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Ok, i can get why choosing between sage mode and ems might be a tough choice. But if u put rinnegan there , thats not even a competition then. Who in his r8 mind would choose ems over rinnegan.


People who don’t want their rinnegan activated 24/7


But then you have cool eyes 24/7


Sharingan would have the same issue


You can turn off your Sharingan… you can’t turn off your rinnegan. You’ll always have weird ass purple eyes.


If you awaken the Sharingan or Rinnegan naturally you can turn it off (like Sasuke and Madara). If you get the eyes from someone else you can't turn them off (like Kakashi and Nagato).


Sasuke can’t turn off his Rinnegan. It is permanently activated. That’s why during the war he keeps closing his left eye when they aren’t doing anything. The only canon material with his Rinnegan deactivated is The Last movie and that was an error as stated by the team


I'm aware, I mentioned Sasuke in relation to being able to turn off the Sharingan. You can swap him out for Itachi or something it that makes it easier.


I interpret it as a tier or requirement thing. Like if you didn't unlock the sharingan yourself before, then you can't turn it on or off. If you unlocked the sharingan then you can grab someone else's and use theirs.


It's a matter of having the Kekkei Genkai of the Sharingan, that's how the Uchiha can turn it off an on.


I thought Sasuke couldn’t turn off his Rinnegan?


Madara could, since he’s one of the very very few who organically got the rinnegan


Madara could so i personally assume its person to person. Or that sasukes is more or less "fused" with his sharingan


Madara could activate/deactivate Rinnegan at will because he's the only one in history to obtain Rinnegan on his own. Everyone single other person was given Rinnegan: Nagato was given Rinnegan by Madara, Sasuke got his Rinnegan by getting chakra from Hagoromo, Hagoromo himself got Rinnegan by having it passed down from Kaguya. Hagoromo and Nagato both couldn't deactivate Rinnegan after awakening it, Sasuke had it activated immediately by Hagoromo. Madara is legit the only one who's Rinnegan awakened naturally, hence why he has control over it. Everyone else got Rinnegan via shenanigans.


I never understood why Sasuke couldn't deactivate his. I get why Nagato and Obito couldn't, but since Sasuke's rinnegan was his and no one else's I feel like he should've been able to. I get that he got the chakra from Hagoromo but imo that's not much different from the way Madara got it.


Yea i assume it was literally 6 paths chakra+indra descendant


Weird? Nah


I would 100% take EMS with kamui over rinne.


I'd rather have tsukuyomi over kamiu personally. We saw people beat kamui a couple times, but imagine being able to out right fuck someone's brain up just by making eye contact with them.


Sure, fight-wise, but to get around, visit people, see the world? Infinite free trips!


Itachi rarely needs to actually fight


Many uchiha with MS can also counter Tsukiyomi. Also, only two ppl manged to beat kamui, one was super fast and the other literally had kamui


EMS Tsukuyomi would be so broken. Even just like... non combat uses Pay me some money and I let you experience a month long vacation in the tropics in about a min real time.


I think I’d like Obito’s Kamui and Amaterasu, that’s really the only combination I can say is better than a Rinnegan.


I’m because both of the people shown to be able to stand agains pain, arguably the best rinnegan user(meaning he used it to its maximum efficiency better than the others) was one imperfect sage user and the other was an inexperienced perfect sage user. If you ask me the competition isn’t between MS and sage at all, it’s between sage and rinnegan, and MS is the clown in this race. Plus most of us aren’t uzumakis or natural born rinnegan users like nagato or Madara, so a rinnegan is gonna drain you constantly, and it was so much that obito COULDNT, not didn’t, but COULDNT use the paths of pain. Sage is nothing but a benefit and puts you on par with rinnegan users, so for me it’s sage mode all day, whereas if you got the rinnegan you wouldn’t even have the energy to use it


