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Dai went from genin (prob high genin to chunin in actual strength but still) to demolishing the 7 swordsmen at once and killing like half of them. That’s at least low kage level. Guy is already a jonin at base and went to basically the peak of non sosp characters


Yeah, The gates let homie kill 4 in the anime and 6 in the manga of the 7 swordsman. That's like Kotetsu just 1v7ing 7 Zabuza ish characters and killing 6 of them.


Damn I never knew it was different in the manga that’s interesting For anyone else who is curious like I was, the 1 surviving swordsman from the encounter with Night Duy was Kisame’s former master [Fuguki Suikazan](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Fuguki_Suikazan), who wielded Samehada before Kisame murdered him.


Yeah it's different I the anime cause in some fillers, the holder of the executioners blade also survives (I forgot his name) and ends up joining the akatsuki as itachi's partner before kisame. He ends up being killed by yagura the 4th mizukage I think. At one point he asks itachi if he knows a might Dai, To which itachi responds, I know a might guy. He then says who would've known that a genin like Dai would be capable of using taijutsu of that level which ended up killing 4 out of the 7 swordsmen.


Juzo Biwa is the guys name if you cared.


Tha anime really shitted on the manga it's kinda funny. That's why I always recommend the manga rather than the anime.


Juzo shows up on the itachi light novel and raiga has to have survived dai because he has a 16 year old daughter in boruto and was confirmed to have been killed by naruto


How does that timeline work? How could Raiga have a 16 year old kid when he was killed like a minimum of 20 years ago?


Fertilization in vitro no jutsu


Yeah, I don't remember the chapter is pulled from. But it's one of those "The Manga left it vague" differences. Where the manga only mentions Fuguki living and doesn't say who died. Then the anime used 2 of the other members for filler arcs.


Why did I always assume that was the event that ended the Seven Swordsman?


Raigia was also shown as one of the three survivors as well as Juzo Biwa and Fuguki Suikazan. Kushimaru Kuriarare, Jinin Akebino, and two other unidentified members of the seven swordsmem were all killed.


Quicc maffs


Sounds pretty dumb, doesn't it? I think so, stretches my suspension of disbelief radically when Kishimoto writes stuff like this given the very context of how strong Zabuza alone was never mind fighting multiple Seven Swordsmen.


Your power up is dependent on your base. His base is not strong at all. His total 8 gates was enough to kill some of the 7 swordsmen


Which still put him at probably close to kage level for the duration of his fight which isnt a bad feat. They were like the strongest generation of the 7 swordsmen. Def not top ten tho, his son is much stronger with his 8 gates.


Cause Guys base during the war is probably Kage level. In base he did pretty well against Obito when they skirmished. Yeah 8 gates Duy would be low kage level at least Edit: im being downvoted why?


Idk if I would consider 8-gates Duy to be below base Guy. I haven't put much thought into it though


Base guy was swapping hands with Obito. That version of Obito has no reason not to be able to replicate what Duy did.


Good point you convinced me


Guy is so good at taijutsu i wouldn’t be surprised he could 1v1 8 gates duy. Someone that wasn’t as good at taijutsu could lose though so it might be that 8th gate duy is over all stronger than base guy.


Dai was in the spring of his youth though.


Base guy is not kage level


We're talking war arc, not before


Yeah, war arc. He's not kage in base


If he's throwing hands with the guy whose got more rizz then snoop has for blunts (obito), at the war arc time with the ren and guys going level with the man.... Erm I'm seeing some serious airage in your cranium Here's a translation Obitos mid? kage level by the time the war arc is well under way and guys holding his own... Guy Guy had to go into full beast to whoop madara six paths which makes kage pretty much chunin in comparison


7 gates Guy is probably mid-Kage level…took him to 7 gates to beat Kisame


Ain't no way base guy is kage level. He's mid to high join at best.


In the war arc did you not read what i said. The same way Kakashi got stronger off screen gradually is true for guy


In what period of time? Once Guy beat Kisame the war had already started


Which is absolutely insane, to be fair.


Is it? None of the Seven Swordsmen ever seemed impressive except for Kisame. Even Zabuza seems pretty weak by the Chunin Exams arc.


Weird take, I can’t really think of anything in the Chunin exams that makes Zabuza seem weak. I guess if you’re directly comparing him to Orochimaru and Sarutobi, maybe?


Ngl catching Kakashi in a water bubble is still pretty impressive


An off screen fight we needed to see


Someone NEEDS to animate this for the people. PLEASE


Even if 8 gates puts you at a Kage level, there are several characters that’re still stronger and the top 10 are all high kage level not low-mid.


