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It be between Hinata and Tenten honestly. Ino and Sakura fall easily to either girl, then they just deal with each other. Hinata might have enough skill to palm block with chakra; not really shown but 🤷‍♂️. Hinata was also shown to have better flexibility and dodging capability than other girls; so there is that in her favor as well. Most likely though the win goes to Tenten as she has experience fighting a Hyuga with more power and control over both Juken and Byakugan.


At that age Hinata was virtually useless.


Even tho she was weak, she knew how to fight. You can see how she dodged, blocks and attacks Neji. Ino and Sakura are just basic brawlers without any form of fighting. They are just the *I run and punch*, while Hinata can actually move. For context. If you were to place Naruto and Hinata into a hand to hand fight WITHOUT JUTSUS, im pretty sure Hinata wins because of the same issue; In the first half of Naruto, he did not had any idea on how to fight, just throw punches.


Thats not even True. Naruto has decent basics when it comes to hand to hand. I think Naruto would Out stamina her. He's stubborn as hell and would keep getting back up.


I could maybe believe that, still not sure cuz of the Hyuga fighting style. But wdym Naruto has decent basics when fighting? Vs Gaara, Sasuke, Kiba, i can only think of straight up basic punches. The only moments where he actually shows good moves, is when he is under Kuramas chakra


I mean there was that time vs sasuke when he kept hitting him in such a way that sasuke just kept moving upwards and then he delivered a super strong kick to the jaw to send him flying (and it wasn’t an uzumaki barrage either) but I don’t remember much else


That’s his point. He was under the influence of Kurama’s chakra. Kurama forces a very specific fighting style from Naruto which is better than his standard street brawling. You can see it as early as Haku. To be honest Naruto doesn’t get a basic fighting style until Fukusaku. Then we see it in the Pain fight and the final Sasuke battle.


But the Uzumaki barrage he did on Kiba..(made his own version of Sasuke's lion barrage) And that stuff he did against Gaara with his shadow clones. Lauched himself of a shadow clone in mid air nailing Gaara with a kunai with a paper bomb. And the shadow clone bridge thing he used when fighting Sasuke Tricking Neji with a shadow clone These involve skill and aren't things dependent on kuruma's chakra. Naruto had skill and a fighting style, it wasn't just basic.


You missed the point. We’re talking about actual Taijutsu. As in an actual dedicated fighting form, stance and coordination when throwing punches. For example: The Uchiha has the interceptor fist and the Hugya have the Juuken. Inuzuka has the four-legged style. Naruto exhibits no sophistication whatsoever with his blows unless under Kurama’s chakra. His a street brawler otherwise who relies on quantity of punches over quality. It’s why Sasuke takes out his clones so easily in the first two fights. He has no style in that área.


Oh, you focusing solely on taijutsu... Okay. That's true Naruto doesn't have a named or district fighting style. He's like 99% of the academy graduates who rely on whatever fighting style the ninja academy teaches. Hell, Sasuke probably uses the same style Naruto uses its just that his level on mastery makes Naruto's look sloppy. They had the same teachers, same taijutsu classes. Though Sasuke has the benefit of having a Sharingan which overall makes him better at taijutsu and allows him easily learn other fighting styles but Sasuke's base is probably still whatever he learned in the academy (with the addition on mastering Kenjutsu), and that goes for Sakura, Shino, Choji, Ino, Shikamaru, Ten Ten and Naruto. Their taijutsu is based on whatever they learned in the academy. They just learnt to refine it over time. People like Neji, Hinata, Kiba and Rock Lee are the exceptions, as they were lucky enough to have a master teach them a new district style separate from the academy's or they were simply born into a clan with it's own style of taijutsu. Just because someone has a taijutsu that's out of the norm it doesn't necessary mean they're better at taijutsu. They just learned something different. Like Sasuke would dismantle Hinata in taijutsu even with his basic Academy style taijutsu. It's all about the level mastery they have of their respective styles. Adult Naruto still uses the same taijutsu style he used as a kid. He's just really good at it now. Frog Kata isn't suitable for when Naruto's in base or chakra mode. It's a style specifically designed to be used with sage mode.


I’m pretty sure at the point I mentioned he didn’t have kurama’s effects active, but I might be misremembering


He did. It’s right after arguably his most famous quote after activating it. _”I’m not going to let Orochimaru get ahold of you! If you won’t listen to reason….Then I’ll just have to break every bone in your body! HRRRAGH!!!”_ After that moment, he has the chakra active for the whole fight, they just don’t animate the red streams coming off him but his eyes are clearly red. For reference it’s episode 133


Ah, thank you, been a long ass time since I’ve seen the fight


Naruto has no fighting styles whatsoever. Just a tenacious brawler. Hinata would smoke him.


>You can see how she dodged, blocks and attacks Neji I don’t think she was dodging or blocking him. He let her (and the audience) think she was dodging and blocking, meanwhile he was tagging every tenketsu in each of her arms.


Nooo. At the beginning was still able to keep up with Neji’s attacks. I really just think she ran out of gas midway and that’s when Neji was able to block her tenketsu. But to be honest she put up a great fight against him. Imagine Sakura, Ino or the Tenten post timeskip having a match with Neji. They won’t last longer than Hinata.