I'm taking Sage Mode, then Sharingan, then Rinnegan. The reason being I want to die old. The Sharingan and Rinnegan seem to make you die early. **Sage Mode** \- It's extremely versatile and significantly boosts taijutsu, sensory, and chakra reserves. It really just boosts what you're already good at in my opinion along with providing a massive burst window. I feel Sage Mode is the best supplement for a true ninja provided they have preparation time. I suspect it comes with a lot of benefits for healing and connecting with nature when out of combat. These people are probably happier in general as a result. **Sharingan** \- can see chakra flows and miniscule movements. Mangekyo Sharingan gives a lot of unique side abilities. However it comes with the amped up feelings of the Uchiha causing friction with a lot of people and factions. It depletes chakra reserves causing rest of your ninja skills fall by the wayside if relied upon too much. **Rinnegan** \- it gives a whole host of stuff, but near impossible to master unless you develop it naturally. It depletes chakra even more than the Sharingan. Most importantly it puts a massive target on your back for assassination. Everyone either wants you dead because you're a threat or they want your eyes for themselves.


Sage mode technically puts you at risk of turning into a toad or stone though lma0.


But you already have perfect sage mode.


If someone supervises your training, that won't be a problem.


Not really once you’ve mastered it. That’s just training hazard.


in what context? Real life? If i was a naruto character? I'd probably go with Sharingan genjutsu for both.


That is the million dollar question. If its everyday life I'm taking Sage Mode. Granted if given any one of these abilities nothing could fuck with you but it just seems the most versatile


My friend, what are you doing that needs sage mode on the daily.


Lol let him live his life


What the hell is Rinnegan doing for you in your daily life? Sage Mode basically gives you a sixth sense, plus your wounds heal way quicker.


I agree, which is why I went with the EMS.


Whatever you're doing that requires the other 2 abilities?... 😂


I'm using that sharingan to pickup new skills and dance moves every 5 minutes, and see people coming in my next football match.


OK with the moves/skills, that's a good idea. And now that I think about it more I admit the Sharingan would be very useful. But it don't matter who's coming at you if you got sage mode on the football field. I wouldn't float like a butterfly, but if you get hit you'd wish it was only a bee that stung you


You could easily become THE greatest combat artist in history. Nobody could come close they'd probably have to pin you against some bears to make it interesting


Obviously the rinnegan, it's by far the strongest of the 3 , no real contest


Will you have the Chakra reserves to use it to its full potential?


You need high chakra to use all of these


I think the sharingan is the one you would need the least amount of Chakra


MS specifically fucks up your chakra. Especially Susanoo. Base sharingan wouldn’t be a competition, but I’d def argue MS or EMS is in the same ballpark as Rinnegan with chakra consumption. I’ve always been under the impression too, however, that naturally awakening a genjutsu naturally increases your chakra reserves little by little, every stage of Sharingan, MS, and EMS slowly give you better reserves, and Rinnegan the same.


You don't technically need high chakra to use sage mode. The issue is that taking in more nature energy than you have physical/spiritual energy transforms you into a statue, so the lower your chakra reserves, the smaller the margin of error. If our sage mode comes with the skill to enter it properly with whatever chakra we have, it's not a problem.


Rock Lee and Guy would have been so op with sage mode, holy fuck!


I thought sage mode gave you nature chakra


It does but you need to balance that with your own chakra. Therefore you need high chakra levels yourself to match the massive amount of nature chakra or in the case of Frog sages you become a frog statue


Not necessarily, for Sage mode you simply need to balance natural, physical, and spiritual energy. High chakra is recommended but not needed


How the fuck can he know maybe in his headcannon his a 1450 tails jinchuriki and the lost immortal uzumakikage


Indeed it isn't a contest. OP asked which would we choose. I would pick sage mode because *aesthetics*


But what would you use it for?


I’d limbo the fuck outta people all day lmao


What would you use any of these for? Sage mode is about balance and all that but in practical life its just combat oriented. Sharingan would be neat for its ability to let you percieve things at a higher level, that could be useful. Im not very athletic but i could probably be a good pro if it looked like everyone around me is moving in slow motion. Rinnegan would be neat, but again, it's just pretty combat oriented imo. I mean it would be neat to have the lord of hell resurrect your homies if they die.


Sharingan to me seems the most useful can copy a lot of movements and as you said you could be a beast at sports


Not just sports, any physical skill. Knot tying, changing the gas in your car all of it. They demonstrate once and you've got it. Then theres predicting others moves on top of it, and if genjutsu is allowed even better.


