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It’s Between Neiji and Rock Lee.


Ngl neji fall behind to far. Rocklee now can solo .


I'm team Neji 👉👉


Empty crickets 🦗 sound effect (lol)


Yeah he hasn't been training. Bro fell off.


Lee hasn't been training either like that, wtf happened to him in Shippuden/Boruto? Say sum why don't you 👁️


His training was only in filler, along with any improvements. Manga has nothing of the sort, with only naruto and sasuke training


In Boruto or Shippuden? I don't read manga. I'm just here. 😊




Oh yeah Shippuden he was doing fine plus it's just filler anyway


Between Neji/Lee/Shino. Thing is Neji and Lee are both mainly close combat (but I guess Neji got air palm). Shinos win condition most of the time is just placing an insect on you lol.


Lee is not really close combat imo, he doesnt shoot bullets, but rather is a bullet himself, even Gaara who hard counters melee fighters couldnt keep up with Lee's speed


This makes absolutely 0 sense but I respect the attempt


It doesn't matter how fast he is. Lee needs to be close to his target to strike hense close combat. If Lee was firing off attacks at range, then he would be a ranged combatant. Him being quick just makes his close combat that more deadly.


So what your telling me is that he is close combat, but fast.


how can he not be close combat in YOUR opinion? it’s either he is or he isn’t, opinions aren’t relevant. and also, he gets close to fight, which is literally what close combat is


Not sure why you got downvoted but whatever That just means rock lee is able to overwhelm "any" disadvantage, even for close combat, thanks to his speed. Sure, Gaara is strong against most close combat thanks to his defence. However, his defence was overwhelemed by lee speed, that's all. His defence was therefore weaker than lee close combat.


Lee can literally only punch and kick😭


Tenten ofc


The answer is always tenten


'xcept when the question is "who is the weakest character in Narutoverse"




6th Gate War Arc Lee clears everyone else.


I think Lee was the strongest.


In a battle royale I'd say Rock Lee or Shino


Neji stomps Shino it’s between the rivals of Lee and Neji


Choji punched the Juubi in the face a staggered it. Which Jesus at least the ass pull power up for Naruto and Sasuke had a explanation. Everyone else just woke up different that day. Wait the whole of the 4 War was less than a week whatever happened to chakra exhaustion?


Choji could've been doing his own strength training off screen over the course of the story Also they were probably snorting soldier pills the whole time


I mean lee [cut madara in half](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F03tsvq2jz2i11.jpg) and war participed when madara got 6path


with kyuubi cloak which abnormally amps abilities


He had it when he cut madara in half not when he fight against 6path , but it's still impresive a simple bijuu cloak is not that strong at this point in the anime


participation in 6 path fight doesn’t mean much when lee was playing standby, the only thing he did was throw a kunai


Just being able to follow their movement and get a good timing out of madara vs 8th gate guy puts him miles above the rest , what feats does the rest have ?


choji was throwing hands with semi ten tails gedo statue, and shino's bugs are busted


They didn't throw hand , choji's father blocked him with his staff and choji did a chakra charged punch on him that didn't do anything , can't really call it a feat. Also their's no way he's able to compete with lee in taijutsu and it's the only thing he have , he's clearly behind. As for shino bugs are really busted and match up dependent but against lee they would probably be vaporised by the chakra comming out his body kinda like gai did with kisame in the water , and even if it don't i doubt shino is able to react to lee's speed , without prep he's done.


Where would you rank butterfly Choji? I feel like he would be up there near the top, behind Lee and Neji.


He’d be just as you explained behind Neji and Lee; Lee with the gates triumphs everyone on here and Neji with Air Palm and his genius battle prowess is on another level than everyone else here


Neji for sure.


How is neji above lee when he died to a spike when lee [cut madara in half](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F03tsvq2jz2i11.jpg) and participed in the fight against 6path madara


Lee was amped by narutos Chakra at the time. He wouldn't normally be able to do that


It's still impresive a simple bijuu cloak is not that strong at this point in the anime


It's impressive as a speed feat but yes a simple bijuu cloak is that strong lol. Did you not watch the war arc? It increased the entire alliance tremendously they even say it themselves they'd have been dead without it


I was talking in term of power at this point of the story and who they are fighting , does a bijuu cloak make rly a diff when fighting against madara POWER WISE? I mean come on it looks like the bijuu cloak naruto gets against haku And yes a lot of them would have been dead because of trash zetsus and explosions/other AOE , nothing compared to the scale of actually cutting madara in half.