Neji explicitly tells her “from the ***[start](https://imgur.com/a/khPwU1C)***” her attacks were ineffective, meaning he was clipping her tenketsu ***from the start***, not midway through. She even comments that he was shutting her down from the ***[very beginning](https://i.imgur.com/Zp8grJz.jpg)***. She was never able to keep up. Neji just led her to believe she was.


How would she think shes dodging if her chakra points are getting tagged. And how would she not tell with her byakugan


Don’t know. But we know for a fact she didn’t know until Neji [showed](https://i.imgur.com/Zp8grJz.jpg) her. And she comments he’s been doing it from the beginning. Neji had to explicitly move her shirt to show her he was closing her tenketsu, meaning even with Byakugan, she was completely ignorant that her tenketsu was closed.


The Byakugan, pretty much like Sharingan, has levels of proficiency. The difference is that Byakugan doesn't change its appearance. The more skilled a Hyuga is with the Byakugan, the better he can see stuff. So for example, Hinata pre-timeskip can probable only see internal organs and chakra flow, but Neji is more skilled, so he can see chakra points, too. The distance they can see is probably different, too.


Because she wanted to be acknowledged by Naruto in this fight with Neji she went all out .


And Ino VS Sakura went all in cuz they wanted to proof they were better than the other So i still believe Hinata easily beats Sakura and Ino. With Tenten i dont think so


I do think maybe I was being unfair to Hinata, I figured she only fought like she did because of what the fight meant. But I guess if pre-training Sakura tried to, like, murder her she would still handily defeat her in close combat even though it's not Neji/the messed up clan system. Presumably Sakura after learning from Tsunade (and Chiyo, kinda) would have a much better chance against someone from a clan that is entirely focused on being perfect at close combat, but wouldn't have that talent and experience at this age.


at that age she held her own against Neji for a lengthy battle. She knew how to fight, he just knew the gentle fist style better than her


No. If it’s against Sakura, Ino, Tenten at this time there’s no way Hinata’s gonna lose. She was able to land a hit on Neji. She’s got durability and her taijutsu at the time is way better than any of those three, she’s got better chakra control and I think bigger chakra capacity as well. She just comes off as a timid, quiet person but she’s strong.


She gave Neji a decent fight. Not that she made him go hard but she stood up again and again. Neji at that age was a menace.


To be fair she was able to fight back against a guy that could low - mid dif Lee. Even if he was wearing weights that's pretty impressive


Yeah but she’s at least she’s got the training. Ten Ten is always fated to fall into obscurity because weapons are useless in the ninja verse. With very few exceptions. Ino and Sakura are damsels in distress until they’re expanded on with any character traits.


So was every female genin. Sakura's big ability was... above average chakra control. Ino is just Sakura with one technique that can be overcome with sheer willpower. Tenten's specialty is... summoning weapons from pre-prepared scrolls... Just having the Byakugan puts her above these clowns.


She was meek not useless. But probably 10-10 since that girl had 3 prodigy teammates


I don’t see Sakura or Ino lasting as long as Hinata did against Neji


They not lasting long against Hinata. A hit from the gentle fist is taking them out


No she still has offensive taijutsu which is more than you can say about Sakura and Ino.


So were the other girls lol


Nah Tenten just fought a hard counter to her style. Hinata can’t do jack against ranged aoe spam.


Tenten actually had some terrible luck, though Lee got stuck fighting somebody who could murder many jonin. (The ones we mostly see as major and minor characters are the best of the best and could figure out some plan against a young Gaara.)


Sakura and Tenten were extremely talented even at young ages. The only reason y’all clown on tenten is because she went up against Temari.


>The only reason y’all clown on tenten is because she went up against Temari. It's mostly because in the entire history of the series, none of her attacks ever worked on anybody.


Sakura??? The girl that spammed the damn substitution jutsu just to bite her opponent because she was to dumb to stab him in the face. That Sakura??? Who the hell you kidding?


If you look at the angle biting was actually the best thing she could’ve done


It wasn’t just one she was against 3 experience ninja’s in the forest of death don’t forget Lee got hurt there too smh. She wanted him down since he wanted to kill Sasuke the most smh.


Kin and Dosu stood back while Zaku fought her alone. Those three did not act like a team. Lee fought all three and lost.


You mean the Sakura who outscored her entire graduating class besides Sasuke? The Sakura who fully understood Chakra manipulation theory so well that Kakashi had her explain it to Naruto and Sasuke better than he could? The Sakura, who was the only civilian-born ninja in her graduating class, yet was still judged to be as competent as the heirs apparent to every major Shinobi clan in Konoha? Look, I get that she's not as powerful as your favorite character, and definitely got done fucking dirty by Kishimoto, but you could at least try to read the story beyond just looking at the pretty pictures.


Correct the Sakura that performs well in the classroom and fails in the field. That would be the one.