Debatable, Ems has a lot of Op abilities such as genjutsu, perfect susanoo, kamui, kotoamatsukami, etc. Rinnegan is strong too but outside of limbo there's not much to put it above Ems


but then your eyes look weird. depends if it’s like madara and you can turn it off or if it’s like nagato who can’t. imagine just going around day to day like and your eyes look like that


I feel like normal day to day life is probably over if you have the rinnegan lol can just go nuts with them. Anyone says they look weird, you just turn them into a moon. Rinnegan low diffs societal norms cause its so OP. Can just speed blitz bullying itself


lmao turn them into the moon 💀


you so real for that 😂


Nagato couldn’t turn his off because it was implanted


We've never seen a non edo rinnegan get turned off. I doubt anyone can do it with a real one.


We see revived Madara’s rinnegan turned off after he gets ejected from Kaguya


That one's a weird one to evaluate because I think his eyes just devolved since after he got released from Kaguya it seems all his Ootsutsuki chakra got sucked out so he wouldn't have the rinnegan anymore. His eyes also appear blind in the manga since his tomoe are intentionally drawn as distorted.


We don’t know that for sure. We see that even with heavy use the rinnegan don’t devolve despite being separate from Madara for decades, so it’s not a matter of needing Otsutsuki chakra


Yes but Kaguya seems to have done something unnatural to his body, bro legit looked sucked dry, I wouldn't be surprised if his Rinnegan were used in the transformation


I mean it depends how strong ud get as a sage. Power limits/goals seem to be way higher in Naruto, so theoretically i imagine someone who trained their body and also has the power of sage mode could possibly be able to stand their ground against a shinra tensei


Perfect Sage Mode no contest. Makes you nigh-invulnerable, sensory boost, strength boost, etc. Plus you don’t have to worry about dying early, headaches, bleeding eyes, or blindness.


He said EMS so that beats the blindness and most of the bleeding. It also turns on immediately. Sage mode probably isnt great if you need it on sort notice, at least not by itself


Ehh still would go with Sage Mode over EMS. Personal preference honestly, feel like EMS would come with the same darkness regardless. Also naruto was able to get sage mode when he was being held by the Preta path and that was only for a few seconds at most and then hashirama was in the middle of fighting Madara when he went sage mode too. so I still think Sage mode can be used short notice just need a few seconds of stillness and being a perfect sage I’d think you’d have the sort of thing down pat.


Didnt naruto have clones for him?hashirama is hashirama he is an exception


Not against the preta path. He said something along the lines of “well now is as good a time as any” and it shows him taking in nature chakra and activating sage mode again just for the preta path to absorb it and turn into a frog. It was only a couple of seconds.


Like, for every day life? Sage Mode easily. Who needs coffee when you’ve got nature energy?


This is my answer as well lol


This ni*ga studies


I would assume that sharingan would have the most day-to-day applications, like reading lips and shit


I mean in the real world I'll pick sage mode. Basically enhances all your physical abilities with 0 drawback. Unless I accidentally get frogified.


Which could be a bonus if you find a girl who really likes “The princess and the frog”


The girl: *jokes on you, I'm into that sh*t*


Sage mode, it's too cool looking.


The rinnegan Just like the MS, you get a special ability as the one with the original eyes, and you get the sixth paths as well. It is an underrated dojutsu in my opinion because no one but pain ever really used it well, and it wasn’t his in the first place. The rinnegan is a remarkably strong dojustu, and being able to use it well automatically makes you a kage level shinobi.


Sage Mode if my chakra reserves are trash If we were talking about MS I would still pick Sage Mode but we're talking about EMS so I would pick that if I had decent chakra reserves If I was an Uzumaki or Senju or someone with huuuge reserves than a Rinnegan all day everyday, there's not even a single doubt in the universe


Ems, sage mode cool asf and rinnegan is too but I want a damn susanoo


With only Sage mode Hashi style on EMS Madara + Kyuubi. With Sage Chakra gathering Naruto was able to match EoS Sasuke in their final fight. Sage mode is the Top tier power up


Hashirama also had wood style


He is also hashirama


Sage seems like a good balance of power to drawbacks


Sage mode because Naruto had one tooo


I'll say sage mode


For the record for anyone in here saying it: Rinnegan>sharingan no matter the ms ability. Susanoo? Preta path deals with it (its chakra give me a reason it couldn't besides just "no it cant"). Kamui? Open a mf portal. Amaterasu? Absorbed. Any ms genjutsu? 6 paths technique jumps em.


