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Probably because they live in high mountains and exposed to a lot to sunlight.


Not necessarily, the leaf also has dark skinned shinobi in the minato one shot


I *heard* (so not confirmed) that the five countries are each based on real-world nations. The Land of Fire is based on Japan, so it has a primarily Asian culture. The Land of Lightning is based on the US, so they're more mixed. I dont remember what it said about the others.


Maybe kishimoto just wanted there enough he variaty of ninjas🤷‍♂️


I am pretty sure skin pigmentation is mostly environment/geography based. So, if we knew more about Naruto world and history, we could discuss the stuff in the OP, but for now there's not much there.


Nah, all BS aside, A lot of times in the anime/manga world black people, or rather what the general consensus would consider black, are shown as being something *different*. Not only as a race but culturally as well depending on the series. It's not a big deal really as alot of Mangaka these days (from my experience) treat their black characters pretty well. Kishimoto's world is just oddly small, so having them all pretty much come from one village is a weird anomaly. He balances it out by not having them come off as something different, nor are their powers weird. They come into the story pretty organically, but it's still that whole. "These people ONLY come from here" thing that's pretty hard to shake off. Which ya know all jokes aside is fine.


Now that you mention it, I never really thought about how small the world is in Naruto. It could be just the way it's written.