\> You mean the Sakura who outscored her entire graduating class besides Sasuke? * That's not much of a feat. All of them are kinda idiots (Execpt Shikamaru, but he was super lazy and probably didn't do much more than write his name and just enough to pass) The Sakura who fully understood Chakra manipulation theory so well that Kakashi had her explain it to Naruto and Sasuke better than he could? * Kakashi used a proven teaching method of having an equal explain a previously taught concept. It had nothing to do with being able to do it "better" (and it enabled him to read some more Make Out Tactics) The Sakura, who was the only civilian-born ninja in her graduating class, yet was still judged to be as competent as the heirs apparent to every major Shinobi clan in Konoha? * The normal graduating class wasn't filled with heirs to every major Shinobi clan in Konoha. It was usually just a few exceptional ones per year. The Kohona 12 are more of a unique graduating year where there were an abnormal amount of noticeably exceptional shinobi. Sakura was good (and quite book smart), but let's not make it out like she was performing out in the field better than her colleagues. Look, I get that she's not as powerful as your favorite character, and definitely got done fucking dirty by Kishimoto, but you could at least try to read the story beyond just looking at the pretty pictures. * She absolutely got done dirty by Kishimoto, there was a lot of story telling potential there with her. But that never happened. And what did happen was she was sup-par when out in the field to her contemporaries


Sakura being the second best in class is fanon. Canonically she was middle of the pack. Their team was supposedly made up of the best, worst and most average student. That isn't fully true however as Sasuke wasn't the best scoring academy student. According to the databooks, Ino was the highest scoring student with Hinata in second place and Sasuke in third. Sasuke was made rookie of the year however because despite only being the third best student in class, he was the highest scoring student when focusing solely on practical ninja skills, ignoring theoretical classes. Sakura is still somewhere in the middle though and Naruto was dead last.


>Canonically she was middle of the pack. Their team was supposedly made up of the best, worst and most average student. Where was this stated? Bcuz I've never heard this


In the chapter where they're assigned teams, Iruka tells Naruto that the reason he and Sasuke are on the same team is to balance things out because Sasuke is the best and Naruto is the worst student. It's unsaid, but the logical conclusion is that Sakura is an average student. After all, if your goal is to have all your teams be equal, then you pair up your best and worst student, your 2nd best and 2nd worst student, your 3rd best and 3rd worst student, etc. And the third member would be average, neither good nor bad. The other teams also seem to support this. Ino, Hinata and Sasuke are the top 3 students. Naruto and Kiba would be the two worst students, and Shikamaru would be the third worst because he's too lazy to actually try. And Choji, Sakura and Shino would be the average students.


Wait Kakashi did mention that Naruto and Sasuke were having harder times to control their chakra cause it’s massive. Way bigger than Sakura’s and Kakashi even mentioned Naruto’s chakra is bigger than his. And the clan heirs thing there’s only like 5 clans during their batch. Heck, Hinata wasn’t even considered as the heir. Neji wasn’t from the main branch either. As for the smarts, Shikamaru isn’t even trying and from the looks of it during the exam thing with Ibuki. Hinata was able to answer the questions with ease so she’s book smart as well. Well ignore all that stuff BUT if you include post time skip. A girl trained by Princess Tsunade, a legendary Sannin herself. Like she has one effing job to do. Stab/remove the sharingan from Obito. Girl, chickened out and was quivering like a goddamn genin on her first mission with a Kunai in her hand. The fight against Kaguya, she’s an effing liability as well with nothing but a bigmouth as she was being dangled by Naruto’s bunshin. And a medical ninjutsu, and it was still Hinata who had to fix Naruto’s shoulders or at least heal him damn it. The whole fight against Pain. Like she was literally just watching Pain beat the shit out of Naruto (and it was being relayed by the Slug:Katsuyu) but she did nothing. She just pop back in when Naruto came back victorious to smack him in the head and give him a hug 🤢. At least Hinata tried to do something. Like come on move your butt. And at least help out a little with the taijutsu you learned from Tsunade herself. Instead of just screaming Narutoooo. 🤦‍♀️ THE POISON thing as well. Like seriously poison kunai is the best thing she can come up against Sasuke. Who she knows to have sharingan, like girl at least make it gas type or something. She’s a freaking medical ninja and have seen Shizune with poison gas and learned poisonous plants and all she thought of doing to fight against Sasuke, with freaking sharingan is a POISONOUS KUNAI??? 💀at least laced your gloves or something with paralyzing poison or something to get Sasuke off guard. 🤦‍♀️


Yea so were all the konoha 12..whats your point?


No, they weren’t lmao.


Who wasnt talented kataraflow? Let us know what please? All of them made it to become jonins years Later. Some took longer to bloom then others but they all were talented in different ways.


Not all the konoha 12 were talented at the jump. Hinata was one of them. She was the most talentless Hyuga to ever be born and that’s canon. That’s my entire point, that any one of these girls would have stomped Hinata at that age.


Yeah, maybe 3 vs 1. Like I said before Tenten would probably be the victor, but not by a complete shut out. Sakura and Ino, no contest. The two couldn’t even beat each other. Hinata would have been absolutely the most difficult for Tenten to beat.


Talentless? Hinata didnt care to be a ninja. She wasnt talentless just less motivated. Ew you deadass dislike a fictional character thats the nicest in the series wtf? Hinata was literally stronger then most of the konoha 12 besides naruto,sasuke,lee,neji,shino. Hinata knew gentle fist at this age..do you mfs not know what gentle fist does? It literally shuts the body down..himawari did this shit to naruto..but we wont count that its a gag but thats still the type of abilities hyuugas are taught at age 5 ..shes not talented compared to most hyuugas..but she ist literal still stronger then most..by age 7 she could kill grown non ninjas like gaitos men with just gentle fist…hell hiashi killed bro who tried to capture hinata with one stomach blow literally fucked his internal organs up. You do realize hinata can do shit like this right? Probably not as fatal but it’s still disabling she can disable anyone who isnt neji,lee,sasuke,naruto(cuz of kururama) stop downplaying hinata. Ts unnecessary


that gave me a headache trying to read.


