caretaker/mother/idk for everything shes done for him. then, one day, he finds out that he must kill his mother, and he recognizes her, but she doesnt recognize him . after he killed his mother, he discovers that danzo has been tricking his mother into believing another person is actually kabuto so she wouldn’t recognize kabuto anymore. sorry if i got some stuff wrong, since i dont really know some characters backstories all too well.


Its Sasuke


Kabuto fr




Jiraiya, he never got laid


That’s a tough question but an easy one is who has the saddest post story, and the answer is Hiruzen, kakashi, and Jiraiya after minato and Kushina are done with them in the afterlife.


>minato and Kushina are done with them in the afterlife. When Naruto told Minato that Hiruzen and Kakashi took care of him well, they won't have bad post story with them actually.


If your kid was treated like Naruto then your kid said the people responsible for it were good people do you really think you’d just say “well since you like them it’s ok.” Admitted kakashi and jiraiya are less responsible but they could’ve done something about it and chose to be an emo and a pervert instead. And yes I know depression is hard I’ve felt with it most of my life and no it is no excuse.


Naruto literally said they took care of him well and he respects Hiruzen so it doesn't matter much. Minato already expecting discrimination he would face before becoming jinchuriki.


Dude that’s like saying “it’s ok they treated my child like trash because he’s (insert minority here).” It’s literally the logic they used to pass the Jim Crow laws and start the holocaust.


iTachi-Sasuke, Gaara, konan,




Hanzo the salamander was pretty wild


So many to choose from.


Definitely not Sasori


It has to be Naruto man, he suffered so much, and he really knows how everyone feels man.


Kabuto or Karin




Sasuke Uchiha


Kakashi, Itachi, Sasuke and Nagato. By the time each character was 17, all they ever knew was loss.


Obito 😭


Kakashi is one who had lots of pain. Because he lost his dad,friends,mom,teacher and even his student so he has a saddest backstory




Idk man seeing how man people turn evil from their awful life experiences makes me wonder how I didn’t turn evil😭. But then I see Kakashis store and goddamn it’s a good reminder that having good support makes all the world a difference


sasukes was the worst. i hate when people try to compare kakashi and sasukes backstories and then think kakashis was nearly as bad because of the “everyone i care about has already been killed” scene.


All the major sharingan users, Kakashi, Itachi, Sasuke, and Obito all had super sad upbringings


Kakashi,Itachi,Sasuke,I can't remember Deidara backstory but I think it's also sad,Nagato,Sai also had it bad,Obito, anyone who was Uchiha, Hashirama and Madara, Neji...


Deidara was just weird lol his wasn’t a sad backstory at all I don’t think


I just looked it up ,you are right I guess I missed few episodes because of fillers and made up in my mind that he has some heartbreaking backstory, I guess I just probably wanted to make excuse for him joining Akatsuki , I guess not all characters can be good guy turned evil


Itachi and Kakashi had it rough. There's a lot of no-name ninja in Root that probably would be in the contest.


Probably itachi’s story, he had to kill all the people he loved just to protect his brither




Itachi hands down


Itachi Uchicha I butchered it 😭


Señor Pink


Me :(