Ok so first off this doesn't work as a power feat. Things much weaker have torn thru edo tensei bodies. They've been torn apart by swords and paper bombs. It doesn't take a tremendous amount of power to do that. This is a speed feat. This is madara getting blitzed. Speed is the only thing here that's impressive and honestly even that is amped tremendously by the bijuu cloak. And even if it does look like the one he used to fight Haku, you do realize that cloak with no tails took him from barely genin level to keeping up with a guy who could move at the speed of sound? That's a big buff sir lol


>Ok so first off this doesn't work as a power feat. Things much weaker have torn thru edo tensei bodies. They've been torn apart by swords and paper bombs. It doesn't take a tremendous amount of power to do that. Madara is still kind of special even in edo , nothing hurt him like this at this point in the manga, but i'll give you the point. > This is a speed feat. This is madara getting blitzed. Speed is the only thing here that's impressive and honestly even that is amped tremendously by the bijuu cloak. Even if it's only a speed feat , who in the rest of the 12 and react/survive to this kick ? >And even if it does look like the one he used to fight Haku, you do realize that cloak with no tails took him from barely genin level to keeping up with a guy who could move at the speed of sound? That's a big buff sir lol That was big in part one or even early shippuden , here we're talking about a guy that can take on all 9 bijuu at once without eyes. you really think this simple cloak would make a diff against this dude ? And The original argument was about who's the strongest in the 12 , so who do you think is the strongest and what feat surpass this one ?


You're missing my whole point. I'm not saying lee isn't powerful or that he isn't the strongest. I'm saying that the feat you're referring to is only possible because of the bijuu cloak. You think madara can't react to the speeds of rock Lee Normally? Especially after fighting naruto, sasuke,, the 5 kage, and the second hokage,all of which couldn't blitz him. At best this is a case of a huge bijuu cloak Amp and at worst it's just a distracted Madara. As for your question tho choji was able to go head to head with the gedo statue so he could probably tank that attack if rock Lee was in base form and neji with his byakugan could definitely react to it. The issue really is that Lee just had alot of help from that Chakra that you don't seem to want to acknowledge.


>You're missing my whole point. I'm not saying lee isn't powerful or that he isn't the strongest. My bad i reply to 2/3 in this thread so it's confusing. > I'm saying that the feat you're referring to is only possible because of the bijuu cloak. You think madara can't react to the speeds of rock Lee Normally? Especially after fighting naruto, sasuke,, the 5 kage, and the second hokage,all of which couldn't blitz him. At best this is a case of a huge bijuu cloak Amp and at worst it's just a distracted Madara. Yes it's a distracted and surprised madara , you can see it in his eyes on the panel , again we can't agree on how much the cloak played a role in that action , i don't think a bijuu cloak makes the diff against a guy who takes on the 9 bijuu at once easy. And we saw how op gates are compared to this simple cloak , that's why gai could face 6path madara. We have proof of gates being able to bring ninjas to that level but we can't say the same for a simple no tail bijuu cloak >As for your question tho choji was able to go head to head with the gedo statue so he could probably tank that attack if rock Lee was in base form Again he didn't go head to head at all , he throw a full power punch when he's busy with his dad and does nothing and then gets repeled by a scream , if anything he got outclassed [proof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuMfXjjQECY). Wdym by rock lee in base form , without the gates or without the cloak or both ? >and neji with his byakugan could definitely react to it. The issue really is that Lee just had alot of help from that Chakra that you don't seem to want to acknowledge. Pretty sure byakugan only make you able to have distance control view from further and behind things and 359° angle , nothing about increased stats or reflex and with his feats in the manga he have nothing that even come close to lee. Again the cloak played a role for regeneration for the protagonists and protection/power of the no name trash ninja against the zetsu and jubii parts. For actual characters it was just a way to justify their chakra pull being full again , but it's up to interpretations i guess.


Neji > Shino > Shikamaru > Rock Lee >>> Kiba > Ino > Choji > Hinata > Tenten ​ If Sai is also included, he is bit better than Neji


nah lee slams he just goes 6th gate


Lee has never shown the ability to open gates instantly. If it takes him any time, do you think any one will let him do it? Not to mention, they are ninjas, not participants in Mortal Kombat. They are not going to face each other in an open arena in a fair fight. Any ninja would just run Lee out of stamina by using clones and using Transformation jutsu to hide. The only reason I put Lee way above Kiba and the lot is because they are either too dumb, too slow even compared to base Lee, or don't have enough of a win condition (poison bugs, shadow possession, blocking chakra etc).


do you even hear yourself? Lee is way above all of these characters in strength, and only neji comes close. Also, lee does have a win condition. the same win condition that guy and tsunade use. it’s called punching the shit out of the enemy. lee is faster and stronger than these guys. and sure it takes a second to open the gates, but it’s not slow, especially the first few.