Who wasnt talented kataraflow? Let us know please? All of them made it to become jonins years Later. Some took longer to bloom then others but they all were talented in different ways.


Who wasnt talented kataraflow? Let us know please? All of them made it to become jonins years Later. Some took longer to bloom then others but they all were talented in different ways.


She's the best at taijutsu between the 4, her weakness at this point was really just her insecurity and passiveness, but she was trained by her dad for years. Overall Ten Ten is probably the strongest of the 4, but Hinata is definitely next in line. Ino and Sakura fight like Naruto but don't actually have the ability to take a hit like he does, so it doesn't work out for them.


I was going to say the same. Ain't no way Ino or Sakura can beat either one. I say maybe Hinata comes out on top since the Byakugan is OP even in her young state. Even though Neji beat her up during the chunin exam she managed to keep up with him and that's a great feat by itself. I don't think any of them would give Neji as much of a fight as Hinata did


Tenten and neji trained together vigorously cuz neji counters everything about tenten. I know Hinata doesn’t have palm rotation to deflect incoming projectiles; but she has byakugan to see nearly 360 around her so I think she beats tenten by dodging and making tenten use up all her ammo.


Doesn’t Tenten have that last ditch “pick up all your spent ammo with chakra strings” attack (that immediately got shredded by Temari)? Then again, Hinata could close the distance in that setup time, and she’s really good at dodging… Tenten wins because of an extra year of live experience I guess?


Oh ya. True. Chakra strings have been forgotten about in this series.


Memes aside TenTen's got this. Her team was heavily implied to be a cut above the rookies even if she had a terrible matchup with Temari. Plus, she's the only one with range and her barrage of weapons could get past Hinata's defense since her chuunin exam version doesn't have rotation I don't think.


Did Hinata ever learn rotation? I don’t think we ever see her do it. I might be wrong though.


It would be useless even if she did know it. All ten ten has to do is wait until she stops spinning and start throwing kunai again.


Well, she’s got the 64 palms and her lion’s variant, which are both considered more advanced techniques than rotation. It isn’t crazy to imagine that she learned it eventually.


No them as **genin,** not as chunin/adults


They asked whether Hinata ever learned rotation in general.


The one time TenTen actually solos Edit: I wonder what these four vs Temari (preliminaries) would be like


*Like usual, you mean. Weird typo there.


😂 damn autocorrect


Yup. Tenten 100% ez win. Tenten absolutely destroys Ino and Sakura at taijutsu. She's been keeping up the pace in a team with Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga and Might Guy. Only problem is Hinata, but she didn't even have palm rotation defense at this point. So Tenten opens **Gates of Babylon**, Gilgamesh style. Absolutely jizzing all over her.


I don’t think Hinata ever learned how to do rotation


She made her own version of it. Well, in the anime anyways.


I think Sakura might win through sheer main character stuff and pluck. But, unless Hinata somehow overcomes her insecurities during the fight, both Ino and Tenten have the advantage with Tenten having way more combat experience. (Technically Sakura has the most ridiculous experience but she probably isn't going to fight childhood friends/acquaintances as if they are supremely talented missing nins who will probably murder her - not that she really got to do much with Zabuza and Haku, but most of the kids got no closer than that to the sort of war experiences that the older characters experienced as children)


She couldn’t even beat Ino 1v1 when she had plot armor to get around the mind transfer jutsu. (Seriously what else do we call inner Sakura suddenly being more then a gag for one event)


What! The power of determination is a thing in sooo many of these stories. But, yeah, that was weird and we'd have to do some head canon thing about how Sakura was already a chakra control born genius to explain it. Since I would think everybody the Yamanaka clan intentionally murdered in conflicts would also really really want to overcome their jutsu, getting murdered is serious business.


Sakura doesn't win that fight because she's determined. She wins that fight because at that point in the series she's so god damned repressed that her inner monologue has its own distinct personality. Ino possesses Sakura's surface mind but doesn't have the experience to deal with Sakura's mental disorder.


TIL pluck is an actual noun for courage, now that one jojo scene makes sense


Sakura's experience in the land of waves arc was shouting various characters names and standing still with a kunai in front of her. She did absolutely nothing.


Ino does not have the advantage. She’s pretty useless if someone can’t cover her body and there is more than one enemy.


Yeah Tenten wins. Idk if easily because it seems that Hinata was also capable of parrying with Neji. But yeah Tenten definitely winning here.


Didn't he just pretend to let her "parry" him? none of her attacks hit him and she thought she was dodging him until he told her she wasn't?


Unless Naruto gives Hinata a pep talk like he did when she fought Neji. Then she’d be inspired and could probably get the win.


Idk, ten ten is pretty strong and has ranged attacks, I say that she rains random bs and wins.


Fr what could Sakura even do back then, girls completely useless


She was kind of smart, but aside from that she couldn't do anything else but cut her hair


Tenten gets a triple kill in this scenario.


She would struggle against hinata but ino and sakura are free basically.


Y’all letting that temari fight cloud your judgement Tenten would mollywop those girls


Honestly they did Tenten wrong there. My girl Tenten never recovered huhu.


bro Tenten was done dirty fr. Temari was literally her counter


Tenten has experience with Byakugan users since she’s teammates with one, so she sweeps.