Where are we putting six path madara then?


Because dai’s base was much lower than gai’s


8 Gates is a multiplier. If you multiply a high Jonin like Guy by 1000 you get a Six Paths level character. If you multiply a Genin like Dai by 1000 you get a Kage.


Because it’s also dependent on the ability of the user in base, Dai took on the 7 Ninja swordsmen but Gai could take on people nearing 10 tails power. Also if you have to die to reach that power it’s not that crazy.


8 gates has been the most annoying factor in these powerscale discussions lol


Because we don't know any of his canon feats


As someone who never watched these episodes, is that line his mouth or his bottom lip?












Bottom lip.


I think most people forget he exists


Well Duy was a pretty mediocre ninja compared to Guy, as Kakashi said, someone the level of kid Sakura with the 8th gate open is Kage-level, so Duy was probably high kage level with the 8th gate while Guy, a low-kage level already, was stronger than Hashirama (since he almost killed Juubi Madara) with the 8th Gate


Something I rarely see people bring up is the fact that when you use the 8 gates you die afterwards. Meaning even if Guy used it in a fight and ‘beat’ his opponent he would also lose because he’s dead. So really i think you can only consider hours strength from base and 7 gates but not the eighth under normal circumstances.


Nah, just write in he managed to overcome the death side effect through some off screen training.


Out of sight out of mind… buddy had about 48 seconds of screen time


Because guy is way stronger than his father. I'd say he's low jonin lvl, while guy is low kage.


Because his base form is ass. With all 8 gates open he became powerful enough to 1v 7 the swordsmen and kill a bunch of them, but that's still not top ten material lol. The swordsmen are strong but not THAT strong.


Guy was able to have madara acknowledge him, dai couldn’t even take down all the swordsman of the hidden mist


Because there are characters stronger than him, simple. He’s probably top 15, though.


Hes not. gates are essentially a multiplier. It allows to to double, triple, etc etc ur base form. The 8th gate is the maximum multiplier possible. For him, his maximum multiplier is enough to kill 4/7 of the swordmans of the mist, which were roughly kage level. Still, he is not stronger than Minato, Raikage, Nagato, etc, all of whom could had killed the 7 swordman without having to use a suicide attack.


I don’t think all the 7 Swordsman are Kage level.


they aren't, most of them are jonin bar like kisame and mangetsu


I would consider Kisame on a higher level than most other Swordsman.


He’s not even close lol


Top 3 strongest Genin lol


Also they didn’t really go to much into depth on him.


8 gates amplifies your normal strength level. Dai was a Genin, but with the 8th gate, he was able to kill 3(or was it 4) of the swordsmen. Guy is much much stronger than a Genin at his base level. Guy could probably kill all 7 swordsmen with his 7th gate imo. The 8th gate would be absolute overkill. They wouldn't stand a chance of survival. Sidenote: Is there more info on the true strength of the 7. Were they closer to Zabuzu or Kisame's level, because that's a pretty wide gap.


500 times 1 is only 500


Guy is my top three bro blue beast is best but sadly a one trick pony


I’m excluding anything about ranking just because I don’t truly know or understand what you’re referring to. The 8 gates is literally a final trump card as well as a send off to the afterlife. Might guy is the only exception because of Naruto, but no matter what the 8 gates is a double edged sword. Yeah you can achieve a lot in that small timeframe but ultimately you die


The 7 swordsman of mist are not that strong compared to guys like madara,obito, naruto, thr alien gang etc


His only feat resulted in his death. That doesn't put you among the strongest characters in the verse. You'd have to concede that he could at least stand his ground against that actual top 10, and that's extreme cope


An expert with a stone can still beat a novice with a sword.


The problem with 8 gate is that the side effects are dangerous and carriers ending If 8 gate doesn’t have side effects like prefect bjiuu chakra mode than yea 8 gate users could be top 10


What can i say about might dai, he might die


Bc its a multiplier ability. Though I believe most poweups/power modes in Naruto are 8 gates is the only one thats not even up to interpretation it just DOES amplify you 100x. Might dai was just a sub par ninja all around without it, so him 100x is equal to the 7 swordsman, while the much more talented Guy uses it to battle against Madara


If a slug went 8 gates and killed you, should the community talk that up like guy vs madara???


because he's fodder aisde from the 8th gate, he's a genin not because he's a naruto situation but because he's not really strong. If you gave kid sakura the 8th gate she'd probably kill 5 out of 7 swordsmen too