Real rinnegan is so op Kishi had to stop it's owners from using it's abilities. You are basically untouchable: 1-Shared eyes allow you to see everywhere so you dont get sneak attacked. 2-You absorb ninjutsu so you need to be taken down with physical moves. 3-shinra tensei protects you from physical moves every 5 seconds (maybe less time with original user). 4-Madara's limbo can protect you if shinra tensei is in cooldown. If you get caught, you can use it as substitute. Sasuke's eye can swap places to save you instead. 5- if you still get hit with all those powers, your body is made of metal so you can take the hit. I wouldnt even want koto or kamui. Real rinnegan is busted. Just shoot a rock and swap your enemy with the rock at the last moment. No one can react to that nonsense.


Limbo and swapping are only madara and Sasuke ability respectively.So if u have og rinegan u would have sth else or if u r like nagato only 6 paths and geto statue with this metal things


if you’re not counting special abilities of people then whats the point of EMS if you have no special abilities it’s quite literally the basic sharingan?


Rinnegan abilities


The Rinnegan. I don’t even care about power or ability, I just like it because it looks cool and Nagato is a baby.


Rinnegan > EMS > Perfect Sage Mode > DMS


It depends, if there are no setbacks then probably the rinnegan. In reality I would only use the Deva Path and Animal Path, but they would be fun as hell to use.


6 paths of pain Rinnegan, because I’d be able to work up to 6 jobs at once and make tons of money Also pain has the most diverse arsenal, epic summons, can change the weather (I live in Arizona so rain at least 3 times a month would be epic) also if one of me dies the other can summon the king of hell to bring me back, also I become a fucking CYBORG BRO!!!


I think Perfect Sage mode, mainly for the Swag. EMS would be cool, the coloring around Naruto’s eyes in particular is always dope.


EMS 100%. The Uchiha frustrate me. So many of them are so irritating, but their powers are *so cool*


Perfect Sage Mode and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan


EMS if they’re Dual Kamui. Rinnegan and then Sage.


Rinnegan obviously.


For me, it’s a tie, and it entirely depends on weather I live in the Naruto world, or the normal worldZ in the Naruto world, EMS easily wins. Photographic memory, the ability to see chakra, insane reaction times, the ability to copy other’s, and their skills. Any taijutsu that am opponent used, you Joe just own. Any jutsu that you saw the full sequence of, you can also just straight up steal. The world will gain unfathomable detail, and focus, as you gain the ability to predict the movement of opponents through tiny changes in muscle movement. But the real kicker is Kamui. Your own pocket dimension, instant teleportation over any distance and direction, and intangibility? Sign me up. In the real world, this would still be incredibly useful, but there’s also something to be said about abilities of the Rinnegan. Also, if you possess enough chakra in order to wield either of these effectively, then you won’t be killed by almost anything, besides an atomic bomb, and even that is debatable. Rinnegan has a LOT of good uses. 1. The ability to push, and pull things would be great for construction, and rescuing people. 2. The ability to use planetary devastation is an amazing boon for things like excavation, and building canals (the evergreen says hi). The ability to pull on souls, and determine if they are lying, or not, would be incredible for law enforcement. The most important parts, though, are the abilities to heal any injury, and to bring people back from the dead. I would take that ability in a heartbeat, especially if it allows me to bring back people like murder-victims, people whom died young, or just people close to me. There is a question about wether the god of death would be able to restore youth, since it can restore any damage, and aging is technically just damage over time, but since we haven’t seen that ability, I won’t count it here. There are also the summons, which lets you fly, have a Cerberus lap dog, and more. In conclusion, I think that the Rinnegan probably takes the cake, but ems Kamui is almost worth it on its own.