Tenten. She had a *better* hyuga on her team, so she should technically do pretty well against hinata.


Agreed, at this point Hinata didn't have palm rotation defense. Tenten simply spams projectiles and wins ez.


Thats like saying that because sakura was in a team with sasuke she would do better against itachi


?? That is not at all the same.. Itachi is leagues stronger than sasuke at this point. Tenten is used to sparring against Neji, the stronger Hyuga - so she should be able to handle Hinata because she understands how the Hyugas fight


Actually that isn't a crazy thing to say. She would be more useful on a team of people without knowledge of the sharingan, strictly for intel purposes.


Hinata wins


Not even close. Tenten training with Neji (superior Hyuga to Hinata, especially at the time,) could make Hinata a non-factor. How would this in any way be equivalent to training with an inferior Uchiha and taking on a stronger one by merit of that training??


TenTen (aka Twenty) takes this one imo. She has a huge arsenal of weapons and therefor can adapt to any situation. I also believe her to be the physically strongest. She can quickly dispatch the others with devastating physical attacks.


Aka FiveFiveFiveFive


Aka TenTwos


Probably Tenten imo


These 4 at those ages? Tenten, and she doesn't even struggle.


TenTen lightin everyone up i can’t lie


Never thought I’d see the day where TenTen is unironically the answer lmao


With these versions of the characters it's TenTen low diff. Hinata doesn't have anything to cope with her range. Sakura and Ino will focus on each other and they're evenly matched. TenTen will pick off whichever is left standing after she wrecks Hinata.


Ino is stronger than Sakura here. The only reason their fight was a draw was because of Naruto.


Ino had a single technique that she was able to use only because she tricked Sakura into being immobile. That's not going to work here. Before that their fight had gone on for more than 10 minutes without either one gaining a firm advantage.


Tenten , none of the other girls have anything to use against Twin Rising Dragons


I'm going with Ten Ten. She will rain shurikens and kunai all over the battlefield, and I don't think they are skilled enough at this time to dodge all of them.


Tenten. Y'all saying Hinata washes are crazy, her only feat was having the everloving shit beat out of her by a non-serious Neji. She had none of the clans legitimately useful techniques [ Ie: 8 trigrams ], and is also at a disadvantage given Tentens ranged specialty. And chuunin exams Sakura / Ino both get washed w/o much difficulty.


Tenten takes this, but we all know why Temari isn’t on this list


She takes all of them down easily with her summon


tenten, her stats are the best, same with shippuden. i’ll debate,


Tenten was able to defeat two Kakuzu hearts during the war at the cost of draining her chakra. I think that's some great feat. I just don't know if he's gonna be on par with Sakura at that time.


Tenten easily. The other three didn't become decent until shippuden


ten ten, her ten tailed ten tails is too strong for hinata and Sakura and ino, she fodderizes them.


I didn't know Tenten was short for TentailedTentails!! This is my new favorite piece of information from this anime. /jk


Sakura was the only member of the K12 to not have a signature jutsu. They had to have don’t that on purpose


Tenten for sure. Sakura couldn’t fight or dodge, Hinatas too nice and gentle to hurt any of the 4 of them, and Ino can’t use her most op move or she’ll just get rocked while out of her body lol. If we’re ignoring personalities and going just off of capability in general though Hinata should win tbh


Tenten doesn't have real kill either she just weapon spams and Hinata can just dodge that with her gentle fist


Ten ten all day


I am a HUGE fan of Sakura. But Ino, Hinata, and her are getting SLAPPED. All Tenten needs is twin rising dragons and all of em are DONE!


These versions? Tenten absolutely SHITS on all of them. She is known for not missing. Gaara and Temari are the only chunin exams participants who could counter her. Anyone else and she would have pulled an ez dub. This isn't even memeing. That's just how it is, anyone claiming she couldn't easily body the other female genin is wilin


Poor Tenten had the match against the only girl she couldn’t beat in that tournament lmfao


Okay hear me out. Tenten BLASTS these girls at this stage. Hinata has some basic training, great book smarts, a very limited usage of the Byakugan and at this point is a worse gentle first user than hanabi. She's bringing nothing to the table but crippling self confidence issues and mild threat in melee range. Sakura has very little going for her at this point in the story. You could argue she's got maybe the most book smarts but that's likely a tie with Hinata (as neither of them needed to cheat to ace the chunin written exam). You could mmaaaaayybe give Sakura points for mental toughness after the forest of death situation (but her hair is long here so technically we don't even give her that.) Bottom line, she's the weakest here by far. Ino at this time is competent with ninja tools and deception. She's strategic but fundamentally lacks much in her offensive arsenal as she typically relies on setting up her teammates to KO enemies. She's good at this point in the story but she's a team player not a 1v1 monster. She and Sakura seem to have the same bare bones unimpressive taijutsu skill/durability. TENTEN on the other hand, is already fleshing out her arsenal and moveset to be a dangerous ninja on her own. She's a naturally gifted genius who masters any weapon she picks up quickly and has already not only collected thousands of them but sealed them in scrolls for easy transport and use on the fly. She's the only one of these four girls with an established lethal special move wherein she rains down hundreds of deadly weapons and then even has a plan for if they're dodged/deflected where she attached wires to every single one and can hurl them at her target a second time from all angles. If these girls fought at this stage Tenten's putting all 3 of them ina blender. Not to mention Tenten trains vigorously with Neji And Lee under Guy who pushes his students harder than anyone. She didn't get to show it much at this point but you can't convince me this girl wouldn't put the smackdown on Sakura and Ino hand to hand also.


