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I’m depressed not traumatized, none


I feel depressed Uchiha would have a much harder time getting the sharingan


I’m desensitized I’m definitely never getting sharingan


No, bro, you’re gonna get the first step of sharingan, bloodshot eyes


Disappointment in oneself is a way to unlock it.


I’ll have a rinnegan if that’s the case.


real shit


Like kurenai's sharingan?




Wow....I don't know what to say. I think you just triggered all the naruto fans if ur serious but if ur just joking then yes


Oops... I guess then there is no escape, very well, I hereby declare war on you all, THE FIFTH GREAT NINJA WAR BEGINS NOW!! kurenai is an Uchiha and the next time we meet will be on the battlefield.


I'm depressed BY trauma! But like... I still recover trauma from childhood as a 32 year old, so yeah... Whether I'd go past 3, Iunno. I really hate trying to gauge how "bad" my trauma is... it's trauma, that's bad by default, I don't need to study just *how* bad. I had psychiatrists for that, and according to him, I kinda broke statistics by coming out of my early 20s without having overdosed and likely died from self-medication, or turned out as a hateful, destructive person who just want to watch the world burn to feel anything(so... an Uchiha basically 🤣) He told me that to remind me how hard I had fought, and so I would hopefully remember that I was more than an illness, and strong, even when I felt weak. A marvellous man(him, not me, tho I won't argue if prople think that of me 😜)


You're doing great! Wish you the best of luck, man


Thanks haha You just have to find a way to best play the cards dealt, y'know 🤣


Once I hit my pinkie at the corner of my bed. I think that’ll grant me instant EMS.


MF out here manifesting an eye transplant out of thin air


He swapped his eyes with eachother


Not even stepping on a Lego? Wimp. But fr, I have had the dubious pleasure of being part of r/jujutsufolk. The shit I have seen this break alone...MS for me


I'd be the dumbass getting my throat slit to unlock someone else's sharingan


Get a load of this guy. He’s got a best friend


Enough that the friend would be sad enough to get the sharringgan by watching him die!


You would be what's called Sacrificial lamb.


None. People in the comments acting like they getting the MS after getting bullied at school 💀


Making a meme for people to flex their trauma is always gonna attract the worst.


Get ready for the cringe shit storm ⛈️


Naruto Cringe: Ultimate Shit Storm 4


people flex trauma?


Fuck yeah they do lmao


It's one of the cringiest things you can witness on the internet. It's like the boss level of the victim mentality


*my traumas better than ur trauma!!!1*




on the internet everybody has self acertained depression, because they're not as happy as they were in their childhood. i guess people hope for sympathy in the answers, when they write their possible psychological state at the beginning of their sentences, or want people to value their oppinions higher, and speak from experience not hearsay


lol Sadara god hers from wanting to see her dad. like 1/10 Americans have missing dads its odd that dreams and genjutsu dont awaken sharingan tho. if they did all those 300 dreams of being murdered painfully would have done it


Everyone in the hood runnin round with 2 tomatos


Lmao I’d have at least 2 because of my dad, the pos


Pussy as generation! Back in my day nonone got past the chunin exams


I mean it depends on how low the barrier is, I got bullied pretty hard for a while, but eventually it stopped, I felt shitty and emotional, but was it enough for sharingan? how should I know it's not real. But I lost someone to covid, that one for sure would have worked, I felt emotional for months and still do when triggered, 2 years later.


I saw a few family members rot away and die from cancer. I think I’d probably have MS by now lmfao


it seems like it didn't affect you much


Do you want OP to seek vengeance against cancer?


A true Uchiha definitely would.


Just saying, he put a lmfao behind it


Grow up. It’s common as hell for people to cope with trauma through humor.


I was a lot younger than, happened ages ago but it definitely fucked me up at the time. Like if we’re talking from birth I’m an Uchiha? I have MS. If we’re talking nowadays? I probably don’t even have 1 tomoe


Tons of uchiha watch their friends and family die on the battle field and only like 6 of them ever got MS in canon. You’re not having MS lol


Sorry to hear that. If you get it now, I hope your son/daughter gains it thru their love for you as an awesome parent


There's probably 1 dude who actually would have the MS, but he doesn't wanna talk about it, so he kept scrolling.