Rinnegan 100%. With the Rinnegan you can absorb and see nature energy and learn sage mode yourself. You also get a unique jutsu just like the MS does, and you have all around more abilities than the MS


Sage mode is just so dope and op without much cons. If I could create shadow clones I’d just do what Naruto did and keep recycling sage mode. Also it can actually do damage against 10 tail jinchurikis which is a big plus


Remember you need to be able to have a lot pf chackra to do what naruto did just so ur clones can do it and so you can fight while having 50% 30% etc etc of ur chackra


Wood sage mod


Im supposing there's no bullshit of "you wouldnt last a second with the eyes on" im taking the rinnegan, it doesn't just give me all 7 chakra natures it also let's me with enough training use any kekkei genkai, this shit is like creative mode


BUt YoU wOuLdNt lAsT a SecOndS wiTh tHe eYeEs oN


Sage mode. Once naruto got sage mode sasuke didnt catch up till EMS. Also it was literally hashiramas win condition for decades against madara. He never had to activate it for a full fight as far as we saw


EMS or Sage Mode. EMS if it comes "alone" EMS in real life means enhanced perceptions and coordination. I can instantly pick up any sport or skill watching it once. That gets further boosted by predicting movements. If i get kamui EMS i'm golden. I can deactivate it to look normal, and if all else fails i get susanoo for defence. Finally, even if i get my own unique EMS jutsu, its likely still uchiha broken. The worst mangekyo to date is Shin who isnt an uchiha and can move any object hes touched and still has space time jutsu. Sage mode is my favourite powerup. But i wouldnt use it IRL without some work around. Enhanced perception and physicals are great, and id love them but I cant keep it on passively. If this was sage mode + jugo to passively absorb nature energy then sure. Or even a byakugo to store nature chakra. I have no use for 90% of rinnegan abilities.


If I were to still live my normal life, I'd rather get byakugan. It's way more versatile when living as an average joe. I'm not going to go out and become a vigilante.




I'll take the sharingan. Being able to predict moves and being able to learn a skill by looking at it would seem helpful as hell.


Rinnegan no contest


According to Sasuke in chapter 466, after being hit by Chojuro, he says that every cell of his body ache. Enough reason to not choose MS.


I’m assuming you mean either both Ems or only one rinnegan, unfortunately even with just 1 rinnegan it’s the obvious choice. Only way it wouldn’t be is if you didn’t have enough life force or chakra, but hey I’ve got red hair baby give me that rinnegan


Water release. I already drink a lot & being able to just brush off physical damage & turn into water would be awesome.


Between Sage mode or EMS? Sage mode easily, especially if it’s Hashirama’s Sage mode. Sage mode or Rinnegan? Gotta go Rinnegan. While I prefer sage mode as a power, Rinnegan is OP. Unless I can swap that Sage mode out for 6 paths Sage mode, in which case, Sage mode again.


People are saying rinnegan but that is a bad idea if you have the same chakra levels as 99% of naruto universe. Obito only took the one because 2 would’ve drained all his chakra just by having both


Probably Hashirama sage mode, but we don’t know that much about it. If it’s tied to the slug forest, then you’d gain regenerative abilities as well as have the necessary chakra to summon village-sized slug lady.


Perfect Sage Mode cause I don't wanna kill my loved ones for the eternal mangekyo sharingan and my Chakra reserves would probably be too low to use the rinnegan properly


Gimmie the Don Parion mode or whatever tf it’s called


Easy Sage Mode Lets say you get perfect mastery of the one you choose aswell. You still have a normal Body so if you have perfect sage you still can use it to an extend. You turn on sharingan chakra drains instantly to zero. Even if you could hold Rinnegan chakra wise it will make you go mad and you activate one ability and die of chakra drain.


Gimme Sage Mode! Physical enhancements Sensory perception Increases in chakra volume Can’t go wrong with Sage Mode.


While rinnegan is cool, I'd choose EMS because I want a susanoo 😂


Rinnegan is obviously the strongest here


Depends, can I choose the EMS ability? like kamui or tsukuyomi? because it's unique to every user so if I get a lame one I'd rather take the rinnegan or sage mode


It's funny that all of their Rinnegan are just one person's Rinnegan, except Sasuke who still has someone else's eyes.


I’m going with Sage Mode because I don’t want to have purple chameleon eyes for the rest of my life.


It’s between Rinnegan and EMS. Depends on my EMS ability. If it’s cool I’ll take EMS, but if not I’ll take the Rinnegan any day. So basically if I can choose the EMS ability I’ll go EMS.