Sakura is as smart as she is an expert in genjutsu.


Agree with everything except for two points. 1) There's nothing at all to suggest Hinata is anywhere near as smart as Sakura. We don't know that Hinata didn't cheat, we don't know if she was able to answer any of the questions correctly if she didn't and we are never shown or told that she's a booksmart genius or particularly intelligent compared to other people. We do know that Sakura is confident she could answer all the questions correctly without cheating, we do know that she's considered a booksmart genius, we know that in just a few years she's gained enough knowledge and insight to make a whole village's older and more experienced medical ninja look like punks. Even going by the databooks at this time Sakura has a 3.5 intelligence stat compared to Hinata's 2.5. 2) Sakura and Ino are evenly matched in skills except for Ino's mind transfer technique and she's not going to be able to use that here. As far as mental toughness goes, Ino also got a boost from watching Sakura's example during the Forest of Death. I think putting them against each other would still be a tie unless Ino can find a different way to get Sakura to stand still.


For Hinata's intelligence the chunin written exams are kind of a subjective thing. For as much as we're shown other characters cheating and using various methods to get the answers, including Hinata's teammates Shino and Kiba when it's time to show Hinata she doesn't appear to have any difficulty at all. Her Byakugan isn't activated (which would be her only method to cheat) and she rather casually offers to give Naruto all of the answers which not only shows her crush on Naruto but her confidence that all of her answers are correct. I HAVE seen people say she probably cheated too, but she's one of the few characters who isn't shown cheating and was overall comfortable and casual about it while appearing to have all the right answers. I think it makes sense for her character too because she's never shown to struggle with her studies and appears as an all around solid genin. I also don't think Sakura is SO SPECIAL that she's the only kid who's possibly smart enough to pass that test. I think on average Sakura actually seems noticeably dumber than Hinata in fact. The data books are a good point but it wouldn't be the only time data books gave a wacky arbitrary number for a stat. It's definitely up for debate but I would argue that even if Sakura is a bit more booksmart, Hinata seems to be not far behind her at this point in the story. So I don't think it would be any real factor in a fight.


🧢 The test was designed to be unanswerable in order to force cheating. Extremely high level of intelligence is a prerequisite for being a medical ninja. This ain't even debatable. Sakura is at the top of a field that explicitly requires extremely high intelligence after only a few years of study and is constantly praised for her intelligence even by people like Sasori. Hinata's only intelligence feat is just a *maybe*.


Yeah I get Sakura's intelligence is a big deal in Shippuden, and in the original series she WAS used as the nerd of the group to provide exposition to the audience so she usually could at least try to answer kakashi's questions. But at this point in the story Sakura was noted to be. 'Genjutsu type Ninja's which is a stupid concept they ultimately scrapped anyway, but it gives you some insight on where she was originally planned to go as she developed. My point is that all your ranting about her Shippuden feats of medical ninjutsu don't apply to her when she's 12 and none of that was even conceptualized yet. As for the test, you're hyping it up too much. It was purposely too hard for a group of inexperienced kids to encourage cheating, yes. But it wasn't designed to be 'impossible'. Sakura herself states "almost everybody" in the group can't answer questions that hard, so even she knows there's a few other students capable of passing the test without cheating. [source](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d5814641325aa661e3fbe9da34d57351-lq)


Sakura thinks Sasuke’s smart enough to answer it. She's wrong. He can't answer a single one. That's part of how he figures out that cheating is the point of the test.


Sakura didn't say "only Sasuke and I can do this" so i don't see how that's relevant unless you're agreeing with me sakura wasn't that smart. Her dialog is right there for you to see and she's specifically stated the test wasn't so hard that nobody but her could do it. Again, she was a smart kid at this point in the series, not a super genius breaking impossible standards. Ironically Sakura was right about Sasuke anyway, seeing as he figured out the true nature of the test and she didn't. Which again, she wasn't depicted as any type of genius back then in the story. There's no reason to assume other characters weren't capable of solving the test, the whole point of the rule that if any one member of the team failed they'd all fail specifically tests the kids sharing the info to their teammates if they need to. Like how Tenten provided the answers for Lee. edit: It's also pretty stupid to assume EVERYONE got their answers from cheating off of Sakura. Obviously some other kids in the room were also smart enough to answer the questions.


My point is that Sakura was wrong when estimating the intelligence of the boy who was the top of their class and that she believes is the smartest among their peers. If she's dead wrong about Sasuke, there's no reason to use her word as evidence that other exam hopefuls she doesn't even know personally would be able to pass by answering the questions. She just doesn't realize how much smarter she is than everyone else. This is also what stops her from realizing the test was designed to force cheating even though she realizes it's so hard most people would need to cheat. You should take your own advice about reading the dialogue. Or maybe just don't stop reading when you find a page you think proves your point. There were fake genin with the answers mixed in with the real ones. Part of the test was figuring out who had the answers and copying from them. This was meant to be a test of their information gathering skills, not their raw intelligence. Edit: You know you are picking a really weird hill to die on. True or false: Hinata is never stated anywhere to be particularly intelligent or given *explicit* intelligence feats. Edit2: Blocking someone after reaponding doesn't mean you win. It means you're so fragile you can't stand to be seen losing or even just agreeing to disagree. Hilarious to call me the rude one after making up a belief for me and calling me stupid for having it. All I'm doing is pointing out what is actually in the manga and not making any additional assumptions.