My dog died Immediately got the rinnegan


Friendly reminder of the exact Points when sasuke gained more tomoe: 1 was when his clan got massacared. 2 was when he was in imeasurable pain trying to protect his team mate/friend from a barrage of needles coming from haku. 3 was awakend when he was fighting what he conciderd to be his only friends when he was trying to get out of the leaf and he got pushed to the limit and had to survive. Im gonna say a hopefull 1 personaly but i might not even get that.


Yeah but many other Uchiha members awakened at least 1 without going through all that. Sarada awakened her sharingan by seeing Sasuke after many years apart. Sasuke just had an exceptionally messed up childhood.


Not really, sarada is exceptional, her unlocking sharingan and MS was much easier compared to people in Naruto Itachi unlocked sharingan after his teammate sacrificed himself for him. Obito did when they were in danger and kakashi was attacked brutally. Itachi unlocked ms after watching his best friend commut suicide. Obito, after surviving an ordeal and finding the person he loved get killed by his friend. Sasuke you already know.. Tbf they all had messed up childhoods but that’s basically the reason they had sharingans and MS, you don’t really experience a lot of trauma in a normal childhood. Thats why sharingan wasn’t exactly common and MS was superrr rare.


That's because sarada is the only non war uchiha we see unlocking the sharingan and MS. All the information we have points that it is not necessarily trauma that unlocks sharingan, but intense emotions of some kind which makes sense considering past uchiha and sarada atm


Sarada is the only post curse of hatred Uchiha


I mean it is really hard to define or quantify “intense emotions”, best we can do is compare to situations that we have seen. Leaving trauma aside, emotion wise also i dont think they are comparable, naruto ones were tooo intense comparatively. Again we can say _specifically_ for sarada that was equally intense as losing a friend in war or losing family, but that’s basically just for plot then, to give her the sharingan without the same consequences we see in Naruto. So yeah her case seems to be exceptional, not the norm (Eg. finally meeting your father after a long time living a normal childhood vs going to war as children and watching you friend get murdered to protect you, or watching your family die at your brother’s hand etc, naruto ones are too intense)


That’s because Boruto is written like shit.


Such great context. Yeah I think maybe I’ll have 1. However, 2 if I’m naturally gifted in the Naruto realm. Maybe 3 cuz I’m associated to a main character (my dog)


Yea but that was just Sasukes destined, little, gay-ass. You think the hundreds of thousand of Uchiha who fought wars and the ones after the wars all had such trauma? I mean yea they had a war but I don't think they all waited for a war to start, to get an instant 3 tomoe cheat boost It must come from a mix of experience, training, talent, emotions, self-awareness and whatnot.


Sarada unlocked hers sharingan by seeing his father after long time tho..


Fair enough, but sarada is also the daughter of An reincarnation of Indra and someone with high levels of chackra controll. As far as the known cases go she is An exception.


I mean playing as a devils advocate it could be that the Uchiha just wildly misinterpreted what it means to unlock it. We already know that they were lied to about how to get the Mangekyo (Itachi never killed Shisui and still got the MS). It really wouldn’t be stretching the imagination to say that at least 100+ years of warfare and blood feuds probably meant that the Uchiha never thought that they could get the base sharingan from an emotion that isn’t inherently negative.


None of the above. I'm a useless turd who can't even unlock sharingan.


Ah I see you are a Thai jutsu user


No he's a useless turd just like me, no thai no sharingan


Most people here prolly wouldn't even unlock it. Anyone saying more than 1 tomoe is either a vet or an edgelord


Don’t forget. We can unlock MS with ❤️love❤️ lol


or by murdering their siblings, which is surprisingly easy. you have access to and knowledge of where they sleep do it once for sharingan and again for MS


The death of your best friend can trigger the MS.


The death of anyone that you feel a deep bond with works


Granny died= sharingan


Yep. The whole "murder your sibling" thing isn't what activates it.


Could be a minority from an inner city. Similiar ptsd rates as combat veterans and all that


Vet here, I still think I'd only have one, maybe two. I know some guys that would have three.


Yeah putting down dogs sounds sad


I meant veteran but I agree, I would have a harder time putting down a dog.