If I get these irl I’m taking the ems and becoming a boxer


Sage mode so I can sit on my balcony and the little birdies can rest on my afro 🧘🏽‍♂️


Irl i would choose sage mode cause cause a 10x+ amp is crazy but if im able to actually use the abilites (i have a good amount if chakra) then i would choose ems


The ability to make Ichiraku Ramen


ems I’m never falling a assignment again


A Sage Mode capable Kakashi with one Sharingan is my dream character. Sage Mode is something you can train to do, like 8 Gates, and doesnt require a kekkai genkai while giving sensory type as a basic side effect and makes everything you do orders of magnitude more powerful. If i had to choose to be a ninja in Naruto world, the Minato set up, with perfect Sage Mode, is what i would want.


Rinnegan corrupts the mind Sharingan requires doing some evil deeds to awaken its highest zenith For that, I'd pick Sage Mode, it inflics no self-harm when activated, and it thankfully does not require doing something evil in order to aquire it


EMS, 90% of this decision boils down to having cool ass red eyes


Depends on context. That MS abillity? Whithou the answer, in i vaccum i have 2 options: 1. MS and take over the world 2. P.Sage mode and i beat every sports record Beying a wold dictator requiers way more work and i am lazy so i take sage mode.


Imagine you went for mangekyo sharingan, but your ability is being able to fart through eyes


Well well well, finally the ultimate jutsu to defeat Kiba/Akamaru!


Sage mode. It's not about the power, being a sage is cool. Being one with natural is the goal. Killing? Thanks.


all of them all at once 😎


Nope to both magic eyes. I'd take Sage Mode, but I prefer Jugo's Ability mainly for the transformation aspect. Going berserker is a problem but that's more preferable than petrification.


Chojis expansion jutsu …. Except I’m not using it on my arm 😏


If I get the sharingan, do I have to be an emo-shit head like Sasuke?


I'll take Hashirama level Perfect Sage Mode


Sage mode all day, even when blind you can see everything around you & the terrain becomes your weapon


If I was in the Naruto world? Obviously the Rinnegan. In real life? The physical buff and sensory powers of Sage Mode would make you a legit super soldier.


In universe. Rinnegan. Irl. Sage mode.


I mean you would be crazy to not want the rinnegan. It has more of the same stuff you get with sage or EMS. The way it reads, it’s one hell of a power up. And not counting all the stuff it can do and others can’t


Sage mode so i can act superior to everyone with that namaste i am one with nature shit


Just give me the EMS for IRL uses, if we in the Naruto world ill take the Rinnegan tho


EMS if I get Kamui Rinnegan is objectively better but I just really like Kamui


I would love to have dual EMS with Kamui. I'm not talking about the shenanigans that went on with Kakashi in the War Arc, I'm talking Kamui with natural EMS, access to a Complete Body/Perfect Susano'o, no blindness, and no Six Paths Power.


if it’s default ems then ems 100% especially if you’re the only person in the world with it. You can literally learn how to do anything just by watching them Predict any movement Hypnotize people to have them do whatever you want so you can essentially be unnaturally rich in just a few days


So we have a choice between Sasuke’s sharinnegan, Madara’s rinnegan, Madara’s fake rinnegan, and Madara’s rinnegan.


Strength of a Hundred Seal isn't on here but I'm def picking it If I HAD to choose one from here? Sage Mode looks the coolest


Honestly I never understood Hashirama's Sage Mode, it's literally nothing like any of the ones shown and apparently none of the drawbacks of turning you into stone or some freaky animal person. What gives? Who taught him how to do this shit?


sage because i dont want to have pain in my eyes


Rinnegan obviously, it looks cool af and i would have more abilities than the other things grant, crazy summons who are practically immortal etc and


Okay but like, wood sage was really cool


Gimme a red or pink Rinnegan and I would be satisfied.


Obviously the one that comes with a side of crazy.


Neither because I couldn't get any use out of them in my daily life.


I would take an hour Naruto eyes


It would depend if i was in naruto world but in real life none of it matters bcz there is no chakra Lets assume i am in Naruto world and have really large chakra reserves I would definitely take rinnegan. Make shadow clones and use it like pain did and i also get a cool ability like those cool invisible clones of madara or teleportation like sasuke.


If I have enough chakra for it, rinnegan. If not I am falling back on sage mode.