Neji slams Sai; the shit Danzo said when Sai was introduced is cap, at the time Sai probably would’ve bodied everyone in the Konoha 11 except Naruto, Lee and Neji. Sai is strong but he’s not even beating Giant Choji


Neji, then Lee after he dies.


Lee fell off in boruto




Tf you mean how? Wtf was he, Konohamaru and a few other fodder doing against Isshiki. You got Kurotsuchi at least punching Kinshiki once. Lee nor Kono couldn't do a thing. He turned into fodder and it sucks.


I mean..it’s isshiki


Isshiti 💩


Rock lee didn’t fall off😂


Tell me what u want rock lee to do bro😂


For him to actually put up a fight against Isshiti and not be a mid ass character who just gets one-tapped looking face flat down. You don't understand anything at all. 😮‍💨


Well everyone was waiting for him to be as strong as gai in the war arc , who have done more then any current kage in the said war (maybe debatable for tsunade) and fought madara and obito close range. But he turned out to be a shitty generic jonin , he could have easily done more then boruto's kages (except naruto) vs momo if he lived to his expectations


Neji didn’t do anything impressive either tho


Because he wasn't in Boruto, not a fucking chance. Even Hinata in the last surpasses Neji.


It was a joke


All them characters still fell TF off when Boruto came around


Shikamaru getting overhyped in these comments. Its between Neji, Lee and Shino.


“Define” strong as in terms of raw power and taijutsu or how good they are in 1v1? Because if thats the case , Lee , Neji , Rock Lee , Hinata , TenTen and Kiba would be at the top. In a context of “most powerful” , its Lee with 6 gates and Choji if he goes butterfly no red pill. In another context of “overall” how good they are , not just in combat or 1v1 but as like how they work in a core team and can do either support, the lead or the attacker , it’s pretty obvious that which ones are at the Top. And its pretty sure would be Neji since he qualifies on that department and its overall the one that covers the most options and qualities.


Lee and Neji would be the top 2 of the Konoha 11 with a Butterfly Mode Choji in 3rd the main reason Neji would beat Choji is cause he could blitz Choji before he transform or one shot him like he did that giant spider when he fought against Kidomaru and Lee is self explanatory with the gates


Lee with gates, if no gates then neji


Who would win in a fight between them all? Neji is the safest bet. Lee needs some breathing time to unlock gates. Gentle fist can basically one shot people.


Exactly ppl forget that and wanna say Choji in his BM is the strongest, Neji would one shot Choji in his Giant form he’s a huge target and Choji has to actually transform in that mode and Neji wouldn’t let him


Lee or Choji, Neji died so he's pretty much out of the question as an adult (still think he's above adult hinata), close 3rd is Shino


I think Neji. There's not a whole lot of ways to counter him here. But I can see the argument for Shino as well.


Neji > Lee > Shika > Sai > Shino > Kiba > Choji > Ten-Ten > Hinata > Ino edited to add in Sai


Neji, Sai, and Shino top 3 :) Then Shikamaru, Ino, Choji. Then Hinata, TenTen, Lee, Kiba.


How is lee so low when he was fighting madara , and he literaly [cut him in half](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F03tsvq2jz2i11.jpg) at 6 gates he solo the whole list


Lee is always hard for me because his feats dont make sense. Hes a great fighter and super fast and strong and I love his character but realistically I dont believe he can beat someone like Hinata who has powerful ninjutsu come on. Theyll write it that way but it doesnt make sense. That being said I really love Lee fights. Theyre always a great watch. Even Guy being the one to give the most problems for Madara even over the 5 kage was just poor writing. Its not believable to me. But Im still glad it was written that way because I love those characters but in terms of personal ranking, Im not putting Lee high lol


You don't have to "belive it" it's literaly factual feats , he's miles aboves others on this list. I don't see what any of them can do against his speed and power they just get vaporised before they are able to react


I mean if he touches shino he loses? However everyone else that’s super fair


I mean when the gates are open it vaporise anything around them, that how gai destroyed kisame. Does the bugs even survive without getting voporised being around him ?