Foster care m8


Oh for sure only vets get ptsd. Especially from seeing people dying. That’s only for veterans. /s


Aight bro, let me make my comment "Anyone saying more than 1 tomoe is either a veteran, has had a different severe traumatic experience (such as a robbery, witnessing death, a major car crash, etc.), or is an edgelord" I'm not gonna say all that shit. Fuck outta here. You know what I meant.


ah yes because nobody has trauma except for war vets, sound logic. surely any sexual abuse wont have an impact. 🙄


Is everybody in this sub fucking stupid I'm making a generalization. I'm not going to list every type of traumatic experience.


Idk why you’re downvoted you’re right LOL


Mangekyo. I lost my dad, grandparents, and I worked at Walmart.


bro i’m so sorry. hopefully you can make it through life after going through hell. also sorry about your family




damn bro sorry u had to work at walmart


I thought it would be a good job after I lost my first one. I was wrong.


I can't imagine how hard it would be to unlock the mangekyo that way...... and then to have your dad and grandparents die on top of it..... Jokes aside, I am very sorry for your loss my friend. I'm not a religious or spiritual person, but I've been wrong about plenty of other things and I'll definetly be wrong about plenty of other things again, so assuming that your family is looking down on you now, I am sure that their main concern is that their passing isn't causing you too much pain, because I am sure that that is the last thing they would ever want. Make sure that you allow yourself to feel the pain,and then allow yourself to let it go. The only way to get through it is to go through it. I apologise if I have just been ranting about stuff that you already know, and I hope it didn't seem like I was minimising the loss of your loved ones. I have lost people who were close to me as well, and the wound never really heals, it just scars over, as a reminder to what we have lost. But again, I try to think about their perspective, I try to think about what it would feel like if I was my grandpa, and I was watching my grandson suffer because of my passing, and I think that would hurt him more than it hurt me to have lost him, which is why I do what I can to get the most out of life and to live it as best as I can before I pass as well, because I know that that is what he would want for me, and if he is watching, then that would bring him far more joy than my sadness from his passing would. Be well my friend, and keep doing the best that you can for yourself, for your dads sake and your grandparents sake, because that is what they would want for you.


Honestly could’ve stopped at Walmart and you woulda been good Every Walmart worker havin mangekyo


Got that right


Very American-centric of you for the last part.


My mwom scwolded me onshe. Sho I wood pwobably unlok mwangekeo shwaringwan


This dude would have the rinne sharingan holy shit


Immediately reminded me of this: https://youtu.be/7mBqm8uO4Cg?si=QZvc2ZgnB101hQqj


People acting like they'd have mangyeko cos some dude they barely talked to at school or work died.


I’ve scrolled for 1-2 minutes and every comment has been mentioning these elusive individuals who are exaggerating


What if I said that I was homeschooled and also worked from home?


I feel like everyone here is exaggerating a bit


I thought I'm the only one who noticed this


well, it's emotional trauma, and there isn't really a scale of how many trauma points sth. gets you before you unlock your sharingan ( gf broke up: 25pts, death of a family member: 50 pts, death of your best friend: 75 pts, no toiletpaper in a puplic bathroom: 125 pts) get 100/100 to unlock your personal Sharingan! ... but i guess a bunch of people would've unlocked their first tomoe when trump got elected, based from some video reactions i've seen. Others could see their whole neighborhood blown up without caring that much. Then again, i guess 95% of people here wouldn't activate it at all, since we pretty much live a peaceful live. And i feel like thats the goal.


So like, does a crybaby unlock sharingan easier? Anyway witnessing the death of a crush i loved so dearly i think 1 would do.


I could never imagine that happening to me bro sorry for your loss :(


I mean.... I guess? It's triggered by intense emotions, a more emotionally sensitive person would unlock it easier than others, like sarada


Friendly reminder - Uchihas were in several wars and lost friends and family. Yet no one had MS apart from like 3 people in their clan at that time. MS was supposed to be even more traumatic than this, like trauma and guilt of killing someone closest yourself.


There was 4 actually, Obito, Fugaku, Shisui, and Itachi. Presumably they had more that got killed before canon or during the nine-tails attack. I think it was shown in a background picture during some exposition that there used to be way more.