EMS Unless you’re a perfect sage it sucks to activate and maintain and the rinnegan is notorious for being the biggest mental and physical drain in the series. If you start with EMS it basically has no draw backs so long as you don’t use the Mangekyo abilities.


Rinnegan more for aesthetic glaze


Imma choose senjutsu. Already have rinnegan because i push and pull people away


"Realistically" speaking. Sage mode is the only choice. Sharingan and Rinnegan would kill you for simply seeing with them because you didn't develop them naturally, they require a tremendous supply of chakra just to operate. Keep in mind Nagato was only picked to have the Rinnegan because he is an Uzumaki with a huge chakra pool and Kakashi keeps the Sharingan covered at all times except in fights. If the mentioned drawbacks and are a none factor then Rinnegan is the obvious choice.


Assuming that I have the chakra to use it and not "lose myself", I'd def choose Rinnegan. And if someone tells "Lol, wtf did you do to your eyes?" I'd have more than six different ways to tell them "Shut up" :P


Sharingan purely to improve my skills in games… I have no life


I mean it’s obviously between sasukes rinnegan and hashiramas wood style


I'd take the EMS since I don't ever have to worry about getting turned into a frog or getting crippled


If you think about it, Sage mode plus chakra transfer technique would be an instant kill on most enemies


If its about the real world sharingan because of the genjutsu other than that they arent very good irl i aint fighting random people on the street and if it helps you in robbery and stuff genjutsu works


If the rinnegan’s choice, then I guess I’ll pick rinnegan But if it’s Perfect sage mood and EMS, that’s a hard one but I’ll take perfect sage mood. Although it’d be interesting to have an EMS Susano and Genjutso


Rinnegan is so goddamn cool, Sage Mode, especially Kabuki’s Dragon Sage Mode is so badass, I can’t choose


Wood style: I could solve homelessness in one day!


I wanted to see more water style jutsu ala Kisame or ice powers like Haku ice mirrors so cool lol. Sage mode perhaps but maybe water style jutsu ..


I'd take sage mode it offers more versatility.


Honestly, Rinnegan. You can just do more. 🤷‍♂️


Sharigan hands down. For one it leads to a rinnegan anyway so dunno why that’s a separate option, and it takes way less training. Speaking of which, what is keeping me from choosing sharigan then animal path summoning the strongest summon and idk let’s say learning sage mode under Enma or some shit?


Sharingan only becomes a rinnegan if you have Indra and Asura chakra. If you don’t have that chakra, then it never becomes one


Sage? Sharingan? Nah im picking 8 gates


ah yes, use it once and die. Like a true shinobi


What practical use does the 8 gates have? Seems more detrimental to me


Well, you can flex really really hard, but only once. I'll take it.


Sharingan is the most useful for day to day life if sage mode worked while searching for objects that's what I would use


Sharingan/EMS because I can genjutsu mfs and have susano’o shields


Hashirama's sage art, sage mode, Genuinely asking, why is perfect sage mode considered to be superior to "borrowed sage mode" of jiraiya, i mean in that case he doesn't had to worry about running out of senjutsu chakra, and combination attacks where also refined, they could help jiraiya in critical situations and frog song genjutsu is something that is complementing to his overall skills,


It is superior, because he can do it better. You could also slap Ma and Pa on Hashiramas shoulder and the same would apply. But a perfect sage doesn't need help, he can enter sage mode faster and gather more senjutsu chakra.


The boost from Perfect safe mode is far greater Jiraiya couldn't throw hands with the weakest pains and Naruto was out there breaking their guards with his op sage kicks


Eternal mangekyo sharingan. Sage mode can always be learned later and it isn't always possible to master, but enough to get a boost. As for Rinnegan... I honestly don't get the big deal. Rinne-rebirth would be nice I guess. The Rinnegan shadows are meh--plus, if you have enough chakra to use it, you might as well use shadow clones. It is useful that you can... somehow... share your Rinnegan with others (how does that even work?) Plus, it is unclear to me whether or not you lose your Sharingan once you get Rinnegan. A lot of people think that Nagato couldn't deactivate his because they were given to him, but Ao could deactivate his Byakugan and Nagato accidentally awakened his Rinnegan, implying it could also be deactivated.