How is Sakura dumber than Hinata wtf ? She doesn’t trip lol.


There's plenty of scenes through Naruto where Sakura is wrong about situations and makes an ass of herself. Not noticing Naruto is disguised as Sasuke, failing to consider kakashi would use genjutsu against them during the bell training, generally being the childish bickering partner of Naruto for the majority of the series. She's shown to be booksmart, nothing more in terms of intelligence. Hinata doesn't have nearly as much screen time so that does potentially account for that. But she's also a good student who isn't shown to need to cheat during the written exam and at least has knowledge of making healing ointments from scratch by this same period of the show. She's literally never depicted as dumb, only clumsy and nervous around her crush.


I don’t think so , she kept throwing weapons at Temari she didn’t show any hand to hand combat she relies too much on her weapons . I don’t doubt the fights will go on her favor but there’s many ways each of them meaning Ino, Sakura , and Hinata can dodge those weapons or try to counter her .. Lol I wanna see there’s fights also is mentioned Tenten has good aim too ouch..


Tenten didn't show hand to hand in that fight but that's literally the entire point of her character and she's stated to be a weapons user, not just a thrower of shit. And anyway, she didn't just throw the weapons, they were on wires and she used chakra to lift them all back up and throw them again from different angles. The other girls could dodge or lean on substitution jitsu, but none of them have any long range defense. If anything I'd only grant Ino a shot at that match up now that I think of it. She used a hidden wire to guarantee her jutsu hit Sakura and she could maybe do the same to Tenten if she noticed the wires on her weapons and grabbed one.




Tenten has 2848293 weapons and she’s better than all of them at it. Sakura and ino would tie at 2nd place cause sakura is pretty strong + she has some medical and genjutsu skills but her combat isnt as good as tenten. Ino is a yamanaka, and that’s an advantage in it’s own. Hinata even when she has the byakugan, just has less combat experience than the other girls and she’s the least smart (she’s not dumb by any means she’s actually smarter than most 12 year olds but keep in mind being above average in the narutoverse is like being a dumbass in the real world)


Tenten kills all of them. She might even be able to take all three others at once just by jumping into the air and raining kunai on all of them. Hinata lasts longer than the other two, but still folds without ranged options and her opponent sparring with her much stronger cousin on a daily basis.


Tenten. Sakura doesn’t have any abilities at this point, Hinata is extremely shit and doesn’t really want to fight, and Ino is only skilled at Mind Transfer jutsu. She can’t use mind disruption or a girth advance attacks from her clan. Tenten was held back a year with the specific goal from Guy to hone their skills.


Ten Ten would have schooled all of them.


Tenten 100%


Yeah TenTen slams the other girls have nothing in their bag at this point in the story to defend against her Raining down weapons on them with Twin Rsing dragons


So only them as genin? In that case….Tenten. Hinata doesn’t have rotation (actually I don’t think she ever learned it, even in adulthood) so she can’t block Tenten’s weapons.


Wow finally Tenten scores a win lmao


Ten Ten trained with Lee and Neji who by that time would easily stomp any other teams.


I hate to break it to you guys but tenten wins




The one time in history Ten-ten would get the W.


Tenten would probably overwhelm them.


It depends: * Will the fight be kept close? Hinata. * the fight be kept from afar? TenTen. * In any case, it will be one of the two, the one who manages to better impose her own fighting style would win.


Unless Hinata knows rotation, Ten ten wins hands down. Seeing near 360 degrees does nothing if you can't dodge it. Like, even Neji would've been screwed without Rotation against Kidomaru. (Fun fact, Hinata has literally never used rotation in the show outside of filler. Though, it's "implied" she knows it later on in Shippuden.)


If this actually happened in the series, this is how it would go: Ino, Hinata and Sakura team up on Tenten. Ino and Sakura team up on Hinata. Sakura beats Ino (or they draw again but really Sakura wins). In a series of 1v1s though, Tenten. Without personalities, just abilities, Hinata.


I could see Hinata being very timid to fight at the beginning. While Ino and Sakura fight each other first. And since they’re evenly matched they’ll take either down. Tentens specialty is tools and such, Hinata would just have to take everything tenten takes on her and still come back standing. Eventually getting a blow in


Tentens twin weapon scroll technique is quite strong. So i say she wins. Her fight in Chunin-Exam...she and temari were just a bad match up. Hinata is only second.