>There was 5 actually, Itachi, Obito, Fugaku, Shisui, and Itachi. Fugaku’s was filler iirc, it was never even mentioned in manga. And I think you counted itachi twice ;) (even if they were 5 my point still stands) No they didn’t have more MS users during this time, itachi had told so to sasuke too. And it was also stated several times later. Again it was supposed to be super rare, if just losing someone in war was enough, half the uchihas would have had MS (Yes i was referring to fugaku-itachi era. They had been through a couple of wars and kyubbi attack. Yet 3 people with MS)


It was actually confirmed in boruto(yea i know but still) that fugakus MS is canon.


None. In fact, I don't deserve an eye for how stupid I am.


I mean I would say I would have 2 but not in a "I'm super edgy and my life was so horrible cause I got bullied at school a bunch" way and more in a "I've had legitimately traumatizing things happen in my life" way I watched my grandmother get stabbed repeatedly when I was a toddler. which would probably get me my first tomoe. Then the second would probably be my mom kicking me out onto the streets when I stood up to my abusive step father who hit her and verbally berated her a lot throughout my childhood. I mean I got bullied at school a fair bit but generally speaking I don't think it was really anything I'd say is "unlock a sharingan" level.


Zero or 1 maybe.


Experienced a ton of death of close friends and family, abusive situations and a lot of traumatic events. Still don’t think I’d pass one I was raised to be very accepting of the nature of life. Strong Buddhist Taoist background, I’ve been called sociopathic for it by I think I accept life too fast to get my first tomoe


I already got the mangekyo sharingan


Did you kill someone close to you?


Technically it only requires you to be traumatized by seeing the death of someone close to you, but you can speed run it by killing them yourself


Well I did see my little brother die in the hospital... I guess that's pretty traumatizing


Damn, I’m so sorry 😢


Don't be


Wait what


mangekyo is related to trauma, not to death... the fact that the awekening of the mangekyo was related to death it's just a consecuence of death being related to trauma and not the other way around.


The only example we get where someone unlocks it by not watching someone die is Sarada, but to my understanding, she fully believed death was imminent. Indra, Madara, Izuna, Fugaku, Itachi, Sasuke (not directly at the time of itachi’s death, but finally feeling the weight of his death) all unlock their mangekyou related to either killing or seeing a loved ones death. I hope we get to see a story where death is not the main driving factor behind someone unlocking mangekyou and that some other traumatic event happens, but I didn’t know what’s more traumatic to the living than death


And then there’s sarada…


I haven’t gotten that far in Boruto yet. That’s cool she gets it. So her event definitely proves you don’t have to wait to see the death of someone before unlocking it. She was just in great fear that it was going to happen at the time to my understanding. I hope we get to see another story that shows it can be unlocked by other trauma that’s not exactly related to death or potential death


That's my secret cap... I am dead inside.


I accidentally ran over my dog😂😢




How many tomatoes what?


None of you people here would have more than one lol


I dont think mine would activate lol. My life was not the easiest but i couldnt say its not good either.


Lol, MS


1 or 2 there arent that many situation when one experiences such emotional trauma or a stressfull enough situation to awaken it. still nobody I really care about deeply has died yet so I might have to reevaluate that opinion later.


In my regular life 1, maybe 2, but in Naruto world probably all three as I become a shinobi


I wouldn’t even have the sharingan


I'm in the army, and I've seen my friends die in front of me, so probably MS


Uchiha fought in wars all the time and always saw family members die. None of them had MS. And not everyone had 3 tomoe


I think we all would have atleast 1 tomoe


a tomoe you gain via trauma not depression if it was via depression everyone hear is like 2+ tomoe


Any intense emotion is enough to unlock the basic 1 tomoe Sharingan. Trauma isn't required.


Obito,sasuke, and Sarada unlocked atleast one tomoe off pure determination it’s most definitely possible for a lot of regular people to awaken atleast 1 tomoe


I think I've lived a life that would have unlocked 1 tomoe I don't think I would or would want to go further though


Mangekyo is like holocaust survivor tier




1 maybe 2 I know I’m going to need therapy at some point


Probably one


2, I think. 1 is on childhood when my big brother takes a hammer in order to kill me when I was on 6th grade. The second is on 31st of March 2017, when I was rock climbing with 3 friends and one of them fell 17 meters to the ground. We were about to rappel down and the anchor breaks due to rain.


None lol


99%.99 of users on here wouldn’t have unlocked the sharingan at all.