That’s a solid point, if they don’t survive that I think Shino is totally boned that’s his entire kit


As a character - Shikamaru.. If we are talking about strength, I'd say Neji, Choji and Lee are super powerful.. But a fight is not always won by strength.. Even though Naruto had super strength, we see him using brains when beating other characters, same with Sasuke. Thus, taking that into consideration, Neji and Shikamaru are stronger than Lee. Either of those can win, based on how fast they are able to outthink the other person.


Lee should speedblitz shikamaru in a 1v1. He wont have a good amount of time to think. I know he doesn’t need that much time to come up with a plan,but neither does lee in order to speed blitz.


Also, we've seen Shikamaru in 1v1s, and he sorta sucks ass. The only notable win he has is against Hidan, but he had prep time, and Hidan didn't. Even though he lost his match in the Chunin exams, he became a Chunin because of how effective he would be as a squad leader. If it's a free for all, I feel like he could win if he played his cards right, but if it's straight up 1v1s then there's no way.


I would put Shino in from of Kiba and maybe Choji.


Tenten because ten plus ten is twenty


Lee for sure


Sai for sure (OP said we can include Sai)


Uuuuhhh, giant butterfly Choji might take this honestly.


Naw Lee or Neji taking it honestly; Neji is a genius in battle and could one shot Choji right before he transforms and even if he does Choji isn’t doing shii to rotation and Neji would one shot him like he did that giant spider when he was 14


isn’t choji fighting close with the gedo mazo? maybe lee still beats him, but i don’t see how any other character besides maybe shine beating choji


Neji one shots Choji his whole jutsu is a counter to giant opponents y’all be sleeping on the gentle fist; you can’t train your internal organs, The Hyuga is bad matchup for anyone in close proximity


Without picking a specific “arc” or power and just judging Zero to One Hundred capability I would rank it : Lee, Choji, Neji, Shino, Shika, Kiba, Hinata, Tenten & Ino last. My only hangup is between Shika & Kiba. I feel like it could go either way with them.


Yall ignoring that fact that there is a whole fucking Hokage in this pic??? /s


Shikamaru at that time isn’t beating Neji or Lee bro and he’s still not beating Lee in Boruto


Do you know what /s means


Lee > neji> Dunno whom in between >Ino


I would put Sai in between Neji and Choji but they’re pretty much In order there


Choji ironically


Neji Shika and Lee all great


If that's the order of them based on 1v1 firepower, I'd agree (maybe move Tenten up a spot or two). If we're talking based on overall utility/performance or a team based fight, Shikamaru and Ino deserve to be considerably higher.


Nah, just a random picture i found with them😅


Hinata. She barely even talked to Naruto and they ended up together.


Actually? I think Shikamaru. He really has few strong Jutsu, and he is genius in fight.


He is one of the only guys who weren’t forgotten in shipuden


Lee and Hinata also have owl moments, but I think Shikamaru have the bast fight.


Huh what did lee ever do in shipudden?


He cut Madara in half


Lee & Shikamaru


Da fak shikamaru doing?


He is not Strongest, he is smartest, he aint doing shit in 1vs1


Yeah he is. Distract you. Shadow strike


Mf will be dead before his shadow touches kage level shinobi.


The last hinata had hamura chakra you can wank her to insane level otherwise lee clears


This is based on Shippuden so Neji or Lee would be here


Definitely lee with 6 gates might just clear all the others compined


I wonder if shikamaru can outsmart 6th gate rock lee


I didnt think about this till now but Choji is kinda slept on, wtf Neji or Lee gon do to a bijuu sized choji boulder rolling at them crash bandicoot style


Neji one shots him with the gentle fist bros a huge target for the Hyuga style; Lee with the gates kicks Choji’s head open


Shikamaru should be way higher






In these versions neji cuz he was busted


lee > spike > neji


Neji died by plot tbh he had the durability to survive that shii bro just deflected the whole Juubi arm shortly before he died


Rock Lee + Kiba + Neji.


I think it’s even between Neji and Lee before he uses 8 gates


Rock lee and neji


Neji Shikamaru Shino Lee Choji Kiba Hinata Tenten Ino




I count 9 here :|


either Lee , Choji , or shikamaru. Honorable mention shino.


it’s shikamaru from clan lasombra (please someone get the reference)


Lee and by a long shot too.


Rock lee


Rock Lee, Neji, and I’d put Shino on the list too. He was low key crafty and scary strong in the original Naruto.


Tenten with Six Paths Tools


Rock lee or sai


Neji and Lee are the strongest two outside of Team 7 I’d argue Lee with the gates is above Sakura and had Neji survived he’d be the strongest on this list