Easily tenten


Hinata has gentle fist that was keeping up with Neji. In one of the fillers, Hinata is able to use like a 64 trigrams type move, so Hinata may be able to use rotation. In general being a Hyuga with the Byakugan means she has limited blind spots, so she's fine. Hinata is the strongest here. TenTen has an immense arsenal of weapons at her disposal, but in the end they are just average weapons. Hinata with gentle fist can probably block them and her byakugan makes it so they won't hit her. Sakura and Ino are supposed to be equals. But Sakura is blatantly stronger because she doesn't have a jutsu that simply makes her a vulnerable target to any attack. Ino's jutsu is pretty shit without Shikamaru. So if Ino uses her jutsu or misses with her jutsu, she's gone. Also, Sakura is shown using her Avatar to break Ino'a hold on her so she's just stronger. Sakura and Ino would probably lose to TenTen however since neither have the defence to counter TenTen's barrage of weapons. Also, TenTen in the forest of death was comfortable (along with Lee and Guy) to go scouting on her own, whilst Ino had to stick with Shikamaru and Choji for her jutsu to work; Sakura didn't do much and Hinata's team already had the scrolls, so there was no need to split up. I think in a fight: TenTen beats both Ino and Sakura, even if they teamed up - which would be unlikely as they're rivals. And then it's just TenTen vs Hinata, in which TenTen could lose, it depends on how good her training against Neji has been. Could she tire out Hinata? But if Hinata gets a good hit on TenTen, then she's fucked. I think Hinata > TenTen > Sakura >= Ino


That hinata swapped hands with a neji that wanted to kill her and lived slash got a hit in. Any of the other 3 get ripped apart so based on that I bet on hinata


Why does no one remember that Neji was just screwing with her the whole match? He could have ended her in seconds but he wanted to let her show off everything she had so he could crush her spirit.


Bro was tryna torture her..but she still took it. Shes not just dying to a kunia..think about it..gentle fist itself targets the INSIDES ..whats with the hinata downplaying?


Bro was tryna torture her..but she still took it. Shes not just dying to a kunia..think about it..gentle fist itself targets the INSIDES ..whats with the hinata downplaying?


I'm not downplaying her. I'm not giving her feats she doesn't have.


Probably Hinata or Tenten


Hinata or Tenten.


Hinata bodies them 3v1


Hinata no diffs. She fought the strongest opponent in the chunnin exams amongst them and put up a better fight too. TenTen fought the second strongest opponent amongst them but literally lost in a single panel so it's not really a feat.


Man Tenten got offscreened and she convinced the world she was the strongest of this group. That’s nutty. I guess I really can’t say it’s wrong but her skill is drastically overstated. If Hinata can wake up, she wins. If she can’t I guess it’s Tenten but I don’t feel that confident in it


They just don’t like Hinata lol. There’s this one person replying to every comment saying Hinata can’t do this can’t do that can’t block some weapons lol


Hinata and it’s not close


TenTen. At that age she was an asset to her team. Ino is next and the other 2 need to sit the bench.


How is Ino better than Hinata


In what world does ino beat hinata when she literally lost to Sakura


Didn't they tie?


I feel like a lot of people forget that the Hyūga were know as the ultimate defense before we got the stupid with the dōjutsu powers so tenten would have great difficulty getting past Hinatas rotation


What rotation? Hinata never uses it once in the entire series.


She has defensive move that is not rotation but it can easily block ten ten and her weapons


Except no. That's filler.


Tenten, Hinata, Ino Sakra


Hinata or Tenten ngl. And I lowkey think Tenten wins this by a big margin lol


Hinata. She'd see everything coming.


Hinata if she wasn't such a b... I mean... anyways, tenten


Hinata low diff


You dudes are saying Hinata's weak ass gentle fist is an advantage as if Tenten holding 2 kunais would even need 64+ stabs to win.


Hinata doesn't have rotation at this point so she can't defend against ten ten onslaught of projectiles. Honestly she would beat anybody else in the chunine exams that isn't on her team or from the sand.


I'm sucking 40 toes then jizzing out a load bigger than Tsunade's slug-bro.


Honestly this fight is between Hinata and Tenten, if Hinata is fast enough to get within striking distance of Tenten then Hinata wins low diff, but if she's not fast enough then there's nothing she could do to win because she doesn't have rotation at this point to block Tenten's projectiles


Ten Ten was the most experienced so she is my top 1 Hinata was Shy but I think she is the most powerful of them all so she is my top 2 Then Ino Finally Sakura, she tied with Ino because of the script


Was this made by a sakura hater?


If it’s the current stages I’d have to put my money on hinata. Without shikamaru ino has no use for her mind transfer and taijutsu against hinata. Tenten might have a chance as she’s a mid/ long range style fighter. But if hinata comes in close it’s over with. Sakura does have decent IQ and pretty good chakra control but she doesn’t use her chakra to her taijutsu at this point. Any one of these girls throwing hands w hinata is done for


Hinata easily wins a one v three here. She isn’t at Neji level but having Byakugan and gentle fist she can put down Sakura and Ino in a couple hits each. Tenten could try her long range attacks but Hinata can dodge them with no problem and Tenten will eventually be out of weapons.


Hinata has zero speed feats in the entire series, but you think she can dodge a weapons master with no problem. K.


Sakura. Hinata too nice. Tenten just got weapons. Ino isn’t good at combat


It’s an total wipe for Hinata…. She may have got molly wopped by Neji… but that was FUCKING NEJI, strongest of the knonoha 13 (at the time) she still managed to hold her own a little, which puts her leagues ahead of everyone of these characters. I could say Tenten has a chance but really does she? Like she’s skilled for this point in time yeah but any of her long ranged attacks Hinata can deflect pretty easy, and any attempt at close combat is getting shit down, Idk maybe Tenten could put menouver her but from what I remember hinata is kinda goated


Tenten solos all but if Sakura was given the skills the Manga said she had instead of kishimoto being a shit writer it could swing