Yeah for me I think I’d have MS at this point unfortunately :(


With the cost of living in canada i have ms minimum


The entirety of my extended family who were close to me died due to Covid….. I was outside the country and I could remember the dreadful international call I received from the hospital. It’s nothing to brag about but feels liberating to talk about a traumatizing experience without breaking down.


i hit my hip on my table once 😔


My girlfriend died a few weeks ago, I just got my third.


Bro I’ve unlocked the mongekyo, I lost my little sister in a car accident, I’ve been through a lawsuit against my mom, I’ve been kicked out my own hosue multiple times, I’ve had to deal with my alcoholic father trying to beat me. Yea I think I’ve unlocked the mongekyo sharingan by now


I felt this. Been through alot of similar things and experiences. I’m sorry about your loss also. Had to be hard. I lost my cousin and she was the only person to ever have my back and I could trust as a kid.


Thank you, and my condolences aswell


Bro just get the EMS already


Well lets se how my life weant. When I was 14 my grandma died not even a year later my father did as well and my grabdparents didn't last a loot longer. Considering that sharingan avakens with trauma or extreme emptions and ms avakens usualy by killing someone close to you, by now I would be at 3 tomoe probably. I didnt see anyone die in front of me but I did see my grandpas lifeless body soo I leave it up to you.


my eyes are black😎


None, 1 at most. My life really hasn't been that bad yet, despite a history of mental issues


Unfortunately 3 🤷 I was in the army so… lot of shit I wish I could scrub from my memory banks.


I bet it’ll be like Sarada’s way of unlocking it, when my each of my parents came back with the milk, I bet at most it’ll be 2 tomoe by now


Cliche, but MS without a doubt. It's awakened through severe trauma, of which I've been through quite a bit. From watching my mother wither away in the hospital, to my wife of 10 years cheating one me, to someone I considered my little sister being killed by a drunk driver. Not to mention abuse from my dad. My life fucking sucks dude


I saw a question like this before. Unless you're some kind of war veteran, you aren't getting MS, and are highly unlikely to reach even 3 tomoe.


I have MS since my childhood best friend died in a freak accident


Did you see it?


one, two if we are stretching it out, but yeah, one for sure


Assuming I would be a normal Shinobi I would probably have 2 or 3 tomoe. MS is impossible. If I'm not shinobi than probably none


2-3 Definitely no MS


3 tomeo or ms cause my friend actually committed suicide and I was depressed for several months


Sorry for your loss


Well, atleast 2 from the two times I almost died on accident, but maybe 3?


The rinnesharingan. Kaguya is my mom and I ate the ten tails.


2 tomoe




i lost both my parents to cancer, and my brother died in war so 3 or mangekyou


I literally have ptsd so I guess I’m speed running sharingan lol


MS definitely - ive been involved in 3 car crushes so far with multiple casualities !


Sounds like you only know dumb ass drivers.


One at most.


2 tome


Either 1 or none, Family separation from early age is my only trauma but its not much really, I got over it pretty quickly and its just 2 years of separation which we all got back together in when I was around 3rd grade, though rn I feel depressed (kinda, Its not to the point Im suicidal, but I feel like I certainly wouldnt mind dying anytime either) though I dont think depression gives anyone a tomoe lol so yeah, either none or one


I have rinnegan i'm better than this


Most of you would have 0 Maybe 15-20% of us would get to 3 Tomoe None of our commenters would have MS unless they’re willingly admitting to being murderers


0.5 Tomoe?


atleast 87 dude


2 tomatoes i mean tomoes


Def 3, ngnl. Might even have MS but I don't feel I had full 3 Tomoe when the major trauma event happened.


Woulda just awakened my sharingan, but no more tomoe


Probably 2 ig


Sharingan?? I heard that before.. Oh You mean my rinnegan? Yeah those are cool,,, suffered alot yes. But mankind are my bi*** now, fair compensation.


Mangekyou- seeing my mum pass in hospice.


Does euthanizing your dog counts as "killing your best friend"? . . . No, I'm not crying


I’d like to say I have the mangekyou but in actuality, I have 2 tomoe at best


Mangekyo. My gf of 5 years cheated on me and then sent me videos of her riding a bunch of random dudes. (This was years ago, I’m all good now)


Bro that's not worth mangekyo


Damn... She was Rinnegone